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Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Intel, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 IBM Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Nanook Consulting.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2021      Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
                        All Rights reserved.

Additional copyrights may follow



This file contains the main features as well as overviews of specific
bug fixes (and other actions) for each version of PMIx since
version 1.0.

As more fully described in the "Software Version Number" section in
the README file, PMIx typically maintains two separate version
series simultaneously - the current release and one that is locked
to only bug fixes.  Since these series are semi-independent of each
other, a single NEWS-worthy item might apply to different series. For
example, a bug might be fixed in the master, and then moved to
multiple release branches.

4.2.2 -- 25 Oct 2022
**** NOTE: This is the minimum version required to support PRRTE v3.0.

 - PR #2799: Multiple commits
    - Add const qualifier to pset_name
    - Fix one place that complained about lost qualifier
 - PR #2797 Silence complaint about enum vs int
 - PR #2793 Update NEWS
 - PR #2792 Multiple commits
    - Handle app-info in the gds/hash component
    - Handle session-info in the gds/hash component
 - PR #2790 Update NEWS
 - PR #2789 Multiple commits
    - Cleanup some store/retrieve issues
    - Stop-in-init applies to all procs in a job
 - PR #2787 Update EXCEPTIONS
 - PR #2783 Multiple commits
    - Add some debug macros for tracking key values
    - Provide a little more useful error output
 - PR #2777 Multiple commits
    - llvm/oneapi: fixes to bring pmix up to iso c99
    - pnet/nvd: Fix macro escaping issue
    - Enhance the performance of the var_scope_push/pop script
    - PMIX_OBJ_STATIC_INIT: fixed initialization
 - PR #2775 Plug amemory leaks
 - PR #2772 Update headers for release
 - PR #2771 Plug a memory leak
 - PR #2770 Multiple commits
    - Fix the "check_cli_option" code
    - Provide more detailed process failure codes and fix
      CLI parsing
    - pmix_reinit: a fix to allow PMIx to be reinitable
    - Update specfile BuildRequires
    - Additional BuildRequires in spec
 - PR #2766 Roll to v4.2.2

4.2.1 -- 13 Sept 2022
 - PR #2754 Multiple commits
    - Export the output_stream_t class declaration
    - Update NEWS for release
 - PR #2752 Catch missing library renames
 - PR #2751 Multiple commits
    - Remove stale m4 and unimplemented function declaration
    - Mark that proc arrays being passed have been sorted
    - Add improved debug and correct param passing to pmix_init_util
 - PR #2747 Final prep for release
 - PR #2746 Ensure tools relay events to their server
 - PR #2744 Multiple commits
    - Clean up leftover .gitignore entry
    - Fix a number of Coverity issues
    - Add a couple of macro definitions
 - PR #2739 Multiple commits
    - Consistently use PMIx_Error_string in client example
    - Convert the MCA parameter for "show_load_errors"
 - PR #2734 Add some detail to warning output by flex detector
 - PR #2731 Do not set the buffer type in construct
 - PR #2728 Prep for v4.2.1rc1
    - Add some attributes to support job launch
    - Update EXCEPTIONS, NEWS, VERSION for v4.2.1rc1
 - PR #2725 Multiple updates
    - Make the session info array support conform to the standard
    - Remove stale common/sse code and cleanup pnet/sshot configure
    - Resolve confused use of PMIX_UNIV_SIZE for PMIX_JOB_SIZE in
      test code
    - Minor cleanups
 - PR #2718 Release GIL before registering event handler in Python
 - PR #2716 Multiple commits
    - Add support for HPE Slingshot fabric
    - Add runtime options attribute
 - PR #2713 Multiple commits
    - iof: Fix merging of stderr to stdout.
    - Fix bad dereferences when passed a NULL parameter to PMIx_Init
    - Add new attribute definitions to support display options
 - PR #2706 Remove man pages
 - PR #2703 Fix flex detection
 - PR #2700 Multiple commits
    - Fix the buildrpm script
    - Enable show_help output on tools
    - Bump VERSION to v4.2.1

4.2.0 -- 20 Aug 2022
**** NOTE: This release includes a number of new features that
may be of use to library and application developers. These include:
  * support for qualified values - i.e., the ability to reuse an
    attribute, assigning it different values with each value
    contingent upon one or more qualifiers. Thus, requests to
    return the value can specify the corresponding qualifiers
    to identify the specific version of the value being requested.
  * provide additional information to be included in group construct
    operations. The result of the operation shall include exchange
    of such information with all participants, with the information
    "qualified" by the assigned group context ID.
  * new output formats that allow prepending output streams with
    the hostname and pid of the source process
  * improved support for tools that allow connection to multiple
    simultaneous servers and better handshakes for establishing
  * fixes for access to session/node/app-realm information
  * broader support for pretty-print of PMIx structures such
    as pmix_info_t and pmix_value_t
  * compliance with the new PMIx ABI definitions. This includes
    converting some macros to functions, with macros retained
    for backward compatibility
  * capture and forwarding of default MCA parameter file values,
    both from the system and user level

Detailed changes:
 - PR #2697 Multiple commits
    - Add example to simulate OMPI group usage
    - Cleanup singleton IOF lists
 - PR #2695 Output IO as singleton, support background commands
 - PR #2692,2690 Silence gcc12 warnings
 - PR #2689 Need to replace the entire proc in fence with group member
 - PR #2687 Update NEWS/VERSION for rc2
 - PR #2686 Fix/implement the group invite support
 - PR #2682 Do not error out if lib is symlinked to lib64
 - PR #2681 Separate out pinstalldirs for inclusion by PRRTE
 - PR #2679 Fix the tm configure logic
 - PR #2675 Minor cleanup of timestamp output
 - PR #2673 Update NEWS, remove unready components, fix missing var
 - PR #2672 Fix make_tarball and remove unused variable
 - PR #2670 Support broader range of output formats
 - PR #2668 Multiple commits
    - Sort proc arrays to remove order sensitivity
    - Fix multi-node group info distribution
 - PR #2666 Coordinate psec modules across pfexec child
 - PR #2665 Complete implementation of group info exchange
 - PR #2659 Multiple commits
    - Fix IOF of stdin
    - Protect "create" macros from zero entries
    - Return the correct code for register fabric
    - Forward stdin to apps started using pfexec
 - PR #2651 Multiple commits
    - Enable picky compiler options by default in Git repo builds
    - Remove bad destruct call
    - Fix PMIX_INFO_PROCESSED macros
    - Update show-help system
    - Fix show_help output to include tools in distribution
    - Fix dmodex operations
    - Properly cast the pmix_list_item_t struct
    - Fix potential use after free in tests
    - Add "const" qualifiers to some string print APIs
    - Cleanup some debug output
    - construct_dictionary.py: make .format() safe for Python 2
    - src/include/Makefile.am: avoid potential file corruption
    - Stop multiple invocations of debugger-release
    - Update the dmodex example
 - PR #2629 Multiple commits
    - Setup PMIX_STD_ABI_VERSION in the VERSION file
    - Define the PMIX_QUERY_ABI_VERSION attribute
    - Backend query support for PMIX_QUERY_ABI_VERSION and local keys
    - Add examples for using PMIx_Query_info with PMIX_QUERY_ABI_VERSION
    - Add PMIx Standard version info to pmix_info
    - Fix pcompress/zlib implementation
    - Return "succeeded" status when outputting help/version info
 - PR #2623 Fix greek versioning
 - PR #2614 Fix retrieval of node/app/session-realm info
 - PR #2613 Some minor cleanups for picky compilers
 - PR #2612 Some initial valgrind cleanup
 - PR #2610 Multiple commits
    - Remove unnecessary function call in pmix_gds_hash_fetch()
    - pmix_fd: cap the max FD to try to close
    - Support colocation of processes
    - Optimize the file descriptor cleanup on OSX
    - Require flex only when keyval_lex.c is not provided
    - Fix hwloc verbose output
 - PR #2601 Initialize pmix_info_t flags when loading
 - PR #2594 Backport the utility and class exposure to support PRRTE
 - PR #2588 configure.ac: update directory space check
 - PR #2585 configury: do look for sed
 - PR #2576 Refactor show_help() to use the PMIx_Log() api
 - PR #2567 Make pmix_common.h stand alone
 - PR #2564 Error out if no atomic support is available
 - PR #2543 Properly deal with delayed local get requests
 - PR #2540 Ensure we get correct return status
 - PR #2538 Multiple commits
    - Fix warning - compare of different signs
    - Fix dmodex operation on local host
 - PR #2535 Update the configure logic to track master
 - PR #2534 Initialize size for getsockopt() and revert bad free
 - PR #2533 Example fixes
 - PR #2532 Protect critical zone in pmix_obj_update()
 - PR #2518 Prohibit Python bindings with non-shared lib builds
 - PR #2517 Fix Coverity warnings
 - PR #2516 Properly handle queries of tools
 - PR #2507 Properly handle tools that have tools connected to them
 - PR #2506 Add print APIs and update pquery to use them
 - PR #2505 Update configure flags
 - PR #2504 Don't search home component path if not present
 - PR #2502 Add missing function and improve error message
 - PR #2460 Multiple commits
    - Remove unneeded atomics code
    - Begin stripping configure of unnecessary checks
    - Initialize the mutex when constructing an object
    - Sync the library to the Standard
    - convert pmix_value_xfer to PMIx_Value_xfer
    - pmix_iof.c: malloc buffer before memcpy()
    - Clean up unused return value warnings
    - Remove unnecessary sys/sysctl.h includes
    - Include typedef for GCC builtin atomics

4.1.2 -- 11 Feb 2022
**** NOTE: This release contains a workaround that resolves the prior
**** conflict with HWLOC versions 2.5.0 through 2.7.0 (inclusive).
**** Those versions of HWLOC are now supported.

 - PR #2453: Avoid string literals in environ
    - Be defensive against string literals in env
    - Remove block of hwloc 2.5 - 2.7
    - Adjust Mellanox CI Dockerfile so it can build

4.1.1 -- 1 Feb 2022
**** NOTE: As of v4.1.1, PMIx includes an EXCEPTIONS file that lists
**** all deviations from the PMIx Standard. This primarily includes
**** extensions that have not yet been adopted by the Standard.

**** NOTE: As of v4.1.1, PMIx no longer has a dependency on "pandoc"
**** for building and installing man pages.

**** NOTE: PMIx has identified a bug in HWLOC versions 2.5.0 thru
**** 2.7.0 (inclusive) that causes PMIx to segfault during certain
**** operations. We have worked with the HWLOC developers to fix
**** that problem, and the fix will be included beginning in HWLOC
**** version 2.7.1. Accordingly, PMIx now checks for the problem
**** HWLOC versions and will error out of configure if they are
**** encountered.

 - PR #2445 and 2447: Update HWLOC version detection
    - Reject versions 2.5.0-2.7.0, inclusive
 - PR #2428: Update for rc6
    - Enable buffered IOF output
    - Cleanups and docs for rc6
 - PR #2426: Updates from master
    - Updates to cleanup conflicts and touchups
    - Silence Coverity warnings
    - Be more flexible in library handling
    - Finish cleaning up nocopy behavior
    - test_v2: use static declaration for client parser
    - Respect the nocopy qualifier
    - Add static library note to README
    - PMIX_HAVE_LIBEV and PMIX_HAVE_LIBEVENT flags must always
        be defined
    - Fix two bugs in PMIX_FLAGS_APPEND_MOVE
    - Fix a problem using PMIX_RANK
    - Final minor diddles of configure summary categories
    - Add configure support for pgpu/pnet components
    - libevent: prefer compiler tests over linking tests
    - Cleanup libevent/libev selection logic
    - Remove pkg-config dependency list
    - Add wrapper compiler mca link argument passing
    - Reintroduce PMIX_DYN_LIB_SUFFIX define
    - config: remove string checks in hwloc/libevent
    - Fix devel-check of test_v2
    - Silence Coverity warning and cleanup code
    - Fix a number of warnings and cleanup a few things
    - Select all adapters with IPv4 addresses with specified
        subnet ranges
    - Fix environmental variable name in help-pmix-runtime
    - Remove curl/jansson default search assumption
    - Remove cobuild remnants from configure
    - V2 suite test case for multiple inits and finalizes
 - PR #2410: Mark dependencies private in pkg-config file
 - PR #2396: Fix the network support components
 - PR #2394: Update for landing zone 1
    - Update NEWS/Version
 - PR #2393:
    - Correct copy/paste error - use correct procID
    - Add a little debug info to a verbose output
 - PR #2389: delete use of PMIX_CHECK_BROKEN_QSORT refs
 - PR #2384: Final update for v4.1.1 rc5
    - Ensure a param is always initialized
    - Provide static initializers for all structures
    - Stop in init if rndz URI given
    - Update EXCEPTIONS/NEWS files
 - PR #2380: Update 4.1.1 rc5
    - Improve handling of compiler version string
    - Fix corner case on iof flags
    - Squash unused variable warnings
    - Remove duplicate defines of client build dependencies
    - Ensure we terminate the input channel when done
    - Ensure pmix library gets a chance to cleanly terminate children
    - Avoid ABI break in mid-series
    - Define a static initializer for data_buffer_t
    - Fix typos - replace OMPI with PMIx
    - Silence Coverity concerns
    - Make the backward-compatible ABI functions visible
    - Avoid warning on void function return
    - Allow operation if ONLY a loopback device is present
 - PR #2332: Update 4.1.1 rc4
    - Modify configure logic
    - Add a missing helpfile (util) and few fixups
    - Fix --output to ignore err on existing dirs
    - Squash unused param warnings
 - PR #2317: Update 4.1.1 rc3
    - Add test_v2 to autoconf/automake processing
    - Silence Coverity warnings
    - Fix resource leak
    - Change construct.py to mark PMIx functions with nogil
    - Enable ultra-picky compiler options
    - Ensure picky flags not set until after AC is done
    - Add missing simptest.h file to tarball
    - Expand the tm/pbs config to check for lib64
    - Update portable platform file
    - Abort configure if gcc is <= v4.8.1
    - Enable support for address sanitizers, but only on request
    - Fix issues raised by picky compiler checks
    - Don't check for Python 3.4+ if not building the Python bindings
    - Update VERSION and NEWS
 - PR #2299: Update 4.1.1 rc2
    - Update VERSION and NEWS
    - Add some spawn-specific timeout attributes
    - Resolve race condition in lost connection
    - Provide "partial_success" error when collectives not complete
    - Only conditionally decode the nspace return value when we
        are sure the spawn was successful
    - Correctly copy stone age hwloc topologies
    - Remove man page Markdown source and build dependency on pandoc
 - PR #2277: Update v4.1.1 release candidate
    - Add missing m4 file
    - Add a Standard extension value to the compliance version
    - Properly read/output stdout/err from a fork/exec'd child
    - Default to using our local_output flag
    - Cleanup compiler warnings for ancient hwloc versions
    - Prefix the output files with "pmix"
    - Ensure tools wait until all active events are processed
    - autogen.pl: ignore all excluded components
    - Don't treat inability to open shmem file as fatal
    - Avoid use of MCA params for singleton and report-uri
    - Ensure the server waits for all IOF and message events to complete
    - Restore the thread join in progress thread "stop"
    - Mark the read event as no longer active
    - Avoid blocking in the stdin read handler
    - Some cleanup of IOF output
    - Add missing .m4 files to extra_dist
    - Check for libevent minimum 2.0.21
    - Add Intel GPU component
    - Correct vendor IDs and generalize check_vendor
    - Add missing storage-related datatype support
    - Add missing storage constants
    - Improve pnet component selection
    - Cleanup the device distance computation
 - PR #2257: Check for libevent minimum 2.0.21
 - PR #2253: Fix up string creation functions, take the GIL in the callback code,
             and system malloc instead of the Python malloc for datastructures
             going to PMIx
 - PR #2250: Update attribute support tables

4.1.0 -- 29 July 2021
**** NOTE: This release implements the complete PMIx v4.1 Standard
**** and therefore includes a number of new APIs and features. These
**** are fully documented in the official document. It also includes
**** some extensions that have not yet been included in that document.

Beyond the v4.1 modifications and additions to APIs, datatypes, attributes,
and macros, changes to the library include:

 - PR #2251: More updates from master
     - Replaced PMIx_Notify_Event with cbfunc call in errhandler to match
     - Update attribute support tables
 - PR #2248: Continue updates to support MPICH integration
     - Extend IOF outputting format to cover Hydra options.
 - PR #2246: Cleanup some IOF attributes
 - PR #2235: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Default tools to outputting their IOF
     - Initalize val before get in case get isn't successful
     - Some cleanups of the event notification and keepalive support
     - Remove stale travis.yml file
     - Update simptest to truly support PMIx_Abort
     - Some cleanups for client finalize and IOF output
     - Do not forward cached IOF to self
     - Update how C to Python bytes/strings are handled for get and byte objects
     - Add test_v2 directory
     - Add configure logic for RM and sse support
     - Add pstat framework
     - Remove duplicate PMIx_Data_load and PMIx_Data_unload definitions
     - Add manpage files for tools
     - Add sse common component
     - Add the prm components
     - Add the storage framework
     - General update of code base to track master branch
 - PR #2224: common/dstore: Fix inconsistent Makefile.am
 - PR #2216: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Add missing osname endpt elements to bfrops
     - Optimize check for nodes
     - Transfer stdout/err formatting to PMIx
     - Ensure tool output of IOF
 - PR #2208: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Enable re-init of clients
     - Add attribute to indicate copy/nocopy of output directed to files
 - PR #2204: Add a few job error constants
 - PR #2201: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Minor updates based on Standards review
     - Correct references to help-ptl-tool.txt
     - Protect register_nspace against new entries
     - Add oversubscribed attribute
 - PR #2195: configury: Use AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF and fix cross-compiling
 - PR #2190:Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Remove duplicative pmdl/ompi directories
     - Add missing m4 file
     - Update hwloc support to handle revised version string
     - Register ompi5 and ompi4 as aliases for ompi plugin
     - Correct the PMIx_Get signature
     - Silence some gcc warnings
     - Silence some gcc11 warnings
     - Protect against bad nspace input
     - Cleanup few lingering gcc11 warnings
     - Protect against duplicate envar harvesting
 - PR #2177: Cleanup shadow variables in dstore base and components
 - PR #2156: Ensure we pass the desired scope on a PMIx_Get call
 - PR #2170: Remove non-required items
 - PR #2168: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Add missing datatype support in darray macros
     - Update comments on debug attributes
     - Remove stale envar settings in hwloc support
     - Silence warning of unused var
     - Minor addition to debug output
 - PR #2158: atomics: Fix broken make dist
 - PR #2154: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Spawn needs to do a little checking of the app
     - build: Allow autogen.pl to be run from a tarball
     - Enable singletons to connect to system servers
     - Fix compile error in ptl_base_connect.c
     - Update ptl_base_connect.c
     - build: Change default build mode for components
     - build: Remove options around mca direct calling
     - Setup clients to output forwarded IO
     - Set the default for enable-mca-dso
     - Tool finalize crash due to ref count issue
     - Reject ambiguous connection options
     - ptl: prevent free of uninited suri variable
     - Clang-format the code
     - psec: include missing psec.h
     - ptl: help on too-many-conns: mention conn handle files
     - Some mods/cleanup of debugger definitions and handling
     - build: Explicitly list libpmix dependencies
     - build: Fix compiler attribute detection
     - build: Fix compiler family detection
     - atomics: Only support C11 and GCC builtin atomics
     - Clean out unneeded test directory
 - PR #2112: Add a bfrops 4.0.1 component
 - PR #2111: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Add missing items
     - Add missing PMIx_Data... functions
     - Fix signature of new compression APIs
     - Add compress/decompress APIs
     - Update clang format
     - Slight touchups on event notification and name print
 - PR #2108: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - leak: Free items in nslist for fence tracker
     - Update src/common/pmix_iof.c
     - Properly handle stdin forwarding
     - Eliminate shadow variables
     - leak: Fix case where buffer was unloaded, losing the pointer
     - Leak: Always free ns->jobbkt in pmix_nspace_caddy_t destructor.
     - Add clang format support
 - PR #2105: Add zlib warning and compression checks
 - PR #2100: Cherry-pick updates from master branch
     - Correct listener - this is a PMIx v4 (not 4.1) server
     - Purge shadowing as reported by gcc.
     - Add -Wshadow to --picky-compiler
     - Avoid zero byte malloc in argv_join_range
     - Minor fix to libevent configury
     - Minor configure cleanups
     - Use LT_PATH_NM instead of AC_PATH_PROG to find nm
     - Update to Autoconf 2.7x
     - Enable singleton "comm_spawn" operations
     - Link against libz when testing for TM
     - Initialize myproc structure before calling PMIx_tool_set_server
     - Py: Open files as UTF-8 while processing
     - Fix Python binding build
     - Correctly pass the right object to dereg cbfunc
     - Extend check for empty buffer
     - Correct miscast of object type
     - Validate CFLAGS individually
     - Use the provided caddy instead of creating a new one
     - Silence -qinline xlc compiler warning
     - Fix case where var->mbv_enumerator can be released when static
     - Cleanup several places based on testing with PRRTE
     - Ensure proper handling of IOF pull requests
     - Protect against empty message
     - Remove PMIX_BUFFER datatype and extend macro definition
     - Fix stale definition for PMIX_HAVE_ATOMIC_LLSC_PTR
     - Add datatype support for new types
     - configury: fix _PMIX_CHECK_PACKAGE_LIB() macro
     - Missed a spot - check for HWLOC_VERSION defined
     - Protect HWLOC_VERSION
     - Fix configury where most compilers will get mislabeled as 'gnu'
     - Ensure the topology support matches the Standard
     - Fix check for IBM xl compilers for v13.1 and later
     - Cleanup the IOF register/dereg response code path
     - Fix clang compliler regression
     - Have developer builds use -O3 by default
     - Silence PGI atomics warnings, while not breaking clang
     - Update the new hybrid test a bit
     - Fix build failure on Apple silicon
     - Correctly handle precedence for first/last overall events
     - Fix various PGI warnings
     - Fix bugs in OFI configure and HWLOC component
     - Add the local reference ID to iof/pull request
     - Add a couple of useful macros
     - Correct name of PSM2 envar
     - configury: fix --with-ofi=DIR handling
     - Add the psm2 auth_key to the job info and silence warning
     - Update the pnet/opa component to current architecture
     - Ensure the data array always gets initialized in PMIX_INFO_LIST_CONVERT
     - Cleanup indirect debugger launch against mpirun
 - PR #2014: Silence a couple of Coverity warnings
 - PR #2013: Add the PMIx Standard version level to the version string
 - PR #2012: Fix Python binding build for VPATH
 - PR #2007: Disable IPv6 by default
 - PR #2000: Set hostname in global to NULL on finalize
 - PR #1998: Specify Python 3 for the configure check

4.0.0 -- 30 Dec 2020
**** NOTE: This release implements the complete PMIx v4.0 Standard
**** and therefore includes a number of new APIs and features. These
**** are fully documented in the official document - the details of
**** the revisions included in v4.0 are summarized here:
**** https://pmix.github.io/uploads/2020/12/pmix-standard-4.0.pdf#page=549
**** Note that this version of OpenPMIx includes a first-cut at the
**** Python bindings described in Appendix A of the v4.0 Standard.

Beyond the v4.0 modifications and additions to APIs, datatypes, attributes,
and macros, changes to the library include:

 - Removal of the usock messaging component - only TCP is now supported
 - Removal of the PMI-1 and PMI-2 backward compatibility libraries into
   a new separate repository
 - Packaging changes to push the headers into *-devel packages
 - libtool patch for Mac BigSur OS
 - Fixed dependency issue with HWLOC to protect against stone-age versions
 - Changed man page format to Markdown, requires pandoc to generate from
   Git repository (but not from tarball)
 - Enable local fork/exec by tools when not connected to a server - this
   is done transparently
 - Support reproducible builds
 - Multiple bug fixes and memory leak repairs
 - Add support for network interface and GPU device distances
 - Allow retrieval of the caller's own rank and process ID via PMIx_Get
 - Provide full delineation of client, server, and tool attribute support
 - Add support for libev in lieu of libevent
 - Detect/avoid conflict with LSF version of "libevent"
 - Auto-detect and forward envars from various identified programming models
   (e.g., OpenMPI, OpenSHMEM) and fabrics
 - Change the default component build behavior to prefer building components
   as part of libpmix.so instead of individual DSOs.

3.2.2 -- 7 Dec 2020
 - PR #1930: Remove man page setup as there are no manpages in v3.2
 - PR #1933: Remove stale config command
 - PR #1940: Fix dependency issue with hwloc
 - PR #1941: .spec: add *-devel packages

3.2.1 -- 12 Nov 2020
 - PR #1890:
   - Fix Issue #1889: Fix symlinks in unit tests to include new timeout
   - Fix Issue #1891: Remove pnet/opa component that should not be in v3.2
 - PR #1904: Add more metadata to string generated from preg/compress
 - PR #1919: Fix memory leak in PMIx_Get/fastpath

3.2.0 -- 22 Oct 2020
 - PR #1402/#1403/#1421/#1423: Modex size reductions
 - PR #1752: Convert man pages to Markdown (pandoc)
 - PR #1766: Move from -levent to -levent_core for linking Libevent
 - PR #1832: Sync 3.2 branch with master
   - New attributes:
   - Removed PMIX_VALUE_COMPRESSED_STRING_UNPACK macro from pmix_common.h
   - New frameworks
     - PR #1139: pcompress - Compression methods
     - PR #1423: psquash - Flexible integer packing
   - New components
     - PR #1139: preg/compress - regular expression methods
   - PR #1422 Modified string representations produced by PMIx_generate_regex
     and PMIx_generate_ppn.
   - Issue #1586: Fixed dmodex support and PMIx_Get behavior
   - PR #1748: Removed --with-pmix-symbol-rename configure option
 - PR #1848: Expose PMIX_REGEX constant per v3.2 standard
 - PR #1885: Fix immediate flag behavior at the server

3.1.5 -- 14 Feb 2020
NOTE: The signature of the PMIx_Allocation_request has changed
in accordance with an Errata update of the PMIx v3 Standard
- PR #1413/#1465: Remove unnecessary error log
- PR #1433: Return the correct status from PMIx_Publish
- PR #1445: Sync. with master to fix 'get' of data for unknown namespace
  Includes the following PRs from master
  - PR #1382: dstore: fixed truncate key-names while restoring
  - PR #1405: Fix xnspace dmodex and add verbose debug
  - PR #1406: Resolve request for job-level data
  - PR #1407/#1409/#1411: Fix dmodex across nspaces
  - PR #1434/#1436: Cleanup handling of info arrays
  - PR #1435: Cleanup example and remove debug
  - PR #1437: Update blocking Allocation_request signature
  - PR #1440: Fix 'get' of data for unknown namespace
  - PR #1442: Fix fences with namespaces where no local processes are running
- PR #1472: Initialize nlocal and local in the tracker
- PR #1487: Sync. with master to fix info array and cross-version issues
- PR #1493/#1497/#1501/#1505/#1589: Info array and Cross-version fixes
- PR #1511/#1517/#1520/#1523/#1534/#1565: Fix pmix tests
- PR #1530: Improve handling of servers piror to v3.1.5
- PR #1531: Update transfer from hash to dstore
- PR #1538: Fix singleton initialization
- PR #1547: Add missing PMIx_IOF_deregister function
- PR #1554/#1591: Fix memory leak on namespace deregister
- PR #1561: Configury fix for reproducible builds
- PR #1579: Protect pthread setpshared calls
- PR #1587: Fix to gds/dstore configure logic
- PR #1610: Adjust hotel timeout to be in whole seconds
- PR #1613: dstore: Fix cache size calculation
- PR #1622: Fix multiple occurrences of unaligned access in pmix tests
- PR #1620: Re-address the collective tracker problem

3.1.4 -- 9 Aug 2019
- PR #1342: Fix if_linux_ipv6_open interface filter
- PR #1344: Remove unnecessary libtool init for c++
- PR #1346: Fix incorrect pointer casts/deref
- PR #1347/#1348: Fix use of gethostname
- PR #1353/#1357: util/environ: use setenv() if available
- PR #1354: Plug a misc memory leak in the pmix_query_caddy_t destructor
- PR #1356: Fix another pointer cast/deref in test suite
- PR #1358: Implement support for class-based info arrays
- PR #1359: Plug misc minor memory leaks
- PR #1368: Backport support for libev
- PR #1369: Fix legacy support for PMI-1
- PR #1370: Cleanup handling of data requests for different nspaces
- PR #1193: Resolve get of proc-specific job-level info from another nspace
- PR #1376: Fix problems in the Log code path, updates to simple test suite
- PR #1377: Skip fastpath/dstore for NULL keys
- PR #1379: Change IF_NAMESIZE to PMIX_IF_NAMESIZE and set to safe size
- PR #1385: Check for EINVAL return from posix_fallocate
- PR #1389: Plug misc memory leaks in configure

3.1.3 -- 2 July 2019
- PR #1096: Restore PMIX_NUM_SLOTS for backward compatibility
- PR #1106: Automatically generate PMIX_NUMERIC_VERSION
- PR #1143: Fix tool connection handshake for tools that are registered
- PR #1163: Fix a compiler warning in atomics on POWER arch
- PR #1162: Fix race condition when clients fail while in a PMIx
  collective operation
- PR #1166: Fix a regression in spinlock atomics
- PR #1159: Fix missing pointer update when shared memory segment
  was re-attached
- PR #1180: Remove dependency on C++ compiler for thread detection
- PR #1180: Add detection for Flex when building in non-tarball situations
- PR #1165: Add dependency on libevent-devel to rpm spec file
- PR #1188: Link libpmix.so to MCA component libraries
- PR #1194: Ensure any cached notifications arrive after registration completes
- PR #1205: Add "make check" support
- PR #1209: Update configure logic for clock_gettime
- PR #1213/#1217/#1221: Add configure option "--enable-nonglobal-dlopen"
  If the MCA component libraries should link back to libpmix.so
- PR #1231: SPEC: Allow splitting PMIx in pmix and pmix-libpmi packages
- PR #1222: Fix case of multiple launcher calls in job script
- PR #1237: Avoid double-free of collective tracker
- PR #1237: Ensure all participants are notified of fence complete
- PR #1237: Ensure all participants are notified of connect and disconnect complete
- PR #1250: Fix PMIx_server_finalize hang (rare)
- PR #1271: PTL/usock doesn't support tools
- PR #1280: Fix the PTL connection establishment protocol
- PR #1280: Fix tool connection in psec/handshake mode
- PR #1289: Avoid output_verbose overhead when it won't print
- PR #1296: Allow setup_fork to proceed even if gdds and pnet don't contribute
- PR #1296: Allow servers to pass NULL module
- PR #1297: Provide internal blocking ability to the register/deregister fns
- PR #1298: Add dummy handshake component to psec framework for testing
- PR #1303: Allow jobs to not specify proc-level info
- PR #1304: Provide proc data in cases where host does not
- PR #1305: Add some more values that can be computed
- PR #1308: Add missing tool rendezvous file
- PR #1309: Fix potential integer overflow in regex
- PR #1311: Work around memory bug in older gcc compilers
- PR #1321: Provide memory op hooks in user-facing macros
- PR #1329: Add -fPIC to static builds
- PR #1340: Do not use '==' in m4 test statements

3.1.2 -- 24 Jan 2019
 - Fix a bug in macro identifying system events
 - Restore some non-standard macros to the pmix_extend.h
   header - these are considered "deprecated" and will be
   removed from public-facing headers in future releases

3.1.1 -- 18 Jan 2019
- Fix a bug in registration of default event handlers
  that somehow slipped thru testing

3.1.0 -- 17 Jan 2019
 - Add a new, faster dstore GDS component 'ds21'
 - Performance optimizations for the dstore GDS components.
 - Plug miscellaneous memory leaks
 - Silence an unnecessary warning message when checking connection
   to a non-supporting server
 - Ensure lost-connection events get delivered to default event
 - Correctly handle cache refresh for queries
 - Protect against race conditions between host and internal library
   when dealing with async requests
 - Cleanup tool operations and add support for connections to
   remote servers. Initial support for debugger direct/indirect
   launch verified with PRRTE. Cleanup setting of tmpdir options.
   Drop rendezvous files when acting as a launcher
 - Automatically store the server URI for easy access by client
 - Provide MCA parameter to control TCP connect retry/timeout
 - Update event notification system to properly evict oldest events
   when more space is needed
 - Fix a number of error paths
 - Update IOF cache code to properly drop oldest message. Provide
   MCA parameter for setting cache size.
 - Handle setsockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO) not being supported
 - Ensure that epilogs get run even when connections unexpectedly
   terminate. Properly split epilog strings to process multiple
 - Pass the tool's command line to the server so it can be returned
   in queries
 - Add support for C11 atomics
 - Support collection and forwarding of fabric-specific envars
 - Improve handling of hwloc configure option
 - Fix PMIx_server_generate_regex to preserve node ordering
 - Fix a bug when registering default event handlers

3.1.0 -- 17 Jan 2019
 - Add a new, faster dstore GDS component 'ds21'
 - Performance optimizations for the dstore GDS components.
 - Plug miscellaneous memory leaks
 - Silence an unnecessary warning message when checking connection
   to a non-supporting server
 - Ensure lost-connection events get delivered to default event
 - Correctly handle cache refresh for queries
 - Protect against race conditions between host and internal library
   when dealing with async requests
 - Cleanup tool operations and add support for connections to
   remote servers. Initial support for debugger direct/indirect
   launch verified with PRRTE. Cleanup setting of tmpdir options.
   Drop rendezvous files when acting as a launcher
 - Automatically store the server URI for easy access by client
 - Provide MCA parameter to control TCP connect retry/timeout
 - Update event notification system to properly evict oldest events
   when more space is needed
 - Fix a number of error paths
 - Update IOF cache code to properly drop oldest message. Provide
   MCA parameter for setting cache size.
 - Handle setsockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO) not being supported
 - Ensure that epilogs get run even when connections unexpectedly
   terminate. Properly split epilog strings to process multiple
 - Pass the tool's command line to the server so it can be returned
   in queries
 - Add support for C11 atomics
 - Support collection and forwarding of fabric-specific envars
 - Improve handling of hwloc configure option
 - Fix PMIx_server_generate_regex to preserve node ordering
 - Fix a bug when registering default event handlers

3.0.2 -- 18 Sept 2018
- Ensure we cleanup any active sensors when a peer departs. Allow the
  heartbeat monitor to "reset" if a process stops beating and subsequently
- Fix a few bugs in the event notification system and provide some
  missing implementation (support for specifying target procs to
  receive the event).
- Properly deal with EOPNOTSUPP from getsockopt() on ARM

3.0.1 -- 23 Aug 2018
**** DEPRECATION WARNING: The pmix_info_array_t struct was
**** initially marked for deprecation in the v2.x series.
**** We failed to provide clear warning at that time. This
**** therefore serves as warning of intended removal of
**** pmix_info_array_t in the future v4 release series.
- Fixed memory corruption bug in event notification
  system due to uninitialized variable
- Add numeric version field to pmix_version.h
- Transfer all cached data to client dstore upon first connect
- Implement missing job control and sensor APIs

3.0.0 -- 6 July 2018
**** NOTE: This release implements the complete PMIX v3.0 Standard
**** and therefore includes a number of new APIs and features. These
**** can be tracked by their RFC's on the community website:
**** https://pmix.org/pmix-standard.
- Added blocking forms of several existing APIs:
    - PMIx_Log
    - PMIx_Allocation_request
    - PMIx_Job_control
    - PMIx_Process_monitor
- Added support for getting/validating security credentials
    - PMIx_Get_credential, PMIx_Validate_credential
- Extended support for debuggers/tools
    - Added IO forwarding support allowing tools to request
      forwarding of output from specific application procs,
      and to forward their input to specified target procs
    - Extended tool attributes to support synchronization
      during startup of applications. This includes the
      ability to modify an application's environment
      (including support for LD_PRELOAD) and define an
      alternate fork/exec agent
    - Added ability for a tool to switch server connections
      so it can first connect to a system-level server to
      launch a starter program, and then reconnect to that
      starter for debugging purposes
- Extended network support to collect network inventory by
     either rolling it up from individual nodes or by direct
     query of fabric managers. Added an API by which the
     host can inject any rolled up inventory into the local
     PMIx server. Applications and/or the host RM can access
     the inventory via the PMIx_Query function.
- Added the ability for applications and/or tools to register
     files and directories for cleanup upon their termination
- Added support for inter-library coordination within a process
- Extended PMIx_Log support by adding plugin support for new
     channels, including local/remote syslog and email. Added
     attributes to query available channels and to tag and
     format output.
- Fix several memory and file descriptor leaks

2.2.4 -- 07 Jun 2020
- PR #1466: Silence spurious error log
- PR #1489: Allow specification of hostname to use by client
- PR #1499/#1512/#1518/#1525/#1528/#1533/#1553: Fix internal tests
- PR #1678: Update "check_vendor" for PGI problem
- PR #1734: Fix resource leaks in ptl/usock component
- PR #1777: Fix crash of dstor locks destructor in ds12
- PR #1788: Remove unnecessary error logs

2.2.3 -- 15 Aug 2019
- PR #1162: Fix race condition when clients fail while in a PMIx
            collective operation
- PR #1163: Fix a compiler warning in atomics on POWER arch
- PR #1165: Add BuildRequires: libevent-devel to spec file
- PR #1180: Remove dependency on C++ compiler for thread detection
- PR #1180: Add detection for Flex when building in non-tarball situations
- PR #1182: configury: use PMIX_ENABLE_DLOPEN_SUPPORT instead of enable_dlopen
- PR #1188: Link libpmix.so to MCA component libraries
- PR #1190: Ensure any cached notifications arrive after reg completes
- PR #1194: Ensure any cached notifications arrive after registration completes
- PR #1209: Update configure logic for clock_gettime
- PR #1213/#1217/#1221: Add configure option "--enable-nonglobal-dlopen"
  If the MCA component libraries should link back to libpmix.so
- PR #1231: SPEC: Allow splitting PMIx in pmix and pmix-libpmi packages
- PR #1253: Preserve user-provided CFLAGS to protect autotools
- PR #1267: Correct dmodex example
- PR #1275: IPv6 IF Read: Buffer Overflow
- PR #1295: Fix comment: IPv6 IF_NAMESIZE
- PR #1296: Allow setup_fork to proceed even if gdds and pnet don't contribute
- PR #1296: Allow servers to pass NULL module
- PR #1297: Provide internal blocking ability to the register/deregister fns
- PR #1298: Add dummy handshake component to psec framework for testing
- PR #1303: Allow jobs to not specify proc-level info
- PR #1304: Provide proc data in cases where host does not
- PR #1305: Add some more values that can be computed
- PR #1308: Add missing tool rendezvous file
- PR #1309: Fix potential integer overflow in regex
- PR #1311: Work around memory bug in older gcc compilers
- PR #1329: Add -fPIC to static builds
- PR #1334: Cache only -W CFLAG entries to fix 32-bit builds
- PR #1341: Do not use '==' in m4 test statements
- PR #1342: Fix if_linux_ipv6_open interface filter
- PR #1344: Remove unnecessary libtool init for c++
- PR #1346: Fix incorrect pointer casts/deref
- PR #1347/#1348: Fix use of gethostname
- PR #1353/#1357: util/environ: use setenv() if available
- PR #1354: Plug a misc memory leak in the pmix_query_caddy_t destructor
- PR #1356: Fix another pointer cast/deref in test suite
- PR #1358: Implement support for class-based info arrays
- PR #1359: Plug misc minor memory leaks
- PR #1369: Fix legacy support for PMI-1
- PR #1370: Cleanup handling of data requests for different nspaces
- PR #1193: Resolve get of proc-specific job-level info from another nspace
- PR #1377: Skip fastpath/dstore for NULL keys
- PR #1379: Change IF_NAMESIZE to PMIX_IF_NAMESIZE and set to safe size
- PR #1385: Check for EINVAL return from posix_fallocate
- PR #1389: Plug misc memory leaks in configure

2.2.2 -- 24 Jan 2019
 - Fix a bug in macro identifying system events

2.2.1 -- 18 Jan 2019
 - Fix a bug in registration of default event handlers
   that somehow slipped thru testing

2.2.0 -- 17 Jan 2019
 - Add a new, faster dstore GDS component 'ds21'
 - Performance optimizations for the dstore GDS components.
 - Plug miscellaneous memory leaks
 - Silence an unnecessary warning message when checking connection
   to a non-supporting server
 - Ensure lost-connection events get delivered to default event
 - Correctly handle cache refresh for queries
 - Protect against race conditions between host and internal library
   when dealing with async requests
 - Cleanup tool operations and add support for connections to
   remote servers.
 - Automatically store the server URI for easy access by client
 - Provide MCA parameter to control TCP connect retry/timeout
 - Update event notification system to properly evict oldest events
   when more space is needed
 - Fix a number of error paths
 - Handle setsockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO) not being supported
 - Pass the tool's command line to the server so it can be returned
   in queries
 - Add support for C11 atomics
 - Fix a bug when registering default event handlers

2.1.4 -- 18 Sep 2018
- Updated configury to silence warnings on older compilers
- Implement job control and sensor APIs
- Update sensor support
- Fix a few bugs in the event notification system and provide some
  missing implementation (support for specifying target procs to
  receive the event).
- Properly deal with EOPNOTSUPP from getsockopt() on ARM

2.1.3 -- 23 Aug 2018
- Fixed memory corruption bug in event notification
  system due to uninitialized variable
- Add numeric version definition
- Transfer all cached data to client dstore upon first connect

2.1.2 -- 6 July 2018
- Added PMIX_VERSION_RELEASE string to pmix_version.h
- Added PMIX_SPAWNED and PMIX_PARENT_ID keys to all procs
  started via PMIx_Spawn
- Fixed faulty compares in PMI/PMI2 tests
- Fixed bug in direct modex for data on remote node
- Correctly transfer all cached job info to the client's
  shared memory region upon first connection
- Fix potential deadlock in PMIx_server_init in an error case
- Fix uninitialized variable
- Fix several memory and file descriptor leaks

2.1.1 -- 23 Feb 2018
- Fix direct modex when receiving new nspace
- Resolve direct modex of job-level info
- Fix a bug in attribute configuration checks
- Fix a couple of bugs in unpacking of direct modex job-level data
- Correcly handle application setup data during "instant on" launch
- add a PMIX_BYTE_OBJECT_LOAD convenience macro
- Fix two early "free" bugs
- Add an example PMI-1 client program

2.1.0 -- 1 Feb 2018
**** NOTE: This release contains the first implementation of cross-version
**** support. Servers using v2.1.0 are capable of supporting clients using
**** PMIx versions v1.2 and above. Clients using v2.1.0 are able to interact
**** with servers based on v1.2 and above.
- Added cross-version communication support
- Enable reporting of contact URI to stdout, stderr, or file (PR #538)
- Enable support for remote tool connections (PR #540, #542)
- Cleanup libevent configure logi to support default install paths (PR #541)
- Debounce "unreachable" notifications for tools when they disconnect (PR #544)
- Enable the regex generator to support node names that include multiple
  sets of numbers

2.0.3 -- 1 Feb 2018
- Fix event notification so all sides of multi-library get notified
  of other library's existence
- Update syslog protection to support Mac High Sierra OS
- Remove usock component - unable to support v1.x clients due
  to datatype differences
- Cleanup security handshake
- Cleanup separation of PMI-1/2 libraries and PMIx symbols
- Protect against overly-large messages
- Update data buffer APIs to support cross-version operations
- Protect receive callbacks from NULL and/or empty buffers as this
  can occur when the peer on a connection disappears.
- Fix tool connection search so it properly descends into the directory
  tree while searching for the server's contact file.
- Fix store_local so it doesn't reject a new nspace as that can happen
  when working with tools
- Ensure we always complete PMIx_Finalize - don't return if something
  goes wrong in the middle of the procedure
- Fix several tool connection issues

2.0.2 -- 19 Oct 2017
- Update RPM spec file (rpmbuild -ta, and --rebuild fixes) (PR #523)
- Support singletons in PMI-1/PMI-2 (PR #537)
- Provide missing implementation support for arrays of pmix_value_t's (PR #531)
- Remove unsupported assembly code for MIPS and ARM processors
  prior to v6 (PR #547)
- Fix path separator for PMIx configuration files (PR #547)
- Add configure option to enable/disable the default value for the
  show-load-errors MCA param (PR #547)

2.0.1 -- 24 Aug. 2017
- Protect PMIX_INFO_FREE macro from NULL data arrays
- Added attributes to support HWLOC shared memory regions
- Fixed several syntax errors in configure code
- Fixed several visibility errors
- Correctly return status from PMIx_Fence operation
- Restore tool connection support and implement search
  operations to discover rendezvous files

2.0.0 -- 22 Jun 2017
**** NOTE: This release implements the complete PMIX v2.0 Standard
**** and therefore includes a number of new APIs and features. These
**** can be tracked by their RFC's in the RFC repository at:
**** https://github.com/pmix/RFCs. A formal standards document will
**** be included in a later v2.x release. Some of the changes are
**** identified below.
- Added the Modular Component Architecture (MCA) plugin manager and
  converted a number of operations to plugins, thereby allowing easy
  customization and extension (including proprietary offerings)
- Added support for TCP sockets instead of Unix domain sockets for
  client-server communications
- Added support for on-the-fly Allocation requests, including requests
  for additional resources, extension of time for currently allocated
  resources, and return of identified allocated resources to the scheduler
  (RFC 0005 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0005.md)
- Tightened rules on the processing of PMIx_Get requests, including
  reservation of the "pmix" prefix for attribute keys and specifying
  behaviors associated with the PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD value
  (RFC 0009 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0009.md)
- Extended support for tool interactions with a PMIx server aimed at
  meeting the needs of debuggers and other tools. Includes support
  for rendezvousing with a system-level PMIx server for interacting
  with the system management stack (SMS) outside of an allocated
  session, and adds two new APIs:
  - PMIx_Query: request general information such as the process
    table for a specified job, and available SMS capabilities
  - PMIx_Log: log messages (e.g., application progress) to a
    system-hosted persistent store
  (RFC 0010 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0010.md)
- Added support for fabric/network interactions associated with
  "instant on" application startup
  (RFC 0012 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0012.md)
- Added an attribute to support getting the time remaining in an
  allocation via the PMIx_Query interface
  (RFC 0013 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0013.md)
- Added interfaces to support job control and monitoring requests,
  including heartbeat and file monitors to detect stalled applications.
  Job control interface supports standard signal-related operations
  (pause, kill, resume, etc.) as well as checkpoint/restart requests.
  The interface can also be used by an application to indicate it is
  willing to be pre-empted, with the host RM providing an event
  notification when the preemption is desired.
  (RFC 0015 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0015.md)
- Extended the event notification system to support notifications
  across threads in the same process, and the ability to direct
  ordering of notifications when registering event handlers.
  (RFC 0018 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0018.md)
- Expose the buffer manipulation functions via a new set of APIs
  to support heterogeneous data transfers within the host RM
  (RFC 0020 - https://github.com/pmix/RFCs/blob/master/RFC0020.md)
- Fix a number of race condition issues that arose at scale
- Enable PMIx servers to generate notifications to the host RM
  and to themselves

1.2.5 -- TBD
- Fix cross-version issue when v1.2 client interacts with v2.1 server (PR #564)
- Update client connection for cross-version support (PR #591)
- Fix write memory barrier ASM for PowerPC (PR #606)
- Add protection from overly-large messages

1.2.4 -- 13 Oct. 2017
- Silence some unnecessary warning messages (PR #487)
- Coverity fix - TOCTOU (PR #465)
- automake 1.13 configure fix (PR #486)
- Update RPM spec file (rpmbuild -ta, and --rebuild fixes) (PR #523)
- Support singletons in PMI-1/PMI-2 (PR #537)

1.2.3 -- 24 Aug. 2017
- Resolve visibility issues for public APIs (PR #451)
- Atomics update - remove custom ASM atomics (PR #458)
- Fix job-fence test (PR #423)
- Replace stale PMIX_DECLSPEC with PMIX_EXPORT (PR #448)
- Memory barrier fixes for thread shifting (PR #387)
- Fix race condition in dmodex (PR #346)
- Allow disable backward compatability for PMI-1/2 (PR #350)
- Fix segv in PMIx_server_deregister_nspace (PR #343)
- Fix possible hang in PMIx_Abort (PR #339)

1.2.2 -- 21 March 2017
- Compiler fix for Sun/Oracle CC (PR #322)
- Fix missing include (PR #326)
- Improve error checking around posix_fallocate (PR #329)
- Fix possible memory corruption (PR #331)

1.2.1 -- 21 Feb. 2017
- dstore: Fix data corruption bug in key overwrite cases
- dstore: Performance and scalability fixes
- sm: Use posix_fallocate() before mmap
- pmi1/pmi2: Restore support
- dstore: Fix extension slot size allocation (Issue #280)

1.2.0 -- 14 Dec. 2016
- Add shared memory data storage (dstore) option. Default: enabled
  Configure option: --disable-dstore
- PMIx_Commit performance improvements
- Disable errhandler support
- Keep job info in the shared memory dstore
- PMIx_Get performance and memory improvements

- Add pmix_version.h to support direct detection of PMIx library version
- Fix support for Solaris 10 by using abstract version of strnlen
- Fix native security module for Solaris by using getpeerucred in
  that environment
- Ensure man pages don't get installed in embedded builds
- Pass temporary directory locations in info keys instead of
  the environment

- Properly increment the reference count for PMIx_Init
- Fix examples so all run properly
- Fix/complete PMI2 backward compatibility support to handle
  keys that are not associated with a specific rank
- Do a better job of hiding non-API symbols
- Correct handling of semi-colon terminations on macros.
  Thanks to Ashley Pittman for the patch
- Add more man pages
- Improve error checking and messages for connection
  attempts from client to server
- If the tmpdir name is too long, provide an appropriate
  help message to the user (particularly relevant on
  Mac OSX). Thanks to Rainer Keller for the patch.
- Fix some C++ compatibility issues
- Fix/complete PMI-1 backward compatibility support
- Do not install internal headers unless specifically
  requested to do so
- Add support for multiple calls to Put/Commit

- Update the symbol hiding file to cover all symbols
- Fix examples and test directory Makefile.am's so
  the Makefiles are automatically built and the
  code compiled, but not installed
- Do not install the pmix library in embedded use-cases

- Provide a check for hwloc support - if not found, then
  don't pass any topology info down to the client as it
  won't know how to unpack it anyway.
- Fix a few places where thread safety wasn't provided
- Fix several issues identified by Paul Hargrove:
    * PMIx_Init(NULL) is supported
    * Incomplete PMIx_constants man page had some lingering cruft
    * Missing prototype for pmix_value_load
- Fix race condition in PMIx_Get/PMIx_Get_nb
- Fix double-free error in pmix_server_commit.
- Fix PMIX_LOAD_BUFFER to be safe.

- Fix an issue where the example and test programs
  were incorrectly being installed. Thanks to Orion
  Poplawski for reporting it

- major update of APIs to reflect comments received from 1.0.0
  non-production release
- fixed thread-safety issues
- fixed a range of pack/unpack issues
- added unit tests for all APIs

Initial public release of draft APIs for comment - not production

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 20 14:12:07 CEST 2024.