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Fortran provides a large set of intrinsic procedures. GDB implements an incomplete subset of those procedures and their overloads. Some of these procedures take an optional KIND parameter, see Fortran Types.


Computes the absolute value of its argument a. Currently not supported for Complex arguments.


Returns whether array is allocated or not.

ASSOCIATED(pointer [, target])

Returns the association status of the pointer pointer or, if target is present, whether pointer is associated with the target target.

CEILING(a [, kind])

Computes the least integer greater than or equal to a. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Integer(kind).

CMPLX(x [, y [, kind]])

Returns a complex number where x is converted to the real component. If y is present it is converted to the imaginary component. If y is not present then the imaginary component is set to 0.0 except if x itself is of Complex type. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Complex(kind).

FLOOR(a [, kind])

Computes the greatest integer less than or equal to a. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Integer(kind).


Returns the kind value of the argument a, see Fortran Types.

LBOUND(array [, dim [, kind]])

Returns the lower bounds of an array, or a single lower bound along the dim dimension if present. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Integer(kind).


Returns the address of x as an Integer.

MOD(a, p)

Computes the remainder of the division of a by p.

MODULO(a, p)

Computes the a modulo p.


Returns the rank of a scalar or array (scalars have rank 0).


Returns the shape of a scalar or array (scalars have shape ‘()’).

SIZE(array[, dim [, kind]])

Returns the extent of array along a specified dimension dim, or the total number of elements in array if dim is absent. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Integer(kind).

UBOUND(array [, dim [, kind]])

Returns the upper bounds of an array, or a single upper bound along the dim dimension if present. The optional parameter kind specifies the kind of the return type Integer(kind).

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