
This document gathers tips, scripts and configuration file to help people working on Git’s codebase use their favorite tools while following Git’s coding style.


The Git community.

Table of contents

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The contrib/vscode/ script creates configuration files that enable several valuable VS Code features. See contrib/vscode/ for more information on using the script.


This is adapted from Linux’s suggestion in its CodingStyle document:

  • To follow rules of the CodingGuideline, it’s useful to put the following in GIT_CHECKOUT/.dir-locals.el, assuming you use cperl-mode:

;; note the first part is useful for C editing, too
((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t)
         (tab-width . 8)
         (fill-column . 80)))
         (cperl-mode . ((cperl-indent-level . 8)
                        (cperl-extra-newline-before-brace . nil)
                        (cperl-merge-trailing-else . t))))

For a more complete setup, since Git’s codebase uses a coding style similar to the Linux kernel’s style, tips given in Linux’s CodingStyle document can be applied here too.