Class AbstractRuntime

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRuntime

        public AbstractRuntime​(java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
                               java.util.EnumMap<NativeType,​Type> typeMap)
    • Method Detail

      • findType

        public final Type findType​(NativeType type)
        Looks up the runtime-specific that corresponds to the pseudo-type
        Specified by:
        findType in class Runtime
        type - The native pseudo-type.
        A Type instance.
      • getLastError

        public abstract int getLastError()
        Gets the last native error code.

        This returns the errno value that was set at the time of the last native function call.

        Specified by:
        getLastError in class Runtime
        The errno value.
      • setLastError

        public abstract void setLastError​(int error)
        Sets the native error code.
        Specified by:
        setLastError in class Runtime
        error - The value to set errno to.
      • addressMask

        public final long addressMask()
        Gets the address mask for this runtime
        Specified by:
        addressMask in class Runtime
        The address mask for the runtime.
      • addressSize

        public final int addressSize()
        Gets the size of an address (e.g. a pointer) for this runtime
        Specified by:
        addressSize in class Runtime
        The size of an address in bytes.
      • longSize

        public final int longSize()
        Gets the size of a C long integer for this runtime
        Specified by:
        longSize in class Runtime
        The size of a C long integer in bytes.
      • byteOrder

        public final java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder()
        Retrieves this runtime's native byte order.
        Specified by:
        byteOrder in class Runtime
        this runtime's byte order