Class ArrayMemoryIO

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayMemoryIO

        public ArrayMemoryIO​(Runtime runtime,
                             int size)
      • ArrayMemoryIO

        public ArrayMemoryIO​(Runtime runtime,
                             byte[] bytes,
                             int off,
                             int len)
    • Method Detail

      • getPointer

        public Pointer getPointer​(long offset)
        Description copied from class: Pointer
        Reads an Pointer value at the given offset.
        Specified by:
        getPointer in class Pointer
        offset - the offset from the start of the memory this Pointer represents at which the value will be read.
        the Pointer value read from memory.
      • getPointer

        public Pointer getPointer​(long offset,
                                  long size)
        Description copied from class: Pointer
        Reads an Pointer value at the given offset.
        Specified by:
        getPointer in class Pointer
        offset - the offset from the start of the memory this Pointer represents at which the value will be read.
        size - the maximum size of the memory location the returned Pointer represents.
        the Pointer value read from memory.
      • putPointer

        public void putPointer​(long offset,
                               Pointer value)
        Description copied from class: Pointer
        Writes a Pointer value at the given offset.
        Specified by:
        putPointer in class Pointer
        offset - The offset from the start of the memory this Pointer represents at which the value will be written.
        value - the Pointer value to be written to memory.