Class ImageRasterData

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImageRasterData extends AbstractAFPObject
Contains the image points that define the IM image raster pattern. A raster pattern is the array of presentation device pels that forms the image. The image data is uncompressed. Bits are grouped into bytes and are ordered from left to right within each byte. Each bit in the image data represents an image point and is mapped to presentation device pels as specified in the IOC structured field. A bit with value B'1' indicates a significant image point; a bit with value B'0' indicates an insignificant image point. Image points are recorded from left to right in rows that represents scan lines (X direction), and rows representing scan lines are recorded from top to bottom (Y direction). When the image is presented, all image points in a row are presented before any image points in the next sequential row are presented, and all rows have the same number of image points. If the total number of image points is not a multiple of 8, the last byte of the image data is padded to a byte boundary. The padding bits do not represent image points and are ignored by presentation devices.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageRasterData

      public ImageRasterData(byte[] data)
      Constructor for the image raster data object
      data - The raster image data
  • Method Details

    • writeToStream

      public void writeToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      DataStream objects must implement the writeToStream() method to write its data to the given OutputStream
      os - the outputsteam stream
      IOException - an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.