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Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Upstream-Name: Apache Commons Codec
Upstream-Contact: Apache Commons Developers <dev@commons.apache.org>
Source: http://commons.apache.org/codec/

Files: *
Copyright: 2002-2014 The Apache Software Foundation
License: Apache-2.0
 Upstream authors: Henri Yandell <bayard@generationjava.com>,
                  Tim OBrien <tobrien@apache.org>,
                  Scott Sanders <sanders@totalsync.com>,
                  Rodney Waldhoff <rwaldhoff@apache.org>,
                  Daniel Rall <dlr@finemaltcoding.com>,
                  Jon S. Stevens <jon@collab.net>,
                  Gary D. Gregory <ggregory@seagullsw.com>,
                  David Graham <dgraham@apache.org>,
                  Christopher O'Brien <siege@preoccupied.net>,
                  Martin Redington,
                  Jeffery Dever,
                  Steve Zimmermann <steve.zimmermann@heii.com>,
                  Benjamin Walstrum <ben@walstrum.com>,
                  Oleg Kalnichevski <oleg@ural.ru>,
                  Dave Dribin <apache@dave.dribin.org>,
                  Alex Karasulu <aok123@bellsouth.net>,
                  Matthew Inger <mattinger@yahoo.com>

Files: src/test/java/org/apache/commons/codec/language/DoubleMetaphoneTest.java
Copyright: 2002-2011 The Apache Software Foundation,
           2002 Kevin Atkinson (kevina@gnu.org)
License: Apache-2.0
 Contains test data from http://aspell.sourceforge.net/test/batch0.tab.
 Copyright (C) 2002 Kevin Atkinson (kevina@gnu.org). Verbatim copying
 and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium,
 provided this notice is preserved.

Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2004 Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>,
           2010-2011 Damien Raude-Morvan <drazzib@debian.org>
License: Apache-2.0

License: Apache-2.0
 On Debian systems the full text of the Apache License can be found
 in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jun 25 07:59:57 CEST 2024.