Interface TextFragment

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TextFragment
Encapsulates a sub-sequence (fragement) of a text iterator (or other text source), where begin index and end index are indices into larger text iterator that denote [begin,end) of sub-sequence range. Additionally associated with a designated script (or "auto"), a designated language (or "none"), and a (single) bidi level (or -1 if not known).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    charAt(int subSequenceIndex)
    Obtain character at specified index within this fragment's sub-sequence, where index 0 corresponds to beginning index in overal text source, and subSequenceIndex must be less than ending index - beginning index.
    Obtain beginning index (inclusive) of sub-sequence of fragment in overall text source.
    Obtain associated bidi level (if known) or -1 if not.
    Obtain ending index (exclusive) of sub-sequence of fragment in overall text source.
    Obtain reference to underlying iterator.
    Obtain associated language (if designated) or "none" if not.
    Obtain associated script (if designated) or "auto" if not.
    subSequence(int startIndex, int endIndex)
  • Method Details

    • getIterator

      CharacterIterator getIterator()
      Obtain reference to underlying iterator.
    • getBeginIndex

      int getBeginIndex()
      Obtain beginning index (inclusive) of sub-sequence of fragment in overall text source.
    • getEndIndex

      int getEndIndex()
      Obtain ending index (exclusive) of sub-sequence of fragment in overall text source.
    • getScript

      String getScript()
      Obtain associated script (if designated) or "auto" if not.
    • getLanguage

      String getLanguage()
      Obtain associated language (if designated) or "none" if not.
    • getBidiLevel

      int getBidiLevel()
      Obtain associated bidi level (if known) or -1 if not.
    • charAt

      char charAt(int subSequenceIndex)
      Obtain character at specified index within this fragment's sub-sequence, where index 0 corresponds to beginning index in overal text source, and subSequenceIndex must be less than ending index - beginning index.
    • subSequence

      CharSequence subSequence(int startIndex, int endIndex)