Class CorrespondingPropertyMaker

Direct Known Subclasses:
DimensionPropertyMaker, IndentPropertyMaker, SpacePropertyMaker

public class CorrespondingPropertyMaker extends Object
Maker class for handling corresponding properties.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected PropertyMaker
    base property maker
    protected int
    corresponding property for lr-tb writing mode
    protected int
    corresponding property for rl-tb writing mode
    protected int
    corresponding property for tb-lr writing mode
    protected int
    corresponding property for tb-rl writing mode
    protected boolean
    user parent property list
  • Constructor Summary

    Construct a corresponding property maker.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    compute(PropertyList propertyList)
    Return a Property object representing the value of this property, based on other property values for this FO.
    protected PropertyList
    Return the property list to use for fetching writing mode depending property ids.
    For properties that operate on a relative direction (before, after, start, end) instead of an absolute direction (top, bottom, left, right), this method determines whether a corresponding property is specified on the corresponding absolute direction.
    setCorresponding(int lrtb, int rltb, int tbrl, int tblr)
    Set corresponding property identifiers.
    setRelative(boolean relative)
    Set relative flag.
    setUseParent(boolean useParent)
    Controls whether the PropertyMaker accesses the parent property list or the current property list for determining the writing mode.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • baseMaker

      protected PropertyMaker baseMaker
      base property maker
    • lrtb

      protected int lrtb
      corresponding property for lr-tb writing mode
    • rltb

      protected int rltb
      corresponding property for rl-tb writing mode
    • tbrl

      protected int tbrl
      corresponding property for tb-rl writing mode
    • tblr

      protected int tblr
      corresponding property for tb-lr writing mode
    • useParent

      protected boolean useParent
      user parent property list
  • Constructor Details

    • CorrespondingPropertyMaker

      public CorrespondingPropertyMaker(PropertyMaker baseMaker)
      Construct a corresponding property maker.
      baseMaker - the base property maker
  • Method Details

    • setCorresponding

      public void setCorresponding(int lrtb, int rltb, int tbrl, int tblr)
      Set corresponding property identifiers.
      lrtb - the property that corresponds with lr-tb writing mode
      rltb - the property that corresponds with rl-tb writing mode
      tbrl - the property that corresponds with tb-lr writing mode
      tblr - the property that corresponds with tb-lr writing mode
    • setUseParent

      public void setUseParent(boolean useParent)
      Controls whether the PropertyMaker accesses the parent property list or the current property list for determining the writing mode.
      useParent - true if the parent property list should be used.
    • setRelative

      public void setRelative(boolean relative)
      Set relative flag.
      relative - true if properties operate on a relative direction
    • isCorrespondingForced

      public boolean isCorrespondingForced(PropertyList propertyList)
      For properties that operate on a relative direction (before, after, start, end) instead of an absolute direction (top, bottom, left, right), this method determines whether a corresponding property is specified on the corresponding absolute direction. For example, the border-start-color property in a lr-tb writing-mode specifies the same thing that the border-left-color property specifies. In this example, if the Maker for the border-start-color property is testing, and if the border-left-color is specified in the properties, this method should return true.
      propertyList - collection of properties to be tested
      true iff 1) the property operates on a relative direction, AND 2) the property has a corresponding property on an absolute direction, AND 3) the corresponding property on that absolute direction has been specified in the input properties
    • compute

      public Property compute(PropertyList propertyList) throws PropertyException
      Return a Property object representing the value of this property, based on other property values for this FO. A special case is properties which inherit the specified value, rather than the computed value.
      propertyList - The PropertyList for the FO.
      Property A computed Property value or null if no rules are specified (in foproperties.xml) to compute the value.
      PropertyException - if a property exception occurs
    • getWMPropertyList

      protected PropertyList getWMPropertyList(PropertyList pList)
      Return the property list to use for fetching writing mode depending property ids.
      pList - a property list
      the property list to use