Interface PyProxy

public interface PyProxy
Common methods for all generated proxy classes. Proxy classes are created whenever a python class inherits from a java class. Instances of such a python class consists of two objects:
  • An instance of the proxy class. The _getPyInstance() will return a reference to the PyInstance.
  • An instance of PyInstance. The PyInstance's java proxy attribute contains a reference to the proxy class instance.
All proxy classes implement this interface.
  • Method Details

    • _setPyInstance

      void _setPyInstance(PyObject proxy)
      Associate a PyObject with this proxy instance. This is done during construction and initialization of the proxy instance.
    • _getPyInstance

      PyObject _getPyInstance()
      Return the associated PyObject.
    • _setPySystemState

      void _setPySystemState(PySystemState ss)
      Associate an system state with this proxy instance. This is done during construction and initialization of the proxy instance.
    • _getPySystemState

      PySystemState _getPySystemState()
      Return the associated system state.
    • __initProxy__

      void __initProxy__(Object[] args)
      Initialize the proxy instance. If the proxy is not initialized, this will call the python constructor with args.

      In some situations is it necessary to call the __initProxy__ method from the java superclass ctor before the ctor makes call to methods that is overridden in python.

      In most situation the __initProxy__ is called automatically by the jython runtime.