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Gdk::GL::Config Member List

This is the complete list of members for Gdk::GL::Config, including all inherited members.

Config(const int *attrib_list)Gdk::GL::Config [explicit, protected]
Config(const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::Screen > &screen, const int *attrib_list)Gdk::GL::Config [protected]
Config(ConfigMode mode)Gdk::GL::Config [explicit, protected]
Config(const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::Screen > &screen, ConfigMode mode)Gdk::GL::Config [protected]
create(const int *attrib_list)Gdk::GL::Config [static]
create(const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::Screen > &screen, const int *attrib_list)Gdk::GL::Config [static]
create(ConfigMode mode)Gdk::GL::Config [static]
create(const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::Screen > &screen, ConfigMode mode)Gdk::GL::Config [static]
get_attrib(int attribute, int &value) const Gdk::GL::Config
get_colormap() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_depth() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_layer_plane() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_n_aux_buffers() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_n_sample_buffers() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_screen() const Gdk::GL::Config
get_visual() const Gdk::GL::Config
gobj()Gdk::GL::Config [inline]
gobj() const Gdk::GL::Config [inline]
has_accum_buffer() const Gdk::GL::Config
has_alpha() const Gdk::GL::Config
has_depth_buffer() const Gdk::GL::Config
has_stencil_buffer() const Gdk::GL::Config
is_double_buffered() const Gdk::GL::Config
is_rgba() const Gdk::GL::Config
is_stereo() const Gdk::GL::Config
wrap(GdkGLConfig *object, bool take_copy=false)Gdk::GL::Config [related]
~Config()Gdk::GL::Config [virtual]

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