

Declaration [src]

secret_password_lookupv_sync (
  const SecretSchema* schema,
  GHashTable* attributes,
  GCancellable* cancellable,
  GError** error

Description [src]

Lookup a password in the secret service.

The attributes should be a set of key and value string pairs.

If no secret is found then NULL is returned.

This method may block indefinitely and should not be used in user interface threads.

This function is renamed to secret_password_lookup_sync() in language bindings


schema SecretSchema

The schema for attributes.

 The argument can be NULL.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
attributes GHashTable

The attribute keys and values.

 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
cancellable GCancellable

Optional cancellation object.

 The argument can be NULL.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
error GError **
  The return location for a GError*, or NULL.

Return value

Returns: gchar*

A new password string which should be freed with secret_password_free() or may be freed with g_free() when done.

 The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.
 The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.