Class BorderElement

public class BorderElement extends BorderOrPaddingElement
This represents an unresolved border element.
  • Constructor Details

    • BorderElement

      public BorderElement(Position position, CondLengthProperty condLength, RelSide side, boolean isFirst, boolean isLast, PercentBaseContext context)
      Main constructor
      position - the Position instance needed by the addAreas stage of the LMs.
      side - the side to which this space element applies.
      condLength - the length-conditional property for a border or padding specification
      isFirst - true if this is a padding- or border-before of the first area generated.
      isLast - true if this is a padding- or border-after of the last area generated.
      context - the property evaluation context
  • Method Details

    • notifyLayoutManager

      public void notifyLayoutManager(MinOptMax effectiveLength)
      Called to notify the affected layout manager about the effective length after resolution. This method is called once before each call to the layout manager's addAreas() method.
      Specified by:
      notifyLayoutManager in class BorderOrPaddingElement
      effectiveLength - the effective length after resolution (may be null which equals to zero effective length)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class UnresolvedListElementWithLength