Class ElementListObserver


public final class ElementListObserver extends Object
This class is used to observe Knuth element lists generated within the layout managers. This is mainly used for the purpose of automated testing. This implementation here does nothing. Please see the subclass within the test code.
  • Method Details

    • addObserver

      public static void addObserver(ElementListObserver.Observer observer)
      Adds a new Observer to the list.
      observer - the observer implementation
    • removeObserver

      public static void removeObserver(ElementListObserver.Observer observer)
      Removes an Observer from the list. This call simply returns if the observer was not on the list and does nothing.
      observer - the observer to remove
    • observe

      public static void observe(List elementList, String category, String id)
      Notifies all registered observers about the element list.
      elementList - the Knuth element list
      category - the category for the element list (example: main, static-content, table-cell)
      id - ID for the element list (may be null)
    • isObservationActive

      public static boolean isObservationActive()
      true if observation is active, i.e. Observers are registered.