Class PDFPattern

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PDFPattern extends PDFPathPaint
class representing a PDF Function. PDF Functions represent parameterized mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution. Functions are used in two areas: device-dependent rasterization information for halftoning and transfer functions, and color specification for smooth shading (a PDF 1.3 feature). All PDF Functions have a FunctionType (0,2,3, or 4), a Domain, and a Range.
  • Field Details

    • resources

      protected PDFResources resources
      The resources associated with this pattern
    • patternType

      protected int patternType
      Either one (1) for tiling, or two (2) for shading.
    • patternName

      protected String patternName
      The name of the pattern such as "Pa1" or "Pattern1"
    • paintType

      protected int paintType
      1 for colored pattern, 2 for uncolored
    • tilingType

      protected int tilingType
      1 for constant spacing, 2 for no distortion, and 3 for fast rendering
    • bBox

      protected List bBox
      List of Doubles representing the Bounding box rectangle
    • xStep

      protected double xStep
      Horizontal spacing
    • yStep

      protected double yStep
      Vertical spacing
    • shading

      protected PDFShading shading
      The Shading object comprising the Type 2 pattern
    • xUID

      protected List xUID
      List of Integers represetning the Extended unique Identifier
    • extGState

      protected StringBuffer extGState
      TODO use PDFGState String representing the extended Graphics state. Probably will never be used like this.
    • matrix

      protected List matrix
      List of Doubles representing the Transformation matrix.
    • patternDataStream

      protected StringBuffer patternDataStream
      The stream of a pattern
  • Constructor Details

    • PDFPattern

      public PDFPattern(PDFResources theResources, int thePatternType, int thePaintType, int theTilingType, List theBBox, double theXStep, double theYStep, List theMatrix, List theXUID, StringBuffer thePatternDataStream)
      Create a tiling pattern (type 1).
      theResources - the resources associated with this pattern
      thePatternType - the type of pattern, which is 1 for tiling.
      thePaintType - 1 or 2, colored or uncolored.
      theTilingType - 1, 2, or 3, constant spacing, no distortion, or faster tiling
      theBBox - List of Doubles: The pattern cell bounding box
      theXStep - horizontal spacing
      theYStep - vertical spacing
      theMatrix - Optional List of Doubles transformation matrix
      theXUID - Optional vector of Integers that uniquely identify the pattern
      thePatternDataStream - The stream of pattern data to be tiled.
    • PDFPattern

      public PDFPattern(int thePatternType, PDFShading shading, List theXUID, StringBuffer theExtGState, List theMatrix)
      Create a type 2 pattern (smooth shading)
      thePatternType - the type of the pattern, which is 2, smooth shading
      shading - the Shading object that comprises this pattern
      theXUID - optional:the extended unique Identifier if used.
      theExtGState - optional: the extended graphics state, if used.
      theMatrix - Optional:List of Doubles that specify the matrix.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the name of the pattern
      String representing the name of the pattern.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of the pattern.
      name - the name of the pattern. Can be anything without spaces. "Pattern1" or "Pa1" are good examples.
    • getColorSpaceOut

      public String getColorSpaceOut(boolean fillNotStroke)
      Get the PDF command for setting to this pattern.
      getColorSpaceOut in class PDFPathPaint
      fillNotStroke - if true fill otherwise stroke
      the PDF string for setting the pattern
    • output

      public int output(OutputStream stream) throws IOException
      represent as PDF. Whatever the FunctionType is, the correct representation spits out. The sets of required and optional attributes are different for each type, but if a required attribute's object was constructed as null, then no error is raised. Instead, the malformed PDF that was requested by the construction is dutifully output. This policy should be reviewed.
      output in class PDFObject
      stream - the stream to write to
      the PDF string.
      IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream
    • toPDF

      public byte[] toPDF()
      Output PDF bytes, not used.
      toPDF in class PDFObject
      returns null
    • contentEquals

      protected boolean contentEquals(PDFObject obj)
      Check if the other PDFObject has the same content as the current object.

      Note: This function has a contract which is less binding than Object.equals(Object). Whereas equals would require all values to be identical, this method is not required to check everything. In the case of PDFObjects, this means that the overriding function does not have to check for PDFObject.getObjectID().

      contentEquals in class PDFObject
      obj - object to compare to.
      true if the other object has the same content.