Class _locale

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class _locale extends Object implements ClassDictInit
Java native implementation of underlying locale functions, fitting the interface defined or implied by the Python locale module. Functional documentation can be found in the Python module docstring. This class depends on registry key RegistryKey.PYTHON_LOCALE_CONTROL. Additional implementation details for users of this class are captured below.

Unicode. In general, Java and its locale settings are quite unicode heavy, making rich use of different symbols for e.g. currencies. This solution allows some of that to leak through by encoding the Java locale value with the current character encoding. The Python locale module is quite conservative and tends to keep things as solely strings. Python 2.x usually supports only string / ascii by default in many cases, and only unicode when asked. This is a little less conservative while only allowing values consistent with the current encoding.

An example of this is some Python implementations using EUR rather than the Euro symbol € ('u20ac'), probably because € is only available in Unicode. In the Java implementation, if UTF-8 encoding is set, the resulting entry in localeconv()['currency_code'] is '\xe2\x82\xac'. This can be used by print() and related functions directly. Encoding failures for currency_symbol fall back to int_curr_symbol (eg EUR). Encoding failures for negative_sign, which are sometimes unicode, fall back to an ANSI hyphen ('-'). Other encoding failures fallback to the 'C' locale values, where possible.

The C emulation locale uses only ANSI characters in non-unicode strings, in keeping with it being the locale of last resort and maximum compatibility.

Positive sign position (p_sign_posn) is not a distinguished concept in Java and so this is hardcoded to 3.

This class ensures read/write consistency, when changing locales via setlocale(PyInteger,PyString), by declaring private variable currentLocale as volatile, and only assigning it immutable objects. It does not lock to guarantee sequencing of setLocale() calls from separate threads. In the rare cases where that would be needed, it is the responsibility of the calling code.

Jython 2.7.2
  • Field Details

    • Error

      public static PyObject Error
      The locale module exposes _locale.Error as locale.Error. Some Python functions, including strptime(), depend on locale.Error, making it part of the public API for native locale implementations.
    • __doc__

      public static final PyString __doc__

      public static final String LOCALE_CONTROL_SETTABLE
      See Also:

      public static final String LOCALE_CONTROL_JYTHON2_LEGACY
      See Also:
    • LC_CTYPE

      public static final PyInteger LC_CTYPE

      public static final PyInteger LC_NUMERIC
    • LC_TIME

      public static final PyInteger LC_TIME

      public static final PyInteger LC_COLLATE

      public static final PyInteger LC_MONETARY

      public static final PyInteger LC_MESSAGES
    • LC_ALL

      public static final PyInteger LC_ALL
    • CHAR_MAX

      public static final int CHAR_MAX
      See Also:

      public static final PyInteger CHAR_MAX_PY_INT

      public static final PyString C_LOCALE_PY_STRING
    • __doc___localeconv

      public static PyString __doc___localeconv
    • __doc___strcoll

      public static PyString __doc___strcoll
    • __doc___strxfrm

      public static PyString __doc___strxfrm
    • __doc___setlocale

      public static PyString __doc___setlocale
  • Constructor Details

    • _locale

      public _locale()
  • Method Details

    • LocaleException

      public static PyException LocaleException(String message)
    • initClassExceptions

      public static void initClassExceptions(PyObject exceptions)
    • classDictInit

      public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict)
    • localeconv

      public static PyDictionary localeconv()
    • strcoll

      public static int strcoll(PyString str1, PyString str2)
    • strxfrm

      public static PyString strxfrm(PyString str1)
    • setlocale

      public static PyString setlocale(PyInteger category)
    • setlocale

      public static PyString setlocale(PyInteger category, PyString locale)
      Java Locale loading behaviour is quite forgiving, or uninformative, depending on your perspective. It will return a dummy locale for any language tag that fits the syntax, or make various attempts to approximate a locale. This solution instead follows the stricter Python behaviour of requiring a particular locale to be installed.
    • getDateSymbolLocale

      public static DateSymbolLocale getDateSymbolLocale()
      Current DateSymbolLocale used by the Python interpreter. This object will no longer reflect the current state after subsequent calls to setlocale.