Package org.apache.fop.util

package org.apache.fop.util

Various utility classes (I/O, codecs, color support, service discovers etc.).

  • Class
    A base class which holds information about the current painting state.
    A utility class for manipulating break classes (the break-before and break-after properties).
    This class provides utilities to distinguish various kinds of Unicode whitespace and to get character widths in a given FontState.
    This is a decorator to block calls to close() to the underlying stream.
    Replaced by ColorWithAlternatives
    use org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.color.profile.ColorProfileUtil directly
    Map with cached ICC based ColorSpace objects.
    Generic Color helper class.
    This class is a Color subclass adding a fallback color that FOP uses to re-serialize color specifications as textual functions.
    A utility class that provides helper methods for implementing equals and hashCode.
    Factory interface implemented by classes that can instantiate ContentHandler subclasses which parse a SAX stream into Java objects.
    EventListener interface for objects which want to get notified when ContentHandler implementing the ObjectSource interface has finished parsing.
    Interface that ContentHandler implementations that parse Java objects from XML can implement to return these objects.
    This class holds references to various XML handlers used by FOP.
    This class contains utility methods for conversions, like a java.lang.String to an array of int or double.
    use org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.uri.DataURLUtil directly
    SAX 2 Event Handler which simply delegates all calls to another ContentHandler.
    Helper class that produces a SAX stream from a DOM Document.
    ContentHandlerFactory which constructs ContentHandlers that build DOM Documents.
    This class is a delegating SAX ContentHandler which has the purpose to provide a few handy methods that make life easier when generating SAX events.
    A helper class to create hex-encoded representations of numbers.
    Provides utility methods for manipulating language tags compliant with the RFC 3066 specification available at
    Provides helper functions for List.
    Convenience Logging utility methods used in FOP
    OCAColor is a single component color representation that is mostly used in AFP documents to represent text foreground color.
    The OCA color space is a subset of RGB that includes a limited set of colors.
    Use the XML Graphics Commons variant instead!
    A DefaultHandler implementation that delegates all the method calls to a TransformerHandler instance.
    Provides an InputStreamFilter which avoids closing the original stream.
    use org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.UnitConv instead.
    use org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.WriterOutputStream instead
    A collection of constants for XML handling.
    A collection of utility method for XML handling.