

since: 3.30

Declaration [src]

dh_application_window_bind_sidebar_and_notebook (
  DhSidebar* sidebar,
  DhNotebook* notebook

Description [src]

Binds sidebar and notebook: - When the DhSidebar::link-selected signal is emitted, open the URI in the active DhWebView. - On GtkNotebook::switch-page or when the user clicks on a link, calls dh_sidebar_select_uri() with the new active URI.

You need to call this function when the DhNotebook is empty, i.e. before adding the first DhTab.

Note that this function doesn’t take a “self” window parameter, to be more flexible: it is possible to have several pairs of DhSidebar/DhNotebook per window, to show different DhProfiles.

Available since: 3.30



Type: DhSidebar

A DhSidebar.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: DhNotebook

An empty DhNotebook.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.