Package jnr.ffi.util

Class BufferUtil

  • public final class BufferUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.CharSequence getCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)  
      static java.lang.CharSequence getCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder decoder)  
      static java.lang.String getString​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)  
      static int indexOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, byte value)  
      static int indexOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, int offset, byte value)  
      static int positionOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, byte value)
      Finds the position of a byte relative to the start of the buffer.
      static void putCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder encoder, java.lang.CharSequence value)  
      static void putCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.Charset charset, java.lang.CharSequence value)  
      static void putString​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.nio.charset.Charset charset, java.lang.String value)  
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer slice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int position)  
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer slice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int position, int size)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • putString

        public static void putString​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                     java.nio.charset.Charset charset,
                                     java.lang.String value)
      • getString

        public static java.lang.String getString​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                                 java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
      • putCharSequence

        public static void putCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                           java.nio.charset.Charset charset,
                                           java.lang.CharSequence value)
      • putCharSequence

        public static void putCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                           java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder encoder,
                                           java.lang.CharSequence value)
      • getCharSequence

        public static java.lang.CharSequence getCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                                             java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
      • getCharSequence

        public static java.lang.CharSequence getCharSequence​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                                             java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder decoder)
      • positionOf

        public static int positionOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                     byte value)
        Finds the position of a byte relative to the start of the buffer.
        buf - The ByteBuffer to find the value in
        value - The value to locate
        The position within the buffer that value is found, or -1 if not found.
      • indexOf

        public static int indexOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                  byte value)
      • indexOf

        public static int indexOf​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
                                  int offset,
                                  byte value)
      • slice

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer slice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int position)
      • slice

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer slice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int position,
                                                int size)