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5.7 Transcendental Functions

All those functions, except explicitly stated (for example mpfr_sin_cos), return a ternary value, i.e., zero for an exact return value, a positive value for a return value larger than the exact result, and a negative value otherwise.

Important note: In some domains, computing transcendental functions (even more with correct rounding) is expensive, even in small precision, for example the trigonometric and Bessel functions with a large argument. For some functions, the algorithm complexity and memory usage does not depend only on the output precision: for instance, the memory usage of mpfr_rootn_ui is also linear in the argument k, and the memory usage of the incomplete Gamma function also depends on the precision of the input op. It is also theoretically possible that some functions on some particular inputs might be very hard to round (i.e. the Table Maker’s Dilemma occurs in much larger precisions than normally expected from the context), meaning that the internal precision needs to be increased even more; but it is conjectured that the needed precision has a reasonable bound (and in particular, that potentially exact cases are known and can be detected efficiently).

Function: int mpfr_log (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_log_ui (mpfr_t rop, unsigned long int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_log2 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_log10 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the natural logarithm of op, log2(op) or log10(op), respectively, rounded in the direction rnd. Set rop to +0 if op is 1 (in all rounding modes), for consistency with the ISO C99 and IEEE 754 standards. Set rop to −Inf if op is ±0 (i.e., the sign of the zero has no influence on the result).

Function: int mpfr_log1p (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_log2p1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_log10p1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the logarithm of one plus op (in radix two for mpfr_log2p1, and in radix ten for mpfr_log10p1), rounded in the direction rnd. Set rop to −Inf if op is −1.

Function: int mpfr_exp (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_exp2 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_exp10 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the exponential of op, to 2 power of op or to 10 power of op, respectively, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_expm1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_exp2m1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_exp10m1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the exponential of op followed by a subtraction by one (resp. 2 power of op followed by a subtraction by one, and 10 power of op followed by a subtraction by one), rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_pow (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_powr (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pow_ui (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pow_si (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pow_uj (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, uintmax_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pow_sj (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, intmax_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pown (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, intmax_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_pow_z (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpz_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_ui_pow_ui (mpfr_t rop, unsigned long int op1, unsigned long int op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_ui_pow (mpfr_t rop, unsigned long int op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to op1 raised to op2, rounded in the direction rnd. The mpfr_powr function corresponds to the powr function from IEEE 754, i.e., it computes the exponential of op2 multiplied by the logarithm of op1. The mpfr_pown function is just an alias for mpfr_pow_sj (defined with #define mpfr_pown mpfr_pow_sj), to follow the C2x function pown. Special values are handled as described in the ISO C99 and IEEE 754 standards for the pow function:

  • pow(±0, y) returns ±Inf for y a negative odd integer.
  • pow(±0, y) returns +Inf for y negative and not an odd integer.
  • pow(±0, y) returns ±0 for y a positive odd integer.
  • pow(±0, y) returns +0 for y positive and not an odd integer.
  • pow(-1, ±Inf) returns 1.
  • pow(+1, y) returns 1 for any y, even a NaN.
  • pow(x, ±0) returns 1 for any x, even a NaN.
  • pow(x, y) returns NaN for finite negative x and finite non-integer y.
  • pow(x, -Inf) returns +Inf for 0 < abs(x) < 1, and +0 for abs(x) > 1.
  • pow(x, +Inf) returns +0 for 0 < abs(x) < 1, and +Inf for abs(x) > 1.
  • pow(-Inf, y) returns −0 for y a negative odd integer.
  • pow(-Inf, y) returns +0 for y negative and not an odd integer.
  • pow(-Inf, y) returns −Inf for y a positive odd integer.
  • pow(-Inf, y) returns +Inf for y positive and not an odd integer.
  • pow(+Inf, y) returns +0 for y negative, and +Inf for y positive.

Note: When 0 is of integer type, it is regarded as +0 by these functions. We do not use the usual limit rules in this case, as these rules are not used for pow.

Function: int mpfr_compound_si (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, long int n, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the power n of one plus op, following IEEE 754 for the special cases and exceptions. When n is zero and op is NaN or greater or equal to −1, rop is set to 1.

Function: int mpfr_cos (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_sin (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_tan (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the cosine of op, sine of op, tangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_cosu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_sinu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_tanu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the cosine (resp. sine and tangent) of op multiplied by 2 Pi and divided by u. For example, if u equals 360, one gets the cosine (resp. sine and tangent) for op in degrees. For mpfr_cosu, when op multiplied by 2 and divided by u is a half-integer, the result is +0, following IEEE 754 (cosPi), so that the function is even. For mpfr_sinu, when op multiplied by 2 and divided by u is an integer, the result is zero with the same sign as op, following IEEE 754 (sinPi), so that the function is odd. Similarly, the function mpfr_tanu follows IEEE 754 (tanPi).

Function: int mpfr_cospi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_sinpi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_tanpi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the cosine (resp. sine and tangent) of op multiplied by Pi. See the description of mpfr_sinu, mpfr_cosu and mpfr_tanu for special values.

Function: int mpfr_sin_cos (mpfr_t sop, mpfr_t cop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set simultaneously sop to the sine of op and cop to the cosine of op, rounded in the direction rnd with the corresponding precisions of sop and cop, which must be different variables. Return 0 iff both results are exact, more precisely it returns s + 4c where s = 0 if sop is exact, s = 1 if sop is larger than the sine of op, s = 2 if sop is smaller than the sine of op, and similarly for c and the cosine of op.

Function: int mpfr_sec (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_csc (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_cot (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the secant of op, cosecant of op, cotangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_acos (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_asin (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atan (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the arc-cosine, arc-sine or arc-tangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd. Note that since acos(-1) returns the floating-point number closest to Pi according to the given rounding mode, this number might not be in the output range 0 <= rop < Pi of the arc-cosine function; still, the result lies in the image of the output range by the rounding function. The same holds for asin(-1), asin(1), atan(-Inf), atan(+Inf) or for atan(op) with large op and small precision of rop.

Function: int mpfr_acosu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_asinu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atanu (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to a multiplied by u and divided by 2 Pi, where a is the arc-cosine (resp. arc-sine and arc-tangent) of op. For example, if u equals 360, mpfr_acosu yields the arc-cosine in degrees.

Function: int mpfr_acospi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_asinpi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atanpi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to acos(op) (resp. asin(op) and atan(op)) divided by Pi.

Function: int mpfr_atan2 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t y, mpfr_t x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atan2u (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t y, mpfr_t x, unsigned long int u, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atan2pi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t y, mpfr_t x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

For mpfr_atan2, set rop to the arc-tangent2 of y and x, rounded in the direction rnd: if x > 0, then atan2(y, x) returns atan(y/x); if x < 0, then atan2(y, x) returns the sign of y multiplied by Pi − atan(abs(y/x)), thus a number from −Pi to Pi. As for atan, in case the exact mathematical result is +Pi or −Pi, its rounded result might be outside the function output range. The function mpfr_atan2u behaves similarly, except the result is multiplied by u and divided by 2 Pi; and mpfr_atan2pi is the same as mpfr_atan2u with u = 2. For example, if u equals 360, mpfr_atan2u returns the arc-tangent in degrees, with values from −180 to 180.

atan2(y, 0) does not raise any floating-point exception. Special values are handled as described in the ISO C99 and IEEE 754 standards for the atan2 function:

  • atan2(+0, -0) returns +Pi.
  • atan2(-0, -0) returns −Pi.
  • atan2(+0, +0) returns +0.
  • atan2(-0, +0) returns −0.
  • atan2(+0, x) returns +Pi for x < 0.
  • atan2(-0, x) returns −Pi for x < 0.
  • atan2(+0, x) returns +0 for x > 0.
  • atan2(-0, x) returns −0 for x > 0.
  • atan2(y, 0) returns −Pi/2 for y < 0.
  • atan2(y, 0) returns +Pi/2 for y > 0.
  • atan2(+Inf, -Inf) returns +3*Pi/4.
  • atan2(-Inf, -Inf) returns −3*Pi/4.
  • atan2(+Inf, +Inf) returns +Pi/4.
  • atan2(-Inf, +Inf) returns −Pi/4.
  • atan2(+Inf, x) returns +Pi/2 for finite x.
  • atan2(-Inf, x) returns −Pi/2 for finite x.
  • atan2(y, -Inf) returns +Pi for finite y > 0.
  • atan2(y, -Inf) returns −Pi for finite y < 0.
  • atan2(y, +Inf) returns +0 for finite y > 0.
  • atan2(y, +Inf) returns −0 for finite y < 0.
Function: int mpfr_cosh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_sinh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_tanh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the hyperbolic cosine, sine or tangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_sinh_cosh (mpfr_t sop, mpfr_t cop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set simultaneously sop to the hyperbolic sine of op and cop to the hyperbolic cosine of op, rounded in the direction rnd with the corresponding precision of sop and cop, which must be different variables. Return 0 iff both results are exact (see mpfr_sin_cos for a more detailed description of the return value).

Function: int mpfr_sech (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_csch (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_coth (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the hyperbolic secant of op, cosecant of op, cotangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_acosh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_asinh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_atanh (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the inverse hyperbolic cosine, sine or tangent of op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_eint (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the exponential integral of op, rounded in the direction rnd. This is the sum of Euler’s constant, of the logarithm of the absolute value of op, and of the sum for k from 1 to infinity of op to the power k, divided by k and the factorial of k. For positive op, it corresponds to the Ei function at op (see formula 5.1.10 from the Handbook of Mathematical Functions from Abramowitz and Stegun), and for negative op, to the opposite of the E1 function (sometimes called eint1) at −op (formula 5.1.1 from the same reference).

Function: int mpfr_li2 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to real part of the dilogarithm of op, rounded in the direction rnd. MPFR defines the dilogarithm function as the integral of −log(1−t)/t from 0 to op.

Function: int mpfr_gamma (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_gamma_inc (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the Gamma function on op, resp. the incomplete Gamma function on op and op2, rounded in the direction rnd. (In the literature, mpfr_gamma_inc is called upper incomplete Gamma function, or sometimes complementary incomplete Gamma function.) For mpfr_gamma (and mpfr_gamma_inc when op2 is zero), when op is a negative integer, rop is set to NaN.

Note: the current implementation of mpfr_gamma_inc is slow for large values of rop or op, in which case some internal overflow might also occur.

Function: int mpfr_lngamma (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the logarithm of the Gamma function on op, rounded in the direction rnd. When op is 1 or 2, set rop to +0 (in all rounding modes). When op is an infinity or a non-positive integer, set rop to +Inf, following the general rules on special values. When −2k − 1 < op < −2k, k being a non-negative integer, set rop to NaN. See also mpfr_lgamma.

Function: int mpfr_lgamma (mpfr_t rop, int *signp, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function on op, rounded in the direction rnd. The sign (1 or −1) of Gamma(op) is returned in the object pointed to by signp. When op is 1 or 2, set rop to +0 (in all rounding modes). When op is an infinity or a non-positive integer, set rop to +Inf. When op is NaN, −Inf or a negative integer, *signp is undefined, and when op is ±0, *signp is the sign of the zero.

Function: int mpfr_digamma (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the Digamma (sometimes also called Psi) function on op, rounded in the direction rnd. When op is a negative integer, set rop to NaN.

Function: int mpfr_beta (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the Beta function at arguments op1 and op2. Note: the current code does not try to avoid internal overflow or underflow, and might use a huge internal precision in some cases.

Function: int mpfr_zeta (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_zeta_ui (mpfr_t rop, unsigned long int op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the Riemann Zeta function on op, rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_erf (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_erfc (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the error function on op (resp. the complementary error function on op) rounded in the direction rnd.

Function: int mpfr_j0 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_j1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_jn (mpfr_t rop, long int n, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the first kind Bessel function of order 0, (resp. 1 and n) on op, rounded in the direction rnd. When op is NaN, rop is always set to NaN. When op is positive or negative infinity, rop is set to +0. When op is zero, and n is not zero, rop is set to +0 or −0 depending on the parity and sign of n, and the sign of op.

Function: int mpfr_y0 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_y1 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_yn (mpfr_t rop, long int n, mpfr_t op, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the second kind Bessel function of order 0 (resp. 1 and n) on op, rounded in the direction rnd. When op is NaN or negative, rop is always set to NaN. When op is +Inf, rop is set to +0. When op is zero, rop is set to +Inf or −Inf depending on the parity and sign of n.

Function: int mpfr_agm (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the arithmetic-geometric mean of op1 and op2, rounded in the direction rnd. The arithmetic-geometric mean is the common limit of the sequences u_n and v_n, where u_0 = op1, v_0 = op2, u_(n+1) is the arithmetic mean of u_n and v_n, and v_(n+1) is the geometric mean of u_n and v_n. If any operand is negative and the other one is not zero, set rop to NaN. If any operand is zero and the other one is finite (resp. infinite), set rop to +0 (resp. NaN).

Function: int mpfr_ai (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the value of the Airy function Ai on x, rounded in the direction rnd. When x is NaN, rop is always set to NaN. When x is +Inf or −Inf, rop is +0. The current implementation is not intended to be used with large arguments. It works with abs(x) typically smaller than 500. For larger arguments, other methods should be used and will be implemented in a future version.

Function: int mpfr_const_log2 (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_const_pi (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_const_euler (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
Function: int mpfr_const_catalan (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)

Set rop to the logarithm of 2, the value of Pi, of Euler’s constant 0.577…, of Catalan’s constant 0.915…, respectively, rounded in the direction rnd. These functions cache the computed values to avoid other calculations if a lower or equal precision is requested. To free these caches, use mpfr_free_cache or mpfr_free_cache2.

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