Class RtfExtraRowSet

public class RtfExtraRowSet extends RtfContainer

Used to add extra table rows after a row that contains a nested table:

  • created by RtfTableRow before generating RTF code
  • an RtfTableCell that contains a nested table can ask this to put some of its children in extra rows that after the current row
  • once RtfTableRow is done rendering its children, it renders this, causing extra rows to be generated, with content that can come from several RtfTableCells

See org.apache.fop.rtf.rtflib.testdocs.NestedTable for an example of usage.

This work was authored by Bertrand Delacretaz (

  • Method Details

    • writeRtfContent

      protected void writeRtfContent() throws IOException
      render extra RtfTableRows containing all the extra RtfTableCells that we contain
      writeRtfContent in class RtfContainer
      IOException - for I/O problems
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      As this contains cells from several rows, we say that it's empty only if we have no cells. writeRow makes the decision about rendering specific rows
      isEmpty in class RtfContainer
      false (always)
    • getParentITableColumnsInfo

      public ITableColumnsInfo getParentITableColumnsInfo()
      The table context of the parent table Added by Boris Poudérous on july 2002 in order to process nested tables
    • setParentITableColumnsInfo

      public void setParentITableColumnsInfo(ITableColumnsInfo parentITableColumnsInfo)
      parentITableColumnsInfo - table context to set