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#!N  #!Rsupwind SuperviseWindow #!N #!N Category #!N #!N  #!Lcatwin,dxall764 h Windows  #!EL  #!N #!N 
Function #!N #!N Creates a Display window for an image and 
captures mouse and keyboard events in that window. #!N #!N Syntax 
#!CForestGreen #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   where, size, events #!EF = 
SuperviseWindow(  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   name, display, size, #!N offset, parent, depth, visibility, #!N 
pick, sizeFlag, offsetFlag #!EF ); #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N 
Inputs #!T,1,91,276,461,646  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--14*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N TAB Name TAB Type TAB Default 
TAB Description #!EF #!N TAB name TAB string TAB (none) TAB 
unique name for the window #!N TAB display TAB string TAB 
"local host" TAB display on which to create the #!N TAB 
- TAB - TAB - TAB window #!N TAB size TAB 
integer vector TAB [640,480] TAB x,y size of the window #!N 
TAB offset TAB integer vector TAB [0,0] TAB offset of window 
in parent #!N TAB parent TAB string TAB (root window) TAB 
parent window #!N TAB depth TAB integer TAB 8 TAB depth 
of window #!N TAB visibility TAB integer TAB 1 TAB visibility 
of window #!N TAB pick TAB flag TAB 0 TAB whether 
to consider only #!N TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB 
button-down events #!N TAB sizeFlag TAB flag TAB 0 TAB whether 
to force the size of an #!N TAB - TAB - 
TAB - TAB already existing window #!N TAB offsetFlag TAB flag 
TAB 0 TAB whether to force the offset of an #!N 
TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB already existing window #!N 
TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB #!EF #!N #!N Outputs 
#!T,1,161,321,646  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--14*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N TAB Name TAB Type TAB Description #!EF 
#!N TAB where TAB string TAB where parameter for window #!N 
TAB size TAB integer vector or integer list TAB window size 
#!N TAB events TAB object TAB mouse or keyboard events #!N 
TAB - TAB - TAB #!EF #!N #!N Functional Details #!N 
#!N SuperviseWindow, along with the associated module SuperviseState, provides the user 
with direct control over the effect of mouse and keyboard events 
in a window containing an image. SuperviseWindow and SuperviseState are used 
together with the Display tool, as an alternative to the Image 
tool. #!N #!N When you include the Image tool in a 
visual program, mouse and keyboard events are interpreted in a particular 
way as described in  #!Luseimag,dxall299 h Using the Image Window  #!EL  in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's 
Guide. In contrast, when the Supervise modules and the Display tool 
are used in a visual program, you are able to specify 
how a particular mouse or keyboard event should affect either the 
object being viewed or the camera used to view it. For 
example, you could specify that right-mouse drags in a horizontal direction 
should zoom in on an object, while right-mouse drags in a 
vertical direction should zoom out. #!N #!N Not only does this 
allow you to specify the particular action that should take place 
given events in the display window, but it also allows your 
interaction with the image to be separated completely from the Data 
Explorer user interface. For example, a completely custom user interface could 
be created with a commercial GUI builder, bypassing the Data Explorer 
user interface entirely, but still allowing user-interaction with the image. #!N 
#!N In order to specify custom interaction modes in a program, 
it is necessary for you to provide routines which indicate what 
action is to be taken for a given event. An action 
can affect either the object (for example rotating it or coloring 
it red), or the camera (for example zooming in), or both. 
These sets of user-provided routines are called UserInteractors. UserInteractors let you 
specify your own direct interactors by specifying a table of callbacks, 
each implementing a custom interactor. #!N #!N To start Data Explorer 
using custom UserInteractors, it is necessary to identify the user-written UserInteractor 
routines to the Data Explorer executive. This is done by setting 
the environment variable DX_USER_INTERACTOR_FILE before starting Data Explorer. (You can also 
load UserInteractors after starting Data Explorer by using the Executive module 
(  #!Lexectv,dxall833 h Executive  #!EL  in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference)). #!N #!N 
If you do not set the DX_USER_INTERACTOR_FILE environment variable, a set 
of default interactors are provided automatically by Data Explorer. These interactors 
provide Rotate, Pan, and Zoom functions. #!N #!N See  #!Lsupstat,dxall958 h SuperviseState  #!EL  for 
more detailed information on how to specify UserInteractors. SuperviseWindow and SuperviseState 
should not be used in -image mode of Data Explorer. If 
used in -image mode, they will compete for ownership of the 
Image window with the User Interface. Use -edit or -menubar mode 
instead. #!N #!I0 #!N #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   name #!EF 
#!EF #!I50 #!N is a unique name for the window. #!N 
#!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   display #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N is the 
display on which to create the window and defaults to "local 
host." #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   size #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N 
is the x,y size of the window, and defaults to 640x480. 
It can be specified either as an integer vector or as 
an integer list. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   offset #!EF #!EF 
#!I50 #!N is the offset of the window in the parent 
window. By default,  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   offset #!EF is [0,0]. It can be 
specified either as an integer vector or as an integer list. 
#!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   parent #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N is 
the parent window "where" parameter;  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   parent #!EF defaults to the 
root window, but can also be an already created window if 
nested windows are desired. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   depth #!EF 
#!EF #!I50 #!N is the depth (in bits) of the window; 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   depth #!EF defaults to 8. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
visibility #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N indicates the visibility of the window: 
#!N #!I0 #!N #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   0 #!EF #!I50 #!N 
window is closed #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   1 #!EF #!I50 #!N 
window is open #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   2 #!EF #!I50 #!N 
window is open and always on top #!I0 #!N #!N #!N 
#!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   pick #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N indicates whether 
only button-down events should be considered. This is useful if the 
user wants to implement picking in the Display window. #!N #!I0 
#!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   sizeFlag #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N indicates whether to 
force the size of an already existing window. The default is 
0 (false). #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   offsetFlag #!EF #!EF #!I50 
#!N indicates whether to force the offset of an already existing 
window. The default is 0 (false). #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
where #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N identifies the window. This output must 
be connected to the  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   where #!EF parameter of the Display 
tool. It would also be used, for example, if nested windows 
are desired using a SuperviseWindow module with the  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   parent #!EF 
parameter set to something other than the root window. #!N #!I0 
#!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   size #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N is the current 
size of the window, and may differ from the  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   size 
#!EF input if you resize the window. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   events #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N encodes mouse or keyboard events. 
It is an array of integer of integer 4-vectors, where the 
four integers represent the following: #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--18*   #!N #!N 
#!I30 #!N o event #!N #!I30 #!N o x #!N #!I30 
#!N o y #!N #!I30 #!N o state or keypress, depending 
on event #!N #!I0 #!N #!EF #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   event #!EF is 
one of DXEVENT_LEFT, DXEVENT_MIDDLE, DXEVENT_RIGHT, or DXEVENT_KEYPRESS.  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   x #!EF and 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   y #!EF are the pixel locations of the event. For 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   event #!EF = DXEVENT_LEFT, DXEVENT_MIDDLE, DXEVENT_RIGHT, the final integer is 
"state," which is one of BUTTON_UP, BUTTON_MOTION, or BUTTON_DOWN. For  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
event #!EF = DXEVENT_KEYPRESS, the final integer is "keypress" which is 
the character which was pressed. Note that #!CForestGreen #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   
#!N #define DXEVENT_LEFT 0x01 #!N #define DXEVENT_MIDDLE 0x02 #!N #define DXEVENT_RIGHT 
0x04 #!N #define DXEVENT_KEYPRESS 0x08 #!N #define BUTTON_UP 1 #!N #define 
BUTTON_DOWN 2 #!N #define BUTTON_MOTION 3 #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N 
#!N For operations other than picking, the user simply passes  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
events #!EF to the  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   events #!EF input of SuperviseState, which 
interprets the mouse or keyboard events and calls the appropriate user 
routines. For picking, see  #!Lpicking,dxall960 h Doing Picking  #!EL  . #!I0 #!N #!N #!N #!N 
Example Visual Programs #!N #!N #!CForestGreen #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N SIMPLE/Supervise.net #!N 
Image_wo_UI.net #!N IndependentlyArrange.net #!N InsetImage.net #!EF #!N #!N #!EC Also see 
the demonstrations of custom interactors in /usr/lpp/dx/samples/supervise. #!N #!N See Also 
#!N #!N  #!Lsupstat,dxall958 h SuperviseState  #!EL  ,  #!Ldisplay,dxall807 h Display  #!EL  ,  #!Limage,dxall860 h Image  #!EL  #!N #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   
Next Topic #!EF #!N #!N  #!Lswitch,dxall962 h Switch  #!EL  #!N  #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   #!N 

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