Class BytecodeLoader.Loader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable
Enclosing class:

public static class BytecodeLoader.Loader extends URLClassLoader
  • Constructor Details

    • Loader

      public Loader()
  • Method Details

    • addParent

      public void addParent(ClassLoader referent)
      Add given loader at the front of the list of the parent list (if not null).
    • loadClassFromBytes

      public Class<?> loadClassFromBytes(String name, byte[] data)
      Define the named class using the class file data provided, and resolve it. (See JVM specification.) For class names ending "$py", this method may adjust that name to that found in the class file itself.
      name - fully-qualified binary name of the class
      data - a class file as a byte array
      the defined and resolved class