Interface Console

All Known Implementing Classes:
JLineConsole, PlainConsole

public interface Console
A class named in configuration as the value of python.console must implement this interface, and provide a constructor with a single String argument, to be acceptable during initialization of the interpreter. The argument to the constructor names the encoding in use on the console. Such a class may provide line editing and history recall to an interactive console. A default implementation (that does not provide any such facilities) is available as PlainConsole.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Name of the encoding, normally supplied during initialisation, and used for line input.
    Accessor for encoding to use for line input as a Charset.
    Complete initialization and (optionally) install a stream object with line-editing as the replacement for
    Uninstall the Console (if possible).
  • Method Details

    • install

      void install() throws IOException
      Complete initialization and (optionally) install a stream object with line-editing as the replacement for
      IOException - in case of failure related to i/o
    • uninstall

      void uninstall() throws UnsupportedOperationException
      Uninstall the Console (if possible). A Console that installs a replacement for should put back the original value.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the Console cannot be uninstalled
    • getEncoding

      String getEncoding()
      Name of the encoding, normally supplied during initialisation, and used for line input. This may not be the cononoical name of the codec returned by getEncodingCharset().
      name of the encoding in use.
    • getEncodingCharset

      Charset getEncodingCharset()
      Accessor for encoding to use for line input as a Charset.
      Charset of the encoding in use.