Class FontEventAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FontEventAdapter extends Object implements FontEventListener
Event listener interface for font-related events. This interface extends FontEventListener and EventProducer for integration into FOP's event subsystem.
  • Constructor Details

    • FontEventAdapter

      public FontEventAdapter( broadcaster)
      Creates a new FontEventAdapter.
      broadcaster - the event broadcaster to send the generated events to
  • Method Details

    • fontSubstituted

      public void fontSubstituted(Object source, FontTriplet requested, FontTriplet effective)
      Notifies about a font being substituted as the requested one isn't available.
      Specified by:
      fontSubstituted in interface FontEventListener
      source - the event source
      requested - the requested font triplet
      effective - the effective font triplet
    • fontLoadingErrorAtAutoDetection

      public void fontLoadingErrorAtAutoDetection(Object source, String fontURL, Exception e)
      An error occurred while loading a font for auto-detection.
      Specified by:
      fontLoadingErrorAtAutoDetection in interface FontEventListener
      source - the event source
      fontURL - the font URL
      e - the original exception
    • glyphNotAvailable

      public void glyphNotAvailable(Object source, char ch, String fontName)
      A glyph has been requested that is not available in the font.
      Specified by:
      glyphNotAvailable in interface FontEventListener
      source - the event source
      ch - the character for which the glyph isn't available
      fontName - the name of the font
    • fontDirectoryNotFound

      public void fontDirectoryNotFound(Object source, String dir)
      An error occurred trying to find the font directory specified in the config file.
      Specified by:
      fontDirectoryNotFound in interface FontEventListener
      source - the event source
      dir - the directory in the config file
    • svgTextStrokedAsShapes

      public void svgTextStrokedAsShapes(Object source, String fontFamily)
      The SVG text will be stroked as shapes.
      Specified by:
      svgTextStrokedAsShapes in interface FontEventListener
      source - the event source
      fontFamily - the family name of the font that is being stroked
    • fontFeatureNotSuppprted

      public void fontFeatureNotSuppprted(Object source, String feature, String onlySupportedIn)