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Warn against deprecated API in Qt6

The code is fixed when possible.

* `QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat format, QCalendar cal)` becomes  `QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat format)`.

* `QDateTime(const QDate &)` becomes `QDate::startOfDay()`.

* `QDir dir; dir = "..."` becomes       `QDir dir; dir.setPath("...")`.

* `QDir::addResourceSearchPath()` becomes `QDir::addSearchPath()` with prefix.

* Only warning are emitted for `addResourceSearchPath`.

* `QProcess::start()` becomes `QProcess::startCommand()`.

* `QResource::isCompressed()` is replaced with `QResource::compressionAlgorithm()`.

* `QSignalMapper::mapped()` is replaced with `QSignalMapper::mappedInt`, `QSignalMapper::mappedString`, `QSignalMapper::mappedObject` depending on the argument of the function.

* `QString::SplitBehavior` is replaced with `Qt::SplitBehavior`.

* `Qt::MatchRegExp` is replaced with `Qt::MatchRegularExpression`.

* `QTextStream` functions are replaced by the one under the Qt namespace.

* `QVariant` operators '`<`' '`<=`' '`>`' '`>=`' are replaced with `QVariant::compare()` function.

* `QVariant v1; QVariant v2; 'v1 < v2'` becomes '`QVariant::compare(v1, v2) < 0`'.

* `QWizard::visitedPages()` is replaced with `QWizard::visitedIds()`.

* `QButtonGroup buttonClicked/Pressed/Released/Toggled(int)` is replaced with `QButtonGroup::idClicked/Pressed/Released/Toggled(int)`.

* `QCombobox::activated(const QString &)` and `highlighted(const QString &)` are replaced with `QComboBox::textActivated` or `textHighlighted` respectively.

Warning for:  

* Usage of `QMap::insertMulti`, `uniqueKeys`, `values`, `unite`, to be replaced with QMultiMap versions.  

* Usage of `QHash::uniqueKeys`, to be replaced with `QMultiHash` versions.  

* Usage of `LinkedList`, to be replaced with `std::list`.  

* Usage of global `qrand()` and `qsrand()`, to be replaced using `QRandomGenerator`.  

* Usage of `QTimeLine::curveShape` and `QTimeLine::setCurveShape`, to be replaced using `QTimeLine::easingCurve` and `QTimeLine::setEasingCurve`.  

* Usage of `QSet` and `QHash` biderectional iterator. Code has to be ported using forward iterator.  

* Usage of `QMacCocoaViewContainer`, to be replaced using `QWindow::fromWinId` and `QWidget::createWindowContainer` instead.  

* Usage of `QMacNativeWidget`, to be replaced using `QWidget::winId` instead.  

* Usage of `QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength`, to be replaced using `AdjustToContents` or `AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow`.  

* Usage of `QComboBox::currentIndexChanged(const QString &)`, to be replaced using `currentIndexChanged(int)` instead, and getting the text using `itemText(index)`.  

* Usage of `QSplashScreen(QWidget *parent,...)`, to be replaced with the constructor taking a `QScreen *`.  

* Usage of `QTextBrowser::highlighted(const QString &)`, to be replaced with `highlighted(const QUrl &)`.  

* Usage of `QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures`, to  be replaced with  `DockWidgetClosable|DockWidgetMovable|DockWidgetFloatable`.  

* Usage of `QDirModel`, to be replaced with `QFileSystemModel`.  

* Usage of `QGraphicsView::matrix`, `setMatrix(const QMatrix &)` and `resetMatrix`, to be replaced with `QGraphicsView::transform`, `setTransform(const QTransform &)` and `resetTransfrom`.  

* Usage of the following QStyle enum: `QStyle::PixelMetrix::PM_DefaultTopLevelMargin`, `PM_DefaultChildMargin`, `PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing` and `QStyle::SubElement::SE_DialogButtonBoxLayoutItem`.  

This fix-it is intended to aid the user porting from Qt5 to Qt6.  
Run this check with Qt5. The produced fixed code will compile on Qt6.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jun 24 14:07:22 CEST 2024.