Class PFMReader

public class PFMReader extends AbstractFontReader
A tool which reads PFM files from Adobe Type 1 fonts and creates XML font metrics file for use in FOP.
  • Constructor Details

    • PFMReader

      public PFMReader()
      Main constructor.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      The main method for the PFM reader tool.
      args - Command-line arguments: [options] metricfile.pfm xmlfile.xml where options can be: -fn fontname default is to use the fontname in the .pfm file, but you can override that name to make sure that the embedded font is used instead of installed fonts when viewing documents with Acrobat Reader. -cn classname default is to use the fontname -ef path to the Type1 .pfb fontfile will add the possibility to embed the font. When running fop, fop will look for this file to embed it -er path to Type1 fontfile relative to org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts you can also include the fontfile in the fop.jar file when building fop. You can use both -ef and -er. The file specified in -ef will be searched first, then the -er file.
    • loadPFM

      public PFMFile loadPFM(String filename) throws IOException
      Read a PFM file and returns it as an object.
      filename - The filename of the PFM file.
      The PFM as an object.
      IOException - In case of an I/O problem
    • preview

      public void preview(PFMFile pfm)
      Displays a preview of the PFM file on the console.
      pfm - The PFM file to preview.
    • constructFontXML

      public Document constructFontXML(PFMFile pfm, String fontName, String className, String resource, String file)
      Generates the font metrics file from the PFM file.
      pfm - The PFM file to generate the font metrics from.
      fontName - name of the font
      className - class name for the font
      resource - path to the font as embedded resource
      file - path to the font as file
      The DOM document representing the font metrics file.