Class GlyphTable.ChainedGlyphSequenceRule

Enclosing class:

public static class GlyphTable.ChainedGlyphSequenceRule extends GlyphTable.GlyphSequenceRule
The ChainedGlyphSequenceRule class implements a subclass of GlyphSequenceRule that supports matching on a specific glyph sequence in a specific chained contextual.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChainedGlyphSequenceRule

      public ChainedGlyphSequenceRule(GlyphTable.RuleLookup[] lookups, int inputSequenceLength, int[] glyphs, int[] backtrackGlyphs, int[] lookaheadGlyphs)
      Instantiate a ChainedGlyphSequenceRule.
      lookups - the rule's lookups
      inputSequenceLength - number of glyphs constituting input sequence (to be consumed)
      glyphs - the rule's input glyph sequence to match, starting with second glyph in sequence
      backtrackGlyphs - the rule's backtrack glyph sequence to match, starting with first glyph in sequence
      lookaheadGlyphs - the rule's lookahead glyph sequence to match, starting with first glyph in sequence
  • Method Details

    • getBacktrackGlyphs

      public int[] getBacktrackGlyphs()
      the backtrack glyphs
    • getLookaheadGlyphs

      public int[] getLookaheadGlyphs()
      the lookahead glyphs
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class GlyphTable.GlyphSequenceRule