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Usage guide

.. _invoking-dot2tex:

Invoking dot2tex from the command line


    dot2tex [options] [inputfile]

Input data is read from standard input if no input file is specified. Output is written to standard output unless a destination file is set with the ``-o`` option.

Dot2tex can also be loaded as a module for use in other Python program. See the section :ref:`using-dot2tex-as-a-module` for more details.

Dot2tex relies on the `xdot format`_ generated by Graphviz. Dot2tex will automatically run ``dot`` on the input data if it is in the plain dot format. If you want to use other layout tools like ``neato`` and ``circo``, use the ``--prog`` option. You can pass options to the layout program with the ``--progoptions`` option.

.. _xdot format: http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html#d:xdot

A few examples on how to invoke dot2tex:

Read a file from standard input and write the result to the file ``test.tex``::

    $ dot -Txdot test.dot | dot2tex > test.tex
    $ neato -Txdot -Gstart=rand test.dot | dot2tex > test.tex

Load ``test.dot``, convert it to xdot format and output the resulting graph using the ``tikz`` output format to ``testpgf.tex``::

    $ dot2tex -ftikz test.dot > testtikz.tex

The same as above, but use neato for graph layout::

    $ dot2tex --prog=neato -ftikz test.dot > testtikz.tex

.. admonition:: Invoking dot2tex

   If you are on Windows and have installed dot2tex from source, you have to type ``python dot2tex`` to invoke the program.

.. _command-line-options:

Command line options

The following options are available:

-h, --help
    Display help message.
-f fmt, --format fmt
    Set output format. The following values of `fmt` are supported:

        PGF/TikZ. Default.
    ``pstricks`` or ``pst``
        Use PSTricks.
        TikZ format.

-t mode, --texmode mode
    Text mode. Specify how text is converted.

        Text is displayed with all special TeX chars escaped (default).
        Output all text in math mode $$.
        Output text without any processing.

    Note that you can locally override the text mode by assigning a special ``texlbl`` attribute to a graph element, or by using the ``texmode`` attribute. See :ref:`labels` for details.

-s, --straightedges
    Draw edges using straight lines. Graphviz uses bezier curves to draw straight edges. Use this option to force the use of line to operations instead of curves. Does not work in ``duplicate`` mode.

-o filename, --output filename
    Write output to file.

-d, --duplicate
    Duplicate the xdot output. Uses the drawing information embedded in the xdot output to draw nodes and edges.

--template filename
    Use template from file. See the :ref:`templates` section for more details.

-V, --version
    Print version information and exit.

-w, --switchdraworder
    Switch drawing order of nodes and edges. By default edges are drawn before nodes.

-c, --crop
    Use ``preview.sty`` to crop the graph. Currently only implemented for the ``pgf`` and ``tikz`` output format.

    Output the graph without a document preamble. Useful if the graph is to be included in a master document.

    Output only the drawing commands, without wrapping it in a ``tikzpicture`` or ``pspicture`` environment. Useful when used with the dot2texi package.

    Preprocess the graph through LaTeX using the preview_ package. Will generate a new dot file where the height and widths of nodes and edge labels are set based on the results from preview_.

    Preprocess the graph and run Graphviz on the output. Equivalent to::

        $ dot2tex --preproc ex1.dot | dot2tex

--prog program
    Set graph layout program to use when the input is in plain dot format. Allowed values:

    - ``dot`` (default)
    - ``neato``
    - ``circo``
    - ``fdp``
    - ``twopi``

--progoptions options
    Pass options to graph layout program.

    Use pdflatex instead of latex for preprocessing the graph.

    Ignore minimum node sizes during preprocessing.

--valignmode mode
    Vertical alignment of node labels, where ``mode`` can have the values:

        Labels are placed in the middle of the node (default).
        Use the coordinate given by the xdot output from Graphviz.

    (``pgf`` and ``pstricks`` only)

    Used to pass a default alignment string to the PSTricks ``\rput`` command::

        \rput[alignstr] ...

    Only works for the PSTricks format. PGF/TikZ users can instead pass an ``anchor=...`` style using the ``graphstyle`` option.

    Bypass Graphviz' edge label placement and use PGF/TikZ instead (``tikz`` and ``pgf`` formats only).

    Use TikZ only styles when drawing nodes. No ``draw`` or ``shape`` option is added (``tikz`` format only).

--nodeoptions tikzoptions
    Wrap node code in a ``scope`` environment with ``tikzoptions`` as parameter (``tikz`` format only).

--edgeoptions tikzoptions
    Wrap edge code in a ``scope`` environment with ``tikzoptions`` as parameter (``tikz`` format only).

    Write detailed debug information to the file dot2tex.log in the current directory.
    Generate code compatible with PGF 1.18 and earlier. 

    Generate code compatible with PGF 2.10.

The following options are used by the output :ref:`templates <templates>`.

-e encoding, --encoding encoding
    Set text encoding. Supported encodings are:

    - ``utf8``
    - ``latin1``

--docpreamble TeXcode
    Insert TeX code in the document preamble.

--figpreamble TeXcode
    Insert TeX code in the figure preamble.

--figpostamble TeXcode
    Insert TeX code in the figure postamble.

--graphstyle style
    Sets the ``<<graphstyle>>`` tag.

--margin margin
    Set margin around the graph when using ``preview.sty``. ``margin`` must be a valid TeX unit. By default ``margin`` is set to ``0pt``.

.. _output-formats:

Output formats

The output format is specified with the ``-f fmt`` or  ``--format fmt`` command line option. The following output formats
are available form the command line. Additionally there is a special :ref:`positions output format <positions-output-format>` only available when
using dot2tex as Python module.

.. _output-fomat-pgf:


This is the default output format. Generates code for the `Portable Graphics Format`_ (PGF) package . Mixes both PGF and TikZ commands.

.. _Portable Graphics Format: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pgf

.. _output-fomat-pstricks:


Generates code for the PSTricks_ package.

.. _output-fomat-tikz:


The ``tikz`` output format also uses the PGF and TikZ package. However, it relies on TikZ node and edge mechanisms to draw nodes and edges, instead of using the drawing information provided by Graphviz. This allows much tighter integration with TikZ and in some cases prettier results.

Advantages of the ``tikz`` format:

- The generated code is very compact and clean.
- Easy to modify the output.
- Labels will fit inside nodes without preprocessing.
- Full access to the power of PGF and TikZ.

You can find more details in the section: :ref:`use-tikz-format`.

.. note:: The ``tikz`` output format requires detailed knowledge of the PGF and TikZ package. Some of Graphviz' features will not work with this output format.

.. _labels:


The main purpose of dot2tex is to allow text and labels to be typeset by LaTeX. Labels are  treated differently according to the current TeX mode:

    Text is displayed with all special TeX chars escaped (default).
    Output all text in math mode $$.
    Output text without any processing.

The TeX mode can be set on the command line using the ``-t`` option. It can also be set locally in a graph by using the special ``texmode`` attribute.

You can also use the special ``texlbl`` attribute on a graph element, which is interpreted as ``raw`` TeX string. If a ``texlbl`` attribute is found, it will be used regardless of the current TeX mode. It also has precedence over the ``label`` attribute.

.. note:: The ``\`` character needs to be escaped with ``\\`` if used in the ``label`` attribute.

Note that only position and alignment information is converted. Any font information is lost. This may result in some odd behavior. Some tweaking may be necessary to get it right. See the section :ref:`vertical-label-alignment` for tips.

.. note:: If you use ``texlbl`` for edges, you have to provide a dummy ``label`` attribute. Otherwise Graphviz will not generate the necessary code for placing edge labels.

Label examples

Consider the following graph:


    digraph G {
        a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1;

Converting the graph using::

    $ dot2tex -tmath ex1.dot > ex1.tex

gives the result shown in the left hand side of the figure below. The default rendering is shown to the right. Using the ``raw`` mode will result in a compilation error because of the underscore character.

.. figure:: img/ex1comb.*
   :alt: Difference between math and verbatim mode

Example of using ``texlbl``:


    digraph G {
        a_1 [texlbl="$\frac{\gamma}{x^2}$"];
        a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1;

.. figure:: img/ex2.*
   :alt: Using the special texlbl attribute

Example of using the ``texmode`` attribute:


    digraph G {
        a_1 [texlbl="$\frac{\gamma}{2x^2+y^3}$"];
        a_1 -> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1
        node [texmode="math"];
        a_1 -> b_1 -> b_2 -> a_3;
        b_1 [label="\\frac{\\gamma}{x^2}"];
        node [texmode="verbatim"]
        b_4 [label="\\beta"]
        a_3 -> b_4 -> a_1;

.. figure:: img/texmode.*
   :alt: Using the special texmode attribute

The above example shows two important things:

- The backslash ``\`` character needs to be written as ``\\`` in the ``label`` attribute.
- Using LaTeX markup in the ``label`` attribute gives oversized nodes. A workaround  is to use the ``texlbl`` attribute, and manually pad the ``label`` attribute to an appropriate length. A much better solution is to use the ``--preproc`` option.

Preprocessing the above graph with::

    $ dot2tex --preproc ex4.dot | dot2tex > ex4.tex

gives correctly sized nodes:

.. figure:: img/texmodeb.*
   :alt: Preprocessing the graph to get correct node sizes.

Read more about preprocessing in the `Preprocessing graphs`_ section.

.. _vertical-label-alignment:

Vertical label alignment

Dot2tex relies on the xdot format for drawing nodes and placing node labels. The fonts that Graphviz and LaTeX use are different, so using the label coordinates from Graphviz does not always give good results. Dot2tex's default behavior is to place node labels in the middle of the node. However, you can change this behavior by setting the ``valignmode`` option to ``dot``. Labels will then be placed using the coordinates supplied by Graphviz.

Here is an example graph where it is necessary to use the ``valignmode`` option:


    digraph G {
        node0 [label="{left|right}", shape=record];
        node1 [shape=rectangle, label="node 1"];
        node0 -> node1;

For record nodes dot2tex has to use Graphviz coordinates. This is shown in the following figure rendered with::

    $ dot2tex valign.dot

.. figure:: img/valignmode0.*
   :alt: Vertical alignment for record shapes

To get the same vertical alignment for both nodes, you can use::

    $ dot2tex --valignmode=dot valign.dot

.. figure:: img/valignmode1.*
   :alt: Vertical alignment with --valignmode=dot

Now the labels are aligned, but the labels are still placed too low. The reason for this is that both PSTricks and PGF by default centers text vertically on the current coordinate. The alignment point should in this case be set to the baseline. For PGF/TikZ you can use the ``--graphstyle`` option like this::

    $ dot2tex --valignmode=dot --graphstyle="anchor=base" valign.dot

PSTricks users have to use the ``--alingstr`` option::

    $ dot2tex --valignmode=dot --alignstr=B valign.dot

.. figure:: img/valignmode2.*
   :alt: blabla

The result is better, but to get even better alignment you have to change the node font size. Graphviz' default font size is 14pt, which is larger than the typical 10pt or 11pt used in LaTeX documents. By changing the node font size to 10pt we can trick Graphviz to give us a better alignment:


    digraph G {
        node [fontsize=10];
        node0 [label="{left|right}", shape=record];
        node1 [shape=rectangle, label="node 1"];
        node0 -> node1;

.. figure:: img/valignmode3.*
   :alt: blabla

.. _preprocessing-graphs:

Preprocessing graphs

A problem with using LaTeX for typesetting node and edge labels, is that Graphviz does not know the sizes of the resulting labels. To circumvent this problem, you can use the ``--preproc`` or ``--autosize`` option. The following will then happen:

1. Node and edge labels are extracted and the corresponding LaTeX markup is saved to a temporary file.
2. The file is typeset with LaTeX and information about sizes is extracted using the preview_ package.
3. A new dot file is created where node and edge label sizes are set using the dot language's ``width`` and ``height`` attributes.
4. The generated graph can now be processed using Graphviz and dot2tex. Label sizes will now correspond with the output from LaTeX.

Widths and heights of nodes are handled the in same way as Graphviz does it. The ``width`` and ``height`` attributes set the minimum size of the node. If label size + margins is larger that the minimum size, the node size will grow accordingly. Default values are width=0.75in and height=0.5in.

Node margins are set using the `margin`_ attribute. This also works for edge labels. ``margin==value`` sets both the horizontal and vertical margin to ``value``, ``margin=="hvalue,vvalue"`` sets the horizontal and vertical margins respectively.

.. note:: All sizes are given in inches.

If you do not want a minimum node size, you can use the '--nominsize' option. Dot2tex will then use size of label + margins as node size.

Nodes with ``fixedsize=True`` attributes are not processed.


- Does not work for HTML-labels
- Does not work for record-based nodes

.. _preprocessing-examples:


Consider the following graph:


    digraph G {
        node [shape=circle];
        a_1 [texlbl="$x^2+\frac{\sin y}{y^2+\cos \beta}+\gamma_3$"];
        a_1 -> a_2 [label=" ", texlbl="$x_1+x_3^2+z+c+v~~$"];
        a_2 -> a_1;

Rendered with::

    $ dot2tex -tmath example.dot > example.tex

the graph will look like this:

.. figure:: img/preproc1a.*
   :alt: Graph with oversized edge and node labels

You could improve the result by adding a longer ``label`` attribute or setting a fixed width. A better solution is to preprocess the graph like this::

    $ dot2tex -tmath --preproc example.dot > exampletmp.dot
    $ dot2tex exampletmp.dot > example.tex

You can also chain the commands::

    $ dot2tex -tmath --preproc example.dot | dot2tex > example.tex

A shorter alternative is::

    $ dot2tex -tmath --autosize example.dot > example.tex

The resulting graph now has correctly sized nodes and edge labels:

.. figure:: img/preproc1b.*
   :alt: Graph with preprocessed labels

Modifying node sizes using the ``widht/height`` and ``margin`` attributes can be a bit counterintuitive. A few examples will hopefully make it clearer:


    digraph G {
        node [shape=rectangle];
        a_1 [margin="0"];
        a_2 [margin="0.7,0.4"];
        a_3 [width="2",height="1"];
        a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1;

Processing the graph with::

    $ dot2tex -tmath --preproc example.dot | dot2tex > example.tex


.. figure:: img/nodewidth1.*
   :alt: Graph with preprocessed labels

Setting the margin of ``a_1`` to 0 has no effect because of the minimum node width. Processing the graph with::

    $ dot2tex -tmath --preproc --nominsize example.dot | dot2tex > example.tex

gives a different graph, where only label widths and margins affect the node sizes:

.. figure:: img/nodewidth2.*
   :alt: Graph with preprocessed labels

.. _margin: http://graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#d:margin

.. include:: common.inc

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 15 01:45:09 CEST 2024.