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Revision history for Perl module Proc::Daemon.

0.23  Fri Jan  1 2016
        - RT#110330: fix taint safe test (Owen Boyle).

0.22  Wed Oct 28 2015
        - RT#108012: force all tests to be executed sequentially (Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior).

0.21  Thu Aug  6 2015
        - GH#5: make tests less time-sensitive (Stefan Parvu).
        - RT#103130: fix taint safe test (Håkon Hægland).

0.20  Wed Jun 24 2015
        - GH#4: fix taint safe test (rouzier).
        - RT#103130: make tests less time-sensitive (Remi Collet, ppisar).

0.19  Sat Mar 21 2015
        - RT#102360: add file_umask option (Cyrille Mastchenko).

0.18  Mon Jan 26 2015
        - GH#2: make Proc::Daemon internally taint safe (Rob Van Dam).
        - GH#3: add option to setgid, same as setuid (Rob Van Dam).

0.17  Fri Jan 23 2015
        - Move umask test to the end, should fix some failures from CPAN Testers.
        - RT#73352: replace exit with POSIX::_exit(0) in the "first child".

0.16  Thu Jan 22 2015
        - GH#1: fix Proc::ProcessTable test requirement.
        - RT#72107: die when exec_command fails.

0.15  Wed Jan 21 2015
        - RT#91450: fix pid file permissions.
        - RT#88512: fix typos in the documentation.

0.14  Fri Jun 03 2011
        - The filename memory is now a part of the object (not a package variable
          any more). This was a bug.
        - Since <fork> is not performed on Windows OS as on Linux, I removed the
          <eval> and <warn> from 0.13 and add an INFO to the documentation.
        - Updated the documentation.

0.13  Wed Jun 01 2011
        - Add ability to define the user identifier for the daemon if you want to
          run it under other user then the parent (request from Holger Gläss).
        - Add <eval> and <warn> for OS not supporting POSIX::setsid (e.g. Windows).
        - Updated the documentation.

0.12  Tue Mai 24 2011
        - Init() did not close all filehandles reliably in some cases. Thanks again
          to Rob Brown for reporting.
        - Text improvement in the documentation.

0.11  Mon Mai 23 2011
        - Init() didn't close all filehandles reliably (see also bug report at
          http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=72526). Thanks to Rob Brown
          for reporting and offering a patch.
        - Attributes 'dont_close_fh' AND 'dont_close_fd' added so we can define
          file handles and descriptors that must be preserved from the parent into
          the child (daemon).
        - Updated the documentation.
        - In some environment it is not allowed to open anonymous files. In this
          case now a 'pid_file' must be defined. Thanks to Holger Gläss for

0.10  Fri Apr 01 2011
        - Improvement how Init() determines whether it was passed a blessed object

0.09  Tue Mar 15 2011
        - Fix for a possibly not reseted numbered match variable ($1).
        - Typo fix and text improvement in the documentation.

0.08  Sun Mar 13 2011
        - The <open> Mode of the daemon file handles STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR can be
          specified now. The default Mode values are the same as before.
        - Updated the documentation.

0.07  Thu Feb 17 2011
        - Add signal processing to Kill_Daemon().
        - Updated the documentation.

0.06  Mon Jan 17 2011
        - A lot of documentation was add to the source code.
        - Daemon STDIN was fixed to "read" now instead of "write".
        - Replaced global filehandles with scalars.
        - Add a <die> if <chdir> fails.
        - Updated the documentation and add a note to the documentation about the
          behavior of process-group Signals.

0.05  Thu Okt 28 2010
        - Fixed a problem when using the old method of calling Proc::Daemon::Init
          without object (reported by Alex Samorukov). The parent process didn't
        - Fixed a problem with Proc::ProcessTable 0.44: Under some conditions
          'cmndline' retruns with space and/or other characters at the end.
        - Update and small fixes in the documentation.

0.04  Sun Okt 24 2010
        - Added functions: new(), adjust_settings(), fix_filename(), Status(),
          Kill_Daemon(), get_pid() and get_pid_by_proc_table_attr().
        - Init() now returns the PID of the daemon.
        - Fork() now allways returns values like Perls built-in 'fork' does.
        - Description was rewritten, extended and moved to the new Daemon.pod file.
        - Additional test are done at installation.
        - $SIG{'HUP'} was set to be valid only 'local' (bug report).
        - POSIX::EAGAIN() was added to Fork() (bug report).

0.03  Thu Jun 19 2003
        - Licensing is more explicit: Either GPL or Artistic.
        - Updated author contact information.

0.02  Sat Apr 17 1999
        - init() function superceded by Init() function.
        - All open files are closed during daemonization.
        - A double fork is now down to avoid the potential of acquiring
          a controlling terminal.
        - Added Fork() and OpenMax() functions.

0.01  Thu Jan 27 1998
        - Initial bundled release.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:43:42 CEST 2024.