Package javafx.scene

Class SubScene

All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget

public class SubScene extends Node
The SubScene class is the container for content in a scene graph. SubScene provides separation of different parts of a scene, each of which can be rendered with a different camera, depth buffer, or scene anti-aliasing. A SubScene is embedded into the main scene or another sub-scene.

An application may request depth buffer support or scene anti-aliasing support at the creation of a SubScene. A sub-scene with only 2D shapes and without any 3D transforms does not need a depth buffer nor scene anti-aliasing support. A sub-scene containing 3D shapes or 2D shapes with 3D transforms may use depth buffer support for proper depth sorted rendering; to avoid depth fighting (also known as Z fighting), disable depth testing on 2D shapes that have no 3D transforms. See depthTest for more information. A sub-scene with 3D shapes may enable scene anti-aliasing to improve its rendering quality.

The depthBuffer and antiAliasing flags are conditional features. With the respective default values of: false and SceneAntialiasing.DISABLED. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

Possible use cases are:

  • Mixing 2D and 3D content
  • Overlay for UI controls
  • Underlay for background
  • Heads-up display

A default headlight will be added to a SubScene that contains one or more Shape3D nodes, but no light nodes. This light source is a Color.WHITE PointLight placed at the camera position.

JavaFX 8.0
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SubScene

      public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height)
      Creates a SubScene for a specific root Node with a specific size.
      root - The root node of the scene graph
      width - The width of the sub-scene
      height - The height of the sub-scene
      NullPointerException - if root is null
    • SubScene

      public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer, SceneAntialiasing antiAliasing)
      Constructs a SubScene consisting of a root, with a dimension of width and height, specifies whether a depth buffer is created for this scene and specifies whether scene anti-aliasing is requested.

      A sub-scene with only 2D shapes and without any 3D transforms does not need a depth buffer nor scene anti-aliasing support. A sub-scene containing 3D shapes or 2D shapes with 3D transforms may use depth buffer support for proper depth sorted rendering; to avoid depth fighting (also known as Z fighting), disable depth testing on 2D shapes that have no 3D transforms. See depthTest for more information. A sub-scene with 3D shapes may enable scene anti-aliasing to improve its rendering quality.

      root - The root node of the scene graph
      width - The width of the sub-scene
      height - The height of the sub-scene
      depthBuffer - The depth buffer flag
      antiAliasing - The sub-scene anti-aliasing attribute. A value of null is treated as DISABLED.

      The depthBuffer and antiAliasing flags are conditional features. With the respective default values of: false and SceneAntialiasing.DISABLED. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

      NullPointerException - if root is null
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAntiAliasing

      public final SceneAntialiasing getAntiAliasing()
      Return the defined SceneAntialiasing for this SubScene.

      Note: this is a conditional feature. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D and SceneAntialiasing for more information.

      the SceneAntialiasing for this sub-scene
      JavaFX 8.0
    • isDepthBuffer

      public final boolean isDepthBuffer()
      Retrieves the depth buffer attribute for this SubScene.
      the depth buffer attribute.
    • setRoot

      public final void setRoot(Parent value)
      Sets the value of the property root.
      Property description:
      Defines the root Node of the SubScene scene graph. If a Group is used as the root, the contents of the scene graph will be clipped by the SubScene's width and height. SubScene doesn't accept null root.
    • getRoot

      public final Parent getRoot()
      Gets the value of the property root.
      Property description:
      Defines the root Node of the SubScene scene graph. If a Group is used as the root, the contents of the scene graph will be clipped by the SubScene's width and height. SubScene doesn't accept null root.
    • rootProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Parent> rootProperty()
      Defines the root Node of the SubScene scene graph. If a Group is used as the root, the contents of the scene graph will be clipped by the SubScene's width and height. SubScene doesn't accept null root.
      See Also:
    • setCamera

      public final void setCamera(Camera value)
      Sets the value of the property camera.
      Property description:
      Specifies the type of camera use for rendering this SubScene. If camera is null, a parallel camera is used for rendering. It is illegal to set a camera that belongs to other Scene or SubScene.

      Note: this is a conditional feature. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

      Default value:
    • getCamera

      public final Camera getCamera()
      Gets the value of the property camera.
      Property description:
      Specifies the type of camera use for rendering this SubScene. If camera is null, a parallel camera is used for rendering. It is illegal to set a camera that belongs to other Scene or SubScene.

      Note: this is a conditional feature. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

      Default value:
    • cameraProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Camera> cameraProperty()
      Specifies the type of camera use for rendering this SubScene. If camera is null, a parallel camera is used for rendering. It is illegal to set a camera that belongs to other Scene or SubScene.

      Note: this is a conditional feature. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setWidth

      public final void setWidth(double value)
      Sets the value of the property width.
      Property description:
      Defines the width of this SubScene
      Default value:
    • getWidth

      public final double getWidth()
      Gets the value of the property width.
      Property description:
      Defines the width of this SubScene
      Default value:
    • widthProperty

      public final DoubleProperty widthProperty()
      Defines the width of this SubScene
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setHeight

      public final void setHeight(double value)
      Sets the value of the property height.
      Property description:
      Defines the height of this SubScene
      Default value:
    • getHeight

      public final double getHeight()
      Gets the value of the property height.
      Property description:
      Defines the height of this SubScene
      Default value:
    • heightProperty

      public final DoubleProperty heightProperty()
      Defines the height of this SubScene
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setFill

      public final void setFill(Paint value)
      Sets the value of the property fill.
      Property description:
      Defines the background fill of this SubScene. Both a null value meaning paint no background and a Paint with transparency are supported. The default value is null.
      Default value:
    • getFill

      public final Paint getFill()
      Gets the value of the property fill.
      Property description:
      Defines the background fill of this SubScene. Both a null value meaning paint no background and a Paint with transparency are supported. The default value is null.
      Default value:
    • fillProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Paint> fillProperty()
      Defines the background fill of this SubScene. Both a null value meaning paint no background and a Paint with transparency are supported. The default value is null.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • userAgentStylesheetProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<String> userAgentStylesheetProperty()
      JavaFX 8u20
      See Also:
    • getUserAgentStylesheet

      public final String getUserAgentStylesheet()
      Get the URL of the user-agent stylesheet that will be used by this SubScene. If the URL has not been set, the platform-default user-agent stylesheet will be used.

      For additional information about using CSS with the scene graph, see the CSS Reference Guide.

      The URL of the user-agent stylesheet that will be used by this SubScene, or null if has not been set.
      JavaFX 8u20
    • setUserAgentStylesheet

      public final void setUserAgentStylesheet(String url)
      Set the URL of the user-agent stylesheet that will be used by this SubScene in place of the the platform-default user-agent stylesheet. If the URL does not resolve to a valid location, the platform-default user-agent stylesheet will be used.

      For additional information about using CSS with the scene graph, see the CSS Reference Guide.

      url - The URL is a hierarchical URI of the form [scheme:][//authority][path]. If the URL does not have a [scheme:] component, the URL is considered to be the [path] component only. Any leading '/' character of the [path] is ignored and the [path] is treated as a path relative to the root of the application's classpath.
      JavaFX 8u20