Class InteractiveConsole

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class InteractiveConsole extends InteractiveInterpreter
This class provides the read, execute, print loop needed by a Python console; it is not actually a console itself. The primary capability is the interact() method, which repeatedly calls raw_input(PyObject), and hence __builtin__.raw_input(PyObject), in order to get lines, and push(String) them into the interpreter. The built-in raw_input() method prompts on sys.stdout and reads from sys.stdin, the standard console. These may be redirected using PythonInterpreter.setOut( and PythonInterpreter.setIn(, as may also sys.stderr.
  • Field Details


      public static String CONSOLE_FILENAME
      Note: This field is actually final; don't modify.

      To work around an issue in javadoc with Java 8 we cannot have it final for now, see issue 2539 for details.

    • filename

      public String filename
  • Constructor Details

    • InteractiveConsole

      public InteractiveConsole()
      Construct an interactive console, which will "run" when interact() is called. The name of the console (e.g. in error messages) will be CONSOLE_FILENAME.
    • InteractiveConsole

      public InteractiveConsole(PyObject locals)
      Construct an interactive console, which will "run" when interact() is called. The name of the console (e.g. in error messages) will be CONSOLE_FILENAME.
      locals - dictionary to use, or if null, a new empty one will be created
    • InteractiveConsole

      public InteractiveConsole(PyObject locals, String filename)
      Construct an interactive console, which will "run" when interact() is called.
      locals - dictionary to use, or if null, a new empty one will be created
      filename - name with which to label this console input (e.g. in error messages).
    • InteractiveConsole

      public InteractiveConsole(PyObject locals, String filename, boolean replaceRawInput)
      Full-feature constructor for an interactive console, which will "run" when interact() is called. This version allows the caller to replace the built-in raw_input() methods with raw_input(PyObject) and raw_input(PyObject, PyObject), which may be overridden in a sub-class.
      locals - dictionary to use, or if null, a new empty one will be created
      filename - name with which to label this console input
      replaceRawInput - if true, hook this class's raw_input into the built-ins.
  • Method Details

    • interact

      public void interact()
      Operate a Python console, as in interact(String, PyObject), on the standard input. The standard input may have been redirected by PythonInterpreter.setIn( or its variants. The banner (printed before first input) is obtained by calling getDefaultBanner().
    • getDefaultBanner

      public static String getDefaultBanner()
      Returns the banner to print before the first interaction: "Jython <version> on <platform>".
      the banner.
    • interact

      public void interact(String banner, PyObject file)
      Operate a Python console by repeatedly calling raw_input(PyObject, PyObject) and interpreting the lines read. An end of file causes the method to return.
      banner - to print before accepting input, or if null, no banner.
      file - from which to read commands, or if null, read the console.
    • _interact

      public void _interact(String banner, PyObject file)
    • push

      public boolean push(String line)
      Push a line to the interpreter. The line should not have a trailing newline; it may have internal newlines. The line is appended to a buffer and the interpreter's runsource() method is called with the concatenated contents of the buffer as source. If this indicates that the command was executed or invalid, the buffer is reset; otherwise, the command is incomplete, and the buffer is left as it was after the line was appended. The return value is 1 if more input is required, 0 if the line was dealt with in some way (this is the same as runsource()).
    • raw_input

      public String raw_input(PyObject prompt)
      Write a prompt and read a line from standard input. The returned line does not include the trailing newline. When the user enters the EOF key sequence, EOFError is raised. The base implementation uses the built-in function raw_input(); a subclass may replace this with a different implementation.
    • raw_input

      public String raw_input(PyObject prompt, PyObject file)
      Write a prompt and read a line from a file.