Package jnr.ffi.byref

Class DoubleByReference

    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleByReference

        public DoubleByReference()
        Creates a new reference to a double value initialized to zero.
      • DoubleByReference

        public DoubleByReference​(java.lang.Double value)
        Creates a new reference to a double value
        value - the initial native value
      • DoubleByReference

        public DoubleByReference​(double value)
        Creates a new reference to a double value
        value - the initial native value
    • Method Detail

      • toNative

        public void toNative​(Runtime runtime,
                             Pointer buffer,
                             long offset)
        Copies the double value to native memory
        runtime - the current runtime.
        buffer - the native memory buffer.
        offset - the memory offset.
      • fromNative

        public void fromNative​(Runtime runtime,
                               Pointer buffer,
                               long offset)
        Copies the double value from native memory
        runtime - the current runtime.
        buffer - the native memory buffer.
        offset - the memory offset.
      • nativeSize

        public final int nativeSize​(Runtime runtime)
        Gets the native size of type of reference in bytes.
        runtime - the current runtime.
        the size of a byte in bytes.