Modernising Packaging

Date: 2022-01-03


Adam Turner proposed patch#186 on Modernise packaging

I had a go at modernising the packaging stack. based invocations have been deprecated (, and setuptools may remove them in the future.

This takes the opportunity to move to a PEP 621 based declarative config, and also fixes a longstanding TODO item about providing script wappers for the frontend tools on windows, by migrating them to entry points.

I've updated install and development docs with the new guidance, and updated references to the frontend tools to remove .py, given they are now installed as proper scripts.

Patch commit summary from Adam's pull request#1

4a7ba6f Use flit and pyproject.toml
9e2f8bb Add `docutils-cli` entry point
84cf997 Use entry points for `rst*` tools
2986a9f Update docs for packaging changes
cdb96cd Deprecate `rst*` entry points in favour of `docutils-cli`
0535577 Update documentation to focus on `docutils-cli`


Use flit and pyproject.toml

Removes,, and setup.cfg and adds pyproject.toml.

Building of source and wheel distributions is then done with build or flit. flit can also replace twine for upload to pypi.

Question: Who is using source distributions and relies on ?