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 Docutils_ Release Procedure

:Authors: David Goodger; Lea Wiemann; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net
:Date: $Date: 2022-06-22 10:56:28 +0200 (Mi, 22. Jun 2022) $
:Revision: $Revision: 9090 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. _Docutils: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/

Releasing (post 2020)

* Announce the upcoming release on docutils-develop list.

  Consider **feature freeze** or/and **check-in freeze** .

* Update RELEASE-NOTES.txt add section ``Release <version>``.

  Consult HISTORY.txt for important changes.

* Change HISTORY.txt title ``Changes Since <previous release>`` to ``Release <version>``.

* Set new version with ``sandbox/infrastructure/set_version.sh <version>``

  Check what was changed with version control system by ``set_version.sh``

  Change docutils/__init__.py __version_info__ tuple.

  Run tests ::

    export PYTHONWARNINGS=default
    python3 test/alltests.py

  or use tox.
  ``export PYTHONWARNINGS=default`` prints DeprecationWarnings in python3.

* Generate wheel and source-distribution::

    python3 setup.py sdist
    python3 setup.py bdist_wheel

* Upload wheel and source to test.pypi::

    python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*

  Test in venv. NOTE use --pre for prereleases::

    python3 -m venv du3 ; cd du3
    export PYTHONPATH= ; . bin/activate

    python -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --no-deps docutils

    cp -Lr ../docutils-code/docutils/test .
    python test/alltests.py

    python -m pip uninstall docutils
    deactivate ; cd .. ; rm -r du3

* Commit changes ... the changed version number.

* tag 0.## (Note: only directory docutils is copied)::

    svn copy svn+ssh://grubert@svn.code.sf.net/p/docutils/code/trunk/docutils \
             svn+ssh://grubert@svn.code.sf.net/p/docutils/code/tags/docutils-0.## \
             -m "tagging release 0.##"

* Update your source directory. 
* Rebuild wheel and source-distribution ::

    python3 setup.py sdist
    python3 setup.py bdist_wheel

* Now upload to pypi::

    python3 -m twine upload  dist/docutils-0.##*

* Remove previous package from local cache::

    find .cache/pip/wheels -name docutils\*whl -exec rm -v -i {} \;

* and test::

    python3 -m venv du3 ; cd du3
    export PYTHONPATH= ; . bin/activate

    pip install --no-deps docutils
    cp -Lr ../docutils-code/docutils/test .
    python test/alltests.py

    deactivate ; cd .. ; rm -r du3

* Notify to docutils-developer and user.

* upload source and generated html to sf-htdocs/0.## ::

    mkdir tmp1
    cd tmp1
    tar xzvf ../dist/docutils-0.##.tar.gz
    cd docutils-0.##/
    tools/buildhtml.py .
    find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm -v {} \;
    find . -name __pycache__ -exec rmdir -v {} \;
    rm -r docutils.egg-info
    rsync -e ssh -r -t ./ web.sourceforge.net:/home/project-web/docutils/htdocs/0.##

* Check web/index.txt for necessary corrections.
* Run sandbox/infrastructure/docutils-update.local to update web-content.
* Release to sourceforge.

  - Upload tar.gz and 0.16 release notes to sourceforge.
  - Select docutils-0.16.tar.gz as default for all OS.  

* set_version 0.#.#+1b.dev
* test with py3
* docutils/HISTORY.txt: add title "Changes Since 0.##"
* run sandbox/infrastructure/docutils-update.local

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Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jun 24 15:27:47 CEST 2024.