Class PyReflectedConstructor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Traverseproc

public class PyReflectedConstructor extends PyReflectedFunction
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PyReflectedConstructor

      public PyReflectedConstructor(String name)
    • PyReflectedConstructor

      public PyReflectedConstructor(Constructor<?> c)
  • Method Details

    • addConstructor

      public void addConstructor(Constructor<?> m)
    • __call__

      public PyObject __call__(PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords)
      Description copied from class: PyObject
      A variant of the __call__ method with one extra initial argument. This variant is used to allow method invocations to be performed efficiently. The default behavior is to invoke __call__(args, keywords) with the appropriate arguments. The only reason to override this function would be for improved performance.
      __call__ in class PyReflectedFunction
      self - the first argument to the function.
      args - the last arguments to the function (including keyword arguments).
      keywords - the keywords used for all keyword arguments.
    • __call__

      public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args, String[] keywords)
      Description copied from class: PyObject
      The basic method to override when implementing a callable object. The first len(args)-len(keywords) members of args[] are plain arguments. The last len(keywords) arguments are the values of the keyword arguments.
      __call__ in class PyReflectedFunction
      args - all arguments to the function (including keyword arguments).
      keywords - the keywords used for all keyword arguments.
    • _doget

      public PyObject _doget(PyObject container, PyObject wherefound)
      _doget in class PyReflectedFunction
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class PyReflectedFunction