Package org.apache.fop.render.awt.viewer

package org.apache.fop.render.awt.viewer

AWT Viewer PreviewDialog and PreviewPanel.

The PreviewPanel allows users to embed FOP previews in their own applications. The PreviewDialog is the default viewer for the -awt switch and surrounds the PreviewPanel with a bunch of controls, menu items etc.

  • Class
    This class represents UI-commands, which can be used as menu or toolbar items
    Go to Page Dialog.
    Panel used to display a single page of a document.
    Swing event fired whenever the current page selection of a PreviewPanel changes.
    Swing listener interface for classes which wish to receive notification of page change events.
    AWT Viewer main window.
    AWT Viewer's "About" dialog.
    Holds a scrollpane with the rendered page(s) and handles actions performed to alter the display of the page.
    The interface is used by the AWT preview dialog to reload a document.
    Listener interface used by the PreviewDialog.
    AWT Viewer's localization class, backed up by java.util.ResourceBundle.