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chkFmt.pl   : Sample Script for formatting
res_fmt     : result of chkFmt.pl

chkInfo.pl   : Sample Script for get information about format
res_info     : result of chkInfo.pl with Excel/FmtTest.xls

sample.pl   :Simple Script (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault)
sample_j.pl :Simple Script using Japanese character
        (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan)
res_sample  :result of sample.pl
res_samplej :result of sample_j.pl (in euc)

dmpEx.pl    : print out content of Excel file
        (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault)
dmpExJ.pl   : print out content of Excel file
        (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan)
dmpExU.pl   : print out content of Excel file
        (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode)

dmpExH.pl   : print out content of Excel file
        (using SpreadSheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault + event handler)

sampleOEM.pl: Displys difference between FmtJapan and FmtJapan2
res_oem     : result of samplOEM.pl

dmpExR.pl   : Sample Script for get information about each characters.
res_rich    : result of dmpExR.pl with Excel/Rich.xls

Ilya.pl     : Sample script for Object Oriented callback

smpFile.pl  : Sample scripr for parsing perl variable

xls2csv.pl  : Sample script for xls2csv

iftest.pl   : Sample script for new interface
iftestj.pl  : Sample script for new interface with FmtJapan

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 08:38:12 CEST 2024.