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 Docutils_ Release Procedure

:Authors: David Goodger; Lea Wiemann; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net
:Date: $Date: 2020-02-06 13:47:44 +0100 (Do, 06. Feb 2020) $
:Revision: $Revision: 8489 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/


Version identifier

For details, see `Version Numbering in Docutils Project Policies`__.

__ policies.html#version-numbering

How to change the version identifier

The *version identifier* ``docutils.__version__`` is defined in
``docutils/docutils/__init__.py`` and used in in the following files::

    docutils/test/functional/expected/* ("Generator: Docutils X.Y[.Z]")

You can use the script ``set_version.sh`` to change the version

#. ``cd`` to the "docutils" subdirectory in the repository checkout,

#. call ::

     ../sandbox/infrastructure/set_release.sh <new_version>

   where ``<new_version>`` is major.minor[.micro][<pre>][.dev].

   This also changes ``__version_info__`` in

Run the test suite after changing the codebase version to ensure
accuracy and consistency.

Release steps


.. WARNING:: Steps in boldface text are *not* covered by the release script
   at sandbox/infrastructure/release.sh.  "Not covered" means that you
   aren't even reminded of them.

.. Note:: This document does not cover branching and tagging, but the
   release script does.

* **Announce**

  On the Docutils-develop mailing list, announce that the release is
  going to be made, update the release notes (consult HISTORY.TXT for
  important changes) and ask for additions.

  Announce the upcoming release at the Sphinx-devel mailing list
  and ask for testing with Sphinx.
  (This step can be skipped for bugfix releases and pre-releases.)

  Announce the date of the feature freeze – at least a week ahead!

* **Feature freeze** From now on, only bug-fix commits are allowed.

  Update the `pre-release segment` of the `version identifier`_
  (``b``, ``rcN`` or empty) to match the level of the upcoming release
  (beta, candidate or final). Ensure ``docutils.__version_info__`` matches
  the version identifier. (See also `How to change the version

* **Announce** the check-in freeze date on Docutils-develop – at least a
  week ahead.

* **Check-in freeze**

  for example it was 0.14b.dev and is changed to 0.15

  **Update the version identifier**:
  Remove the `development release segment` (``.dev``) from the `version
  identifier`_ and set ``docutils.__version_info__.release`` to True.

  Check the `version identifier` in the following files (should be
  already correct if set according to `How to change the version

  + docutils/setup.py
  + docutils/docutils/__init__.py
  + docutils/test/functional/expected/* ("Generator: Docutils X.Y[.Z]")
  + docutils/README.txt
  + web/index.txt

* See what ``sandbox/infrastructure/release.sh`` can aid

  .. Note:: *BUG* test tarball requires root password, but it is possible to
     skip this stage interactively, and testing should be done before

* Close the "Changes Since ..." section in docutils/HISTORY.txt.

* Clear/unset the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

* Create the release tarball:

  (a) Create a new empty directory and ``cd`` into it.

  (b) Get a clean snapshot of the main tree::

          svn export svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/docutils/code/trunk/docutils

      or via the [Download Snapshot] button at

  (c) Use `setuptools` to create the release tarball::

          cd docutils
          python setup.py sdist

* Expand and _`install` the release tarball in isolation:

  (a) Expand the tarball in a new location, not over any existing

  (b) Remove the old installation from site-packages (including
      roman.py, and optparse.py, textwrap.py).

      "remove" might fail, see _`Assumptions and their failure`

      Install from expanded directory::

          cd docutils-X.Y.Z
          python setup.py install

      The "install" command may require root permissions.

  (c) Repeat step b) for all supported Python versions.

* Run the _`test suite` from the expanded archive directory with all
  supported Python versions on all available platforms (GNU/Linux, Mac
  OS X, Windows)::

      cd test ; python -u alltests.py

* Add a directory X.Y.Z (where X.Y.Z is the current version number
  of Docutils) in the webroot (i.e. the ``htdocs/`` directory).
  Put all documentation files into it::

      cd docutils-X.Y.Z
      rm -rf build
      cd tools/
      ./buildhtml.py ..
      cd ..
      find -name test -type d -prune -o -name \*.css -print0 \
          -o -name \*.html -print0 -o -name \*.txt -print0 \
          | tar -cjvf docutils-docs.tar.bz2 -T - --null
      scp docutils-docs.tar.bz2 <username>@shell.sourceforge.net:

  Now log in to shell.sourceforge.net and::

      cd /home/groups/d/do/docutils/htdocs/
      mkdir -m g+rwxs X.Y.Z
      cd X.Y.Z
      tar -xjvf ~/docutils-docs.tar.bz2
      rm ~/docutils-docs.tar.bz2

* Upload the release tarball, release.sh tries with scp.

* Access the _`file release system` on SourceForge (Admin


  * change into the released version's directory
  * click ``(i)`` button of the tar.gz-file
  * select as default download for all operating systems.

* Submit a notification on project news.

* For verifying the integrity of the release, download the release
  tarball (you may need to wait up to 30 minutes), install_ it, and
  re-run the `test suite`_.

* Register with PyPI (``python setup.py register``).

  (2019-07-21 still ?) Set the download-url so eggs can access older releases.

* **build wheels**::

    python setup.py bdist_wheel

  This builds wheels_ by downloading the new release from pypi.

  Upload the wheels to PyPI::

    twine upload dist/*

* **Lift the freeze**

  Set the `version identifier`_ and ``__version_info__.releaselevel`` in
  docutils/docutils/__init__.py to mark the repository version as
  "in development", usually ``<major>.<minor+1>b.dev`` (cf. `How to change
  the version identifier`_).

* After a final release, add a new empty section "Changes Since ..." in

* Update the web page (web/index.txt)::

    cd sandbox/infrastructure/

  Running on sf-server no longer works.

* set svn version e.g. 0.16b.dev

* **Run alltests.py with svn version**

* **Send announcement email to:**

  * docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net (also announcing the end of
    the check-in freeze)
  * docutils-users@lists.sourceforge.net
  * doc-sig@python.org
  * python-announce@python.org

* **Add a** `SourceForge News item`__, **with title "Docutils X.Y.Z released"**

  __ https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/news

  **Mark as default download for all platforms.**

.. _wheels: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/distributing.html#wheels
.. _pure Python wheels:

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Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jun 24 15:15:34 CEST 2024.