Crypto++ 8.7
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 3way.hClasses for the 3-Way block cipher
 adler32.hClass file for ADLER-32 checksum calculations
 adv_simd.hTemplate for AdvancedProcessBlocks and SIMD processing
 aes.hClass file for the AES cipher (Rijndael)
 algebra.hClasses for performing mathematics over different fields
 algparam.hClasses for working with NameValuePairs
 allocate.hFunctions for allocating aligned buffers
 arc4.hClasses for ARC4 cipher
 argnames.hStandard names for retrieving values by name when working with NameValuePairs
 aria.hClasses for the ARIA block cipher
 arm_simd.hSupport functions for ARM and vector operations
 asn.hClasses and functions for working with ANS.1 objects
 authenc.hClasses for authenticated encryption modes of operation
 base32.hClasses for Base32Encoder, Base32Decoder, Base32HexEncoder and Base32HexDecoder
 base64.hClasses for the Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base64URLEncoder and Base64URLDecoder
 basecode.hBase classes for working with encoders and decoders
 blake2.hClasses for BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s message digests and keyed message digests
 blowfish.hClasses for the Blowfish block cipher
 blumshub.hClasses for Blum Blum Shub generator
 camellia.hClasses for the Camellia block cipher
 cast.hClasses for the CAST-128 and CAST-256 block ciphers
 cbcmac.hClasses for CBC MAC
 ccm.hCCM block cipher mode of operation
 chacha.hClasses for ChaCha8, ChaCha12 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers
 chachapoly.hIETF ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme
 cham.hClasses for the CHAM block cipher
 channels.hClasses for multiple named channels
 cmac.hClasses for CMAC message authentication code
 config.hLibrary configuration file
 config_align.hLibrary configuration file
 config_asm.hLibrary configuration file
 config_cpu.hLibrary configuration file
 config_cxx.hLibrary configuration file
 config_dll.hLibrary configuration file
 config_int.hLibrary configuration file
 config_misc.hLibrary configuration file
 config_ns.hLibrary configuration file
 config_os.hLibrary configuration file
 config_ver.hLibrary configuration file
 cpu.hFunctions for CPU features and intrinsics
 crc.hClasses for CRC-32 and CRC-32C checksum algorithm
 cryptlib.hAbstract base classes that provide a uniform interface to this library
 darn.hClasses for DARN RNG
 default.hClasses for DefaultEncryptor, DefaultDecryptor, DefaultEncryptorWithMAC and DefaultDecryptorWithMAC
 des.hClasses for DES, 2-key Triple-DES, 3-key Triple-DES and DESX
 dh.hClasses for Diffie-Hellman key exchange
 dh2.hClasses for Unified Diffie-Hellman key exchange
 dll.hFunctions and definitions required for building the FIPS-140 DLL on Windows
 dmac.hClasses for DMAC message authentication code
 drbg.hClasses for NIST DRBGs from SP 800-90A
 dsa.hClasses for the DSA signature algorithm
 eax.hEAX block cipher mode of operation
 ec2n.hClasses for Elliptic Curves over binary fields
 eccrypto.hClasses and functions for Elliptic Curves over prime and binary fields
 ecp.hClasses for Elliptic Curves over prime fields
 ecpoint.hClasses for Elliptic Curve points
 elgamal.hClasses and functions for ElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes
 emsa2.hClasses and functions for various padding schemes used in public key algorithms
 eprecomp.hClasses for precomputation in a group
 esign.hClasses providing ESIGN signature schemes as defined in IEEE P1363a
 factory.hClasses and functions for registering and locating library objects
 fhmqv.hClasses for Fully Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone key agreement in GF(p)
 files.hClasses providing file-based library services
 filters.hImplementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
 fips140.hClasses and functions for the FIPS 140-2 validated library
 gcm.hGCM block cipher mode of operation
 gf256.hClasses and functions for schemes over GF(256)
 gf2_32.hClasses and functions for schemes over GF(2^32)
 gf2n.hClasses and functions for schemes over GF(2^n)
 gfpcrypt.hClasses and functions for schemes based on Discrete Logs (DL) over GF(p)
 gost.hClasses for the GIST block cipher
 gzip.hGZIP compression and decompression (RFC 1952)
 hashfwd.hForward declarations for hash functions used in signature encoding methods
 hc128.hClasses for HC-128 stream cipher
 hc256.hClasses for HC-256 stream cipher
 hex.hClasses for HexEncoder and HexDecoder
 hight.hClasses for the HIGHT block cipher
 hkdf.hClasses for HKDF from RFC 5869
 hmac.hClasses for HMAC message authentication codes
 hmqv.hClasses for Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone key agreement in GF(p)
 hrtimer.hClasses for timers
 ida.hClasses for Rabin's Information Dispersal and Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithms
 idea.hClasses for the IDEA block cipher
 integer.hMultiple precision integer with arithmetic operations
 iterhash.hBase classes for iterated hashes
 kalyna.hClasses for the Kalyna block cipher
 keccak.hClasses for Keccak message digests
 lea.hClasses for the LEA block cipher
 lsh.hClasses for the LSH hash functions
 lubyrack.hClasses for the Luby-Rackoff block cipher
 luc.hClasses for the LUC cryptosystem
 mars.hClasses for the MARS block cipher (IBM AES submission)
 md2.hClasses for the MD2 message digest
 mdc.hClasses for the MDC message digest
 mersenne.hClass file for Mersenne Twister
 misc.hUtility functions for the Crypto++ library
 modarith.hClass file for performing modular arithmetic
 modes.hClasses for block cipher modes of operation
 mqueue.hClasses for an unlimited queue to store messages
 mqv.hClasses for Menezes–Qu–Vanstone (MQV) key agreement
 naclite.hCrypto++ interface to TweetNaCl library (20140917)
 nbtheory.hClasses and functions for number theoretic operations
 nr.hClasses for Nyberg-Rueppel signature scheme
 oaep.hClasses for optimal asymmetric encryption padding
 oids.hASN.1 object identifiers for algorithms and schemes
 osrng.hClasses for access to the operating system's random number generators
 ossig.hUtility class for trapping OS signals
 padlkrng.hClasses for VIA Padlock RNG
 panama.hClasses for Panama hash and stream cipher
 pch.hPrecompiled header file
 pkcspad.hClasses for PKCS padding schemes
 poly1305.hClasses for Poly1305 message authentication code
 polynomi.hClasses for polynomial basis and operations
 ppc_simd.hSupport functions for PowerPC and vector operations
 pssr.hClasses for probabilistic signature schemes
 pubkey.hThis file contains helper classes/functions for implementing public key algorithms
 pwdbased.hPassword based key derivation functions
 queue.hClasses for an unlimited queue to store bytes
 rabbit.hClasses for Rabbit stream cipher
 rabin.hClasses for Rabin encryption and signature schemes
 randpool.hClass file for Randomness Pool
 rc2.hClasses for the RC2 block cipher
 rc5.hClasses for the RC5 block cipher
 rc6.hClasses for the RC6 block cipher
 rdrand.hClasses for RDRAND and RDSEED
 rijndael.hClasses for Rijndael encryption algorithm
 ripemd.hClasses for RIPEMD message digest
 rng.hMiscellaneous classes for RNGs
 rsa.hClasses for the RSA cryptosystem
 rw.hClasses for Rabin-Williams signature scheme
 safer.hClasses for the SAFER and SAFER-K block ciphers
 salsa.hClasses for Salsa and Salsa20 stream ciphers
 scrypt.hClasses for Scrypt from RFC 7914
 seal.hClasses for SEAL stream cipher
 secblock.hClasses and functions for secure memory allocations
 secblockfwd.hForward declarations for SecBlock
 seckey.hClasses and functions for implementing secret key algorithms
 seed.hClasses for the SEED block cipher
 serpent.hClasses for the Serpent block cipher
 sha.hClasses for SHA-1 and SHA-2 family of message digests
 sha3.hClasses for SHA3 message digests
 shacal2.hClasses for the SHACAL-2 block cipher
 shake.hClasses for SHAKE message digests
 shark.hClasses for the SHARK block cipher
 simeck.hClasses for the SIMECK block cipher
 simon.hClasses for the Simon block cipher
 simple.hClasses providing basic library services
 siphash.hClasses for SipHash message authentication code
 skipjack.hClasses for the SKIPJACK block cipher
 sm3.hClasses for the SM3 hash function
 sm4.hClasses for the SM4 block cipher
 smartptr.hClasses for automatic resource management
 sosemanuk.hClasses for Sosemanuk stream cipher
 speck.hClasses for the Speck block cipher
 square.hClasses for the Square block cipher
 stdcpp.hCommon C++ header files
 strciphr.hClasses for implementing stream ciphers
 tea.hClasses for the TEA, BTEA and XTEA block ciphers
 threefish.hClasses for the Threefish block cipher
 tiger.hClasses for the Tiger message digest
 trap.hDebugging and diagnostic assertions
 trunhash.hClasses for truncated hashes
 ttmac.hClasses for the TTMAC message authentication code
 twofish.hClasses for the Twofish block cipher
 vmac.hClasses for the VMAC message authentication code
 wake.hClasses for WAKE stream cipher
 whrlpool.hClasses for the Whirlpool message digest
 words.hSupport functions for word operations
 xed25519.hClasses for x25519 and ed25519 operations
 xtr.hThe XTR public key system
 xtrcrypt.hXTR public key system
 xts.hClasses for XTS block cipher mode of operation
 zdeflate.hDEFLATE compression and decompression (RFC 1951)
 zinflate.hDEFLATE compression and decompression (RFC 1951)
 zlib.hZLIB compression and decompression (RFC 1950)