Crypto++ 8.7
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
FixedSizeSecBlock< T, S, A > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FixedSizeSecBlock< T, S, A >, including all inherited members.

Append(const T *ptr, size_type len)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
Append(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
Append(size_type count, T value)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
Assign(const T *ptr, size_type len)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
Assign(size_type count, T value)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
Assign(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
begin()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
begin() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
BytePtr()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
BytePtr() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
CleanGrow(size_type newSize)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
CleanNew(size_type newSize)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
data()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
data() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
ELEMS_MAXSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >static
empty() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
end()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
end() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
FixedSizeSecBlock()FixedSizeSecBlock< T, S, A >inlineexplicit
Grow(size_type newSize)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
New(size_type newSize)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator const T *() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator const void *() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator T*()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator void *()SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator!=(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t) constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator+(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator+=(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator=(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
operator==(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t) constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
resize(size_type newSize)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
SecBlock(size_type size=0)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inlineexplicit
SecBlock(const SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &t)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
SecBlock(const T *ptr, size_type len)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
SetMark(size_t count)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
size() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
SizeInBytes() constSecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline
swap(SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > > &b)SecBlock< T, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup< T, S > >inline