Interface PercentBase

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PercentBase
Interface for objects that can be used as base objects for percentage computations
  • Method Details

    • getDimension

      int getDimension()
      Determines whether a numeric property is created or one with a percentage base.
      0 for length, 1 for percentage
    • getBaseValue

      double getBaseValue()
      the base value (this will be used as the base to which a percentage will be applied to compute the length of the referencing item)
    • getBaseLength

      int getBaseLength(PercentBaseContext context) throws PropertyException
      context - The context for percentage evaluation
      the integer size in millipoints of the object (this will be used as the base to which a percentage will be applied to compute the length of the referencing item)
      PropertyException - if a problem occurs during evaluation of this value.