Module javafx.base

Class ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

All Implemented Interfaces:
NumberExpression, Observable, Property<Number>, ReadOnlyProperty<Number>, ObservableIntegerValue, ObservableNumberValue, ObservableValue<Number>, WritableIntegerValue, WritableNumberValue, WritableValue<Number>

public class ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper extends SimpleIntegerProperty
This class provides a convenient class to define read-only properties. It creates two properties that are synchronized. One property is read-only and can be passed to external users. The other property is read- and writable and should be used internally only.
JavaFX 2.0
  • Constructor Details

    • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

      public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper()
      The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
    • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

      public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(int initialValue)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
      initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value
    • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

      public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(Object bean, String name)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
      bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
      name - the name of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
    • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

      public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(Object bean, String name, int initialValue)
      The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
      bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
      name - the name of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
      initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value
  • Method Details