Package javafx.stage

Class DirectoryChooser


public final class DirectoryChooser extends Object
Provides support for standard directory chooser dialogs. These dialogs have look and feel of the platform UI components which is independent of JavaFX. On some platforms where file access may be restricted or not part of the user model (for example, on some mobile or embedded devices), opening a directory dialog may always result in a no-op (that is, null file being returned).
JavaFX 2.1
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DirectoryChooser

      public DirectoryChooser()
  • Method Details

    • setTitle

      public final void setTitle(String value)
      Sets the value of the property title.
      Property description:
      The title of the displayed dialog.
    • getTitle

      public final String getTitle()
      Gets the value of the property title.
      Property description:
      The title of the displayed dialog.
    • titleProperty

      public final StringProperty titleProperty()
      The title of the displayed dialog.
      See Also:
    • setInitialDirectory

      public final void setInitialDirectory(File value)
      Sets the value of the property initialDirectory.
      Property description:
      The initial directory for the displayed dialog.
    • getInitialDirectory

      public final File getInitialDirectory()
      Gets the value of the property initialDirectory.
      Property description:
      The initial directory for the displayed dialog.
    • initialDirectoryProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<File> initialDirectoryProperty()
      The initial directory for the displayed dialog.
      See Also:
    • showDialog

      public File showDialog(Window ownerWindow)
      Shows a new directory selection dialog. The method doesn't return until the displayed dialog is dismissed. The return value specifies the directory chosen by the user or null if no selection has been made. If the owner window for the directory selection dialog is set, input to all windows in the dialog's owner chain is blocked while the dialog is being shown.
      ownerWindow - the owner window of the displayed dialog
      the selected directory or null if no directory has been selected