Class TableColLength

All Implemented Interfaces:
Length, Numeric

public class TableColLength extends LengthProperty
A table-column width specification, possibly including some number of proportional "column-units". The absolute size of a column-unit depends on the fixed and proportional sizes of all columns in the table, and on the overall size of the table. It can't be calculated until all columns have been specified and until the actual width of the table is known. Since this can be specified as a percent of its parent containing width, the calculation is done during layout. NOTE: this is only supposed to be allowed if table-layout=fixed.
  • Constructor Details

    • TableColLength

      public TableColLength(double tcolUnits, FObj column)
      Construct an object with tcolUnits of proportional measure.
      tcolUnits - number of table-column proportional units
      column - the column the column-units are defined on
  • Method Details

    • getTableUnits

      public double getTableUnits()
      Override the method in Length
      the number of specified proportional table-column units.
    • isAbsolute

      public boolean isAbsolute()
      Return false because table-col-units are a relative numeric. Return true if the numeric is an absolute value. Relative values are percentages and table-column-units. All other numerics are absolute.
      true when the numeric is absolute.
    • getNumericValue

      public double getNumericValue()
      Return the value as a numeric value. Return the value of this Numeric
      the computed value.
    • getNumericValue

      public double getNumericValue(PercentBaseContext context)
      Return the value of this Numeric
      context - The context for the length calculation (for percentage based lengths)
      the computed value.
    • getValue

      public int getValue()
      Return the value as a length. Returns the length in 1/1000ths of a point (millipoints)
      the length in millipoints
    • getValue

      public int getValue(PercentBaseContext context)
      Returns the length in 1/1000ths of a point (millipoints)
      context - The context for the length calculation (for percentage based lengths)
      the length in millipoints
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Convert this to a String
      toString in class Property
      the string representation of this
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object