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11.7 The Java Explorer Server

The Java Explorer server is a java application that manages (via DXLink) DX executives that run DX networks for web clients. The Java Explorer server will run multiple clients per executive and will round-robin executives on a list of servers. This provides a measure of scalability.

Running the Server

You run one DXServer process on a machine and it serves all requests from all browsers pointed at the machine.

The web pages generated using Java Explorer use applets which detect the ip address of the machine from which they were loaded and attempt to contact a DXServer using that ip address.

If you are browsing web pages using a URL beginning with file:/, then the applets will be able to use only a DXServer running on the same machine as your browser.

Scripts for Controlling the Server

For UN*X, two scripts are installed for controlling the Java Explorer server. See their description below. Add the Java Explorer server's bin directory to the path environment variable to use these directly. The default Java Explorer server bin directory is /usr/share/dx/java/server/bin.

Configuration Files

In the following notes, installDir is the installation directory of the Java Explorer server - in OpenDX this is typically /usr/share/dx/java.

The Java Explorer server reads the following files from the class working directory (which will be installDir/java/server/class):

Within these files, lines beginning with // and empty lines are ignored. The Java Explorer server re-reads these files as they are updated, so it isn't necessary to restart.

The Java Explorer server also reads the DX application defaults file from the invoker's home directory on startup. Several settings can be added to this file to change the behavior of the server so all command line options do not have to be specified upon launch.

Configuration Notes

In order to use Java Explorer, dx must be in the invoker's path and started with "startserver" from the installDir/server/bin/ directory. If no httpd web server is running or has yet to be configured, start a browser locally and point it at file:///$DROOT/java/htmlpages/Status.html, where $DXROOT is the DX installation directory--typically /usr/share/dx.

httpd should point to the directory structure such that "htmlpages" and "output" are accessible via the same prefixed url (e.g.for a given whatever, whatever/htmlpages and whatever/output should work). various additions for mime.types and or httpd.conf may be required. For example, to add the text/html mime type for .htm files, the line should read:

text/html html htm

If Java Explorer is going to create vrml that httpd serves, mime.types should have an entry

x-world/x-vrml wrl

Variations exist, and sometimes this is in httpd.conf or srm.conf (depending upon your httpd) using the "AddTypes" directive, as in

AddType x-world/x-application .wrl

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