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This document describes changes between tagged Emscripten SDK versions.

Note that version numbers do not necessarily reflect the amount of changes
between versions. A version number reflects a release that is known to pass all
tests, and versions may be tagged more or less frequently at different times.

Note that there is no ABI compatibility guarantee between versions - the ABI
may change, so that we can keep improving and optimizing it. The compiler will
automatically invalidate system caches when the version number updates, so that
libc etc. are rebuilt for you. You should also rebuild object files and
libraries in your project when you upgrade emscripten.

Not all changes are documented here. In particular, new features, user-oriented
fixes, options, command-line parameters, breaking ABI changes, deprecations,
significant internal modifications and optimizations etc. generally deserve a
mention. To examine the full set of changes between versions, you can use git
to browse the changes between the tags.

See docs/process.md for more on how version tagging works.


  - Remove support for deprecated EMMAKEN_COMPILER, EMMAKEN_CFLAGS, and
    EMMAKEN_NO_SDK  environment variables.  These are all legacy and redundant
    in the face of other settings/flags:
      - EMMAKEN_COMPILER -> LLVM_ROOT in the config settings
      - EMMAKEN_NO_SDK -> standard -nostdlib and -nostdinc flags
  - emscripten will no longer automatically create a config file if it can't
    find one in the configured location.  Instead, it will error out and point the
    user to the --generate-config option, in case that is what they want.

3.1.5 - 02/17/2022

  - Emscripten no longer uses the allocate() runtime function.  For backwards
    compatabiliy with external JS code we still include this function by default
    but it will no longer be included in -sSTRICT mode.  Usages of this function
    are generally best replaced with _malloc, stackAlloc or allocateUTF8.

3.1.4 - 02/14/2022

  - Due to an llvm change (https://reviews.llvm.org/D118573) some clang flags
    that did not previously have any effect are now honored (e.g.
    -fnew-alignment and -fshort-wchar).
  - llvm dependency updated to 15.0.0 to match upstream. (#16178)
  - The __EMSCRIPTEN_major__, __EMSCRIPTEN_minor__ and __EMSCRIPTEN_tiny__
    macros are now available via the emscripten/version.h header file.  For the
    time being, unless you enable -sSTRICT, these are still also defined
    directly on the command line.  If you use these macros please make sure you
    include emscripten/version.h (or emscripten.h which indirectly includes
    it). (#16147)

3.1.3 - 01/31/2022

  - The file packager now supports embedding files directly into wasm memory and
    emcc now uses this mode when the --embed-file option is used.  If you
    use file_packager directly it is recommended that you switch to the new mode
    by adding --obj-output to the command line. (#16050)
  - The --bind flag used to enable embind has been deprecated in favor of
    -lembind.  The semantics have not changed and the old flag continues to
    work. (#16087)
  - New setjmp/longjmp support using Wasm EH instructions is added, which is
    faster and reduces code size. You need a browser that supports Wasm EH spec to
    use it. The new SjLj support is enabled by -sSUPPORT_LONGJMP=wasm. This can
    be used with Wasm exception support (-fwasm-exceptions), but not with
    Emscripten exception support (-fexceptions or
    -sDISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0). When using Wasm EH with Wasm SjLj, there is
    one restriction that you cannot directly call setjmp within a catch
    clause. (Calling another function that calls setjmp is fine.)
    (#14976 and #16072)

3.1.2 - 01/20/2022

  - A new setting, POLYFILL, was added which is on by default but can be disabled
    (via -sNO_POLYFILL) to prevent emscripten from outputing needed polyfills.
    For default browser targets, no polyfills are needed so this option only has
    meaning when targeting older browsers.
  - EVAL_CTORS has been rewritten and improved. The main differences from before
    are that it is much more capable (it can now eval parts of functions and not
    just all or nothing, and it can eval more wasm constructs like globals). It is
    no longer run by default, so to use it you should build with -s EVAL_CTORS.
    See settings.js for more details. (#16011)
  - wasmX test suites that are defined in test_core.py have been renamed to
    coreX to better reflect where they are defined.  The old suite names such
    as wasm2 will continue to work for now as aliases.

3.1.1 - 01/08/2022

  - Happy new year!
  - Updated SDL 2 port to upstream version 2.0.18 (from a patched 2.0.10). This
    includes all downstream patches and many upstream changes.
  - libc++ library updated to llvm-13. (#15901)
  - libc++-abi library updated to llvm-13. (#15904)
  - compiler-rt library updated to llvm-13. (#15906)
  - Added new internal/debugging related environment variable
    EM_FORCE_RESPONSE_FILES that can be set to 0 to force disable the use of
    response files, and to 1 to force enable response files. If not set,
    response files will be used if command lines are long (> 8192 chars). (#15973)

3.1.0 - 12/22/2021

  - Emscripten in starting to use ES6 features in its core libraries (at last!).
    For most users targeting the default set of browsers this is a code size win.
    For projects targeting older browsers (e.g. -sMIN_CHROME_VERSION=10),
    emscripten will now run closure compiler in WHITESPACE_ONLY mode in order to
    traspile any ES6 down to ES5.  When this automatic transpilation is performed
    we generate a warning which can be disabled (using -Wno-transpile) or by
    explicitly opting in-to or out-of closure using --closure=1 or
    --closure=0. (#15763).

3.0.1 - 12/17/2021

  - Deprecate EMMAKEN_CFLAGS is favor of EMCC_CFLAGS.
  - Fixed an issue where user provided --js-library directives would not be
    processed as the last item after all system provided JS libraries have been
    added to the build. This fix enables overriding WebGL 2 symbols from user JS

3.0.0 - 11/22/2021

  - A set of internally-unused functions were removed from parseTools.js.  While
    emscripten no longer needs any of these functions, there is slim chance that
    some external JS library is depending on them.  Please file issues if any such
    library code is found.  The removed/unused functions are:
    removePointing, pointingLevels, removeAllPointing, isVoidType,
    isStructPointerType, isArrayType, isStructType, isVectorType,
    isStructuralType getStructuralTypeParts, getStructuralTypePartBits,
    isFunctionDef, isPossiblyFunctionType, isFunctionType, getReturnType,
    splitTokenList, _IntToHex, IEEEUnHex, Compiletime.isPointerType,
    Compiletime.isStructType, Compiletime.INT_TYPES, isType.
  - The example shell.html and shell_minimal.html templaces no longer override
    printErr on the module object.  This means error message from emscripten and
    stderr from the application will go to the default location of console.warn
    rather than console.error.  This only effects application that use the
    example shell html files.
  - The version of musl libc used by emscripten was upgraded from v1.1.15 to
    v1.2.2.  There could be some minor size regressions (or gains) due to changes
    in upstream musl code but we don't expect anything major.  Since this is a
    fairly substantial change (at least internally) we are bumping the major
    version of Emscripten to 3. (#13006)
  - Added support for specifying the text encoding to be used in response filenames
    by passing the encoding as a file suffix (e.g. "a.rsp.utf-8" or "a.rsp.cp1252").
    If not specified, the encoding is autodetected as either UTF-8 or Python
    default "locale.getpreferredencoding()". (#15406, #15292, #15426)

2.0.34 - 11/04/2021

  - Symbols marked as visibility hidden are no longer exported from C/C++
    code when building with SIDE_MODULE, MAIN_MODULE or LINKABLE.  If you
    need to export a hidden symbol you can still do so by adding it to

2.0.33 - 11/01/2021

  - Bug fixes

2.0.32 - 10/19/2021

  - Internal-only library functions can now be marked as __internal: true in JS
    system libraries.  Such symbols should not be used by external libraries and
    are subject to change.  As of now we generate warning when external libraries
    depend on the these symbols.
  - Stub functions from library_syscall.js and library.js were replaced with
    native code stubs (See system/lib/libc/emscripten_syscall_stubs.c).  This
    should be better for wasm module portability as well as code size.  As part
    of this change the return value of popen was fixed to return NULL rather
    than -1 and the getpwnam family of functions were changed to return an
    error rather than throw a JavaScript exception (this behaviour matches what
    the other stub functions do).  As before, the ALLOW_UNIMPLEMENTED_SYSCALLS
    setting controls whether of not these stubs get included at link time, and
    STRICT disables this setting.
  - Emscripten will now warn when linker-only flags are specified in
    compile-only (-c) mode.  Just like with clang itself, this warning can be
    disabled using the flag: -Wno-unused-command-line-argument.
  - Internal symbol names for musl syscalls changed from number-based (e.g.
    __syscall22) to name-based (e.g. __syscall_open).  This should not be
    a visible change except for folks trying to intercept/implement syscalls
    in native code (#15202).
  - Fixed launcher batch script issues on Windows, and added two env. vars
    can be enabled to work around a Windows Python issue
    https://bugs.python.org/issue34780 , and a Windows 7 exit code issue (#15146)
  - Support a new CMake propert EMSCRIPTEN_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR which can be used
    to override the default value of CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR set by the
    toolchain file.
  - Remove support for the EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_METADATA setting.  This setting has
    been deprecated for some time now and we don't know of any remaining reasons to
    keep it around.
  - Add JavaScript API Emval.{toHandle, toValue} as well as a C++ method
    val::as_handle() to allow passing values between the val class and
    EM_JS/ EM_ASM JavaScript snippets. (#15279)
  - Added SAFE_HEAP=2 option which tests safe heap behavior for wasm-only builds
    (allowing unaligned memory accesses, which would not work in Wasm2JS but in
    wasm would be correct but potentially slow).

2.0.31 - 10/01/2021

  - Bug fixes

2.0.30 - 09/14/2021

  - Bug fixes

2.0.29 - 08/26/2021

  - Bug fixes

2.0.28 - 08/23/2021

  - Added some support for signal handling libc functions (raise, kill,
    sigaction, sigpending, etc).  We still don't have a way to deliver signals from
    the outside but these at least now work for sending signals to the current
    thread (JS context) (#14883).
  - Remove the workaround used in emcmake and emmake that removed directories
    with sh.exe from PATH on Windows when MinGW Makefiles generator was used.
    This was needed with CMake versions older than 3.17.0. If you get an error
    "sh.exe was found in your PATH" on Windows, you can either update to CMake
    3.17.0 or newer, or remove the offending directory from your PATH. See
    for more information. (#14930)

2.0.27 - 08/12/2021

  - Added EM_ASYNC_JS macro - similar to EM_JS, but allows using await
    inside the JS block and automatically integrates with Asyncify without
    the need for listing the declared function in ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS (#9709).
  - Errors that occur on pthreads (e.g. uncaught exception) will now get re-thrown
    on the main thread rather than simply being logged (#13666).

2.0.26 - 07/26/2021

  - When building ports with the embuilder tool some of the names of the
    libraries have changed (they now match the filenames in the tools/ports/
    directory). For example sdl-image is now sdl_image (#14737).
  - Undefined data symbols (in static executables) are no longer silently ignored
    at link time.  The previous behaviour (which was to silently give all
    undefined data symbols address zero, which could lead to bugs)
    can be enabled by passing either -Wl,--allow-undefined or
  - The alignment of long double, which is a 128-bit floating-point value
    implemented in software, is reduced from 16 to 8. The lower alignment allows
    max_align_t to properly match the alignment we use for malloc, which is 8
    (raising malloc's alignment to achieve correctness the other way would come
    with a performance regression). (#10072)
  - The alignMemory function is now a library function and therefore not
    included by default.  Debug builds will automatically abort if you try
    to use this function without including it.  The normal library __deps
    mechanism can be used to include it, or can be added to
  - dlopen can now load libraries at runtime from the web without preloading
    or embedding.  This features relies on ASYNCIFY to suspend execution until
    the library is loaded and then continue on as if dlopen was blocking.  For
    users who don't want to use ASYNCIFY (which has a size and runtime cost)
    there is a async (callback-based) version of the dlopen API available as
    emscripten_dlopen() declared in emscropten/emscripten.h.  See
    docs/api_reference/emscripten.h.rst (or the online version) for more
  - Constructors, functions and methods bound with Embind can now be awaited.
    When Asyncify is used somewhere in the callstack, previously Embind would
    return 0 / null / false / instance with a NULL pointer, making it
    impossible to wait for the function to actually finish and retrieve its
    result. Now in those cases it will return a Promise instead that will
    resolve with the function's return value upon completion. (#11890)

2.0.25 - 06/30/2021

  - Support for the 'shell' environment is now disabled by default.  Running under
    d8, js, or jsc is not something that most emscripten users ever want to
    do, so including the support code is, more often than not, unnecessary.  Users
    who want shell support can enable it by including 'shell' in -s ENVIRONMENT
  - A new setting called ALLOW_UNIMPLEMENTED_SYSCALLS was added.  This setting
    is enabled by default but, if disabled, will generate link-time errors if
    a program references an unimplemented syscall.  This setting is disabled
    by default in STRICT mode.
  - By default (unless EXIT_RUNTIME=1 is specified) emscripten programs running
    under node will no longer call process.exit() on exit().  Instead they
    will simply unwind the stack and return to the event loop, much like they do
    on the web.  In many cases the node process will then exit naturally if there
    is nothing keeping the event loop going.
    Note for users of node + pthreads: Because of the way that threads are
    implemented under node multi-threaded programs now require EXIT_RUNTIME=1
    (or call emscripten_force_exit) in order to actually bring down the process.
  - Drop support for node versions older than v5.10.0.  We now assume the
    existence of Buffer.from which was added in v5.10.0.  If it turns out
    there is still a need to support these older node versions we can
    add a polyfil under LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT (#14447).

2.0.24 - 06/10/2021

  - Support --preload-file in Node.js. (#11785)
  - System libraries are now passed to the linker internally via -lfoo rather
    than using their full path.  This is in line with how gcc and clang pass system
    libraries to the linker.  This should not effect any builds unless a project a
    happens to have, for example, a file called libc.a in one of its library
    paths.  This would have the effect of overriding the system library (as it
    would with gcc or clang) (#14342).
  - CMake projects (those that either use emcmake or use Emscripten.cmake
    directly) are new configured to install (by default) directly into the
    emscripten sysroot.  This means that running cmake --install (or running the
    install target, via make install for example) will install resources into
    the sysroot such that they can later be found and used by find_path,
    find_file, find_package, etc.  Previously the default was to attempt to
    install into the host system (e.g /usr/local) which is almost always not
    desirable.  Folks that were previously using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to build
    their own secondary sysroot may be able to simplify their build system by
    removing this completely and relying on the new default.
  - Reinstated the warning on linker-only -s settings passed when not linking
    (i.e. when compiling with -c).  As before this can disabled with
    -Wno-unused-command-line-argument (#14182).
  - Standalone wasm mode no longer does extra binaryen work during link. It used
    to remove unneeded imports, in hopes of avoiding nonstandard imports that
    could prevent running in WASI VMs, but that has not been needed any more. A
    minor side effect you might see from this is a larger wasm size in standalone
    mode when not optimizing (but optimized builds are unaffected). (#14338)
  - You can now explicitly request that an environment variable remain unset by
    setting its value in ENV to undefined. This is useful for variables, such
    as LANG, for which Emscripten normally provides a default value.

2.0.23 - 05/26/2021

  - libcxxabi updated to llvm-12. (#14288)
  - libcxx updated to llvm-12. (#14249)
  - compiler-rt updated to llvm-12. (#14280)

2.0.22 - 05/25/2021

  - Fix a crash bug that was present in 2.0.21 with the use of -g.  See
  - wasm-ld will now perform string tail merging in debug string sections as well
    as regular data sections.   This behaviour can be be disabled with -Wl,-O0.
    This should significantly reduce the size of dwarf debug information in the
    wasm binary.
  - The experimental SPLIT_MODULE setting now expects the secondary module to be
    named <module>.deferred.wasm instead of <module>.wasm.deferred.
  - sendfile.h header removed from musl. (#14248)

2.0.21: 05/18/2021

  - Options such as EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS that can take a response file containing
    list of symbols can now use a simple one-symbol-per-line format.  This new
    format is much simpler and doesn't require commas between symbols, opening
    or closing braces, or any kind of escaping for special characters.
  - The WebAssembly linker (wasm-ld) now performes string tail merging on any
    static string data in your program.   This has long been part of the native
    ELF linker and should not be observable in well-behaved programs.  This
    behavior can be disabled by passing -Wl,-O0.
  - The functions fork, vfork, posix_spawn and system now fail with
    the errno value ENOSYS (52) rather than EAGAIN (6).  This is more
    correct, since they will never work and attempting to retry won't help.
  - EXPORT_ES6 will now emit static URLs for main WebAssembly file as well
    as for helper Worker used by -pthread that can be statically detected
    by modern bundlers at build time. In particular, you no longer have to set
    Module.locateFile hook and Module.mainScriptUrlOrBlob settings -
    both bundlers and browsers should pick up the required files automatically.
    Note: this doesn't yet cover other use-cases that emit external files,
    such as dynamic linking, --proxy-to-worker, external memory etc. (#14135)
  - EXPORT_ES6 can now be used in combination with -o [filename].html. (#14165)
  - EXPORT_ES6 no longer requires setting custom EXPORT_NAME too. (#14139)
  - New diagnostics allow Emscripten to issue warnings when using Intel SIMD
    intrinsics (from xmmintrin.h) which have slow emulations rather than fast
    WebAssembly equivalents. To enable them, define WASM_SIMD_COMPAT_SLOW
    in the preprocessor (#14152)

2.0.20: 05/04/2021

  - This ChangeLog and the emscripten-version.txt file that is checked into
    the repository now reflect the next, upcoming, release once a release is
    made.  Previously they would continue to reflect the old release until after
    we decide to cut the release.  Switching to this method allow for a slightly
    simpler release process that also allows us to tag a version that contains
    the correct version information.
  - The version string reported by -v/--version now includes a -git suffix
    (e.g. 2.0.19-git) when running from git checkout (to help distinguish
    unreleased git versions from official releases) (#14092).
  - Temporarily back out new -Wunused-command-line-argument warnings introduced
    in 2.0.19.

2.0.19: 05/04/2021

  - Emscripten will now warn when linker-only -s settings are specified in
    compile-only (-c) mode.  Just like with clang itself, this warning can be
    disabled using the flag: -Wno-unused-command-line-argument.
  - When building with -s MAIN_MODULE emscripten will now error on undefined
    symbol by default.  This matches the behvious of clang/gcc/msvc.  This
    requires that your side modules be present on the command line.  If you do not
    specify your side modules on the command line (either direcly or via
    RUNTIME_LINKED_LIBS) you may need to add -s WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 to
    avoid errors about symbol that are missing at link time (but present in your
    side modules provided at runtime).  We hope that this case is not common and
    most users are building with side modules listed on the command line (#14060).
  - The RUNTIME_LINKED_LIBS setting is now deprecated.  It's better to simply
    list dynamic library dependencies directly on the command line.

2.0.18: 04/23/2021

  - The makeBigInt function was removed from the emscripten runtime since it
    had no internal users.
  - Restored support for --cache command line flag to configure location of the
    Emscripten cache root directory.
  - EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS is deprecated in favor of just using
  - When building with MAIN_MODULE=2 the linker will now automatically include
    any symbols required by side modules found on the command line.  This means
    that for many users of MAIN_MODULE=2 it should no longer be necessary to
    list explicit EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.  Also, users of MAIN_MODULE=1 with
    dynamic linking (not dlopen) who list all side modules on the command line,
    should be able to switch to MAIN_MODULE=2 and get a reduction in code size.
  - When building with MAIN_MODULE it is now possbile to warn or error on
    undefined symbols assuming all the side modules are passed at link time.  This
    means that for many projects it should now be possbile to enable

2.0.17: 04/10/2021

  - Use of closure compiler (--closure) is now supported when using dynamic
    linking (building with -s MAIN_MODULE) (#13880)
  - Specifying EM_CONFIG inline (python code in the environment variable itself)
    is no longer supported (#13855).  This has been long deprecated but finally
    completely removed.
  - Deprecate -g4, which is a little confusing as it does not do more than -g3
    but instead emits source maps instead of DWARF. -g4 will now warn. A new
    flag -gsource-map enables source maps without warning.
  - In order to behave more like clang and gcc, emscripten no longer
    supports some nonstandard methods of library lookup (that worked
    unintentionally and were untested and not documented):
    1.  Linking with -llibc rather than -lc will no longer work.
    2.  Linking a library called foo.a via -lfoo will no longer work.
        (libraries found via -l have to start with lib)
  - Use LLVM's new pass manager by default, as LLVM does. This changes a bunch of
    things about how LLVM optimizes and inlines, so it may cause noticeable
    changes in compile times, code size, and speed, either for better or for
    worse. You can use the old pass manager (until LLVM removes it) by passing
    -flegacy-pass-manager (and -Wl,--lto-legacy-pass-manager when doing LTO)
    (note however that neither workaround affects the building of system
    libraries, unless you modify emscripten or build them manually). (#13427)
  - Removed use of Python multiprocessing library because of stability issues.
    Added a new environment variable EM_PYTHON_MULTIPROCESSING=1 that can be set
    to revert back to using Python multiprocessing, in case there are reports of
    regressions (that variable is intended to be temporary). (#13493)
  - Binaryen now always inlines single-use functions. This should reduce code size
    and improve performance. If you prefer the old default, you can get that with
    -sBINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES=--one-caller-inline-max-function-size=1 (#13744).
  - Fix generating of symbol files with --emit-symbol-map for JS targets.
    When -s WASM=2 is used. Two symbols are generated:
      - [name].js.symbols - storing Wasm mapping
      - [name].wasm.js.symbols - storing JS mapping
        In other cases a single [name].js.symbols file is created.

2.0.16: 03/25/2021

  - Lists that are passed on the command line can now skip the opening an closing
    braces, allowing for simpler, more readable settings.  e.g.
  - Remove/deprecate no longer used --llvm-opts command line option.  Any
    arguments not processed by emcc will be passed through to clang directly
    these days.
  - Values returned from sysconf now more closely match the definitions found in
    header files and in upstream musl (#13713).
  - DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 is now deprecated since it can be inferred from
    the presence of the EXCEPTION_CATCHING_ALLOWED list.  This makes
    DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING a simple binary option (0 or 1) which defaults to
    0 which will be set to 1 internally if EXCEPTION_CATCHING_ALLOWED list is
  - Values returned from pathconf now match the definitions found in header files
    and/or upstream musl:
    _PC_LINK_MAX 3200 -> 8
    _PC_SYNC_IO -1 -> 1
    _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE -1 -> 4096
    _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE -1 -> 4096
    _PC_SYMLINK_MAX -1 -> 255
  - Added support for wrapping emcc and em++ via ccache: install Emscripten port
    of ccache via emsdk, or from https://github.com/juj/ccache/tree/emscripten,
    and run explicitly with "ccache emcc ..." after installing, or automatically
    just with "emcc ..." after activating ccache via emsdk (#13498).
  - Added support to use a custom set of substitution characters . # and ? to
    ease passing arrays of C symbols on the command line to ASYNCIFY_* settings.
  - In MINIMAL_RUNTIME build mode, errno support will now be disabled by default
    due to the code size that it adds. (MINIMAL_RUNTIME=1 implies SUPPORT_ERRNO=0
    by default) Pass -s SUPPORT_ERRNO=1 to enable errno support if necessary.
  - Using EM_ASM and EM_JS in a side module will now result in an error (since
    this is not implemented yet).  This could effect users were previously
    inadvertently including (but not actually using) EM_ASM or EM_JS functions in
    side modules (#13649).
  - Remove dependency on Uglify by finishing the rewrite of passes to acorn
    (#13636, #13621).
  - Primary development branch switched from master to main.

2.0.15: 03/05/2021

  - Calls to newlocale (and new std::locale in C++) with arbirary names will
    now succeed.  This is the behaviour of musl libc which emscripten had
    previously inadvertently disabled.
  - System libraries are now compiled with debug info (-g).  This doesn't
    affect release builds (builds without -g) but allows DWARF debugging of
    types defined in system libraries such as C++ STL types (#13078).
  - uname machine field is now either wasm32 or wasm64 instead of x86-JS (#13440)
  - Several pthreads exit-related fixes (#12985) (#10524).
  - Fix IDBFS syncing with existing directories (#13574).
  - Add libmodplug port and allow mod files to be played in SDL2 (#13478).
  - emscripten_GetProcAddress is now part of libGL. Normally the change is not
    noticeable, unless you build in STRICT mode and do not already have -lGL
    to link in that library. If not, add -lGL. (#13524)

2.0.14: 02/14/2021

  - Add new setting: REVERSE_DEPS. This can be used to control how emscripten
    decides which reverse dependecies to include.  See settings.js for more
    information.  The default setting ('auto') is the traditional way emscripten
    has worked in the past so there should be no change unless this options is
    actually used.  This option partially replaces the EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS
    environment variable which (among other things) essentially had the effect of
    setting REVERSE_DEPS to be 'all'.
  - Clang now performs loop unrolling when targeting WebAssembly at -O2 and
    higher. It can be disabled using -fno-unroll-loops.

2.0.13: 01/19/2021

  - Remove unused Browser.safeSetInterval and Browser.safeCallback.  These
    had no callers in emscripten itself or any testing.  If there are users of
    these functions we could re-enable them with some testing.
  - Fix race condition when running many emcc processes after clearing the cache.
    The processes would race to run the sanity checks and could interfere with
    each other (#13299).
  - Emscripten now builds a complete sysroot inside the EM_CACHE directory.
    This includes the system headers which get copied into place there rather
    than adding a sequence of extra include directories.
  - Added support for -s MALLOC=emmalloc when -s MAXIMUM_MEMORY is more than 2GB.
  - Add back support for calling the legacy dynCall_sig() API to invoke function
    pointers to wasm functions from JavaScript. Pass -s DYNCALLS=1
    to include that functionality in the build. This fixes a regression that
    started in Aug 31st 2020 (Emscripten 2.0.2) in #12059. Also implement
    support for dynCall() in MINIMAL_RUNTIME builds. (#13296)
  - SDL2_ttf now uses upstream compiled with TTF_USE_HARFBUZ flag.
  - The system for linking native libraries on demand (based on the symbols
    present in input object files) has been removed.  Libraries such as libgl,
    libal, and libhtml5 are now included on the link line by default unless
    -s AUTO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES=0 is used.  This should not effect most builds
    in any way since wasm-ld ignores unreferenced library files.  Only users
    of the --whole-archive linker flag (which is used when MAIN_MODULE=1 is
    set) should be effected.

2.0.12: 01/09/2021

  - emscripten/vr.h and other remnants of WebVR support removed. (#13210, which
    is a followup to #10460)
  - Stop overriding CMake default flags based on build type. This will
    result in builds that are more like CMake does on other platforms. You
    may notice that RelWithDebInfo will now include debug info (it did not
    before, which appears to have been an error), and that Release will
    use -O3 instead of -O2 (which is a better choice anyhow). (#13083)

2.0.11: 12/17/2020

  - emcc -v no longer forces the running the sanity checks.  Sanity checks
    are always run on first use or can be forced with --check or by setting
    EMCC_DEBUG is set in the environment.
  - An upstream LLVM regression with global initializer linking has been fixed
  - Remove a racy unneeded assertion about async dynamic linking (#13060).

2.0.10: 12/04/2020

  - Fix handling of exit() in pthreads. (#12933)
  - Added support for C11 thread API. (#9243)
  - The WebAssembly memory used by emscripten programs is now, by default, created
    in the wasm file and exported to JavaScript.  Previously we could create the
    memory in JavaScript and import it into the wasm file.  The new
    IMPORTED_MEMORY setting can be used to revert to the old behaviour.
    Breaking change: This new setting is required if you provide a runtime
    value for wasmMemory or INITIAL_MEMORY on the Module object.
  - Internally, emscripten now uses the --sysroot argument to point clang at
    it headers.  This should not effect most projects but has a minor effect the
    order of the system include paths: The root include path
    (<emscritpen_root>/system/include) is now always last in the include path.
  - Fix JS pthreads proxying + WASM_BIGINT (#12935)
  - Optimize makeDynCall to use dynCall_xx function directly where needed (#12741)

2.0.9: 11/16/2020

  - dlopen, in conformace with the spec, now checks that one of either RTDL_LAZY
    or RTDL_NOW flags ar set.  Previously, it was possible set nether of these
    without generating an error.
  - Allow -lSDL2_mixer to just work. (Others like -lSDL2 always worked, but
    for SDL2_mixer things were broken because we build multiple variations of
    that library.) That link flag is now the same as -s USE_SDL2_MIXER=2.
  - Stack state is no longer stored in JavaScript.  The following variables have
    been replaced with native functions in <emscripten/stack.h>:
      - STACK_BASE
      - STACK_MAX
      - STACKTOP
  - The ABI used for importing symbol by address in dynamic linking (MAIN_MODULE +
    SIDE_MODULE) is now the same as the ABI used by llvm and wasm-ld.  That is,
    symbol addresses are imported from the 'GOT.mem' and 'GOT.func' pseudo
    modules.  As one side effect of this change it is now required that JavaScript
    functions that are imported by address are now required to have a __sig
    specified in the library JavaScript file.
  - MODULARIZE + WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0, that is, modularize mode but with
    async compilation turned off, so that startup is synchronous, now returns the
    Module object from the factory function (as it would not make sense to return
    a Promise without async startup). See #12647
  - Added experimental support for using emscripten as a post link tool.  In this
    case the input to emscripten is a single wasm file (for example the output of
    wasm-ld).  When emcc is run with --post-link it will take a wasm file as
    input that perform all the normal post link steps such as finalizing and
    optimizing the wasm file and generating the JavaScript and/or html that will
    run it.
  - Added emulation support and a build time warning for calling Wasm function
    pointers from JS library files via the old syntax
    {{{ makeDynCall('sig') }}} (ptr, arg1, arg2);
    that was broken on Aug 31st 2020 (Emscripten 2.0.2). A build warning will now
    be emitted if the old signature is used. Convert to using the new signature
    {{{ makeDynCall('sig', 'ptr') }}} (arg1, arg2);

2.0.8: 10/24/2020

  - -s ASSERTIONS=2 now implies -s STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK=2. Previously only
  - Dynamic linking (MAIN_MODULE + SIDE_MODULE) now produces wasm binaries that
    depend on mutable globals.  Specifically the stack pointer global is mutable
    and shared between the modules. This is an ABI change for dynamic linking.
  - emcc now accepts --arg=foo as well as --arg foo.  For example
  - Reject promises returned from the factory function created by using the
    MODULARIZE build option if initialization of the module instance fails
  - emrun: Passing command line flags (arguments that start with -) to the
    program bring run now requires a -- on the command line to signal the
    end of emrun arguments. e.g:
    emrun filename.html -- --arg-for-page
    This is standard behaviour for command line parsing and simplifies the
    emrun logic.

2.0.7: 10/13/2020

  - Don't run Binaryen postprocessing for Emscripten EH/SjLj. This lets us avoid
    running wasm-emscripten-finalize just for C++ exceptions or longjmp. This
    is an ABI change. (#12399)
  - Run SAFE_HEAP on user JS code using a new Acorn pass, increasing the
    coverage of those tests to all JS in the output (#12450).
  - EM_LOG_DEMANGLE is now deprecated.  Function names shown in wasm backtraces
    are never mangled (they are either missing or demangled already) so demangled
    is not possible anymore.
  - In STRICT mode we no longer link in C++ mode by default.  This means if you
    are building a C++ program in STRICT mode you need to link via em++ rather
    than emcc.  This matches the behaviour of gcc and clang.
  - IDBFS now persists files whenever their timestamp changes; previously it acted
    on sync only if the timestamp increased and ignored the file changes otherwise.
  - When -s SUPPORT_LONGJMP=0 is passed to disable longjmp, do not run the LLVM
    wasm backend path that handles longjmp. Before this only affected linking, and
    now the flag gives you the ability to affect codegen at compile time too. This
    is necessary if one does not want any invokes generated for longjmp at all.

2.0.6: 10/02/2020

  - Add new COMPILER_WRAPPER settings (with corresponding EM_COMPILER_WRAPPER
    environment variable.  This replaces the existing EMMAKEN_COMPILER
    environment variable which is deprecated, but still works for the time being.
    The main differences is that EM_COMPILER_WRAPPER only wrapps the configured
    version of clang rather than replacing it.
  - ASAN_SHADOW_SIZE is deprecated. When using AddressSanitizer, the correct
    amount of shadow memory will now be calculated automatically.

2.0.5: 09/28/2020

  - Fix a rare pthreads + exceptions/longjmp race condition (#12056).
  - Add WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance bindings (#12282).
  - Fix a rare pthreads main thread deadlock (that worsened in 2.0.2, but existed
    before). (#12318)
  - The WebAssembly table is now created and exported by the generated wasm
    module rather then constructed by the JS glue code.  This is an implemention
    detail that should not affect most users, but reduces code size. (#12296)
  - Add getentropy in sys/random.h, and use that from libc++'s
    random_device. This is more efficient, see #12240.
  - Fixed ABORT_ON_WASM_EXCEPTIONS to work with the recent dynCall changes where
    functions can be called via the WASM table directly, bypassing WASM exports
  - Add ASYNCIFY_ADVISE to output which functions have been instrumented for
    Asyncify mode, and why they need to be handled. (#12146)

2.0.4: 09/16/2020

  - First release with Bazel support.
  - Stop including malloc and free by default. If you need access to them from
    JS, you must export them manually using
    -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_malloc', ..].
  - Stop running Binaryen optimizations in -O1. This makes -O1 builds a little
    larger but they compile a lot faster, which makes more sense in a "compromise"
    build (in between -O0 and higher optimization levels suitable for release
    builds). (#12178)
  - Add ERROR_ON_WASM_CHANGES_AFTER_LINK option that errors if we need to do
    any work in wasm-emscripten-finalize or wasm-opt after linking. This
    can verify the link is maximally fast and also does no DWARF rewriting.

2.0.3: 09/10/2020

  - Breaking changes to calling Wasm function pointers from JavaScript:
    1.  It is no longer possible to directly call dynCall_sig(funcPtr, param) to
        call a function pointer from JavaScript code. As a result, JavaScript code
        outside all JS libraries (pre-js/post-js/EM_ASM/EM_JS/external JS code) can no
        longer call a function pointer via static signature matching dynCall_sig, but
        must instead use the dynamic binding function
        dynCall(sig, ptr, args);
    This carries a significant performance overhead. The function dynCall is not
    available in -s MINIMAL_RUNTIME=1 builds.
    2. old syntax for calling a Wasm function pointer from a JS library file used
    to be
    {{{ makeDynCall('sig') }}} (ptr, arg1, arg2);

    This syntax will no longer work, and until Emscripten <2.0.9 causes
    a runtime error TypeError: WebAssembly.Table.get(): Argument 0 must be
    convertible to a valid number.
    New syntax for calling Wasm function pointers from JS library files is
    {{{ makeDynCall('sig', 'ptr') }}} (arg1, arg2);

    See PR #12059 for details.

  - The native optimizer and the corresponding config setting
    (EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER) have been removed (it was only relevant to
    asmjs/fastcomp backend).

  - Remove ALLOC_DYNAMIC and deprecate dynamicAlloc. (#12057, which also
    removes the internal DYNAMICTOP_PTR API.)

  - Add ABORT_ON_WASM_EXCEPTIONS which will abort when an unhandled WASM exception
    is encountered. This makes the Emscripten program behave more like a native
    program where the OS would terminate the process and no further code can be
    executed when an unhandled exception (e.g. out-of-bounds memory access) happens.
    Once the program aborts any exported function calls will fail with a "program
    has already aborted" exception to prevent calls into code with a potentially
    corrupted program state.

  - Use __indirect_function_table as the import name for the table, which is
    what LLVM does.

  - Remove BINARYEN_SCRIPTS setting.

  - The default output format is now executable JavaScript.  Previously we would
    default to output objecting files unless, for example, the output name ended
    in .js.  This is contrary to behaviour of clang and gcc.  Now emscripten
    will always produce and executable unless the -c, -r or -shared flags
    are given.  This is true even when the name of the output file ends in .o.
    e.g, emcc foo.c -o foo.o will produce a JavaScript file called foo.o.
    This might surprise some users (although it matches the behavior of existing
    toolchains) so we now produce a warning in this case.

2.0.2: 09/02/2020

  - Simplify Fetch C API error handling: we used to check if the error code was
    0 and switch that to 404, but that only really helps file:// URLs, which
    are not very useful for testing anyhow for other reasons (like not working
    in chrome), and it made things more complex. The behavior has been changed
    to be simpler and just leave the browser's error code as it is.
  - Enable --no-heap-copy file packager option by default, and remove the old
    default behavior entirely. That is the behavior we should have had from the
    beginning as it is more memory-efficient. (#12027)
  - --no-entry is now required in STANDALONE_WASM mode when building a reactor
    (application without a main function).  Previously exporting a list of
    functions that didn't include _main would imply this.  Now the list of
    EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS is not relevant in the deciding the type of application
    to build. (#12020)
  - Allow polymorphic types to be used without RTTI when using embind. (#10914)
  - Do not remove __original_main using --inline-main. We used to do this
    so that it didn't show up in stack traces (which could be confusing because
    it is added by the linker - it's not in the source code). But this has had
    several downsides, so we are stopping that now. This does not affect program
    behavior, unless you look at the wasm internals. However, one noticeable
    effect is that if you use ASYNCIFY_ADD or ASYNCIFY_ONLY then you may need
    to add __original_main to there (since you are doing manual fine-tuning of
    the list of functions, which depends on the wasm's internals). Note that this
    should not matter in -O2+ anyhow as normal inlining generally removes
    __original_main. (#11995)

2.0.1: 08/21/2020

  - Change the default value of STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK in builds with ASSERTIONS
    from 2 to 1. This means that plain debug builds (-O0, which enables
    ASSERTIONS) do not have the most expensive stack checks on by default. You
    can still add them with -s STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK=2.
  - Remove the RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS setting, which is no longer needed as
    we have ALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH. The old option allowed a fixed number of
    functions to be added to the table, while the new one allows an unlimited
    number. (We needed the old option for fastcomp, which could not support
    growth.) The old setting is mapped to the new one, so that building with
    -s RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=K for any K > 0 will simply turn on
    table growth. The only noticeable effect of this is that you will be able to
    add an unlimited amount of functions and not just K.

2.0.0: 08/10/2020

  - First release that only supports the new upstream wasm backend (which has been
    the default for a long time) and no longer supports the old fastcomp backend.
  - Python2 is no longer supported by Emscripten.  Emsdk now includes a bundled
    copy of Python3 on both macOS and Windows.  This means that only non-emsdk
    users and linux users should be affected by this change.
  - Store exceptions metadata in wasm memory instead of JS. This makes exception
    handling almost 100% thread-safe. (#11518)

1.40.1: 08/01/2020

  - Last release that still has optional support for the old fastcomp backend.
    The new upstream backend, which has been the default for a long time, will
    be the only one supported from 2.0.0 and onward (#11319).
  - Fix the WebGL2 regression in 1.40.0 due to #11738 (#11780).
  - If input files don't have a known extension assume they are object files
    (linker inputs) rather then source files.  This matches gcc/clang behaviour.
    See #10560.

1.40.0: 07/30/2020

  - This release contains a WebGL2 regression due to #11738.
  - The EM_CONFIG environment variable and --em-config command line option no
    longer support a literal python string. Instead the name of a config file is
    required. Since all config file settings are individually override-able using
    EM_FOO this should be enough.
  - Running emscripten under python2 is now deprecated.  It will show up as a
    warning (which can be disabled with -Wno-deprecated).  Please update to
    python3 as we hope to remove support completely in the next releaase.

1.39.20: 07/20/2020

  - Remove the --save-bc command line option.  This was specific to fastcomp,
    which is deprecated, and for debugging purposes we already have EMCC_DEBUG
    which saves all intermediate files.
  - It is now an error if a function listed in the EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS list is
    missing from the build (can be disabled via -Wno-undefined)
    to these symbols which are explicly exported).
  - Support for pthreads with wasm2js (WASM=0; #11505).
  - Rename emscripten/math.h to emscripten/em_math.h because if a user adds
    emscripten/ as an include path with -I, that can override libc math.h,
    which leads to very confusing errors.

1.39.19: 07/07/2020

  - In standalone mode make main mandatory by default (#11536). To build a
    library ("reactor"), use --no-entry. The compiler will suggest that if
    main is not present.
  - Automatically resume AudioContexts on user input in SDL and OpenAL (#10843).
  - Asyncify now does liveness analysis to find which locals to save
  - Settings on the command line no longer require a space between the -s and
    the name of the setting.   For example, -sEXPORT_ALL is now equivalent to
    -s EXPORT_ALL.
    functionality is unchanged, and the old name will be allowed as an alias
    for a few releases to give users time to migrate.
  - Add support for the new add-list in Asyncify and update existing list names
    following the updates in Binaryen, so that now we have ASYNCIFY_ADD to
    add a function, ASYNCIFY_REMOVE to remove one (previously this was
    called ASYNCIFY_BLACKLIST), and ASYNCIFY_ONLY to set a list of the
    only functions to instrument and no others (previously this was called
    ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST). The updated lists also handle indirect calls properly,
    so that if you use ASYNCIFY_IGNORE_INDIRECT and then add (using either the
    add-list or the only-list) all the functions that are on the stack when
    pausing, then things will work (for more, see

1.39.18: 06/12/2020

  - Disable LIBCXX_ABI_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION which is an ABI change in libc++
    (changing the layout of the std::function object) (#11403).
  - New WASM2C option that integrates with wabt's wasm2c tool in order to
    compile everything into a single C file (#11213).

1.39.17: 06/05/2020

  - Use Promise polyfill for MODULARIZE when supporting legacy browsers. (#11320)
  - Fix minification of wasm2js output when using --emit-symbol-map. (#11279)
  - On first use, emscripten creates a sample config file.  This config file
    is now created in the emscripten directory by default.  The traditional
    ~/.emscripten config file in the $HOME directory is still supported and
    the sample config will still be written there in the case that the emscripten
    root is read-only.
  - The default location for downloaded ports is now a directory called "ports"
    within the cache directory.  In practice these means by default they live
    in cache/ports inside the emscripten source directory.  This can be
    controlled by setting the location of the cache directory, or for even more
    fine grained control the EM_PORTS environment variable and the PORTS
    config setting can be used.
  - Added support for compiling SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE 4.2 and
    128-bit wide AVX intrinsics, emulated on top of Wasm SIMD instruction set.
    (#11193, #11243, #11290, #11327). Pass -msimd128 -msse to enable
    targeting SSE.
  - Removed obsolete SIMD.js support (-s SIMD=1). Use -msimd128 to target Wasm
    SIMD. (#11180)
  - Add warning about fastcomp deprecation (can be disabled via -Wno-fastcomp).
  - The mmap method of JavaScript filesystem drivers (based on library_fs.js) no
    longer takes a target memory.  It's safer/cleaner/smaller to assume the target
    is the global memory buffer.
  - Remove emterpreter and EMTERPRETIFY settings.  Emterpreter has largely
    been replaced by asyncify and is fastcomp only so due for removing in
    the near future anyway.
  - Upgrade various musl string functions to 1.2 to fix aliasing issues. (#11215)

1.39.16: 05/15/2020

  - Add Math C API for direct access to JavaScript Math object (#11151).

  - Address Sanitizer support now includes JavaScript as well, that is, memory
    access of HEAP* arrays is checked by ASan. That allows errors to be found if
    JS glue code does something wrong like forget to shift a pointer. To use this,
    just build with ASan normally, -fsanitize=address at link (#11147).

  - Fix embind string conversions in multithreaded builds (#10844).

  - ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH used to silently disable ABORTING_MALLOC. It now
    just changes the default, which means you can pass -s ABORTING_MALLOC=1 to
    override the default, which was not possible before. (If you pass the flag
    and don't want that behavior, stop passing the flag.) (#11131)

  - Change the factory function created by using the MODULARIZE build option to
    return a Promise instead of the module instance. That is, beforehand

    would return an instance (which was perhaps not ready yet if startup was
    async). In the new model, that returns a Promise which you can do .then or
    await on to get notified when the instance is ready, and the callback
    receives the instance. Note that both before and after this change
    doing Module() creates and runs an instance, so the only change is
    the return value from that call.
    This fixes some long-standing bugs with that option which have been reported
    multiple times, but is a breaking change - sorry about that. To reduce the
    risk of confusing breakage, in a build with ASSERTIONS we will show a clear
    warning on common errors. For more, see detailed examples for the current
    usage in src/settings.js on MODULARIZE. (#10697)

  - A new PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE option allows printf to print long doubles at full
    float128 precision. (#11130)

  - emscripten_async_queue_on_thread has been renamed to
    emscripten_dispatch_to_thread which no longer implies that it is async -
    the operation is in fact only async if it is sent to another thread, while it
    is sync if on the same one. A new emscripten_dispatch_to_thread_async
    function is added which is always async.

  - The emscripten cache now lives in a directory called cache at the root
    of the emscripten tree by default.  The CACHE config setting and the
    EM_CACHE environment variable can be used to override this (#11126).

  - Honor CACHE setting in config file as an alternative to EM_CACHE
    environment variable.

  - Remove --cache command line arg.  The CACHE config setting and the
    EM_CACHE environment variable can be used to control this.

  - Compiling to a file with no suffix will now generate an executable (JS) rather
    than an object file.  This means simple cases like emcc -o foo foo.c do the
    expected thing and generate an executable.

  - System libraries such as libc and libc++ are now included by default at
    link time rather than selectively included based on the symbols used in the
    input object files.  For small programs that don't use any system libraries
    this might result in slightly slower link times with the old fastcomp
    backend.  In order to exclude these libraries build with -nostdlib and/or

1.39.15: 05/06/2020

  - Add --extern-pre-js and --extern-post-js emcc flags. Files provided there
    are prepended/appended to the final JavaScript output, after all other
    work has been done, including optimization, optional MODULARIZE-ation,
    instrumentation like SAFE_HEAP, etc. They are the same as prepending/
    appending those files after emcc finishes running, and are just a convenient
    way to do that. (For comparison, --pre-js and --post-js optimize that code
    together with everything else, keep it in the same scope if running
    MODULARIZE, etc.).
  - Stop defining FE_INEXACT and other floating point exception macros in libc,
    since we don't support them. That also prevents musl from including code using
    pragmas that don't make sense for wasm. Ifdef out other uses of those pragmas
    as well, as tip of tree LLVM now fails to compile them on wasm. (#11087)
  - Update libcxx and libcxxabi to LLVM 10 release branch (#11038).
  - Remove BINARYEN_PASSES setting (#11057). We still have
    BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES (the removed setting completely overrides the set
    of passes from the command line, which doesn't make much sense as some of
    them are mandatory like setting the sbrk ptr).
  - Remove MODULARIZE_INSTANCE build option (#11037). This was a seldom used
    option that was complicating the logic for MODULARIZE. Module instances can
    be created by using MODULARIZE and calling the factory function explicitly.
    See the new --extern-post-js option added in this release, which can help
    code that used MODULARIZE_INSTANCE (you can add an extern post js which
    does Module = Module(); for example).

1.39.14: 05/01/2020

  - Update SDL2 to latest in ports, which has recently been updated to include
    upstream 2.0.10.
  - Add warning on use of EMTERPRETIFY which is soon to be removed.
  - Emscripten can now compile assembly files in llvm's .s/.S file format.
  - Remove test-only environment variable handling for EMCC_LEAVE_INPUTS_RAW.
    The two uses cases in our test code were covered by the -nostdlib option.
  - Remove untested CONFIGURE_CC.  This could be used to override the underlying
    compiler used in emcc/em++ but only during configure tests.  There are other
    ways to control/fake the detected configure features that don't require such
    monkey patching. For example setting defaults via a site file:
  - Remove undocumented and untested config settings: COMPILER_OPTS.  This was
    a global setting in the emscripten config file that would inject extra
    compiler options.
  - Allow spaces in a path to Python interpreter when running emscripten from Unix
    shell (#11005).
  - Support atexit() in standalone mode (#10995). This also fixes stdio stream
    flushing on exit in that mode.

v1.39.13: 04/17/2020

  - Support for WebAssembly BigInt integration with a new WASM_BIGINT flag. With
    that the VM will use a JS BigInt for a wasm i64, avoiding the need for JS
    legalization. See #10860.
  - Add another value for ENVIRONMENT named 'webview' - it is a companion
    option for 'web' and enables some additional compatibility checks
    so that generated code works both in normal web and in a webview like Cordova.
    See #10846

v1.39.12: 04/09/2020

  - Pass linker flags directly to wasm-ld by default.  We still filter out certain
    flags explicitly.  If there are other flags that it would be useful for us
    to ignore we can add them to the list of ignored flags.
  - Optionally support 2GB+ heap sizes. To do this we make the JS code have unsigned
    pointers (we need all 32 bits in them now), which can slightly increase code
    size (>>> instead of >>). This only happens when the heap size may be over
    2GB, which you must opt into explicitly, by setting MAXIMUM_MEMORY to a
    higher value (i.e. by default you do not get support for 2GB+ heaps).
    See #10601
  - --llvm-lto flag is now ignored when using the upstream llvm backend.
    With the upstream backend LTO is controlled via -flto.
  - Require format string for emscripten_log.
  - Program entry points without extensions are now shell scripts rather than
    python programs. See #10729.  This means that python emcc no longer works.
    However emcc, emcc.py and python emcc.py all continue to work.
    The reason for this change is that #!/usr/bin/env python is no longer
    portable since the python symlink was dropped from Ubuntu 20.04.
  - New EM_IMPORT macro to mark C/C++ symbols as imported from outside the module
    (i.e. imported from JS).  Currently we still default to assuming that all
    undefined symbols can come from JS, but in the future we hope to mark such
    symbols explicitly to allow the linker to report on genuinely undefined
  - Dynamic linking optimizations: Stop emitting unnecessary fp$ and g$
    accessors in main modules, possible in Binaryen thanks to ensuring function
    table indexes are unique (#10741).
  - New JS_MATH option to use Math.* in JS instead of compiled musl (#10821).
  - Pass Module to Module callback functions like Module.preRun (#10777).
  - Support not having ports, for packagers of emscripten that don't want
    them (#10810).
  - Rename syscalls to have meaningful names (#10750).

v1.39.11: 03/20/2020

  - The default c++ version is no longer fixed at c++03.  We now fall back to
    clang's default which is currently c++14.
  - Remove arc4random function form library.js.  This is a BSD-only library
    function.  Anyone requiring BSD compat should be able to use something like
  - Change the meaning of ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS: it now contains only new imports
    you add, and does not need to contain the list of default system imports like
    emscripten_sleep. There is no harm in providing them, though, so this
    is not a breaking change.
  - Enable DWARF support: When compiling with -g, normal DWARF emitting happens,
    and when linking with -g we preserve that and update it. This is a change
    from before, where we assumed DWARF was unneeded and did not emit it, so this
    can increase the size of debug builds (i.e. builds compiling and/or linking
    with -g). This change is necessary for full debugging support, that is, to
    be able to build with -g and use a debugger. Before this change only the
    -gforce_dwarf flag enabled DWARF; that flag is now removed. If you want
    the old behavior, build your object files with -gline-tables-only (that will
    only add line table info, which is just enough for things like source maps and
    does not include full debug info). For more info and background see #10325.
  - Remove hacks from memset handling, in particular, in the wasm backend,
    completely remove the JS version of memset from the JS library and from
    DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE. The regular C version will be linked in
    from compiler_rt normally. A noticeable difference you may see is that
    a JS library cannot add a __dep to memset - deps only work for JS
    library functions, but now we only have the regular C version. If you hit that
    issue, just add _memset to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS (or adjust
  - Minimal runtime code size optimizations, see #10725, #10724, #10663.
  - wasm2js fix for a long-existing but very rare correctness bug, see #10682.
  - Use atomics in musl lock/unlock in pthreads builds, which may fix very rare
    pthreads + stdio issues (none have been reported though). See #10670.

v1.39.10: 03/09/2020

  - Fix a SIMD regression in 1.39.9 (#10658).
  - Fix emscripten_atomic_exchange_u8,16,32,64 (#10657).
  - Switch bzip2 to an emscripten-ports mirror.

v1.39.9: 03/05/2020

  - Add support for -Wall, -Werror, -w, -Wno-error=, -Werror=, for controlling
    internal emscripten errors. The behavior of these flags matches the gcc/clang
    which are more accurate and match wasm conventions. The old names are still
    supported as aliases.
  - Updated of libc++abi and libc++ to llvm 9.0.0 (#10510)
  - Refactor syscall interface: Syscalls are no longer variadic (except those
    that are inherently such as open) and no longer take the syscall number as
    arg0.  This should be invisible to most users but will effect any external
    projects that try to implement/emulate the emscripten syscall interface.
    See #10474
  - Removed src/library_vr.js, as it was outdated and nonfunctional, and the WebVR
    specification has been obsoleted in favor of the upcoming WebXR specification.
  - Deprecate WASM_OBJECT_FILES setting.  There are many standard ways to enable
    bitcode objects (-flto, -flto=full, -flto=thin, -emit-llvm).
  - Removed EmscriptenWebGLContextAttributes::preferLowPowerToHighPerformance
    option that has become unsupported by WebGL. Access
    EmscriptenWebGLContextAttributes::powerPreference instead. (#10505)
  - When implementing forwarding function aliases in JS libraries, either the
    alias or the target function must contain a signature annotation. (#10550)
  - Add a check in Asyncify builds with ASSERTIONS that we do not have
    compiled code on the stack when starting to rewind, which is dangerous.
  - Implement libc system() for node.js (#10547).
  - Standalone mode improvements, time (#10530, #10536), sysconf (#10535),
    getpagesize (#10533), _Exit (#10534)
  - Fix many closure compiler warnings (e.g. #10525).
  - Avoid unnecessary syscall proxying (#10511).
  - Added new link time command line option -jsDfoo=val to allow specifying
    custom preprocessor options to JS library files. (#10624, #10580)

v1.39.8: 02/14/2020

  - Add LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED option that should allow for more detailed
    diagnostics when symbols are undefined at link time.  This currently has
    some limitations and is not enabled by default. For example, EM_JS symbols
    are reported as undefined at link time, as are __invoke_* functions.
  - wasm2js optimizations. See binaryen#2623.
  - WebGPU Compute fixes. Simple examples now work. See #10367.
  - Many DWARF debug info fixes. Emitting of DWARF is correct as far as we know,
    including when optimizing (a few passes are disabled for now, but almost all
    work). We still only generate it behind the -gforce_dwarf flag for now,
    though (but that should be removed soon).

v1.39.7: 02/03/2020

  - The checked-in copy of the Closure compiler was removed in favor of getting it
    from npm.  This means that developers now need to run npm install after
    checking out emscripten if they want to use closure (--closure).  emsdk users
    are not effected because emsdk runs this as a post install step (#9989).
  - Added support for specifying JSDoc minification annotations for Closure in
    JS library, pre and post files. See
  - Add new Fibers API for context switching, that supersedes the old coroutine
    API that only ran on fastcomp. See #9859
  - Added new linker option -s WASM=2 which produces a dual Wasm+JS build, which
    falls back to using a JavaScript version if WebAssembly is not supported in
    target browser/shell. (#10118)
  - Added new linker option -s CLOSURE_WARNINGS=quiet|warn|error that allows aborting
    the build if the Closure compiler produced any warnings.

v1.39.6: 01/15/2020

  - Development has switched from the "incoming" branch to "master".
  - Added new system header <emscripten/heap.h>, which enables querying information
    about the current WebAssembly heap state.
  - Reduced default geometric memory overgrowth rate from a very generous 2x factor
    to a more memory conserving +20% factor, and capped maximum reservation to 96MB
    at most.
    to allow customizing the heap growth rates.
    (default enabled) to allow disabling support for deferred fullscreen mode and
    pointer lock requests for applications that do not need deferring support.

v1.39.5: 12/20/2019

  - Added support for streaming Wasm compilation in MINIMAL_RUNTIME (off by default)
  - All ports now install their headers into a shared directory under
    EM_CACHE.  This should not really be a user visible change although one
    side effect is that once a given port is built, its headers are then
    universally accessible, just like the library is universally available as
  - Removed timestamp field from mouse, wheel, devicemotion and
    deviceorientation events. The presence of a timestamp on these events was
    slightly arbitrary, and populating this field caused a small profileable
    overhead that all users might not care about. It is easy to get a timestamp of
    an event by calling emscripten_get_now() or emscripten_performance_now()
    inside the event handler function of any event.
  - Add fine-grained options for specific legacy browser support,
    option sets all of them to 0, that is, maximal backwards compatibility.
    Note that going forward, we will use these settings in more places, so if
    you do need very old legacy browser support, you may need to set either
    LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or the fine-grained options. For more details see #9937
    With this change the old deprecated HTML5 API event target lookup behavior is
    disabled. There is no "Module.canvas" object, no magic "null" default handling,
    and DOM element 'target' parameters are taken to refer to CSS selectors, instead
    of referring to DOM IDs. For more information see:
  - WASI API updated from wasi_unstable to wasi_snapshot_preview1. This
    is mostly an implementation detail, but if you use STANDALONE_WASM it means
    that the output of emscripten now requires a runtime with
    wasi_snapshot_preview1 support.
  - SAFE_STACK has been removed, as it overlaps with STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK.
    Replace SAFE_STACK=1 with STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK=2 (note the value is 2).
    This also has the effect of enabling stack checking on upstream builds when
    ASSERTIONS are enabled (as assertions enable STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK=2).

v1.39.4: 12/03/2019

  - Remove deprecated requestFullScreen method from library_browser.js, please
    use requestFullscreen (without the capital S).
  - Remove deprecated requestFullScreen and cancelFullScreen from library_glut.js
  - Remove deprecated requestFullScreen and cancelFullScreenfrom library_glfw.js
  - Fix SDL2_mixer support for ogg vorbis. See #9849
  - Various source maps fixes, see #9926 #9882 #9837 #9814

v1.39.3: 11/14/2019

v1.39.2: 11/06/2019

  - Archives with missing indexes will now have ranlib run on them automatically
    at link time.  This avoids linker errors when using GNU ar to build archive
  - ERROR_ON_MISSING_LIBRARIES now also applies to internal symbols that start
    with emscripten_.  Prior to this change such missing symbols would result
    in a runtime error, now they are reported at compile time.
  - Pthread blocking on the main thread will now warn in the console. If
    ALLOW_BLOCKING_ON_MAIN_THREAD is unset then the warning is an error.
  - Add pthread_tryjoin_np, which is a POSIX API similar to pthread_join
    but without blocking.
  - New function emscripten_has_asyncify().
  - Add support for pthreads in Node.js, using Node Workers. See #9745

v1.39.1: 10/30/2019

  - Only MEMFS is included by default, others (NODEFS, IDBFS, WORKERFS, PROXYFS)
    must be linked in explicitly, using -lnodefs.js, -lidbfs.js',
    -lworkerfs.js, -lproxyfs.js. See #9645

v1.39.0: 10/18/2019

  - The emsdk defaults to the upstream backend (instead of fastcomp) from this
    release onward (but both backends are still fully supported). See
  - Add support for overriding .emscripten config variables using environment
    variables.  Any config variable FOO can be overridden by EM_FOO in the
  - -Werror now also turns warnings in the python driver code into errors.
  - Internal settings have moved from settings.js to settings_internal.js.
    These are settings that are for internal use only and are not set-able from
    the command line.  If we misclassified any of these please open a bug.
  - STANDALONE_WASM mode now supports setting up argv via wasi APIs.
  - STANDALONE_WASM mode now supports running static constructors in _start.

v1.38.48: 10/11/2019

  - Add support for MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM in wasm backend. #9560
  - Add ability to disable FETCH worker in Fastcomp backend via
    USE_FETCH_WORKER=0.  This is useful for people who use FETCH, but don't
    perform any synchronous fetches on the main thread. #9567
  - Remove EMCONFIGURE_JS. Since #6269 we have set it to "2" which means never
    use native, always use JS.

v1.38.47: 10/02/2019

  - Add support for FETCH API in WASM backend. This doesn't support FETCH in the
    main thread (USE_FETCH_WORKER=0 is enforced). #9490
  - Redefine errno values to be consistent with wasi. This will let us avoid
    needing to convert the values back and forth as we use more wasi APIs.
    This is an ABI change, which should not be noticeable from user code
    unless you use errno defines (like EAGAIN) and keep around binaries
    compiled with an older version that you link against. In that case, you
    should rebuild them. See #9545.
  - Removed build option -s ONLY_MY_CODE as we now have much better solutions
    for that, like building to a wasm object file or using STANDALONE_WASM
    etc. (see
  - Emscripten now supports the config file (.emscripten) being placed in the
    emscripten directory rather that the current user's home directory.
    See #9543

v1.38.46: 09/25/2019

  - Rename libpthreads to libpthread to match its normal name on other platforms.
    This change should be completely internal to emscripten.
  - Remove redundant COMPILER_ENGINE and JS_ENGINE options.  We only support
    node as the compiler engine so just use a single NODE_JS option for that.
  - Module.abort is no longer exported by default. It can be exported in the normal
    way using EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS, and as with other such changes in
    the past, forgetting to export it will show a clear error in ASSERTIONS mode.
  - Remove EMITTING_JS flag, and replace it with STANDALONE_WASM. That flag indicates
    that we want the wasm to be as standalone as possible. We may still emit JS in
    that case, but the JS would just be a convenient way to run the wasm on the Web
    or in Node.js.
  - ASYNCIFY_BLACKLIST and ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST now support simple '*' wildcard matching

v1.38.45: 09/12/2019

v1.38.44: 09/11/2019

  - Remove Binaryen from the ports system. This means that emscripten will
    no longer automatically build Binaryen from source. Instead, either use
    the emsdk (binaries are provided automatically, just like for LLVM), or
    build it yourself and point BINARYEN_ROOT in .emscripten to it. See #9409

v1.38.43: 08/30/2019

  - noExitRuntime is no longer a property on the Module object. Use noExitRuntime
    instead of Module.noExitRuntime.

v1.38.42: 08/19/2019

  - Add support for address sanitizer
    and standalone leak sanitizer
    with multiple threads. (#9060, #9076)
  - Remove ERROR_ON_MISSING_LIBRARIES setting (it's always on now)
  - Remove the ability to use Python operators in flags that support KB/MB/GB/TB
    suffixes, e.g. TOTAL_MEMORY. This means that -s TOTAL_MEMORY=1024*1024
    will no longer work. This is done because the mechanism may result in
    execution of arbitrary code via command line flags.

v1.38.41: 08/07/2019

  - Remove fastcomp's implementation of Asyncify. This has been deprecated for
    a long time, since we added Emterpreter-Async, and now we have a new Asyncify
    implementation in the upstream wasm backend. It is recommended to upgrade to
    the upstream backend and use Asyncify there if you need it. (If you do still
    need the older version, you can use 1.38.40.)
  - Drop ExitStatus from inheriting from Error(), as that could capture the whole
    global scope, preventing temporary variables at page startup from being garbage
    collected. (#9108)
  - __builtin_return_address now requires -s USE_OFFSET_CONVERTER=1 to work. (#9073)
  - emrun now uses HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/1.0.
  - callMain is no longer exported by default on Module, to allow better JS
    minification. You must add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS if you want
    to call it on Module. (In assertions builds, an error with an explanation is
  - Allow expressions with side effects as EM_ASM's arguments and prohibit
    non-arithmetic arguments (e.g. pointers, functions, arrays, objects). (#9054)
  - emcc on Windows now uses native newline byte sequence to get a line to
    print for parse error reporting. (#9088)
  - Internal API update: one can now specialize embind's (un)marshalling for a
    group of types via SFINAE, instead of a single type. (#9089)
  - Options passed on the Module object during startup, like Module.arguments,
    are now copied to a local (in order to avoid writing Module.* everywhere,
    which wastes space). You can still provide them as always, but you can't
    modify Module.arguments and other things after startup (which is now
    after we've finished processing them). In a build with assertions enabled you
    will get an error if you access those properties after startup. (#9072)

v1.38.40: 07/24/2019

  - LLVM backend pthread builds no longer use external memory initialization
    files, replacing them with passive data segments.
  - LLVM backend now supports thread local storage via the C extension __thread
    and the C11/C++11 keyword thread_local. (#8976)
  - Internal API change: Move read, readAsync, readBinary, setWindowTitle from
    the Module object to normal JS variables. If you use those internal APIs,
    you must change Module.readAsync()/Module['readAsync']() to readAsync().
    Note that read is also renamed to read_ (since "read" is an API call in
    the SpiderMonkey shell). In builds with ASSERTIONS, an error message is
    shown about the API change. This change allows better JS minification
    (the names read, readAsync etc. can be minified, and if the variables are
    not used they can be removed entirely). Defining these APIs on Module
    (which was never documented or intended, but happened to work) is also
    no longer allowed (but you can override read_ etc. from JS).

v1.38.39: 07/16/2019

  - Add support for address sanitizer. (#8884)
      - Currently, only supports one thread without dynamic linking.
  - Rename Bysyncify (the name used during development) to Asyncify. This keeps
    the name consistent with the old ASYNCIFY flag, no need for a new one, as
    they basically do the same thing.

v1.38.38: 07/08/2019

  - Add support for standalone leak sanitizer. (#8711)

v1.38.37: 06/26/2019

  - Set ENV['LANG'] following the user's preferred language (HTTP Accept-Language / navigator.languages[0])
  - emscripten_run_script_string now returns C NULL instead of the string null
    or undefined when the result of the eval is JavaScript null or undefined.
  - Add a new system for managing system libraries. (#8780)
    This may require minor changes when performing certain operations:
      - When using embuilder.py to build a specific library, the name may have
        changed: for consistency, all library names are prefixed with lib now.
      - embuilder.py now only builds the requested library, and not its dependencies
        and certain system libraries that are always built. For example, running
        embuilder.py build libc no longer builds libcompiler_rt if it hasn't be built.
      - When using EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS with a list of libraries, you must now use
        the simplified names, for example, libmalloc and libpthreads instead of
        libdlmalloc or libpthreads_stub. These names will link in the correct
        version of the library: if the build is configured to use emmalloc, libmalloc
        will mean libemmalloc, and if thread support is disabled, libpthreads will
        mean libpthreads_stub. This allows you to say libmalloc or libpthreads without
        worrying about which implementation is supposed to be used, and avoid duplicate
        symbols if you used the wrong implementation.
  - LLVM wasm backend pthreads fixes, see #8811, #8718

v1.38.36: 06/15/2019

v1.38.35: 06/13/2019

  - Include some waterfall fixes
    for the emsdk builds on linux regarding libtinfo.
  - NOTE: due to a CI failure, builds for mac and windows were not generated.

v1.38.34: 06/01/2019

  - Add support for undefined behavior sanitizer.
      - This allows emcc -fsanitize=undefined to work. (#8651)
      - The minimal runtime (-fsanitize-minimal-runtime) also works. (#8617)

v1.38.33: 05/23/2019

  - First release to use the new chromium build infrastructure
  - Add emscripten_return_address which implements the functionality of
    gcc/clang's __builtin_return_address. (#8617)

v1.38.32: SKIPPED

  - The transition from the old to the new CI occurred around here. To avoid
    ambiguity while both CIs were still generating builds, we just tagged a new
    one (1.38.33) on the new CI and skipped 1.38.32.
  - The transition also moves all builds and downloads away from the old
    mozilla-games infrastructure to the new chromium ones. As a result all links
    to mozilla-games URLs will not work (these were never documented, but could
    be seen from the internals of the emsdk; the new emsdk uses the proper new
    URLs, so you can either use the sdk normally or find the URLs from there).

v1.38.31: 04/24/2019

  - Change ino_t/off_t to 64-bits. (#8467)
  - Add port for bzip2 library (libbz2.a). (#8349)
  - Add port for libjpeg library. (#8361)
  - Enable ERROR_ON_MISSING_LIBRARIES by default (#8461)

v1.38.30: 03/21/2019

  - Remove Module.buffer which was exported by default unnecessarily. This was an
    undocumented internal detail, but in theory, code may have relied on it.

v1.38.29: 03/11/2019

v1.38.28: 02/22/2019

  - Option -s EMTERPRETIFY_WHITELIST now accepts shell-style wildcards;
    this allows matching static functions with conflicting names that
    the linker distinguishes by appending a random suffix.
  - Normalize mouse wheel delta in library_browser.js. This changes the scroll
    amount in SDL, GLFW, and GLUT. (#7968)

v1.38.27: 02/10/2019

  - Change how EMCC_LOCAL_PORTS works, to be more usable. See #7963
  - Remove deprecated Pointer_stringify (use UTF8ToString instead). See #8011
    changes the lookup semantics of DOM elements in html5.h event handler
    callbacks and WebGL context creation. The new behavior is to use CSS selector
    strings to look up DOM elements over the old behavior, which was somewhat
    ad hoc constructed rules around default Emscripten uses. The old behavior
    will be deprecated and removed in the future. Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1
    to get diagnostics messages related to this transition.
  - Breaking change with -s USE_PTHREADS=1 + -s FETCH=1: When building with
    -o a.html, the generated worker script is now named "a.fetch.js" according
    to the base name of the specified output, instead of having a fixed name

v1.38.26: 02/04/2019

  - Fix some pthreads proxying deadlocks. See #7865

v1.38.25: 01/18/2019

  - Move kripken/emscripten,emscripten-fastcomp,emscripten-fastcomp-clang to

v1.38.24: 01/17/2019

  - Perform JS static allocations at compile time (#7850)

v1.38.23: 01/10/2019

  - Remove BINARYEN_METHOD: no more support for interpret modes, and if you want
    non-wasm, use WASM=0.
  - Support specifying multiple possible ENVIRONMENTs (#7809)

v1.38.22: 01/08/2019

  - Add Regal port. See #7674
  - System libraries have been renamed to include the lib prefix.  If you use
    EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS or EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS to select system libraries
    you may need to add the lib prefix.
  - Rename pthread-main.js to NAME.worker.js, where NAME is the main
    name of your application, that is, if you emit program.js then you'll get
    program.worker.js (this allows more than one to exist in the same
    directory, etc.).
  - Dynamic linker has been taught to handle library -> library dependencies.

v1.38.21: 11/30/2018

  - fastcomp: Remove runPostSets function and replace with normal static
    constructor function. See #7579

v1.38.20: 11/20/2018

  - Remove SPLIT_MEMORY option.
  - Move getTempRet0/setTempRet0 to be JS library functions rather than
    auto-generated by fastcomp.
  - Change strptime()'s handling of the "%c" to match that of strftime().
    This is a breaking change for code which depends on the old definition of

v1.38.19: 11/15/2018

v1.38.18: 11/08/2018

  - Wasm dynamic linking: Rename tableBase/memoryBase to
    __table_base/__memory_base (#7467)

v1.38.17: 11/07/2018

  - Minify wasm import and export names. This decreases JS and wasm size by
    minifying the identifiers where JS calls into wasm or vice versa, which
    are not minifiable by closure or other JS-only tools. This happens in
    -O3, -Os and above. See #7431

v1.38.16: 11/02/2018

  - Breaking change: Do not automatically set EXPORT_ALL for MAIN_MODULES or
    SIDE_MODULES. This means that you must explicitly export things that will
    be called from outside (normally, on EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS), or
    you can manually enable EXPORT_ALL yourself (which returns to the exact
    same behavior as before). This change brings us in line with more standard
    dynamic linking, and will match what the LLVM wasm backend will have.
    See #7312.
  - Invalid -s flags on the command line are now treated as errors.
  - Remove BUILD_AS_SHARED_LIBRARY setting.

v1.38.15: 10/25/2018

v1.38.14: 10/22/2018

  - Errors are now reported when functions listed in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS are not
    defined. This can be disabled via ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0. See #7311.

v1.38.13: 10/10/2018

  - Support -s NO_X=1 as an alias for -s X=0 and vice versa, which
    simplifies current settings with NO_-prefixed names. See #7151.
  - Various EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTER improvements. See #7108, #7128.
  - ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS is now the default.  See #7196

v1.38.12: 09/03/2018

  - Update SDL2 to 2.0.7. See #7016.
  - Optionally build using native object files (wasm backend only).
    For now this is behind a new option flag: -s WASM_OBJECT_FILES=1.
    See #6875.

v1.38.11: 08/02/2018

  - Support for loading wasm files in the same dir as the JS file, using
    node.js/Web-specific techniques as applicable. See #5368 and followups.
  - Add an API for async side module compilation in wasm. See #6663.
  - Remove builtin Crunch support. See #6827.

v1.38.10: 07/23/2018

  - Change the type of size_t and friends from int to long. This may have
    noticeable effects if you depend on the name mangling of a function that uses
    size_t (like in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS), and you must rebuild source files to
    bitcode (so your bitcode is in sync with the system libraries after they are
    rebuilt with this change). Otherwise this should not have any noticeable
    effects for users. See #5916.

v1.38.9: 07/22/2018

  - Fix Module.locateFile to resolve relative paths to *.wasm, *.mem and other
    files relatively to the main JavaScript file rather than the current working
    directory (see #5368).
      - Add second argument prefix to Module.locateFile function that contains
        the path to the JavaScript file where files are loaded from by default.
      - Remove Module.*PrefixURL APIs (use Module.locateFile instead).

v1.38.8: 07/06/2018

  - Fix a regression in 1.38.7 with binaryen no longer bundling binaryen.js
    (which emscripten doesn't need, that's just for handwritten JS users, but
    emscripten did check for its presence).

v1.38.7: 07/06/2018

  - Correctness fix for stack handling in invoke_*()s. This may add noticeable
    overhead to programs using C++ exceptions and (less likely) setjmp/longjmp -
    please report any issues. See #6666 #6702
  - Deprecate Module.ENVIRONMENT: Now that we have a compile-time option to set
    the environment, also having a runtime one on Module is complexity that we
    are better off without. When Module.ENVIRONMENT is used with ASSERTIONS it
    will show an error to direct users to the new option (-s ENVIRONMENT=web , or
    node, etc., at compile time).
  - Breaking change: Do not export print/printErr by default. Similar to other
    similar changes (like getValue/setValue). We now use out() and err()
    functions in JS to print to stdout/stderr respectively. See #6756.

v1.38.6: 06/13/2018

v1.38.5: 06/04/2018

  - Update libc++ to 6.0, bringing c++17 support (std::byte etc.)

v1.38.4: 05/29/2018

  - Fix asm.js validation regression from 1.38.2.

v1.38.3: 05/25/2018

  - Upgrade to LLVM 6.0.1.

v1.38.2: 05/25/2018

  - Add ENVIRONMENT option to specify at compile time we only need JS to support
    one runtime environment (e.g., just the web). When emitting HTML, set that to
    web so we emit web code only. #6565
  - Regression in asm.js validation due to cttz optimization #6547

v1.38.1: 05/17/2018

  - Remove special-case support for src/struct_info.compiled.json: Make it a
    normal cached thing like system libraries, not something checked into the
    source tree.
  - Breaking change: Emit WebAssembly by default. Only the default is changed -
    we of course still support asm.js, and will for a very long time. But
    changing the default makes sense as the recommended output for most use cases
    should be WebAssembly, given it has shipped in all major browsers and
    platforms and is more efficient than asm.js. Build with -s WASM=0 to
    disable wasm and use asm.js if you want that (or use -s LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT=1, which emits output that can run in older browsers,
    which includes a bunch of polyfills as well as disables wasm). (#6419)

v1.38.0: 05/09/2018

v1.37.40: 05/07/2018

  - Fix regression in 1.37.39 on  -s X=@file  parsing (see #6497, #6436)

v1.37.39: 05/01/2018

  - Regression: Parsing of -s X=@file  broke if the file contains a newline
    (see #6436; fixed in 1.37.40)

v1.37.38: 04/23/2018

  - Breaking change: Simplify exception handling, disabling it by default.
    Previously it was disabled by default in -O1 and above and enabled in -O0,
    which could be confusing. You may notice this change if you need exceptions
    and only run in -O0 (since if you test in -O1 or above, you'd see you need to
    enable exceptions manually), in which case you will receive an error at
    runtime saying that exceptions are disabled by default and that you should
    build with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 to enable them.
  - Fix regression in 1.37.37 on configure scripts on MacOS (see #6456)

v1.37.37: 04/13/2018

  - Regression: configure scripts on MacOS may be broken (see #6456; fixed in 1.37.38)

v1.37.36: 03/13/2018

v1.37.35: 02/23/2018

  - MALLOC option, allowing picking between dlmalloc (previous allocator and
    still the default) and emmalloc, a new allocator which is smaller and
  - Binaryen update that should fix all known determinism bugs.

v1.37.34: 02/16/2018

  - addFunction is now supported on LLVM wasm backend, but when being used on
    the wasm backend, you need to provide an additional second argument, a Wasm
    function signature string. Each character within a signature string
    represents a type. The first character represents the return type of a
    function, and remaining characters are for parameter types.
      - 'v': void type
      - 'i': 32-bit integer type
      - 'j': 64-bit integer type (currently does not exist in JavaScript)
      - 'f': 32-bit float type
      - 'd': 64-bit float type
        For asm.js and asm2wasm you can provide the optional second argument, but it
        isn't needed. For that reason this isn't a breaking change, however,
        providing the second argument is recommended so that code is portable across
        all backends and modes.

v1.37.33: 02/02/2018

v1.37.32: 01/31/2018

v1.37.31: 01/31/2018

  - LLVM and clang updates from upstream (5.0svn, close 5.0 release).

v1.37.30: 01/31/2018

v1.37.29: 01/24/2018

v1.37.28: 01/08/2018

  - Breaking change: Don't export the ALLOC_* numeric constants by default. As
    with previous changes, a warning will be shown in -O0 and when ASSERTIONS
    are on if they are used.
  - Breaking change: Don't export FS methods by default. As with previous
    changes, a warning will be shown in -O0 and when ASSERTIONS are on, which
    will suggest either exporting the specific methods you need, or using
    FORCE_FILESYSTEM which will auto export all the main filesystem methods.
    Aside from using FS methods yourself, you may notice this change when using a
    file package created standalone, that is, by running the file packager
    directly and then loading it at run time (as opposed to telling emcc to
    package the files for you, in which case it would be aware of them at compile
    time); you should build with FORCE_FILESYSTEM to ensure filesystem support
    for that case.

v1.37.27: 12/24/2017

  - Breaking change: Remove the Runtime object, and move all the useful methods
    from it to simple top-level functions. Any usage of Runtime.func should be
    changed to func.

v1.37.26: 12/20/2017

  - Breaking change: Change NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 by default. This means that by
    default we don't include code to shut down the runtime, flush stdio streams,
    run atexits, etc., which is better for code size. When ASSERTIONS is on, we
    warn at runtime if there is text buffered in the streams that should be
    flushed, or atexits are used.
  - Meta-DCE for JS+wasm: remove unused code between JS+wasm more aggressively.
    This should not break valid code, but may break code that depended on unused
    code being kept around (like using a function from outside the emitted JS
    without exporting it - only exported things are guaranteed to be kept alive
    through optimization).

v1.37.24: 12/13/2017

  - Breaking change: Similar to the getValue/setValue change from before (and
    with the same ASSERTIONS warnings to help users), do not export the
    following runtime methods by default: ccall, cwrap, allocate,
    Pointer_stringify, AsciiToString, stringToAscii, UTF8ArrayToString,
    UTF8ToString, stringToUTF8Array, stringToUTF8, lengthBytesUTF8, stackTrace,
    addOnPreRun, addOnInit, addOnPreMain, addOnExit, addOnPostRun,
    intArrayFromString, intArrayToString, writeStringToMemory,
    writeArrayToMemory, writeAsciiToMemory.

v1.37.23: 12/4/2017

  - Breaking change: Do not polyfill Math.{clz32, fround, imul, trunc} by
    default. A new LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT option enables support for legacy
    browsers. In ASSERTIONS mode, a warning is shown if a polyfill was needed,
    suggesting using that option.
  - Breaking change: Do not export getValue/setValue runtime methods by default.
    You can still use them by calling them directly in code optimized with the
    main file (pre-js, post-js, js libraries; if the optimizer sees they are
    used, it preserves them), but if you try to use them on Module then you
    must export them by adding them to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS. In -O0
    or when ASSERTIONS is on, a run-time error message explains that, if they
    are attempted to be used incorrectly.

v1.37.17: 7/25/2017

  - Updated to libc++'s "v2" ABI, which provides better alignment for string data
    and other improvements. This is an ABI-incompatible change, so bitcode files
    from previous versions will not be compatible.

v1.37.13: 5/26/2017

  - Improved Android support for emrun.
  - Duplicate function elimination fixes (#5186)
  - Fix problem with embinding derived classes (#5193)
  - Fix CMake compiler detection when EMCC_SKIP_SANITY_CHECK=1 is used. (#5145)
  - Implemented GLFW Joystick API (#5175)
  - Fixed a bug with emcc --clear-ports command (#5248)
  - Updated Binaryen to version 33.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.12...1.37.13
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.12: 5/1/2017

  - Added emscripten-legalize-javascript-ffi option to LLVM to allow disabling JS FFI mangling
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.11...1.37.12
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.11...1.37.12
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.11: 5/1/2017

  - Added missing SIGSTKSZ define after musl 1.1.15 update (#5149)
  - Fix emscripten_get_mouse_status (#5152)
  - Fix _mm_set_epi64x() function (#5103)
  - Fix issue with number of gamepads connected at initial page load (#5169, #5170)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.10...1.37.11
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.10...1.37.11
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.37.10...1.37.11

v1.37.10: 4/20/2017

  - Added stub for pthread_setcancelstate for singlethreaded runs.
  - Fixed an outlining bug on function returns (#5080)
  - Implemented new parallel test runner architecture (#5074)
  - Added Cocos2D to Emscripten ports. (-s USE_COCOS2D=1)
  - Updated Binaryen to version 32, which migrates Emscripten to use the new
    WebAssembly Names section. This is a forwards and backwards breaking change
    with respect to reading debug symbol names in Wasm callstacks. Use of the new
    Names section format first shipped in Emscripten 1.37.10, Binaryen version
    32, Firefox 55, Firefox Nightly 2017-05-18 and Chrome 59; earlier versions
    still used the old format. For more information, see
    https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/pull/984 and
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.9...1.37.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.9...1.37.10
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.9: 3/23/2017

  - Added new build feature -s GL_PREINITIALIZED_CONTEXT=1 which allows pages to
    manually precreate the GL context they use for customization purposes.
  - Added a custom callback hook Module.instantiateWasm() which allows user shell
    HTML file to manually perform Wasm instantiation for preloading and progress
    bar purposes.
  - Added a custom callback hook Module.getPreloadedPackage() to file preloader
    code to allow user shell HTML file to manually download .data files for
    preloading and progress bar purposes.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.8...1.37.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.8...1.37.9
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.8: 3/17/2017

  - Fixed a bug with robust_list initialization on pthreads build mode.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.7...1.37.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.7: 3/15/2017

  - Updated to LLVM 4.0.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.6...1.37.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.6...1.37.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.37.6...1.37.7

v1.37.6: 3/15/2017

  - Implemented readdir() function for WORKERFS.
  - Fixed bugs with Fetch API (#4995, #5027)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.5...1.37.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.5: 3/13/2017

  - Updated musl to version 1.1.15 from earlier version 1.0.5.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.4...1.37.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.4: 3/13/2017

  - Fixed glGetUniformLocation() to work according to spec with named uniform blocks.
  - Fixed WebAssembly Memory.grow() to work.
  - Switched to 16KB page size from earlier 64KB.
  - Optimize alBufferData() operation.
  - Fixed a resource lookup issue with multiple OpenAL audio contexts.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.3...1.37.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.3: 2/16/2017

  - Updated Binaryen to version 0x01. First official stable WebAssembly support version. (#4953)
  - Optimized memcpy and memset with unrolling and SIMD, when available.
  - Improved Emscripten toolchain profiler to track more hot code.
  - Added new linker flag -s WEBGL2_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_EMULATION=1 to allow
    simultaneously targeting WebGL 1 and WebGL 2.
  - Optimize Emscripten use of multiprocessing pools.
  - More WebGL 2 garbage free optimizations.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.2...1.37.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.2...1.37.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.2: 1/31/2017

  - Fixed a build error with boolean SIMD types.
  - Improved WebAssembly support, update Binaryen to version 22.
  - Update GL, GLES, GLES2 and GLES3 headers to latest upstream Khronos versions.
  - Implement support for new garbage free WebGL 2 API entrypoints which improve
    performance and reduce animation related stuttering.
  - Fixed a bug where -s USE_PTHREADS builds would not have correct heap size if
    -s TOTAL_MEMORY is not being used.
  - Fixed array type issue that prevented glTexImage3D() and glTexSubImage3D()
    from working.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.1...1.37.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.37.1...1.37.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.1: 12/26/2016

  - Implemented new Fetch API for flexible multithreaded XHR and IndexedDB
  - Implemented initial version of new ASMFS filesystem for multithreaded
    filesystem operation.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.37.0...1.37.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.37.0: 12/23/2016

  - Added support for LLVM sin&cos intrinsics.
  - Fix GLFW mouse button mappings (#4317, #4659)
  - Add support for --emit-symbol-map to wasm
  - Fixed handling of an invalid path in chdir (#4749)
  - Added new EMSCRIPTEN_STRICT mode, which can be enabled to opt in to removing
    support for deprecated behavior.
  - Remove references to Web Audio .setVelocity() function, which has been
    removed from the spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.14...1.37.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.14...1.37.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.14: 11/3/2016

  - Added support to emscripten_async_wget() for relative paths.
  - Fixed FS.mkdirTree('/') to work.
  - Updated SDL 2 port to version 12.
  - Added more missing pthreads stubs.
  - Normalize system header includes to use the preferred form #include
    <emscripten/foo.h> to avoid polluting header include namespaces.
  - Fixed a bug where transitioning to fullscreen could cause a stack overflow in GLFW.
  - Added new system CMake option
    libraries should be LLVM bitcode instead of .a files.
  - Improved SIMD support to be more correct to the spec.
  - Updated Binaryen to version 18. (#4674)
  - Fixed dlopen with RTLD_GLOBAL parameter.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.13...1.36.14
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.13: 10/21/2016

  - Pass optimization settings to asm2wasm.
  - Fix to exporting emscripten_builtin_malloc() and emscripten_builtin_free()
    when heap is split to multiple parts.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.12...1.36.13
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.12: 10/20/2016

  - Improved Emscripten toolchain profiler with more data. (#4566)
  - Export dlmalloc() and dlfree() as emscripten_builtin_malloc() and
    emscripten_builtin_free() to allow user applications to hook into memory
    allocation (#4603)
  - Improved asm.js -s USE_PTHREADS=2 build mode compatibility when
    multithreading is not supported.
  - Improved WebGL support with closure compiler (#4619)
  - Improved Bianaryen WebAssembly support
  - Added support for GL_disjoint_timer_query extension (#4575)
  - Improved Emscripten compiler detection with CMake (#4129, #4314, #4318)
  - Added support for int64 in wasm.
  - Optimize small constant length memcpys in wasm.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.11...1.36.12
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.11...1.36.12
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.11: 9/24/2016

  - Added new runtime functions
    emscripten_sync/async/waitable_run_in_main_runtime_thread() for proxying
    calls with pthreads (#4569)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.10...1.36.11
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.10: 9/24/2016

  - Improved compiler logging print messages on first run experience. (#4501)
  - Fixed log printing in glFlushMappedBufferRange() and glGetInfoLog()
    functions. (#4521)
  - Added setjmp/longjmp handling for wasm.
  - Improved support for --proxy-to-worker build mode.
  - Improved GLES3 support for glGet() features that WebGL2 does not have. (#4514)
  - Added support for implementation defined glReadPixels() format.
  - Improved WebGL 2 support with closure compilter. (#4554)
  - Implemented support for nanosleep() when building in pthreads mode (#4578)
  - Added support for  llvm_ceil_f64 and llvm_floor_f64 intrinsics.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.9...1.36.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.9...1.36.10
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.9: 8/24/2016

  - Fixed glGet for GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING to work. (#1330)
  - Move the DYNAMICTOP variable from JS global scope to inside the heap so that
    the value is shared to multithreaded applications. This removes the global
    runtime variable DYNAMICTOP in favor of a new variable DYNAMICTOP_PTR.
    (#4391, #4496)
  - Implemented brk() system function.
  - Fixed --output-eol to work with --proxy-to-worker mode.
  - Improved reported error message when execution fails to stack overflow.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.8...1.36.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.8...1.36.9
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.8: 8/20/2016

  - Fixed a memory leak in ctor_evaller.py on Windows (#4446)
  - Migrate to requiring CMake 3.4.3 as the minimum version for Emscripten CMake
    build integration support.
  - Fixed an issue that prevented -s INLINING_LIMIT from working (#4471)
  - Fixed a bug with Building.llvm_nm interpretation of defined symbols (#4488)
    options for wasm.
  - Added new emprofile.py script which can be used to profile toolchain wide
    performance. (#4491)
  - Added new linker flag --output-eol, which specifices what kind of line
    endings to generate to the output files. (#4492)
  - Fixed a Windows bug where aborting execution with Ctrl-C might hang
    Emscripten to an infinite loop instead. (#4494)
  - Implement support for touch events to GLUT (#4493)
  - Deprecated unsafe function writeStringToMemory() from src/preamble.js. Using
    stringToUTF8() is recommended instead. (#4497)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.7...1.36.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.7: 8/8/2016

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM 3.9.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.6...1.36.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.6...1.36.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.36.6...1.36.7

v1.36.6: 8/8/2016

  - Fixed wheelDelta for MSIE (#4316)
  - Fixed inconsistencies in fullscreen API signatures (#4310, #4318, #4379)
  - Changed the behavior of Emscripten WebGL createContext() to not forcibly set
    CSS style on created canvases, but let page customize the style themselves
    (#3406, #4194 and #4350, #4355)
  - Adjusted the reported GL_VERSION field to adapt to the OpenGL ES
    specifications (#4345)
  - Added support for GLES3 GL_MAJOR/MINOR_VERSION fields. (#4368)
  - Improved -s USE_PTHREADS=1 and --proxy-to-worker linker options to be
    mutually compatible. (#4372)
  - Improved IDBFS to not fail on Safari where IndexedDB support is spotty
  - Improved SIMD.js support when using Closure minifier. (#4374)
  - Improved glGetString to be able to read fields from WEBGL_debug_renderer_info
    extension. (#4381)
  - Fixed an issue with glFramebufferTextureLayer() not working correctly.
  - Fixed a bug with std::uncaught_exception() support (#4392)
  - Implemented a multiprocess lock to access the Emscripten cache. (#3850)
  - Implemented support for the pointerlockerror event in HTML5 API (#4373)
  - Report WebGL GLSL version number in GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION string (#4365)
  - Optimized llvm_ctpop_i32() and conversion of strings from C to JS side
    (#4402, #4403)
  - Added support for the OffscreenCanvas proposal, and transferring canvases to
    offscreen in pthreads build mode, linker flag -s OFFSCREENCANVAS_SUPPORT=0/1
  - Fixed an issue after updating to new LLVM version that response files passed
    to llvm-link must have forward slashes (#4434)
  - Fixed a memory leak in relooper in LLVM.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.5...1.36.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.5...1.36.6
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.5: 5/24/2016

  - Added support for passing custom messages when running in web worker.
  - Improved fp128 support when targeting WebAssembly.
  - Updated cpuprofiler.js to support tracing time spent in WebGL functions.
  - Fixed an issue with glFenceSync() function call signature (#4260, #4339)
  - Added missing zero argument version of emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread().
  - Improves support for targeting pthreads when using Closure minifier (#4348).
  - Fixed an issue where pthreads enabled code did not correctly validate as asm.js
  - Fixed an issue with incorrect SIMD.js related imports (#4341)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.4...1.36.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.4...1.36.5
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.4: 5/9/2016

  - Added EM_TRUE and EM_FALSE #defines to html5.h.
  - Fixed an issue with GLFW window and framebuffer size callbacks.
  - Added support for more missing WebGL 2 texture formats (#4277)
  - Added support for source files with no extension.
  - Updated emrun.py to latest version, adds support to precompressed content and
    running as just a web server without launching a browser.
  - Updated experimental WebAssembly support to generate 0xb version code.
  - Automatically build Binaryen when needed.
  - Updated libc++ to SVN revision 268153. (#4288)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.3...1.36.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.3: 4/27/2016

  - Fixed a deadlock bug with pthreads support.
  - Remove sources from temporary garbage being generated in OpenAL code (#4275)
  - Added support for calling alert() from pthreads code.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.2...1.36.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.2: 4/22/2016

  - Improve support for targeting WebAssembly with Binaryen.
  - Improve support for LLVM's WebAssembly backend (EMCC_WASM_BACKEND=1
    environment variable).
  - Separate out emscripten cache structure to asmjs and wasm directories.
  - Fix a bug where Emscripten would spawn too many unused python subprocesses (#4158)
  - Optimize Emscripten for large asm.js projects.
  - Added sdl2_net to Emscripten ports.
  - Updated to latest version of the SIMD polyfill (#4165)
  - Fixed an issue with missing texture formats support in GLES 3 (#4176)
  - Added a new WebAssembly linker option -s BINARYEN_IMPRECISE=1 (default=0)
    which mutes potential traps from WebAssembly int div/rem by zero and
    float-to-int conversions.
  - Added support for EXT_color_buffer_float extension.
  - Fixed behavior of SSE shift operations (#4165).
  - Fixed a bug where ctor_evaller.py (-Oz builds) would hang on Windows.
  - Fixed a bug where emscripten_set_main_loop() with EM_TIMING_SETTIMEOUT would
    incorrectly compute the delta times (#4200, #4208)
  - Update pthreads support to latest proposed spec version. (#4212, #4220)
  - Fixed an unresolved symbol linker error in embind (#4225)
  - Fix file_packager.py --use-preload-cache option to also work on Safari and
    iOS (#2977, #4253)
  - Added new file packager option --indexedDB-name to allow specifying the
    database name to use for the cache (#4219)
  - Added DWARF style debugging information.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.1...1.36.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.1...1.36.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.1: 3/8/2016

  - Fixed glfwSetWindowSizeCallback to conform to GLFW2 API.
  - Update OpenAL sources only when the browser window is visible to avoid
    occasional stuttering static glitches when the page tab is hidden. (#4107)
  - Implemented LLVM math intrinsics powi, trunc and floor.
  - Added support for SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE in GL context initialization. (#4125)
  - Added no-op stubs for several pthread functions when building without
    pthreads enabled (#4130)
  - Optimize glUniformfv and glVertexAttribfv functions to generate less
    garbage and perform much faster (#4128)
  - Added new EVAL_CTORS optimization pass which evaluates global data
    initializer constructors at link time, which would improve startup time and
    reduce code size of these ctors.
  - Implemented support for OpenAL AL_PITCH option.
  - Implemented new build options -s STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK=0/1/2 which adds
    runtime stack overrun checks. 0: disabled, 1: minimal, between each frame, 2:
    at each explicit JS side stack allocation call to allocate().
  - Fixed an issue with -s SPLIT_MEMORY mode where an unsigned 32-bit memory
    access would come out as signed. (#4150)
  - Fixed asm.js validation in call handlers to llvm_powi_f*.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.36.0...1.36.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.36.0...1.36.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.36.0: 2/23/2016

  - Fixed an OpenAL bug where OpenAL sources would not respect global volume setting.
  - Fixed an issue where alGetListenerf() with AL_GAIN would not return the
    correct value. (#4091)
  - Fixed an issue where setting alListenerf() with AL_GAIN would not set the
    correct value. (#4092)
  - Implemented new JS optimizer "Duplicate Function Elimination" pass which
    collapses identical functions to save code size.
  - Implemented the _Exit() function.
  - Added support for SSE3 and SSSE3 intrinsics (#4099) and partially for SSE 4.1
    intrinsics (#4030, #4101)
  - Added support for -include-pch flag (#4086)
  - Fixed a regex syntax in ccall on Chrome Canary (#4111)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.23...1.36.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.23...1.36.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.23: 2/9/2016

  - Provide $NM environment variable to point to llvm-nm when running
    emconfigure, which helps e.g. libjansson to build (#4036)
  - Fixed glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) to return appropriate result
    depending on if running on WebGL1 vs WebGL2, instead of hardcoding the result
  - Fixed a regression with CMake try_run() possibly failing, caused by the
    addition of CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR in v1.32.3.
  - Fixed CMake to work in the case when NODE_JS is an array containing
    parameters to be passed to Node.js. (#4045)
  - Fixed a memory issue that caused the Emscripten memory initializer file
    (.mem.js) to be unnecessarily retained in memory during runtime (#4044)
  - Added support for complex valued mul and div ops.
  - Added new option "Module.environment" which allows overriding the runtime ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB/ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER/ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE/ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL fields.
  - Fixed an issue with SAFE_HEAP methods in async mode (#4046)
  - Fixed WebSocket constructor to work in web worker environment (#3849)
  - Fixed a potential issue with some browsers reporting gamepad axis values outside [-1, 1] (#3602)
  - Changed libcxxabi to be linked in last, so that it does not override weakly
    linked methods in libcxx (#4053)
  - Implemented new JSDCE code optimization pass which removes at JS link stage
    dead code that is not referenced anywhere (in addition to LLVM doing this for
    C++ link stage).
  - Fixed a Windows issue where embedding memory initializer as a string in JS
    code might cause corrupted output. (#3854)
  - Fixed an issue when spaces are present in directory names in response files
  - Fixed a build issue when using --tracing and -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1
    simultaneously (#4064)
  - Greatly updated Emscripten support for SIMD.js intrinsics (non-SSE or NEON)
  - Fixed an issue where compiler would not generate a link error when JS library
    function depended on a nonexisting symbol. (#4077)
  - Removed UTF16 and UTF32 marshalling code from being exported by default.
  - Removed the -s NO_BROWSER linker option and automated the detection of when
    that option is needed.
  - Removed the JS implemented C++ symbol name demangler, now always depend on
    the libcxxabi compiled one.
  - Fixed an issue where Emscripten linker would redundantly generate missing
    function stubs for some functions that do exist.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.22...1.35.23
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.22...1.35.23
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.22: 1/13/2016

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM trunk as of January 13th.
  - Bumped up the required LLVM version from LLVM 3.8 to LLVM 3.9.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.21...1.35.22
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.21...1.35.22
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.21...1.35.22

v1.35.21: 1/13/2016

  - Improved support for handling GLFW2 keycodes.
  - Improved emranlib, system/bin/sdl-config and system/bin/sdl2-config to be
    executable in both python2 and python3.
    to correctly work when run on a browser that does not support pthreads.
  - Fixed a build issue that caused sequences of \r\r\n to be emitted on Windows.
  - Fixed an issue that prevented building LLVM on Visual Studio 2015
    (emscripten-fastcomp-clang #7)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.20...1.35.21
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.20...1.35.21
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.20...1.35.21

v1.35.20: 1/10/2016

  - Fixed -s USE_PTHREADS compilation mode to account that SharedArrayBuffer
    specification no longer allows futex waiting on the main thread. (#4024)
  - Added new python2 vs python3 compatibility wrappers for emcmake, emconfigure, emmake and emar.
  - Fixed atomicrmw i64 codegen (#4025)
  - Optimized codegen to simplify "x != 0" to just "x" when output is a boolean.
  - Fixed a compiler crash when generating atomics code in debug builds of LLVM.
  - Fixed a compiler crash when generating SIMD.js code that utilizes
    non-canonical length vectors (e.g. <float x 3>)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.19...1.35.20
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.19...1.35.20
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.19: 1/7/2016

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM trunk as of January 7th.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: no changes.
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.18...1.35.19
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.18...1.35.19

v1.35.18: 1/7/2016

  - Implemented getpeername() and fixed issues with handling getsockname() (#3997)
  - Fixed an issue with daylight saving time in mktime() (#4001)
  - Optimized pthreads code to avoid unnecessary FFI transitions (#3504)
  - Fixed issues with strftime() (#3993)
  - Deprecated memory growth support in asm.js.
  - Implemented llvm_bitreverse_i32() (#3976)
  - Fixed missing include header that affected building relooper on some compilers.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.17...1.35.18
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.17...1.35.18
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.17: 1/4/2016

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM trunk as of January 4th.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: no changes.
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.16...1.35.17
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.16...1.35.17

v1.35.16: 1/4/2016

  - Improved support for -s USE_PTHREADS=2 build mode and added support for Atomics.exchange().
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.15...1.35.16
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.15...1.35.16
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.15: 1/4/2016

  - Fixed an error with glClearbufferfv not working. (#3961)
  - Improved file packager code so that file:// URLs work in Chrome too (#3965)
  - Fixed issues with the --memoryprofiler UI.
  - Fixed a Windows issue when generating system libraries in cache (#3939)
  - Fixed a regression from v1.35.13 where GLES2 compilation would not work when
    -s USE_PTHREADS=1 was passed.
  - Added support for WebIDL arrays as input parameters to WebIDL binder.
  - Updated build support when using the LLVM wasm backend.
  - Added new linker option --threadprofiler which generates a threads dashboard
    on the generated page for threads status overview. (#3971)
  - Improved backwards compatibility of building on GCC 4.3 - 4.6.
  - Fixed an asm.js validation issue when building against updated SIMD.js specification. (#3986)
  - Improved Rust support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.14...1.35.15
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.14...1.35.15
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.14: 12/15/2015

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM trunk as of December 15th.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.13...1.35.14
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.13...1.35.14
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.13...1.35.14

v1.35.13: 12/15/2015

  - Updated -s USE_PTHREADS code generation to reflect that the SharedInt*Array
    hierarchy no longer exists in the SharedArrayBuffer spec.
  - Removed references to Atomic.fence() which no longer is part of the
    SharedArrayBuffer specification.
  - Fixed an issue where JS code minifiers might generate bad code for cwrap
  - Updated compiler to issue a warning when --separate-asm is being used and
    output suffix is .js.
  - Added new build option -s ONLY_MY_CODE which aims to eliminate most of the
    Emscripten runtime and generate a very minimal compiler output.
  - Added new build option -s WASM_BACKEND=0/1 which controls whether to utilize
    the upstream LLVM wasm emitting codegen backend.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.12...1.35.13
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.12...1.35.13
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.12: 11/28/2015

  - Update to latest upstream LLVM trunk as of November 28th.
  - Fix Emscripten to handle new style format outputted by llvm-nm.
  - Added new build option BINARYEN_METHOD to allow choosing which wasm
    generation method to use.
  - Updates to Binaryen support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.11...1.35.12
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.11...1.35.12
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.11...1.35.12

v1.35.11: 11/27/2015

  - Updated atomics test to stress 64-bit atomics better (#3892)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.10...1.35.11
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.10...1.35.11
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.10: 11/25/2015

  - Integration with Binaryen.
  - Add a performance warning when multiple FS.syncfs() calls are in flight simultaneously.
  - Correctly pass GLFW_REPEAT when sending key press repeats.
  - Improved filesystem performance when building in multithreaded mode (#3923)
  - Improve error detection when data file fails to load.
  - Clarified that -s NO_DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=1 and -s RELOCATABLE=1 build modes are mutually exclusive.
  - Added new build option -s NO_DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=2 which demotes eval() errors
    to warnings at runtime, useful for iterating fixes in a codebase for multiple
    eval()s  (#3930)
  - Added support to Module.locateFile(filename) to locate the pthread-main.js file (#3500)
  - Changed -s USE_PTHREADS=2 and -s PRECISE_F32=2 to imply --separate-asm
    instead of requiring it, to be backwards compatible (#3829, #3933)
  - Fixed bad codegen for some 64-bit atomics (#3892, #3936)
  - When emitting NaN canonicalization warning, also print the location in code
    where it occurs.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.9...1.35.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.9...1.35.10
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.9: 11/12/2015

  - Implement glfwSetInputMode when mode is GLFW_CURSOR and value is GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL|GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED
  - Add explicit abort() when dlopen() is called without linking support
  - Make emcc explicitly reinvoke itself from python2 if called from python3.
  - Optimize memory initializer to omit zero-initialized values (#3907)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.8...1.35.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.8...1.35.9
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.8: 11/10/2015

  - Removed obsoleted EXPORTED_GLOBALS build option.
  - Export filesystem as global object 'FS' in Emscripten runtime.
  - Fixed realpath() function on directories.
  - Fixed round() and roundf() to work when building without -s PRECISE_F32=1 and
    optimize these to be faster (#3876)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.7...1.35.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.7: 11/4/2015

  - Updated to latest upstream LLVM trunk version as of November 4th.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.6...1.35.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.6...1.35.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.6...1.35.7

v1.35.6: 11/4/2015

  - This tag was created for technical purposes, and has no changes compared to

v1.35.5: 11/4/2015

  - Removed Content-Length and Connection: close headers in POST requests.
  - Migrate to using the native C++11-implemented optimizer by default.
  - Fixed call to glDrawBuffers(0, *); (#3890)
  - Fixed lazy file system to work with closure (#3842)
  - Fixed gzip compression with lazy file system (#3837)
  - Added no-op gracefully failing stubs for process spawn functions (#3819)
  - Clarified error message that memory growth is not supported with shared modules (#3893)
  - Initial work on wasm support in optimizer
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.4...1.35.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.4: 10/26/2015

  - Move to legalization in the JS backend.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.3...1.35.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.3...1.35.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.3...1.35.4

v1.35.3: 10/26/2015

  - Ignore O_CLOEXEC on NODEFS (#3862)
  - Improved --js-library support in CMake by treating these as libraries (#3840)
  - Still support -Wno-warn-absolute-paths (#3833)
  - Add support to zext <4 x i1> to <4x i32>
  - Emit emscripten versions of llvm and clang in clang --version
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.2...1.35.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.2...1.35.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.2...1.35.3

v1.35.2: 10/20/2015

  - Rebase against upstream LLVM "google/stable" branch, bringing us to LLVM 3.8.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.1...1.35.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.35.1...1.35.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.35.1...1.35.2

v1.35.1: 10/20/2015

  - Fixed a bug where passing -s option to LLVM would not work.
  - Work around a WebAudio bug on WebKit "pauseWebAudio failed: TypeError: Not
    enough arguments" (#3861)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.35.0...1.35.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.35.0: 10/19/2015

  - Fixed out of memory abort message.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.12...1.35.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.12: 10/13/2015

  - Added new experimental build option -s SPLIT_MEMORY=1, which splits up the
    Emscripten HEAP to multiple smaller slabs.
  - Added SDL2_ttf to Emscripten ports.
  - Added support for building GLES3 code to target WebGL 2. (#3757, #3782)
  - Fixed certain glUniform*() functions to work properly when called in
    conjunction with -s USE_PTHREADS=1.
  - Fixed support for -l, -L and -I command line parameters to accept a space
    between the path, i.e. "-l SDL". (#3777)
  - Fixed SSE2 support in optimized builds.
  - Changed the default behavior of warning when absolute paths are passed to -I
    to be silent. To enable the absolute paths warning, pass
    "-Wwarn-absolute-paths" flag to emcc.
  - Added new linker option -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 that can be used to make
    malloc() return 0 on failed allocation (Current default is to abort execution
    of the page on OOM) (#3822)
  - Removed the default behavior of automatically decoding all preloaded assets on page startup (#3785)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.11...1.34.12
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.11...1.34.12
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.11: 9/29/2015

  - Fixed asm.js validation on autovectorized output
  - Fix an issue with printing to iostream in global ctors (#3824)
  - Added support for LLVM pow intrinsics with integer exponent.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.10...1.34.11
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.10...1.34.11
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.10: 9/25/2015

  - Added wasm compressor/decompressor polyfill (#3766)
  - Added support for sRGB texture formats.
  - Removed the deprecated --compression option.
  - Fixed an issue with asm.js validation for pthreads being broken since v1.34.7 (#3719)
  - Added built-in cpu performance profiler, which is enabled with linker flag --cpuprofiler. (#3781)
  - Added build-in memory usage profiler, which is enabled with linker flag --memoryprofiler. (#3781)
  - Fixed multiple arities per EM_ASM block (#3804)
  - Fixed issues with SSE2 an NaN bit patterns. (emscripten-fastcomp #116)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.9...1.34.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.9...1.34.10
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.9: 9/18/2015

  - Fixed an issue with --llvm-lto 3 builds (#3765)
  - Optimized LZ4 compression
  - Fixed a bug where glfwCreateWindow would return success even on failure
  - Greatly optimized the -s SAFE_HEAP=1 linker flag option by executing the heap
    checks in asm.js side instead.
  - Fixed the return value of EM_ASM_DOUBLE (#3770)
  - Implemented getsockname syscall (#3769)
  - Don't warn on unresolved symbols when LINKABLE is specified.
  - Fixed various issues with SSE2 compilation in optimized builds.
  - Fixed a breakage with -s USE_PTHREADS=2 (#3774)
  - Added support for GL_HALF_FLOAT in WebGL 2. (#3790)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.8...1.34.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.8...1.34.9
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.8: 9/9/2015

  - Fixed a race condition at worker startup (#3741)
  - Update emrun to latest, which improves unit test run automation with emrun.
  - Added support for LZ4 compressing file packages, used with the -s LZ4=1 linker flag. (#3754)
  - Fixed noisy build warning on "unexpected number of arguments in call to strtold" (#3760)
  - Added new linker flag --separate-asm that splits the asm.js module and the
    handwritten JS functions to separate files.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.7...1.34.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.7: 9/5/2015

  - Fixed uses of i64* in side modules.
  - Improved GL support when proxying, and fake WebAudio calls when proxying.
  - Added new main loop timing mode EM_TIMING_SETIMMEDIATE for rendering with
    vsync disabled (#3717)
  - Updated emrun to latest version, adds --safe_firefox_profile option to run
    emrun pages in clean isolated environment.
  - Implemented glGetStringi() method for WebGL2/GLES3. (#3472, #3725)
  - Automatically emit loading code for EMTERPRETIFY_FILE if emitting html.
  - Added new build option -s USE_PTHREADS=2 for running pthreads-enabled pages
    in browsers that do not support SharedArrayBuffer.
  - Added support for building SSE2 intrinsics based code (emmintrin.h), when
    -msse2 is passed to the build.
  - Added exports for getting FS objects by their name (#3690)
  - Updated LLVM to latest upstream PNaCl version (Clang 3.7, July 29th).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.6...1.34.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.6...1.34.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.34.6...1.34.7

v1.34.6: 8/20/2015

  - Added new build option -s EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=2.
  - Fixed a bug with calling functions pointers that take float as parameter
    across dynamic modules.
  - Improved dynamic linking support with -s LINKABLE=1.
  - Added new build option -s MAIN_MODULE=2.
  - Cleaned up a few redundant linker warnings (#3702, #3704)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.5...1.34.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.5...1.34.6
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.5: 8/18/2015

  - Added Bullet physics, ogg and vorbis to emscripten-ports.
  - Added FreeType 2.6 to emscripten-ports.
  - Fixed CMake handling when building OpenCV.
  - Fixed and issue with exceptions being thrown in empty glBegin()-glEnd()
    blocks (#3693)
  - Improved function pointer handling between dynamically linked modules
  - Fixed some OpenAL alGetSource get calls (#3669)
  - Fixed issues with building the optimizer on 32-bit Windows (#3673)
  - Increased optimizer stack size on Windows to 10MB (#3679)
  - Added support for passing multiple input files to opt, to speed up
    optimization and linking in opt.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.4...1.34.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.4...1.34.5
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.4: 8/4/2015

  - Add special handling support for /dev/null as an input file (#3552)
  - Added basic printf support in NO_FILESYSTEM mode (#3627)
  - Update WebVR support to the latest specification, and add support for
    retrieving device names
  - Improved --proxy-to-worker build mode with proxying (#3568, #3623)
  - Added node externs for closure
  - Fixed a memory allocation bug in pthreads code (#3636)
  - Cleaned up some debug assertion messages behind #ifdef ASSERTIONS (#3639)
  - Fixed umask syscall (#3637)
  - Fixed double alignment issue with formatStrind and emscripten_log (#3647)
  - Added new EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS build option
  - Updated emrun to latest version
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.3...1.34.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.3...1.34.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.3: 7/15/2015

  - Move libc to musl+syscalls
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.2...1.34.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.2: 7/14/2015

  - Upgrade to new SIMD.js polyfill version and improved SIMD support.
  - Improved WebGL support in --proxy-to-worker mode (#3569)
  - Removed warning on unimplemented JS library functions
  - Fix WebGL 2 support with closure compiler
  - Fixed an issue with WebRTC support (#3574)
  - Fixed emcc to return a correct error process exit code when invoked with no input files
  - Fixed a compiler problem where global data might not get aligned correctly for SIMD.
  - Fixed a LLVM backend problem which caused recursive stack behavior when
    linking large codebases, which was seen to cause a stack overflow crash on
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.1...1.34.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.34.1...1.34.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.1: 6/18/2015

  - Fixed an issue with resize canvas not working with GLFW.
  - Fixed handling of empty else blocks.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.34.0...1.34.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.34.0: 6/16/2015

  - Fixed an issue when generating .a files from object files that reside on
    separate drives on Windows (#3525).
  - Added a missing dependency for GLFW (#3530).
  - Removed the Emterpreter YIELDLIST option.
  - Added support for enabling memory growth before the runtime is ready.
  - Added a new feature to store the memory initializer in a string literal
    inside the generated .js file.
  - Fixed a code miscompilation issue with a constexpr in fcmp.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.33.2...1.34.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.33.2...1.34.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.33.2: 6/9/2015

  - Added support for OpenAL Extension AL_EXT_float32 (#3492).
  - Added support for handling command line flags -M and -MM (#3518).
  - Fixed a code miscompilation issue with missing ';' character (#3520).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.33.1...1.33.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.33.1...1.33.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.33.1: 6/3/2015

  - Added support for multithreading with the POSIX threads API (pthreads), used
    when compiling and linking with the -s USE_PTHREADS=1 flag (#3266).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.33.0...1.33.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.33.0...1.33.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.33.0: 5/29/2015

  - Fix an issue with writing to /dev/null (#3454).
  - Added a hash to objects inside .a files to support to linking duplicate
    symbol names inside .a files (#2142).
  - Provide extensions ANGLE_instanced_arrays and EXT_draw_buffers as aliases to
    the WebGL ones.
  - Fixed LLVM/Clang to build again on Windows after previous LLVM upgrade.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.32.4...1.33.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.32.4...1.33.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.32.4: 5/16/2015

  - Update LLVM and Clang to PNaCl's current 3.7 merge point (April 17 2015)
  - Added libpng to Emscripten-ports.
  - Added intrinsic llvm_fabs_f32.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.32.3...1.32.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.32.3...1.32.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.32.3...1.32.4

v1.32.3: 5/15/2015

  - Improved dynamic linking support.
  - Added new option to file_packager.py to store metadata externally.
  - Improved CMake support with CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR (#3447).
  - Added support for sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) (#3405, 3442).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.32.2...1.32.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.32.2...1.32.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.32.2: 5/8/2015

  - Removed a (name+num)+num -> name+newnum optimization, which caused heavy
    performance regressions in Firefox when the intermediate computation wraps
    around the address space (#3438).
  - Improved dynamic linking support.
  - Improved emterpreter when doing dynamic linking.
  - Fixed an issue with source maps debug info containing zeroes as line numbers.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.32.1...1.32.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.32.1...1.32.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.32.1: 5/2/2015

  - Removed old deprecated options -s INIT_HEAP, MICRO_OPTS, CLOSURE_ANNOTATIONS,
  - Added support for dynamic linking and dlopen().
  - Fixed a compilation issue that affected -O2 builds and higher (#3430).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.32.0...1.32.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.32.0...1.32.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.32.0: 4/28/2015

  - Compile .i files properly as C and not C++ (#3365).
  - Removed old deprecated options -s PRECISE_I32_MUL, CORRECT_ROUNDINGS,
    and EXECUTION_TIMEOUT, since these don't apply to fastcomp, which is now the
    only enabled compilation mode.
  - Preliminary work towards supporting dynamic linking and dlopen().
  - Fixed an issue where emrun stripped some characters at output (#3394).
  - Fixed alignment issues with varargs.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.31.3...1.32.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.31.3...1.32.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.31.3: 4/22/2015

  - Improved support for -E command line option (#3365).
  - Removed the old optimizeShifts optimization pass that was not valid for
    asm.js code.
  - Fixed an issue when simultaneously using EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS and
  - Fixed an issue with -s PRECISE_I64_MATH=2 not working (#3374).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.31.2...1.31.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.31.2...1.31.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.31.2: 4/20/2015

  - Added support for file suffixes .i and .ii (#3365).
  - Fixed an issue with embind and wide strings (#3299).
  - Removed more traces of the old non-fastcomp compiler code.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.31.1...1.31.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.31.1: 4/17/2015

  - Added support for unicode characters in EM_ASM() blocks (#3348).
  - Removed the pointer masking feature as experimental and unsupported.
  - Fixed an issue where exit() did not terminate execution of Emterpreter (#3360).
  - Removed traces of the old non-fastcomp compiler code.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.31.0...1.31.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.31.0...1.31.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.31.0: 4/14/2015

  - Remove references to unsupported EMCC_FAST_COMPILER mode, fastcomp is always enabled (#3347).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.6...1.31.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.6...1.31.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.30.6: 4/14/2015

  - Removed support for the deprecated jcache functionality (#3313).
  - Added support to emscripten_GetProcAddress() to fetch symbols with the ANGLE
    suffix (#3304, #3315).
  - Added immintrin.h header file to include all SSE support.
  - Added an async option to ccall (#3307).
  - Stopped from using 0 as a valid source ID for OpenAL (#3303).
  - When project has disabled exception catching, build an exceptions-disabled
    version of libcxx.
  - Split libcxx into two parts to optimize code size for projects that only need
    small amount of libcxx (#2545, #3308).
  - Avoid fprintf usage in emscripten_GetProcAddress() to allow using it with -s
    NO_FILESYSTEM=1 (#3327).
  - Removed old deprecated functionalities USE_TYPED_ARRAYS, FHEAP, GC emulation
    and non-asmjs-emscripten ABI.
  - Don't refer to prefixed GL extensions when creating a GL context (#3324).
  - Removed support code for x86_fp80 type (#3341).
  - Optimize EM_ASM() calls even more (#2596).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.5...1.30.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.5...1.30.6
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.30.5: 4/7/2015

  - Fixed WebIDL operation when closure is enabled after the previous EM_ASM()
  - Optimized jsCall() to handle variadic cases of number of arguments faster
    (#3290, #3305).
  - Removed support for the getwd() function (#1115, #3309).
  - Fixed a problem with -s IGNORED_FUNCTIONS and -s DEAD_FUNCTIONS not working
    as expected (#3239).
  - Fixed an issue with -s EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC=1 and emscripten_sleep() not
    working (#3307).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.4...1.30.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.4...1.30.5
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.30.4: 4/3/2015

  - Optimized the performance and security of EM_ASM() blocks by avoiding the use
    of eval() (#2596).
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.3...1.30.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.3...1.30.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.30.3: 4/3/2015

  - Improved error handling in library_idbstore.js.
  - Fixed an asm.js validation issue with EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS=1 feature (#3300).
  - Fixed Clang build by adding missing nacltransforms project after latest
    LLVM/Clang upstream merge.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.2...1.30.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.2...1.30.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.30.2...1.30.3

v1.30.2: 4/1/2015

  - Added support to writing to mmap()ed memory by implementing msync() (#3269).
  - Updated SDL2 port to version 7.
  - Exported new singleton function Module.createContext() for creating a GL
    context from SDL2.
  - Added support for asm.js/Emscripten arch in Clang.
  - Finished LLVM 3.6 upgrade merge.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.1...1.30.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.1...1.30.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.30.1...1.30.2

v1.30.1: 3/24/2015

  - Upgraded LLVM+Clang from vrsion 3.5 to version 3.6.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.30.0...1.30.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.30.0...1.30.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.30.0...1.30.1

v1.30.0: 3/24/2015

  - Fixed a bug where html5.h API would not remove event handlers on request.
  - Fixed a regression issue that broke building on Windows when attempting to
    invoke tools/gen_struct_info.py.
  - Improved memory growth feature to better handle growing to large memory sizes
    between 1GB and 2GB (#3253).
  - Fixed issues with emrun with terminating target browser process, managing
    lingering sockets and command line quote handling.
  - Fixed a bug where unsigned integer return values in embind could be returned
    as signed (#3249).
  - Improved handling of lost GL contexts.
  - Changed malloc to be fallible (return null on failure) when memory growth is
    enabled (#3253).
  - Fixed a bug with WebIDL not being able to handle enums (#3258).
  - Updated POINTER_MASKING feature to behave as a boolean rather than a mask
  - Improved "emcmake cmake" on Windows to automatically remove from path any
    entries that contain sh.exe in them, which is not supported by CMake.
  - Fixed an issue with symlink handling in readlink (#3277).
  - Updated SDL2 port to version 6.
  - Removed the obsolete FAST_MEMORY build option.
  - Added reciprocalApproximation and reciprocalSqrtApproximation SIMD intrinsics.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.12...1.30.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.12...1.30.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.12: 3/15/2015

  - Fix a bug where SDL_malloc and SDL_free were not available. (#3247)
  - Fix various issues with emrun usage. (#3234)
  - Fixed an off-by-one memory access in native optimizer.
  - Improve emterpreter support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.11...1.29.12
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.11: 3/11/2015

  - Remove the requirement to pass -s PRECISE_F32=1 manually when building with
    SIMD support.
  - Fix a temp directory leak that could leave behind empty directories in the
    temp directory after build (#706)
  - Improve support for growable Emscripten heap in asm.js mode.
  - Added a warning message when generating huge asset bundles with file packager.
  - Fixed a bug where emscripten_get_gamepad_status might throw a JS exception if
    called after a gamepad was disconnected.
  - Improve emterpreter sleep support.
  - Optimize code generation when multiple consecutive bitshifts are present.
  - Optimize redundant stack save and restores, and memcpy/memsets.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.10...1.29.11
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.10...1.29.11
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.10: 2/19/2015

  - Add a warning message when generating code that has a very large number of
    variables, which optimization flags could remove.
  - Improve support for SIMD casts and special loads.
  - Fix the process return code when using EMCONFIGURE_JS=1.
  - Improved the error message in abort().
  - Fix main loop handling during emterpreter sync save/load.
  - Handle emscripten_async_call and friends during sleep, by pausing all
    safeSet*() operations.
  - Add support for Google WTF when building with --tracing.
  - Improve emterpreter stability with fuzzing.
  - Add an option to load the memory initializer file from a typed array (#3187)
  - Remove linker warning message when linking to -lm, since Emscripten includes
    musl that implements the math libraries built-in.
  - Add support for SDL_WM_SetCaption(), which calls to Module['setWindowTitle'],
    or if not present, sets the web page title. (#3192)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.9...1.29.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.9...1.29.10
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.9: 2/9/2015

  - Documented FORCE_ALIGNED_MEMORY to be no longer supported.
  - Fixes issues with native optimizer handling of "if () else {}" statements.
  - Improved cross-browser support for EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_FILTERING_NEAREST.
  - Added new linker option --profiling-funcs, which generates output that is
    otherwise minified, except that function names are kept intact, for use in
    profilers and getting descriptive call stacks.
  - The Module object is no longer written in global scope. (#3167)
  - Added new emscripten_idb_* API. (#3169)
  - Added new function emscripten_wget_data().
  - Add support for GL_RED with GLES3/WebGL2. (#3176)
  - Added basic WebVR support. (#3177)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.8...1.29.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.8: 1/31/2015

  - Fix a temp file leak with emterpreter. (#3156)
  - Fix a typo that broke glBlitFramebuffer. (#3159)
  - Added scandir() and alphasort() from musl. (#3161)
  - Add a warning if multiple .a files with same basename are being linked
    together. (#2619)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.7...1.29.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.7...1.29.8
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.7: 1/28/2015

  - Fixed an issue with backwards compatibility in emscripten-ports. (#3144)
  - Warn on duplicate entries in archives. (#2619)
  - Removed the MAX_SETJMPS limitation to improve setjmp/longjpmp support.
  - Improve the native optimizer to not emit empty if clauses in some cases.
  - Optimize Math.clz32, Math.min, NaN, and inf handling in asm.js.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.6...1.29.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.6...1.29.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.6: 1/23/2015

  - Fixed an issue where calling glGen*() when the GL context was lost might
    throw a JS exception, instead a GL_INVALID_OPERATION is now recorded.
  - Improve label handling in native optimizer.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.5...1.29.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.5: 1/23/2015

  - Enable compiling source files with the extension ".c++".
  - Enable versioning of the emscripten ports so that older Emscripten versions
    can keep using older versions of the ports (#3144)
  - Added a whitelist option to emterpreter, a linker flag of form -s
    EMTERPRETIFY_WHITELIST=["symbol1","symbol2"]. (#3129)
  - Improved emscripten_get_pointerlock_status() to always fill the output
    structure even when pointer lock is not supported.
  - Added an environment variable EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT=0/1 option to configure
    whether the generated output should have the functions sorted by length,
    useful for debugging.
  - Added new tool tools/merge_pair.py which allows bisecting differences between
    two output files to find discrepancies.
  - Improved parsing in cashew.
  - Improved output message from emconfigure and emmake when inputs are unexpected.
  - Added built-in asm handler for LLVM fabs operation.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.4...1.29.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.4...1.29.5
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.4: 1/21/2015

  - Added new C <-> JS string marshalling functions asciiToString(),
    stringToAscii(), UTF8ToString(), stringToUTF8() that can be used to copy
    strings across the JS and C boundaries. (#2363)
  - Added new functions lengthBytesUTF8(), lengthBytesUTF16() and
    lengthBytesUTF32() to allow computing the byte lengths of strings in
    different encodings. (#2363)
  - Upgraded SDL2 port to version 4.
  - Add support for saving the emterpreter stack when there are functions
    returning a value on the stack (#3129)
  - Notice async state in emterpreter trampolines (#3129)
  - Optimize SDL1 pixel copying to the screen.
  - Fixed an issue with emterpreter parsing. (#3141)
  - Fixed an issue with native optimizer and -s PPRECISE_F32=1.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.3...1.29.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.3...1.29.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.3: 1/16/2015

  - Fixed a bug with OpenGL context initialization enableExtensionsByDefault. (#3135)
  - Fixed an issue with nested if parsing in native optimizer.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.2...1.29.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.2: 1/16/2015

  - Fixed an issue with embind compilation in LLVM 3.5.
  - Fixed an issue with SDL audio queueing stability, which would queue audio too
    eagerly and cause stutter in some applications (#3122, #3124)
  - Enabled native JS optimizer to be built automatically on Windows, requires
    VS2012 or VS2013.
  - Improve error message to reflect the fact that DLOPEN_SUPPORT is currently
    not available (#2365)
  - Improve SIMD load and store support.
  - Upgraded SDL2 port to version 3.
  - Fix a bug with native JS optimizer and braces in nested ifs.
  - Improved emterpreter support.
  - Fixed LLVM 3.5 to build with Visual Studio on Windows (emscripten-fastcomp #61)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.1...1.29.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.1...1.29.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.29.1: 1/7/2015

  - Migrated to upstream PNaCl LLVM+Clang 3.5 from the previous 3.4.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.29.0...1.29.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.29.0...1.29.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.29.0...1.29.1

v1.29.0: 1/7/2015

  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.28.3...1.29.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.28.3...1.29.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.28.3: 1/4/2015

  - embuilder.py tool
  - Many fixes for native optimizer on Windows
  - Perform LLVM LTO in a separate invocation of opt, so that it does not mix
    with legalization and other stuff we do at link time
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.28.2...1.28.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.28.2...1.28.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.28.2...1.28.3

v1.28.2: 12/17/2014

  - Enable native optimizer by default
  - Disable slow2asm legacy testing (asm.js mode in pre-fastcomp)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.28.1...1.28.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.28.1...1.28.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.28.1: 12/15/2014

  - Use a lot more MUSL math functions
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.28.0...1.28.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.28.0...1.28.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.28.0: 12/12/2014

  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.27.2...1.28.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.27.2...1.28.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.27.2: 12/10/2014

  - Added more complete support for SSE1 SIMD intrinsics API. (#2792)
  - Fixed an issue with glTexImage2D on GL_LUMINANCE + GL_FLOAT textures. (#3039)
  - Use the cashew asm.js parser in native optimizer.
  - Fixed issues with IE when running closure minified pages. (#3012)
  - Enabled asm.js validation for SIMD compilation.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.27.1...1.27.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.27.1...1.27.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.27.1: 11/20/2014

  - Migrated to upstream PNaCl LLVM+Clang 3.4 from the previous 3.3.
  - Added a FindOpenGL.cmake to support find_package() for OpenGL in CMake scripts.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.27.0...1.27.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.27.0...1.27.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.27.0...1.27.1

v1.27.0: 11/20/2014

  - Added new work in progress option -s NATIVE_OPTIMIZER=1 that migrates
    optimizer code from JS to C++ for better performance.
  - Fixed an embind issue when compiling with closure (#2974)
  - Fixed an embind issue with unique_ptr (#2979)
  - Fixed a bug with new GL context initialization in proxy to worker mode.
  - Fixed an issue where GL context event handlers would leak after a GL context
    has been freed.
  - Optimized embind operation in Chrome by avoiding using Function.prototype.bind().
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.26.1...1.27.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.26.1...1.27.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.26.1: 11/7/2014

  - Fixed emscripten::val handle for special js values (#2930)
  - Implemented SDL 1.2 SDL_SetClipRect / SDL_GetClipRect (#2931)
  - Added support for building zlib from Emscripten Ports with linker flag -s USE_ZLIB=1.
  - Improved experimental GLES3 support.
  - Fixed issues with llseek (#2945)
  - Enable using emscripten_get_now() in web workers (#2953)
  - Added stricter input data validation in GL code.
  - Added new HTML5 C API for managing fullscreen mode transitions to resolve
    cross-browser issue #2556 (#2975)
  - Fixed an issue with using structs in va_args (#2923)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.26.0...1.26.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.26.0...1.26.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.26.0...1.26.1

v1.26.0: 10/29/2014

  - Fixed an issue where emar would forward --em-config to llvm-ar (#2886)
  - Added a new "emterpreter" feature that allows running Emscripten compiled
    code in interpreted form until asm.js compilation is ready (-s
      - For more information, see
  - Added new "Emscripten Ports" architecture that enables building SDL2 with -s
    USE_SDL=2 command line flag.
  - Added support for SDL 1.2 SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() function.
  - Improved experimental SIMD support.
  - Use only minimum necessary digits to print floating point literals in
    generated JS code for smaller code output.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.25.2...1.26.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.25.2...1.26.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.25.2: 10/16/2014

  - Fixed a bug in tmpfile() function not allocating the mode argument correctly.
  - Fixed a bug with handling empty files in IDBFS (#2845)
  - Added an implementation of the utimes() function (#2845)
  - Added experimental WebGL 2.0 support with the linker flag -s USE_WEBGL2=1.
  - Fixed a UnboundTypeError occurring in embind (#2875)
  - Fixed an error "IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the
    allowed amount" being thrown by Emscripten SDL 1.2 surface blit code. (#2879)
  - Fixed a JS minifier issue that generated "x--y from x - -y" (#2869)
  - Added a new emcc command line flag "--cache " to control the location of
    the Emscripten cache directory (#2816)
  - Implemented SDL_ConvertSurface() and added support for SDL_SRCALPHA in
    SDL_SetAlpha (#2871)
  - Fixed issues with the GL library handling of invalid input values.
  - Optimized SDL copyIndexedColorData function (#2890)
  - Implemented GLES3 emulation for glMapBufferRange() for upcoming WebGL 2
    support, using the -s FULL_ES3=1 linker option.
  - Fixed a bug where setting up and cancelling the main loop multiple times
    would stack up the main loop to be called too frequently (#2839)
  - Introduced a new API emscripten_set_main_loop_timing() for managing the
    Emscripten main loop calling frequency (#2839)
  - Added new optimization flags SDL.discardOnLock and SDL.opaqueFrontBuffer to
    Emscripten SDL 1.2 SDL_LockSurface() and SDL_UnlockSurface() (#2870)
  - Fixed a bug with glfwGetProcAddress().
  - Added option to customize GLOBAL_BASE (the starting address of global
    variables in the Emscripten HEAP).
  - Added the ability to register mouseover and mouseout events from the HTML5
  - Improved experimental SIMD support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.25.1...1.25.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.25.1: 10/1/2014

  - Updated heap resize support code when -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 is defined.
  - Updated libc++ to new version from upstream svn revision 218372, 2014-09-24.
  - Fixed a bug where building on Windows might generate output JS files with
    incorrect syntax (emscripten-fastcomp #52)
  - Improved experimental SIMD support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.25.0...1.25.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.25.0...1.25.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.25.0: 9/30/2014

  - Fixed a warning message with -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.24.1...1.25.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.24.1: 9/27/2014

  - Fixed issues with the tmpnam and tmpfile functions (#2797, 2798)
  - Fixed CMake package find code to not search any system directories, because
    Emscripten is a cross-compiler.
  - Improved support for the proposed solution for heap resizing.
  - Fixed an issue where one could not run a main loop without having first a GL
    context created when -s FULL_ES2 or -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION were set.
  - For compatibility, Emscripten will no longer warn about missing library files
    for -lGL, -lGLU and -lglut libraries, since Emscripten provides the
    implementation for these without having to explicitly link to anything.
  - Added support for readonly (const) attributes and automatically call
    Pointer_stringify on DOMStrings in WebIDL.
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Added support for GLFW 3.0.
  - Added new Emscripten HTML 5 functions emscripten_set_mouseenter_callback()
    and emscripten_set_mouseleave_callback().
  - Emscripten now recognizes an environment variable
    EMCC_JSOPT_BLACKLIST=a,b,c,d which can be used to force-disable Emscripten to
    skip running specific JS optimization passes. This is intended as a debugging
    aid to help zoom in on JS optimizer bugs when compiling with -O1 and greater.
  - Fixed a bug where Module['TOTAL_STACK'] was ignored (#2837).
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec. Preliminary asm.js validation.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.24.0...1.24.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.24.0...1.24.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.24.0: 9/16/2014

  - Renamed the earlier Module.locateFilePackage() to Module.locateFile() added
    in v1.22.2 to better reflect its extended usage.
  - Improved exceptions support with exception_ptr.
  - Fixed a bug where restoring files from IDBFS would not preserve their file modes.
  - Fixed and issue where one could not pass a null pointer to strftime() function.
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.5...1.24.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.23.5...1.24.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.5: 9/12/2014

  - Added new functions emscripten_get_device_pixel_ratio(),
    emscripten_set_canvas_css_size() and emscripten_get_canvas_css_size() which
    allow handling High DPI options from C code.
  - Fixed bugs with timzone-related functions in the JS-implemented C standard
  - Implemented clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and added a new function
    emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic() to query whether the JS-provided timer is
    monotonic or not.
  - Fixed an issue where the user could not pass --llvm-opts=xxx when also
    specifying --llvm-lto=2.
  - Renamed the linker option -profiling to --profiling for consistency. The old
    form is still supported.
  - Formalized the set of valid characters to be used in files passed to the
    file_packager.py (#2765).
  - Implemented SDL function SDL_BlitScaled.
  - Fixed a bug with right modifier keys in SDL.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.4...1.23.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.4: 9/7/2014

  - Implemented new targetX and targetY fields for native HTML5 mouse and touch
    events (#2751)
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.3...1.23.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.23.3...1.23.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.3: 9/7/2014

  - Removed the scons-tools SCons build system as unused.
  - Fixed an issue where applications could not handle WebGL context creation
    failures gracefully.
  - Fixed a bug where the stringToC function in ccall/cwrap might not allocate
    enough space to hold unicode strings.
  - Removed CMake from attempting to link to library -ldl when building projects,
    by unsetting CMAKE_DL_LIBS.
  - Fixed a bug where write_sockaddr might return undefined data in its output
  - Added a new experimental -s POINTER_MASKING=1 linker option that might help
    JS VMs to optimize asm.js code.
  - Added first version of a memory tracing API to profile memory usage in
    Emscripten applications.
  - Added functions glob and globfree from musl regex library.
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.2...1.23.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.23.2...1.23.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.2: 9/2/2014

  - Adjusted the process and group ids reported by the stub library functions to
    be closer to native unix values.
  - Set stack to be aligned to 16 bytes. (#2721)
  - Fixed a compiler error "unresolved symbol:
    __cxa_decrement_exception_refcount" (#2715)
  - Added a new warning message that instructs that building .so, .dll and .dylib
    files is not actually supported, and is faked for compatibility reasons for
    existing build chains. (#2562)
  - Fixed problems with SDL mouse scrolling (#2643)
  - Implemented OpenAL function alSourceRewind.
  - Removed several old header files from the Emscripten repository that had been
    included for emulation purposes (zlib.h, png.h, tiff.h, tiffio.h), but their
    implementation is not included.
  - Work around an issue in d8 with binary file reading that broke e.g. printf
    when running in d8. (#2731)
  - Rigidified the semantics of Module.preRun and Module.postRun: These must
    always be JS arrays, single functions are not allowed (#2729)
  - Improved compiler warning diagnostics when generating output that will not
    validate as asm.js (#2737)
  - Updated to latest emrun version to enable support for passing arguments with
    hyphens to the program. (#2742)
  - Added Bessel math functions of the first kind  (j0, j1, jn) from musl.
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.1...1.23.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.23.1...1.23.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.1: 8/26/2014

  - Add support for the Chrome variant of the Gamepad API.
  - Updates to SIMD.js support.
  - Implemented glutSetCursor function.
  - Added new link-time options -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 and -s NO_BROWSER=1 to enable
    reducing output file sizes when those functionalities are not necessary.
  - Added a new option --closure 2 to allow running closure even on the asm.js output.
  - Fixed a regression bug that broke the use of
    emscripten_set_socket_error_callback() in emscripten.h
  - Removed the support for old discontinued Mozilla Audio Data API in src/library_sdl.js.
  - Removed the support for using Web Audio ScriptProcessorNode to stream audio.
  - Improved SDL audio streaming by using the main rAF() callback instead of a
    separate setTimeout() callback to schedule the audio data.
  - Deprecated compiling without typed arrays support.
  - Migrated to using musl PRNG functions. Fixes reported bugs about the quality of randomness (#2341)
  - Improved SIMD support for the experimental Ecmascript SIMD spec.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.23.0...1.23.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.23.0...1.23.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.23.0: 8/21/2014

  - Added support for array attributes in WebIDL bindings.
  - Allow cloning pointers that are scheduled for deletion in embind, and add
    support for null in embind_repr().
  - Fixed possible issues with rounding and flooring operations.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.22.2...1.23.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.22.2: 8/19/2014

  - Adds stack overflow checks when building with the link flag -s ASSERTIONS=1.
  - Fix an issue where EM_ASM was not usable with closure when closure removed
    the Module object (#2639)
  - The locale "POSIX" is now recognized (#2636)
  - Fixed a problem with embind on IE11.
  - Added OpenAL functions alSource3i, alListener3f, alGetEnumValue and
    alSpeedOfSound and also recognize ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS.
  - Fixed an issue where emcc would create .o files in the current directory when
    compiling multiple code files simultaneously (#2644)
  - The -s PROXY_TO_WORKER1= option now looks for a GET option "?noProxy" in the
    page URL to select at startup time whether proxying should be on or off.
  - Added new functions emscripten_yield, emscripten_coroutine_create and
    emscripten_coroutine_next which implement coroutines when building with the
    -s ASYNCIFY=1 option.
  - Optimized the size of intermediate generated .o files by omitting LLVM debug
    info from them when not needed. (#2657)
  - Fixed WebSocket connection URLs to allow a port number in them, e.g.
    "server:port/addr" (2610)
  - Added support for void* to the WebIDL binder, via the identifier VoidPtr.
  - Optimize emcc to not copy bitcode files around redundantly.
  - Fix stat() to correctly return ENOTDIR when expected (#2669).
  - Fixed issues with nested exception catching (#1714).
  - Increased the minimum size of the Emscripten HEAP to 64k instead of a previous 4k.
  - The {{{ cDefine('name') }}} macros now raise a compile-time error if the
    define name is not found, instead of hiding the error message inside the
    compiled output (#2672)
  - Fixed an issue where --emrun parameter was not compatible with the -s
    PROXY_TO_WORKER=1 option.
  - Improved WebGL support when compiling with the PROXY_TO_WORKER=1 option.
  - Fixed a regression issue with the handling of running dtors of classes that
    use virtual inheritance. (#2682)
  - Added an option Module.locateFilePackage() as a means to customize where data
    files are found in relative to the running page (#2680). NOTE: This parameter
    was later renamed to Module.locateFile() instead in release 1.24.0.
  - Fixed a bug where OpenAL sources would not properly delete.
  - Fixed a bug with upstream libc++ on std::map, std::multimap and
    std::unordered_map self-assignment
  - Allow using asm volatile("": : :"memory") as a compile-time
    reordering barrier (#2647)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.22.1...1.22.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.22.1...1.22.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.22.1: 8/7/2014

  - Added support for prefixing functions with '$' in JS libraries, in order to
    cause them not be prefixed with '_' when compiling.
  - Improved WebIDL compiler to support enums.
  - Fixed a bug with emscripten_force_exit() that would throw an exception (#2629).
  - Fixed setlocale() when setting a bad locale. (#2630)
  - Fixed a compiler miscompilation bug when optimizing loops. (#2626)
  - Fixed an issue with rethrowing an exception (#2627)
  - Fixed a bug where malloc()ing from JS code would leak memory if the C/C++
    side does not use malloc() (#2621)
  - Removed an unnecessary assert() in glReadPixels, and improved it to support
    more texture pixel types.
  - Fixed a bug with std::locale accepting unknown locale names (#2636)
  - Added support for WebIDL binder to work with Closure (#2620)
  - Added no-op SDL IMG_Quit() and TTF_Quit() symbols.
  - Migrated to building libcxx and libcxxapi with -Oz optimization flags.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.22.0...1.22.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.22.0: 8/5/2014

  - Added support to emrun to dump files to the local filesystem for debugging
  - Implemented emscripten_wget in ASYNCIFY mode.
  - Improved extension catching support (#2616)
  - Fixed .a link groups to also work when linking to bitcode. (#2568)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.10...1.22.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.21.10...1.22.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.10: 7/29/2014

  - Fixed a Windows-specific issue where the generated output files might contain
    line endings of form \r\r\n. This caused browser debuggers to get confused
    with line numbers. (#2133)
  - Improved the node.js workaround introduced in v1.21.8.
  - Implemented new HTML5 API for direct WebGL context creation, emscripten_webgl_*().
  - Fixed a bug when loading in node.js and loaded by another module (#2586)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.9...1.21.10
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.9: 7/28/2014

  - Fixed issues with exception catching. (#2531)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.8...1.21.9
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.8: 7/28/2014

  - Fixed an issue when using --embed-file to embed very large files.
  - Worked around a Windows node.js bug where the compiler output might get cut
    off when the compilation ends in an error.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.7...1.21.8
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.21.7...1.21.8
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.7: 7/25/2014

  - Added new environment variable EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS which can be used to
    restrict to only linking to the chosen set of Emscripten-provided libraries.
  - Adjusted argv[0] and environment variables USER, HOME, LANG and _ to report a
    more convenient set of default values. (#2565)
  - Fixed an issue where the application could not use environ without also
    referring to getenv() (#2557)
  - Fixed an issue with IDBFS running in web workers.
  - Print out an error if IDBFS is used without IDB support.
  - Fixed calling Runtime.getFuncWrapper() when -s ALIASING_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1 (#2010)
  - Fixed an issue where deleting files during directory iteration would produce
    incorrect iteration results (#2528)
  - Fixed support for strftime with %z and %Z (#2570)
  - Fixed a bug with truncate() throwing an exception (#2572)
  - Improved the linker to generate warning messages if user specifies -s X=Y
    linker flags that do not exist (#2579)
  - Fixed an issue with creating read-only files (#2573)
  - Added first implementation for the ASYNCIFY option, which splits up
    synchronous blocking loops to asynchronous execution. For more information on
    this approach, see https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/wiki/Asyncify
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.6...1.21.7
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.21.6...1.21.7
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.6: 7/22/2014

  - Separated OpenAL AL and ALC errors to properly separate fields.
  - When using EGL to initialize a GL context, initialize a stencil buffer to the
    context as well, since proper EGL context choosing is not yet implemented.
  - Added new linker flag -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT to choose whether to compile the
    application with libcxxabi-provided demangling support ___cxa_demangle().
  - Fixed a problem where calling stat() on a nonexisting file in the runtime VFS
    would result in an exception being thrown. (#2552)
  - When using the -v flag, no longer retain intermediate compilation files. To
    preserve the intermediate files, set the EMCC_DEBUG=1 environment variable.
  - Added a new HTML setting Module.memoryInitializerPrefixURL which specifies a
    prefix for where the memory initializer file .mem.js should be loaded from
  - Implemented eglReleaseThread to work according to spec.
  - Implemented a new function emscripten_force_exit() which immediately shuts
    down the C runtime.
  - Fixed a bug with exception handling that resulted in an error unresolved
    symbol: _ZTISt13bad_exception (#2560)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.5...1.21.6
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.5: 7/21/2014

  - Added support for glDrawBuffers with the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension.
  - Added stub implementation for eglReleaseThread.
  - Fixed a bug where passing -E to emcc used the system include headers instead
    of the built-in ones. (#2534)
  - Fixed the stacktrace() function to work on MSIE as well.
  - Removed the zlib.h header file from system include directory, since
    Emscripten does not provide an implementation of zlib built-in.
  - Added support for __cxa_bad_typeid (#2547)
  - Fixed an internal compiler crash with a certain pattern involving optimized
    builds and int64_t (#2539)
  - Fixed an issue with -s EXCEPTION_CATCHING_WHITELIST handling where an
    extension that was a substring of another might get erroneously handled.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.4...1.21.5
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.21.4...1.21.5
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.4: 7/17/2014

  - Implemented the getsockopt() function.
  - Added new event callback functions emscripten_set_socket_xx_callback() that
    allow listening to WebSocket events in an asynchronous manner.
  - Greatly improved CMake support, now various forms of configure-time test
    builds are supported, and the default extension is set to ".js"
  - Prohibit the virtual filesystem from creating files with name '.' or '..' at
  - Have runtime mkdir() function call normalize the path to be created before
  - Fixed an issue with omitting the third paramter in cwrap() call (#2511).
  - Fixed an issue where mouse event handling would throw an exception if the
    page did not contain a canvas object.
  - Fixed a GL initialization problem when user has extended Array with custom
    functions (#2514)
  - Added new compiler defines EMSCRIPTEN_major, EMSCRIPTEN_minor and
    EMSCRIPTEN_tiny which communicate the compiler version major.minor.tiny
    to compiled applications (#2343)
  - Fixed a bug where emrun did not properly capture the exit code when exit
    runtime via not calling exit().
  - Fixed an error message when symlinkin invalid filenams at runtime.
  - Fixed a bug in EGL context creation that parsed the input context creation
    parameters with wrong terminator.
  - Improved ffdb.py to be smarter when to attempt port forwarding to connect to
    a FFOS device DevTools port.
  - Implemented strsignal() function (#2532)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.3...1.21.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.3: 7/10/2014

  - Added implementations for SDL function SDL_AudioQuit and SDL_VideoQuit.
  - Fix an issue with the optimizeShifts optimization enabled in previous version.
  - Fixed the -s RELOOPER command line parameter to work.
  - Fixed a bug where building the system libc migt result in a compiler deadlock
    on Windows.
  - Removed emcc from trying to link in .dll files as static libraries on
  - Added support for GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES.
  - Fixed a bug where emcmake did not work on Windows.
  - Use multithreaded compilation to build libc.
  - Fixed an issue where the GL interop library could throw an exception in an
    error condition, instead of raising a GL error.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.2...1.21.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.2: 7/5/2014

  - Improved the checks that detect that code is run only while the runtime is
  - The memory initializer file (.mem.js) is now emitted by default when
    compiling with at least -O2 optimization level.
  - Fixed a performance issue where built-in math functions (Math.sqrt, etc.)
    took a slightly slower path (#2484).
  - Added support for the ffs libc function.
  - Re-enabled optimizeShifts optimization when not compiling for asm.js (#2481)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.1...1.21.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.1: 7/3/2014

  - Fixed an issue where wrong python interpreter could get invoked on Windows
    when both native and cygwin python were installed.
  - Updated musl from version 0.9.13 to version 1.0.3.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.21.0...1.21.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.21.0: 7/2/2014

  - Enable memory init files (.mem) by default in optimized builds (-O2+), as if
    --memory-init-file 1  is specified. This makes the default behavior on
    optimized builds emit smaller and faster-to-load code, but does require that
    you ship both a .js and a .mem file (if you prefer not to, can use
    --memory-init-file 1  ).
  - Implemented new SDL 1.2 functions SDL_GetRGB, SDL_GetRGBA and SDL_putenv.
  - Added support for /dev/random, /dev/urandom and C++11 std::random_device,
    which will use cryptographically secure random api if available. (#2447)
  - Added support for CMake find_path() directive.
  - Added support for std::unique_ptr in embind.
  - Improved Windows support for ffdb.py.
  - Implemented the clip_rect structure for created SDL surfaces.
  - Fixed a regression with SDL touch events (#2466)
  - Added support for C++11 std::thread::hardware_concurrency which backs to
    navigator.hardwareConcurrency. See
    http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Navigator_HW_Concurrency (#2456)
  - Optimized embind code generation with constexprs.
  - Enabled the use of Runtime.add&removeFunction when closure minification is
    active (#2446)
  - Implemented support for accessing WebGL when building via the proxy to worker
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.20.0...1.21.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.20.0: 6/13/2014

  - Optimize in-memory virtual filesystem performance when serialized to an IndexedDB.
  - Fixed memcpy regression with ta0 and ta1 modes.
  - Fixed an issue with line numbers being messed up when generating source maps (#2410)
  - Fixed an ffdb logging bug that could cause it to drop messages if they were
    being received too fast. Added support getting memory and system descriptions
    with ffdb.
  - Added a new extension to SDL "emscripten_SDL_SetEventHandler()" which enabled
    application to perform SDL event handling inside a JS event handler to
    overcome browser security restrictions. (#2417)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.19.2...1.20.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.19.2: 6/9/2014

  - Updated CMake support for response file handling.
  - Fixed issues with glfwGetProcAddress and glfwSetWindowSizeCallback.
  - Fixed an issue with regexes that caused issues on IE11 runtime (#2400)
  - Added a new functions emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data() and
    emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data_from_FILE() to obtain pixel data of
    preloaded images.
  - Greatly improved ffdb capabilities to operate a FFOS device.
  - Fixed a Windows-specific bug where the user temp directory was littered with
    temporary .rsp files that did not get cleaned up.
  - Improved SIMD support.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.19.1...1.19.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.19.1...1.19.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.19.1: 6/3/2014

  - Migrate to using musl sscanf and sprintf and the family that writes to
    memory, and not directly to the filesystem.
  - Improve the error messages from -s SAFE_HEAP_ACCESS=1 runtime checks.
  - Added new linker flag -s NO_DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=1 which removes the use of
    eval() and new Function() in the generated output. For more information, see
    "Eval and related functions are disabled" in
    https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy .
  - Fixed a compiler issue when very large double constants are present. (#2392)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.19.0...1.19.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.19.0: 5/29/2014

  - Added an error message to signal that linkable modules are not supported in fastcomp.
  - Fixed a miscompilation issue that resulted in an error "SyntaxError: invalid
    increment operand" and a statement +(+0) being generated (#2314)
  - Make optimized compiler output smaller by running the shell code through
    uglify when not using closure.
  - Fixed a crash in SDL audio loading code introduced in v1.18.3
  - Fixed an issue where glTex(Sub)Image2D might throw an exception on error,
    instead of setting glGetError().
  - Added new typedefs emscripten_align1_short, emscripten_align{1/2}_int,
    emscripten_align{1/2}_float and emscripten_align{1/2/4}_double to ease
    signaling the compiler that unaligned data is present. (#2378)
  - Fixed an embind issue with refcount tracking on smart pointers.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.18.4...1.19.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.18.4...1.19.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.18.4: 5/27/2014

  - Fixed error message on unsupported linking options (#2365)
  - Updated embind to latest version from IMVU upstream.
  - Fixed an issue where source maps did not load properly in Firefox.
  - Added a more descriptive error message to fastcomp when MAX_SETJMPS limit is
    violated. (#2379)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.18.3...1.18.4
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.18.3...1.18.4
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.18.3: 5/21/2014

  - Added support to emcc command line for "archive groups": -Wl,--start-group
    and -Wl,--end-group
  - Greatly optimized ccall and cwrap implementations.
  - Added new support for SDL_Mix backend to use WebAudio to play back audio clips.
  - Fixed a registerizeHarder issue with elimination of conditional expressions.
  - Migrated single-character standard C functions (islower, tolower, and the
    family) to use musl implementations.
  - Updated relooper to not optimize out breaks if it causes excessive nesting.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.18.2...1.18.3
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.18.2...1.18.3
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.18.2: 5/19/2014

  - Fixed a problem which blocked user applications from handling WebGL context
    loss events themselves.
  - Added a new HTML5 api function emscripten_is_webgl_context_lost() which
    allows polling for context loss in addition to receiving events.
  - Improved async wget progress events to work better across browsers.
  - Improved WebIDL binder support.
  - Added new typeof() function to emscripten::val.
  - Added support for SDL window events SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED,
  - Fixed a compiler miscompilation on unsigned i1 bitcasts (#2350)
  - Fixed a compiler bug where doubles in varargs might not get 8-byte aligned (#2358)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.18.1...1.18.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.18.1...1.18.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.18.1: 5/12/2014

  - Fixed an issue where the mouse wheel scroll did not work with SDL.
  - Fixed an issue with emscripten_async_wget, which undesirably expected that
    the string pointer passed to it stayed alive for the duration of the
    operation (#2349)
  - Emscripten now issues a warning message when the EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS list
    contains invalid symbol names (#2338)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.18.0...1.18.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.18.0: 5/10/2014

  - Enable support for low-level C<->JS interop to marshall 64 bit integers from
    C to JS.
  - Fixed an issue that caused some programs to immediately run out of memory
    "(cannot enlarge memory arrays)" at startup. (#2334)
  - Fixed a crash issue with generated touch events that didn't correspond to a real touch.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.17.0...1.18.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.17.0...1.18.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.17.0: 5/6/2014

  - Enabled asm.js compilation and -s PRECISE_F32 support when using embind.
  - Improved relooper to emit switches in many-entried blocks.
  - Fixed a GLFW bug where mouse wheel direction was reversed.
  - Fixed glfwGetKey to work even when no callback is registered with
    glfwGetKeyCallback (#1320)
  - Added a new tool 'webidl_binder' that generates C <-> JS interop code from
    WebIDL descriptions.
  - Fix emscripten compilation to work on pages that don't contain a HTML canvas.
  - Added a new error message to default shell when an uncaught exception is thrown.
  - Improved error diagnostics reported by -s SAFE_HEAP=1.
  - Added support for registering callbacks hook to VFS file open, write, move,
    close and delete.
  - Added embind support to std::basic_string
  - By default, the C runtime will no longer exit after returning from main()
    when safeSetTimeout() or safeSetInterval() is used.
  - Fixed an issue with sscanf formatting (#2322)
  - Fixed an issue where precompiled headers were given a wrong output filename (#2320)
  - Enabled registerizeHarder optimization pass to work when outlining is enabled.
  - Fixed an issue with strptime month handling (#2324)
  - Added an initial implementation of a new tool 'ffdb' which can be used to
    operate a Firefox OS phone from the command line.
  - Fixed a compiler crash on assertion failure '!contains(BranchesOut, Target)'
    (emscripten-fastcomp #32)
  - Added a new ABI to Clang that targets Emscripten specifically. Stop aligning
    member functions to save some space in the function table array.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.16.0...1.17.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.16.0...1.17.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.16.0...1.17.0

v1.16.0: 4/16/2014

  - Removed browser warnings message in VFS library about replacing proto performance issue.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.15.1...1.16.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.15.1...1.16.0

v1.15.1: 4/15/2014

  - Added support for SDL2 touch api.
  - Added new user-controllable emdind-related define #define
    EMSCRIPTEN_HAS_UNBOUND_TYPE_NAMES, which allows optimizing embind for minimal
    size when std::type_info is not needed.
  - Fixed issues with CMake support where CMAKE_AR and CMAKE_RANLIB were not
    accessible from CMakeLists.txt files.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.15.0...1.15.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: no changes.
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.15.0: 4/11/2014

  - Fix outlining feature for functions that return a double (#2278)
  - Added support for C++11 atomic constructs (#2273)
  - Adjusted stdout and stderr stream behavior in the default shell.html to
    always print out to both web page text log box, and the browser console.
  - Fixed an issue with loop variable optimization.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.14.1...1.15.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.14.1...1.15.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.14.1...1.15.0

v1.14.1: 4/8/2014

  - Added new command line utility 'emcmake', which can be used to call
    emconfigure for cmake.
  - Added a new emcc command line parameter '--valid-abspath', which allows
    selectively suppressing warning messages that occur when using absolute path
    names in include and link directories.
  - Added a new emcc linker command line parameter '--emit-symbol-map', which
    will save a map file between minified global names and the original function
  - Fixed an issue with --default-object-ext not always working properly.
  - Added optimizations to eliminate redundant loop variables and redundant
  - Migrated several libc functions to use compiled code from musl instead of
    handwritten JS implementations.
  - Improved embind support.
  - Renamed the EM_ASM_() macro to the form EM_ASM_ARGS().
  - Fixed mouse button ordering issue in glfw.
  - Fixed an issue when creating a path name that ends in a slash (#2258, #2263)
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.14.0...1.14.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.14.0...1.14.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.14.0: 3/25/2014

  - Added new emcc linker command line option '-profiling', which defaults JS
    code generation options suited for benchmarking and profiling purposes.
  - Implemented the EGL function eglWaitGL().
  - Fixed an issue with the HTML5 API that caused the HTML5 event listener unregistration to fail.
  - Fixed issues with numpad keys in SDL support library.
  - Added a new JS optimizer pass 'simplifyIfs', which is run when -s
    SIMPLIFY_IFS=1 link flag is set and -g is not specified. This pass merges
    multiple nested if()s together into single comparisons, where possible.
  - Removed false positive messages on missing internal "emscripten_xxx" symbols at link stage.
  - Updated to latest relooper version.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.13.2...1.14.0
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.13.2...1.14.0
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.13.2: 3/15/2014

  - Fixed issues with SDL audio on Safari.
  - Fixed issues with HTML5 API mouse scroll events on Safari.
  - Fixed issues with HTML5 fullscreen requests in IE11.
  - Enabled support for emscripten_get_callstack on IE10+.
  - Fixed issues with Closure symbol minification.
  - Further improved em_asm()-related error messages.
  - Updated to latest relooper version.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.13.1...1.13.2
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.13.1...1.13.2
      - Emscripten-Clang: no changes.

v1.13.1: 3/10/2014

  - Disallow C implicit function declarations by making it an error instead of a
    warning by default. These will not work with Emscripten, due to strict
    Emscripten signature requirements when calling function pointers (#2175).
  - Allow transitioning to full screen from SDL as a response to mouse press
  - Fixed a bug in previous 1.13.0 release that broke fullscreen transitioning
    from working.
  - Fixed emscripten/html5.h to be used in C source files.
  - Fix an issue where extraneous system libraries would get included in the
    generated output (#2191).
  - Added a new function emscripten_async_wget2_data() that allows reading from
    an XMLHTTPRequest directly into memory while supporting advanced features.
  - Fixed esc key code in GLFW.
  - Added new emscripten_debugger() intrinsic function, which calls into JS
    "debugger;" statement to break into a JS debugger.
  - Fixed varargs function call alignment of doubles to 8 bytes.
  - Switched to using default function local stack alignment to 16 bytes to be SIMD-friendly.
  - Improved error messages when user code has a syntax error in em_asm() statements.
  - Switched to using a new custom LLVM datalayout format for Emscripten. See
  - Optimized function local stack space to use fewer temporary JS variables.
  - Full list of changes:
      - Emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.13.0...1.13.1
      - Emscripten-LLVM: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp/compare/1.13.0...1.13.1
      - Emscripten-Clang: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten-fastcomp-clang/compare/1.13.0...1.13.1

v1.13.0: 3/3/2014

  - Fixed the deprecated source mapping syntax warning.
  - Fixed a buffer overflow issue in emscripten_get_callstack (#2171).
  - Added support for -Os (optimize for size) and -Oz (aggressively optimize for
    size) arguments to emcc.
  - Fixed a typo that broko the call signature of glCompressedTexSubImage2D()
    function (#2173).
  - Added new browser fullscreen resize logic that always retains aspect ratio
    and adds support for IE11.
  - Improve debug messaging with bad function pointer calls when -s ASSERTIONS=2
    is set.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.12.3...1.13.0

v1.12.3: 2/27/2014

  - Fixed alcOpenDevice on Safari.
  - Improved the warning message on missing symbols to not show false positives (#2154).
  - Improved EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent HTML5 API structure to return
    information about HTML element and screen sizes for convenience.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.12.2...1.12.3

v1.12.2: 2/25/2014

  - Added better warning message if Emscripten, LLVM and Clang versions don't match.
  - Introduced the asmjs-unknown-emscripten target triple that allows
    specializing LLVM codegen for Emscripten purposes.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.12.1...1.12.2

v1.12.1: 2/25/2014

  - TURNED ON FASTCOMP BY DEFAULT. This means that you will need to migrate to
    fastcomp-clang build. Either use an Emscripten SDK distribution, or to build
    manually, see
    for info.
  - Migrate to requiring Clang 3.3 instead of Clang 3.2. The fastcomp-clang
    repository by Emscripten is based on Clang 3.3.
  - Deprecated old Emscripten libgc implementation.
  - asm.js will now be always enabled, even in -O0 builds in fastcomp.
  - Remove support for -s RUNTIME_TYPE_INFO, which is unsupported in fastcomp.
  - Added a new "powered by Emscripten" logo.
  - Updated default shell.html graphical layout.
  - Added new macro EM_ASM_, which allows sending values to JS without returning anything.
  - Deprecated the jcache compiler option. It should not be needed anymore.
  - Added support for fetching callstack column information in Firefox 30 in emscripten_get_callstack.
  - Fix issues with missing exceptions-related symbols in fastcomp.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.12.0...1.12.1

v1.12.0: 2/22/2014

  - Improved the runtime abort error message when calling an invalid function
    pointer if compiled with -s ASSERTIONS=1 and 2. This allows the developer to
    better deduce errors with bad function pointers or function pointers casted
    and invoked via a wrong signature.
  - Added a new api function emscripten_set_main_loop_arg, which allows passing a
    userData pointer that will be carried via the function call, useful for
    object-oriented encapsulation purposes (#2114).
  - Fixed CMake MinSizeRel configuration type to actually optimize for minimal size with -Os.
  - Added support for GLES2 VAO extension OES_vertex_array_object for browsers that support it.
  - Fix issues with emscripten/html5.f when compiled with the SAFE_HEAP option.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.11.1...1.12.0

v1.11.1: 2/19/2014

  - Improved eglSwapBuffers to be spec-conformant.
  - Fixed an issue with asm.js validation and va_args (#2120).
  - Fixed asm.js validation issues found with fuzzing.
  - Added new link-time compiler flag -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1, which
    enables a runtime API for querying which Emscripten settings were used to
    compile the file.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.11.0...1.11.1

v1.11.0: 2/14/2014

  - Implemented some new SDL library functions.
  - Renamed standard file descriptors to have handles 0, 1 and 2 rather than 1, 2
    and 3 to coincide with unix numbering.
  - Improved embind support with smart pointers and mixins.
  - Improved the registerization -O3 optimization pass around switch-case constructs.
  - Upper-case files with suffix .C are now also recognized (#2109).
  - Fixed an issue with glGetTexParameter (#2112).
  - Improved exceptions support in fastcomp.
  - Added new linker option -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1, which can be used to set a
    default value for the Module["noExitRuntime"] parameter at compile-time.
  - Improved SDL audio buffer queueing when the sample rate matches the native
    web audio graph sample rate.
  - Added an optimization that removes redundant Math.frounds in -O3.
  - Improved the default shell.html file.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.10.4...1.11.0

v1.10.4: 2/10/2014

  - Added support for legacy GL emulation in fastcomp.
  - Deprecated the --split-js compiler option. This is not supported in fastcomp.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.10.3...1.10.4

v1.10.3: 2/9/2014

  - Work on supporting GL/EGL GetProcAddress.
  - Fixed issues with shared lib linking support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.10.2...1.10.3

v1.10.2: 2/7/2014

  - Added basic FS unmount support.
  - Improved screen orientation lock API to return a success code.
  - Added PRECISE_F32 support to fastcomp.
  - Fixed issues in fastcomp related to special floating point literal
  - Improved SDL audio buffer queueing.
  - Added new link-time option -s WARN_UNALIGNED=1 to fastcomp to report compiler
    warnings about generated unaligned memory accesses, which can hurt
  - Optimized libc strcmp and memcmp with the implementations from musl libc.
  - Optimized libc memcpy and memset to back to native code for large buffer sizes.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.10.1...1.10.2

v1.10.1: 1/31/2014

  - Improve srand() and rand() to be seedable and use a Linear Congruential
    Generator (LCG) for the rng generation for performance.
  - Improved OpenAL library support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.10.0...1.10.1

v1.10.0: 1/29/2014

  - Improved C++ exception handling.
  - Improved OpenAL library support.
  - Fixed an issue where loading side modules could try to allocate from sealed
    heap (#2060).
  - Fixed safe heap issues (2068).
  - Added new EM_ASM variants that return a value but do not receive any inputs
  - Add support for simultaneously using setjmp and C++ exceptions in fastcomp.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.5...1.10.0

v1.9.5: 1/25/2014

  - Added a spinner logo to default html shell.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.4...1.9.5

v1.9.4: 1/24/2014

  - Add support for Ninja and Eclipse+Ninja builds with Emscripten+CMake.
  - Fixed regressions with GL emulation.
  - Added support for #if !X in .js library preprocessor.
  - Make the syntax EM_ASM("code"); not silently fail. Note that the proper form
    is EM_ASM(code); without double-quotes.
  - Optimize generated code size by minifying loop labels as well.
  - Revised the -O3 optimization level to mean "safe, but very slow optimizations
    on top of -O2", instead of the old meaning "unsafe optimizations". Using -O3
    will now only do safe optimizations, but can be very slow compared to -O2.
  - Implemented a new registerization optimization pass that does extra variable
    elimination in -O3 and later to reduce the number of local variables in
  - Implemented a new emscripten/html5.h interface that exposes common HTML5 APIs
    directly to C code without having to handwrite JS wrappers.
  - Improved error messages reported on user-written .js libraries containing
    syntax errors (#2033).
  - Fixed glBufferData() function call signature with null data pointer.
  - Added new option Module['filePackagePrefixURL'] that allows customizing the
    URL where the VFS package is loaded from.
  - Implemented glGetTexEnviv and glGetTexEnvfv in GL emulation mode.
  - Optimized the size of large memory initializer sections.
  - Fixed issues with the safe heap compilation option.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.3...1.9.4

v1.9.3: 1/17/2014

  - re-merge split blocks in multiples
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.2...1.9.3

v1.9.2: 1/16/2014

  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.1...1.9.2

v1.9.1: 1/16/2014

  - Optimize desktop GL fixed function pipeline emulation texture load
    instruction counts when GL_COMBINE is used.
  - fix Math_floor coercion in unrecommended codegen modes
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.9.0...1.9.1

v1.9.0: 1/16/2014

  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.14...1.9.0

v1.8.14: 1/15/2014

  - add musl fputws and fix vswprintf.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.13...1.8.14

v1.8.13: 1/15/2014

  - remove musl use of fwritex
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.12...1.8.13

v1.8.12: 1/15/2014

  - Added new GLEW 1.10.0 emulation support.
  - Fixed an issue where the runtime could start more than once when run in a
    browser (#1992)
  - Fix a regression in wprintf.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.11...1.8.12

v1.8.11: 1/15/2014

  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.10...1.8.11

v1.8.10: 1/14/2014

  - Update libc implementation from musl libc.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.9...1.8.10

v1.8.9: 1/14/2014

  - add fputwc, which enables wprintf.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.8...1.8.9

v1.8.8: 1/14/2014

  - Update to latest libcxx and libcxxabi libraries.
  - Fix handling of floating point negative zero (#1898)
  - Fixed a memory leak in relooper in previous release.
  - Fixed an issue in previous release with VBO handling in GL optimizations.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.7...1.8.8

v1.8.7: 1/13/2014

  - Added support to numpad keycodes in glut support library.
  - Fix SIMD support with fastcomp.
  - Fixed a compiler error 'ran out of names' that could occur with too many
    minified symbol names.
  - Work around webkit imul bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126345
  - Optimized desktop GL fixed function pipeline emulation path for better
  - Added support for exceptions when building with fastcomp.
  - Fix and issue where the run() function could be called multiple times at
    startup (#1992)
  - Removed a relooper limitation with fixed buffer size.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.6...1.8.7

v1.8.6: 1/8/2014

  - Added support for the libuuid library, see http://linux.die.net/man/3/libuuid.
  - Fixed .js file preprocessor to preprocess recursively (#1984).
  - Fixed a compiler codegen issue related to overflow arithmetic (#1975)
  - Added new link-time optimization flag -s AGGRESSIVE_VARIABLE_ELIMINATION=1
    that enables the aggressiveVariableElimination js optimizer pass, which tries
    to remove temporary variables in generated JS code at the expense of code
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.5...1.8.6

v1.8.5: 1/7/2014

  - Fixed compiler issues when used with LLVM 3.4.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.4...1.8.5

v1.8.4: 1/6/2014

  - Added support to Return and Backspace keys to glut
  - Fixed compiler issues when used with LLVM 3.4.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.3...1.8.4

v1.8.3: 1/5/2014

  - Improved SDL and page scroll pos handling support for IE10 and IE11.
  - Optimized SDL_UnlockSurface performance.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.2...1.8.3

v1.8.2: 1/4/2014

  - Fixed glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv and an issue with glGetXXX when
    the returned value was null.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.1...1.8.2

v1.8.1: 1/3/2014

  - Added support for WebGL hardware instancing extension.
  - Improved fastcomp native LLVM backend support.
  - Added support for #include filename.js to JS libraries.
  - Deprecated --compression emcc command line parameter that manually compressed
    output JS files, due to performance issues. Instead, it is best to rely on
    the web server to serve compressed JS files.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.8.0...1.8.1

v1.8.0: 12/28/2013

  - Fix two issues with function outliner and relooper.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.9...1.8.0

v1.7.9: 12/27/2013

  - Added new command line parameter --em-config that allows specifying a custom
    location for the .emscripten configuration file.
  - Reintroduced relaxed asm.js heap sizes, which no longer need to be power of
    2, but a multiple of 16MB is sufficient.
  - Added emrun command line tool that allows launching .html pages from command
    line on desktop and Android as if they were native applications. See
    https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/emscripten-discuss/t2juu3q1H8E . Adds
    --emrun compiler link flag.
  - Began initial work on the "fastcomp" compiler toolchain, a rewrite of the
    previous JS LLVM AST parsing and codegen via a native LLVM backend.
  - Added --exclude-file command line flag to emcc and a matching --exclude
    command line flag to file packager, which allows specifying files and
    directories that should be excluded while packaging a VFS data blob.
  - Improved GLES2 and EGL support libraries to be more spec-conformant.
  - Optimized legacy GL emulation code path. Added new GL_FFP_ONLY optimization
    path to fixed function pipeline emulation.
  - Added new core functions emscripten_log() and emscripten_get_callstack() that
    allow printing out log messages with demangled and source-mapped callstack
  - Improved BSD Sockets support. Implemented getprotobyname() for BSD Sockets library.
  - Fixed issues with simd support.
  - Various bugfixes: #1573, #1846, #1886, #1908, #1918, #1930, #1931, #1942, #1948, ..
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.8...1.7.9

v1.7.8: 11/19/2013

  - Fixed an issue with -MMD compilation parameter.
  - Added EM_ASM_INT() and EM_ASM_DOUBLE() macros. For more information, read
    https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/emscripten-discuss/BFGTJPCgO6Y .
  - Fixed --split parameter to also work on Windows.
  - Fixed issues with BSD sockets accept() call.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.7...1.7.8

v1.7.7: 11/16/2013

  - Improve SDL audio buffer queue timing support.
  - Improved default precision of clock_gettime even when not using CLOCK_REALTIME.
  - Optimize and fix issues with LLVM IR processing.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.6...1.7.7

v1.7.6: 11/15/2013

  - Added regex implementation from musl libc.
  - The command line parameter -s DEAD_FUNCTIONS=[] can now be used to explicitly
    kill functions coming from built-in library_xx.js.
  - Improved EGL support and GLES2 spec conformance.
  - Reverted -s TOTAL_MEMORY=x to require pow2 values, instead of the relaxed
    'multiples of 16MB'. This is because the relaxed rule is released only in
    Firefox 26 which is currently in Beta and ships on the week of December 10th
    (currently in Beta). As of writing, current stable Firefox 25 does not yet
    support these.
  - Adjusted the default linker behavior to warn about all missing symbols,
    instead of silently ignoring them. Use -s WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 to
    suppress these warnings if necessary.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.5...1.7.6

v1.7.5: 11/13/2013

  - Fix issues with the built-in C++ function name demangler.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.4...1.7.5

v1.7.4: 11/12/2013

  - Fixed issues with BSD sockets code and SDL joystick implementation.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.3...1.7.4

v1.7.3: 11/12/2013

  - Added support for generating single-precision floating point instructions.
      - For more information, read
  - Made GLES2 support library more spec-conformant by throwing fewer exceptions
    on errors. Be sure to build with -s GL_ASSERTIONS=1, remember to use
    glGetError() and check the browser console to best detect WebGL rendering
  - Converted return value of emscripten_get_now() from float to double, to not
    lose precision in the function call.
  - Added support for joysticks in SDL via the Gamepad API
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.2...1.7.3

v1.7.2: 11/9/2013

  - The compiler now always generates a .js file that contains the generated
    source code even when compiling to a .html file.
      - Read https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/emscripten-discuss/EuHMwqdSsEs
  - Implemented depth+stencil buffer choosing behavior in GLUT, SDL and GLFW.
  - Fixed memory leaks generated by glGetString and eglGetString.
  - Greatly optimized startup times when virtual filesystems with a large amount
    of files in them.
  - Added some support for SIMD generated by LLVM.
  - Fixed some mappings with SDL keyboard codes.
  - Added a new command line parameter --no-heap-copy to compiler and file
    packager that can be used to optimize VFS memory usage at startup.
  - Updated libcxx to revision 194185, 2013-11-07.
  - Improvements to various library support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.1...1.7.2

v1.7.1: 10/24/2013

  - Remove old call to Runtime.warn in file packager code
  - Fix bug with parsing of empty types.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.7.0...1.7.1

v1.7.0: 10/23/2013

  - Adds mouse wheel events support in GLUT library.
  - Adds support for a new link parameter -s CASE_INSENSITIVE_VFS=1 to enable
    Emscripten virtual filesystem to search files ignoring case.
  - Numerous optimizations in both compilation and runtime stages.
  - Remove unnecessary whitespace, compact postSets function, and other
    optimizations in compilation output to save on generated file size.
  - Fixes float parsing from negative zero.
  - Removes the -s EMIT_GENERATED_FUNCTIONS link parameter as unneeded.
  - Fixes an issue where updating subranges of GL uniform arrays was not
  - asm.js heap size (-s TOTAL_MEMORY=x) no longer needs to be a power of 2. As a
    relaxed rule, choosing any multiple of 16MB is now possible.
  - O1 optimization no longer runs the 'simplifyExpressions' optimization pass.
    This is to improve build iteration times when using -O1. Use -O2 to run that
  - EM_ASM() can now be used even when compiling to asm.js.
  - All currently specified non-debugging-related WebGL 1 extensions are now
    enabled by default on startup, no need to ctx.getExtension() manually to
    enable them.
  - Improve readability of uncaught JavaScript exceptions that are thrown all the
    way up to the web console by printing out the stack trace of where the throw
  - Fix an issue when renaming a directory to a subdirectory.
  - Several compiler stability fixes.
  - Adds a JavaScript implementation of cxa_demangle function for demangling call
    stack traces at runtime for easier debugging.
  - GL context MSAA antialising is now DISABLED by default, to make the GL
    behavior consistent with desktop usage.
  - Added support to SDL, GLUT and GLFW libraries to specify MSAA on/off at startup.
  - Implemented glColor4ubv in GL emulation mode.
  - Fix an issue with LLVM keyword attribute ((constructor)) (#1155).
  - Fix an issue with va_args and -s UNALIGNED_MEMORY=1 (#1705).
  - Add initial support code for LLVM SIMD constructs and a JavaScript SIMD
    polyfill implementation from
    https://github.com/johnmccutchan/ecmascript_simd/ .
  - Fixed support for node.js native filesystem API NODEFS on Windows.
  - Optimize application startup times of Emscripten-compiled programs by
    enabling the virtual filesystem XHR and asm.js compilation to proceed in
    parallel when opening a page.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.6.4...1.7.0

v1.6.4: 9/30/2013

  - Implements a new preprocessor tool for preparsing C struct definitions
    (#1554), useful for Emscripten support library implementors.
  - Fix parsing issue with sscanf (#1668).
  - Improved the responsiveness of compiler print output on Windows.
  - Improved compilation times at link stage.
  - Added support for new "NODEFS" filesystem that directly accesses files on the
    native filesystem. Only usable with node.js when compiling to JS.
  - Added support for new IDBFS filesystem for accessing files in IndexedDB storage (#1601.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.6.3...1.6.4

v1.6.3: 9/26/2013

  - Emscripten CMake toolchain now generates archive files with .a suffix when
    project target type is static library, instead of generatic .bc files
  - Adds iconv library from the musl project to implement wide functions in C
    library (#1670).
  - Full list of changes:

v1.6.2: 9/25/2013

  - Added support for dprintf() function (#1250).
  - Fixes several compiler stability issues (#1637, #1166, #1661, #1651 and more).
  - Enables support for WEBGL_depth_texture.
  - Adds support for new link flag -s GL_ASSERTIONS=1 which can be used to add
    extra validation layer to the Emscripten GL library to catch code issues.
  - Adds support to Web Audio API in SDL audio backend so that SDL audio now
    works in Chrome and new Opera as well.
  - Fixes an alpha blending issue with SDL_SetAlpha.
  - Implemented locale-related code in C library.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.6.1...1.6.2

v1.6.1: 9/22/2013

  - Several optimizations to compiler link stage.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.6.0...1.6.1

v1.6.0: 9/21/2013

  - Enable support for %[] pattern in scanf.
  - Added dependency tracking support to linked .js files in CMake toolchain.
  - The hex prefix 0x is now properly handled in sscanf (#1632).
  - Simplify internal compiler operations by removing the internal framework.js.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.9...1.6.0

v1.5.9: 9/15/2013

  - Add support for SDL_Delay in web workers.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.8...1.5.9

v1.5.8: 9/14/2013

  - Add support for the GCC -E compiler flag.
  - Update Emscripten libc headers to musl-0.9.13.
  - Added new utility function emscripten_async_load_script() to asynchronously
    load a new .js script URL.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.7...1.5.8

v1.5.7: 8/30/2013

  - The script tag in default shell.html is now marked 'async', which enables
    loading the JS script code asynchronously in Firefox without making the main
    thread unresponsive.
  - Implemented new utility function emscripten_get_canvas_size() which returns
    the current Module  element size in pixels.
  - Optimize code size in compiled side modules.
  - Optimize startup memory usage by avoiding unnecessary copying of VFS data at
  - Add support for SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen().
  - Add support for emscripten_get_now() when running in SpiderMonkey shell.
  - Added new environment variable EM_BUILD_VERBOSE=0,1,2,3 to set an extra
    compiler output verbosity level for debugging.
  - Added better support for dlopen() to simulate dynamic library loading in
  - Improved support for BSD sockets and networking.
  - Added new SOCKFS filesystem, which reads files via a network connection.
  - Avoid issues with long command line limitations in CMake toolchain by using
    response files.
  - Fix issues with client-side vertex data rendering in GL emulation mode.
  - Improved precision of clock_gettime().
  - Improve function outlining support.
  - Added support for using NMake generator with CMake toolchain.
  - Improved support for flexible arrays in structs (#1602).
  - Added ability to marshal UTF16 and UTF32 strings between C++ <-> JS code.
  - Added a new commandline tool validate_asms.py to help automating asm.js
    validation testing.
  - Improved stability with inline asm() syntax.
  - Updated libc headers to new version.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.6...1.5.7

v1.5.6: 8/17/2013

  - Improved BSD sockets support.
  - Added touch events support to GLUT library.
  - Added new --js-opts=0/1 command line option to control whether JS optimizer
    is run or not.
  - Improved OpenAL support.
  - Added new command line tool tools/find_bigvars.py which can be used on an
    output file to detect large functions and needs for outlining.
  - Merged link flags -s FORCE_GL_EMULATION and -s DISABLE_GL_EMULATION to a
    single opt-in flag -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=0/1 to control whether GL emulation
    is active.
  - Improved SDL input support.
  - Several stability-related compiler fixes.
  - Fixed source mapping generation support on Windows.
  - Added back the EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE attribute qualifier to help prevent
    inlining and to retain symbols in output without dead code elimination
  - Fix issues when marshalling UTF8 strings between C<->JS.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.5...1.5.6

v1.5.5: 8/9/2013

  - Update libcxx to revision 187959, 2013-08-08.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.4...1.5.5

v1.5.4: 8/9/2013

  - Fixed multiple issues with C stdlib support.
  - Fix audio buffer queueing issues with OpenAL.
  - Improved BSD sockets support.
  - Added a new compile+link time command line option -Wno-warn-absolute-paths to
    hide the emscripten compiler warning when absolute paths are passed into the
  - Added new link flag -s STB_IMAGE=0/1 and integrate it to SDL image loading to
    enable synchronous image loading support with SDL.
  - Several improvements on function outlining support.
  - Fix issues with GLES2 interop support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.3...1.5.4

v1.5.3: 6/28/2013

  - Added new optimization level --llvm-lto 3 to run even more aggressive LTO
  - Improve optimizations for libc and other libraries.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.2...1.5.3

v1.5.2: 6/27/2013

  - Added support for generating source maps along the built application when -g
    is specified. This lets the browser show original .cpp sources when
  - GLUT and SDL improvements.
  - Added new link option -g where level=0-4, which allows controlling
    various levels of debuggability added to the output.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.1...1.5.2

v1.5.1: 6/22/2013

  - File packager now skips all directories and files starting with '.', and hidden files on Windows.
  - Fix issues with strnlen, memmove, LDBL_ constants, va_args, float.h, and others.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.5.0...1.5.1

v1.5.0: 6/17/2013

  - Several compiler optimizations.
  - Improve SDL key events support.
  - Increase debug logging when specifying emcc -v.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.9...1.5.0

v1.4.9: 6/8/2013

  - Several compiler optimizations.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.8...1.4.9

v1.4.8: 6/6/2013

  - Add support for webrtc-based sockets.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.7...1.4.8

v1.4.7: 6/2/2013

  - Remove more unneeded break and continue statements in relooper.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.6...1.4.7

v1.4.6: 6/2/2013

  - Improve relooper code.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.5...1.4.6

v1.4.5: 6/1/2013

  - Improve relooper code.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.4...1.4.5

v1.4.4: 6/1/2013

  - Add support for symlinks in source files.
  - Fix various issues with SDL.
  - Added -s FORCE_ALIGNED_MEMORY=0/1 link time flag to control whether all loads
    and stores are assumed to be aligned.
  - Fix file packager to work with closure.
  - Major improvements to embind support, and optimizations.
  - Improve GL emulation.
  - Optimize VFS usage.
  - Allow emscripten to compile .m and .mm files.
  - Added new syntax --preload-file src@dst to file packager command line to
    allow placing source files to custom destinations in the FS.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.3...1.4.4

v1.4.3: 5/8/2013

  - Fix issue with strcat.
  - Major embind improvements.
  - Switch to le32-unknown-nacl LLVM target triple as default build option
    instead of the old i386-pc-linux-gnu target triple.
  - Improve compiler logging behavior.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.2...1.4.3

v1.4.2: 5/3/2013

  - Fix issues with le32-unknown-nacl LLVM target triple.
  - Add some GLEW support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.4.1...1.4.2

v1.4.1: 4/28/2013

  - Implement support for le32-unknown-nacl LLVM target triple.
  - Added new cmdline option -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0/1 to give
    compile-time error on undefined symbols at link time. Default off.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.8...1.4.1

v1.3.8: 4/29/2013

  - Improved 64-bit integer ops codegen.
  - Added Indexed DB support to vfs.
  - Improve warning message on dangerous function pointer casts when compiling in
    asm.js mode.
  - Added --use-preload-cache command line option to emcc, to be used with the
    file packager.
  - Fixes to libcextra.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.7...1.3.8

v1.3.7: 4/24/2013

  - Merge IMVU implementation of embind to emscripten trunk. Embind allows
    high-level C++ <-> JS types interop.
  - Enable asm.js compilation in -O1 and higher by default. Fix issues when
    compiling to asm.js.
  - Improve libc support with Emscripten with the musl libc headers.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.6...1.3.7

v1.3.6: 4/2/2013

  - Fix hang issue with strtof.
  - Update libcxx to upstream r178253 from March 29, 2013.
  - Fix issues with GL emulation.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.5...1.3.6

v1.3.5: 3/25/2013

  - Get exceptions working as they did before.
  - Remove symbol removing hack.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.4...1.3.5

v1.3.4: 3/24/2013

  - Update to new libcxx and libcxxabi versions from upstream.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.3...1.3.4

v1.3.3: 3/23/2013

  - Remove unneeded check from relooper.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.2...1.3.3

v1.3.2: 3/22/2013

  - Fix issues with fgets.
  - Add support for non-fullscreen pointer lock.
  - Improve OpenAL support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.1...1.3.2

v1.3.1: 3/19/2013

  - Improve SDL audio and mixer support.
  - Add GLES2 emulation features when -s FULL_ES2=1 is specified.
  - Add support for OpenAL.
  - Add new -s OPENAL_DEBUG=0/1 link command line option.
  - Fixed an issue with mouse coordinate being offset with canvas.
  - Removed -s UTF_STRING_SUPPORT=0 parameter, this is now always on.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.3.0...1.3.1

v1.3.0: 3/11/2013

  - Improve GLES2 emulation with -s FULL_ES2=1.
  - Deprecated -s USE_TYPED_ARRAYS=1 and -s QUANTUM_SIZE=1.
  - Implement a minifier infrastructure when compiling for asm.js.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.9...1.3.0

v1.2.9: 3/7/2013

  - Improved canvas behavior when transitioning between fullscreen.
  - Added support for getopt().
  - Fixed several libc issues.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.8...1.2.9

v1.2.8: 3/6/2013

  - Remove unnecessary recursion in relooper RemoveUnneededFlows.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.7...1.2.8

v1.2.7: 3/6/2013

  - Added SDL_Mixer support.
  - Implemented stubs for several Unix and threading-related functions.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.6...1.2.7

v1.2.6: 3/5/2013

  - Relooper updates.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.5...1.2.6

v1.2.5: 3/5/2013

  - Greatly improve GL emulation support.
  - Handle %c in sscanf.
  - Improve compilation times by optimizing parallel execution in the linker.
  - Improve several compiler stability issues detected from fuzzing tests.
  - Implemented emscripten_jcache_printf.
  - Allow running emscripten.py outside emcc itself.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.4...1.2.5

v1.2.4: 2/2/2013

  - Work on adding support for asm.js compilation.
  - Improve EGL support.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4

v1.2.3: 1/9/2013

  - Work on adding support for asm.js compilation.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.2...1.2.3

v1.2.2: 1/8/2013

  - Work on adding support for asm.js compilation.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.1...1.2.2

v1.2.1: 1/8/2013

  - Improvements to GLUT, SDL and BSD sockets headers.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1

v1.2.0: 1/1/2013

  - Work on adding support for asm.js compilation.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0

v1.1.0: 12/12/2012

  - Fix several issues with Windows support.
  - Added a standalone toolchain for CMake.
  - Added emscripten_run_script_string().
  - Optimize compilation times via threading.
  - Update to requiring Clang 3.2. Older versions may no longer work.
  - Several improvements to emscripten library support headers.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.0.1a...1.1.0

v1.0.1a: 11/11/2012

  - Add relooper code to repository.
  - Full list of changes: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/compare/1.0.1...1.0.1a

v1.0.1: 11/11/2012

  - First commit that introduced versioning to the Emscripten compiler.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 27 22:47:13 CEST 2024.