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dosfstools (4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  Starting with this version mkfs.fat again does automatic alignment of
  filesystem structures for FAT32. This was introduced in 3.0.8 and was
  broken (disabled without a way to turn it on) since 3.0.20 for FAT32

  If you want to use mkfs.fat to create filesystems for devices with
  broken FAT implementations that can not handle this, you again have to
  use the -a option to disable alignment.

 -- Andreas Bombe <aeb@debian.org>  Fri, 06 May 2016 23:55:50 +0200

dosfstools (3.0.28-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  In version 3.0.28, the fsck.vfat tool changed its default operating
  mode to interactive repair. This mode had to be activated with the -r
  option before.

  Previously, the default has been an interactive repair without the
  option of writing any changes back to the filesystem. Essentially the
  new default is only different in that there will be a question at the
  end asking whether to commit the changes to the filesystem.

 -- Andreas Bombe <aeb@debian.org>  Fri, 21 Aug 2015 17:15:38 +0200

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