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#!N  #!Rcolorba ColorBar #!N #!N Category #!N #!N  #!Lcatann,dxall752 h Annotation  #!EL  
#!N #!N Function #!N #!N Creates a color bar. #!N #!N 
Syntax #!CForestGreen #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colorbar #!EF = ColorBar( 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colormap, position, shape, horizontal, ticks, #!N min, max, colors, annotation, 
labelscale, font #!EF ); #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N Inputs 
#!T,1,91,276,461,646  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--14*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N TAB Name TAB Type TAB Default TAB 
Description #!EF #!N TAB colormap TAB field TAB none TAB color 
map #!N TAB position TAB vector TAB [0.95, 0.95] TAB the 
position of the color bar (in #!N TAB - TAB - 
TAB - TAB viewport-relative coordinates) #!N TAB shape TAB vector TAB 
[300 25] TAB length and width of the color bar #!N 
TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB (in pixels) #!N TAB 
horizontal TAB flag TAB 0 TAB 0: vertical orientation #!N TAB 
- TAB - TAB - TAB 1: horizontal orientation #!N TAB 
ticks TAB integer TAB input dependent TAB approximate number of tick 
marks #!N TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB along the 
bar #!N TAB min TAB scalar or object TAB map min 
TAB minimum value on bar #!N TAB max TAB scalar or 
object TAB map max TAB maximum value on bar #!N TAB 
label TAB string TAB no defaults TAB label for color bar 
#!N TAB colors TAB vector list or string list TAB appropriate 
TAB colors for annotation #!N TAB annotation TAB string list TAB 
"all" TAB annotation objects to be colored #!N TAB labelscale TAB 
scalar TAB 1.0 TAB scale factor for labels #!N TAB font 
TAB string TAB standard TAB font for labels #!N TAB ticklocations 
TAB scalar list TAB appropriate TAB tick locations #!N TAB ticklabels 
TAB string list TAB ticklocations TAB tick labels #!N TAB - 
TAB - TAB - TAB #!EF #!N #!N Outputs #!T,1,161,321,646  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--14*   
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N TAB Name TAB Type TAB Description #!EF #!N TAB 
colorbar TAB color field TAB the color bar #!N TAB - 
TAB - TAB #!EF #!N #!N Functional Details #!N #!N The 
color bar generated by this module can be collected with the 
rest of the objects in the scene (by using a Collect 
module) and incorporated into an image. #!N #!I0 #!N #!N #!I0 
#!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colormap #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N must be a 
color map (e.g., the second output of AutoColor or the first 
output of the Colormap Editor). The input can also be an 
imported  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   .cm #!EF file (see  #!Limport,dxall871 h Import  #!EL  ), in which case 
the color-map part of the color-opacity map is extracted and used. 
(A color map has a 1-dimensional "positions" component, representing the data 
values, and a 3-dimensional "data" component, representing the RGB color assigned 
to each data value.) #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   position #!EF 
#!EF #!I50 #!N is a 2-dimensional vector (or a 3-dimensional vector 
whose  #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   z #!EF -component is ignored) indicating the position of 
the color bar in the final image. In viewport-relative coordinates, [0 
0] places the bar at the lower left, and [1 1] 
at the upper right. These same coordinates determine the reference point 
that is used to position the bar relative to its placement 
in the image (e.g., for  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   position #!EF = [0 0], 
the lower left corner of the bar is placed in the 
lower left corner of the image). #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
shape #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N is a 2-vector that specifies the 
length and width of the color bar, in pixels. For both 
horizontal and vertical orientations, the first element of the vector is 
the length and the second is the width. #!N #!I0 #!N 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   horizontal #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N determines whether the orientation 
of the color bar is vertical (0) or horizontal (1). #!N 
#!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticks #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N specifies the 
number of tick marks to be placed on the color bar 
(the actual number will at least approximate the specification). The default 
varies the number in accord with the size of the bar. 
#!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   min #!EF  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--18*   and #!EF  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
max #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N specify the limits of the color 
bar. The values can be scalar. If  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   min #!EF is 
an object (a data field), the minimum and maximum data values 
of that field are used to set the corresponding limits of 
the bar. If  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   min #!EF is scalar and  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   max 
#!EF is an object (a data field), the maximum is the 
maximum data value of that field. When neither is specified, the 
minimum and maximum used are those of  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colormap #!EF . 
#!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   label #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N specifies 
a user-supplied label for the color bar. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colors #!EF  #!F-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--18*   and #!EF #!EF  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   annotation #!EF #!I50 
#!N set the colors of certain components of the color bar. 
#!N #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colors #!EF can be a single color (RGB 
vector or color-name string) or a list. The color-name string must 
be one of the defined color names (see  #!Lcolor,dxall792 h Color  #!EL  ). #!N 
#!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   annotation #!EF can be a single string or a 
list of strings, chosen from the following: "all.," "frame," "labels," and 
"ticks." #!N #!N If  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   annotation #!EF is not specified or 
is "all"--  #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   and #!EF if  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colors #!EF is a 
single string--then  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   colors #!EF is used for all color-bar annotation. 
Otherwise the number of colors must match the number of annotation 
strings exactly. The default frame color is "clear." #!N #!I0 #!N 
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   labelscale #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N determines the size of 
the axes and tick-mark labels. For example,  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   labelscale #!EF = 
2.0 will display the labels at double their default size. #!N 
#!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   font #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N specifies the 
font used for axes and tick-mark labels. You can specify any 
of the defined fonts supplied with Data Explorer. These include a 
variable-width font ("variable," the default for axes labels) and a fixed-width 
font ("fixed," the default for tick-marks labels). #!CForestGreen #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   
#!N area gothicit_t pitman roman_ext #!N cyril_d greek_d roman_d script_d #!N 
fixed greek_s roman_dser script_s #!N gothiceng_t italic_d roman_s variable #!N gothicger_t 
italic_t roman_tser #!EF #!N #!N #!EC For more information, see  #!Lapc,dxall746 h Data Explorer Fonts  #!EL  
in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Guide. #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
 #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklocations #!EF #!EF #!I50 #!N specifies the explicit location for 
tick marks. If specified, overrides the value as determined by  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
ticks #!EF . #!N #!I0 #!N  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*    #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklabels #!EF #!EF 
#!I50 #!N specifies the list of labels to be associated with 
the tick locations specified by  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklocations #!EF . If  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   
ticklabels #!EF is specified, and  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklocations #!EF is not specified, 
then  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklocations #!EF defaults to the integers 0 to n-1 
where n is the number of items in  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   ticklabels #!EF 
. #!I0 #!N #!N #!N #!N #!I0 #!N Notes: #!N #!I30 
#!N 1.  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   min #!EF and  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   max #!EF , if 
given, or the extent of the data if  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   min #!EF 
and  #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*   max #!EF are not given, set the extent of 
the color bar. #!N #!I30 #!N 2. If you are using 
Render or Display to render an object which contains a color 
bar, when you change the resolution of the camera the size 
of the color bar in pixels will not change. Thus if 
you want the color bar to take up the same proportion 
of the image, use the ScaleScreen module to change the size 
of the color bar. #!I0 #!N #!N #!N #!N Example Visual 
Programs #!CForestGreen #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18*   #!N #!N BandedColors.net #!N #!N Sealevel.net 
#!N UsingColormaps.net #!N UsingIsosurface.net #!N VolumeRendering.net #!N SIMPLE/ColorBar.net #!N #!N SIMPLE/ScaleScreen.net 
#!N #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N See Also #!N #!N 
 #!Lautocol,dxall772 h AutoColor  #!EL  ,  #!Lautogra,dxall777 h AutoGrayScale  #!EL  ,  #!Lcolor,dxall792 h Color  #!EL  ,  #!Lmap,dxall891 h Map  #!EL  ,  #!Lscalscr,dxall935 h ScaleScreen  #!EL  ,  #!Llegend,dxall883 h Legend  #!EL  
#!N #!N #!N  #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   Next Topic #!EF #!N #!N  #!Lcolrmap,dxall794 h Colormap  #!EL  #!N 
 #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18*   #!N 

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