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# Changelog

## Cargo 1.65 (2022-11-03)

### Added

### Changed

- Cargo now uses the standard library's `available_parallelism` instead of the
  `num_cpus` crate for determining the default parallelism.

### Fixed

### Nightly only

## Cargo 1.64 (2022-09-22)

### Added

- 🎉 Packages can now inherit settings from the workspace so that the settings
  can be centralized in one place. See
  for more details on how to define these common settings.
- Added the
  flag to `cargo rustc` to override the crate type.
- Cargo commands can now accept multiple `--target` flags to build for
  multiple targets at once, and the
  config option may now take an array of multiple targets.
- The `--jobs` argument can now take a negative number to count backwards from
  the max CPUs.

### Changed
- Bash completion of `cargo install --path` now supports path completion.
- Significantly improved the performance fetching git dependencies from GitHub
  when using a hash in the `rev` field.
- Published packages will now include the resolver setting from the workspace
  to ensure that they use the same resolver when used in isolation.
- `cargo add` will now update `Cargo.lock`.
- The path in the config output of `cargo vendor` now translates backslashes
  to forward slashes so that the settings should work across platforms.
- The
  setting now allows a value of `"."` in a non-virtual workspace to refer to
  the root package.

### Fixed
- The `os` output in `cargo --version --verbose` now supports more platforms.
- Cached git checkouts will now be rebuilt if they are corrupted. This may
  happen when using `net.git-fetch-with-cli` and interrupting the clone
- Fixed panic in `cargo add --offline`.

### Nightly only
- Fixed deserialization of unstable `check-cfg` in `config.toml`.

## Cargo 1.63 (2022-08-11)

### Added

- 🎉 Added the `--config` CLI option to pass config options directly on the CLI.
- The `CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION` environment variable is now set when compiling
  a crate if the manifest has the `rust-version` field set.

### Changed
- A warning is emitted when encountering multiple packages with the same name
  in a git dependency. This will ignore packages with `publish=false`.
- Change tracking now uses the contents of a `.json` target spec file instead
  of its path. This should help avoid rebuilds if the path changes.
- Git dependencies with a submodule configured with the `update=none` strategy
  in `.gitmodules` is now honored, and the submodule will not be fetched.
- Crate files now use a more recent date (Jul 23, 2006 instead of Nov 29, 1973)
  for deterministic behavior.
- The initial template used for `cargo new` now includes a slightly more
  realistic test structure that has `use super::*;` in the test module.
- Updated the internal HTTP library libcurl with various small fixes and updates.

### Fixed
- Fix zsh completions for `cargo add` and `cargo locate-project`
- Fixed `-p` being ignored with `cargo publish` in the root of a virtual
  workspace. Some additional checks were also added to generate an error if
  multiple packages were selected (previously it would pick the first one).
- The human-readable executable name is no longer displayed for `cargo test`
  when using JSON output.

### Nightly only

- Added `-Zcheck-cfg=output` to support build-scripts declaring their
  supported set of `cfg` values with `cargo:rustc-check-cfg`.
- `-Z http-registry` now uses https://index.crates.io/ when accessing crates-io.
- Fixed formatting of `.workspace` key in `cargo add` for workspace inheritance.
- Sparse HTTP registry URLs must now end with a `/`.
- Fixed issue with `cargo add` and workspace inheritance of the `default-features` key.

## Cargo 1.62 (2022-06-30)

### Added

- 🎉 Added the `cargo add` command for adding dependencies to `Cargo.toml` from
  the command-line.
- Package ID specs now support `name@version` syntax in addition to the
  previous `name:version` to align with the behavior in `cargo add` and other
  tools. `cargo install` and `cargo yank` also now support this syntax so the
  version does not need to passed as a separate flag.
- Added the CLI option `-F` as an alias of `--features`.
- The `git` and `registry` directories in Cargo's home directory (usually
  `~/.cargo`) are now marked as cache directories so that they are not
  included in backups or content indexing (on Windows).
- Added the `--version` flag to `cargo yank` to replace the `--vers` flag to
  be consistent with `cargo install`.
- Added automatic `@` argfile support, which will use "response files" if the
  command-line to `rustc` exceeds the operating system's limit.
- `cargo clean` now has a progress bar (if it takes longer than half a second).

### Changed

- `cargo install` no longer generates an error if no binaries were found
  to install (such as missing required features).
- `cargo test` now passes `--target` to `rustdoc` if the specified target is
  the same as the host target.
- `cargo doc` now automatically passes `-Arustdoc::private-intra-doc-links`
  when documenting a binary (which automatically includes
  `--document-private-items`). The
  lint is only relevant when *not* documenting private items, which doesn't
  apply to binaries.
- The length of the short git hash in the `cargo --version` output is now
  fixed to 9 characters. Previously the length was inconsistent between
  different platforms.
- Attempting to publish a package with a `Cargo.toml.orig` file will now
  result in an error. The filename would otherwise conflict with the
  automatically-generated file.

### Fixed

- The `build.dep-info-basedir` configuration setting now properly supports the
  use of `..` in the path to refer to a parent directory.
- Fixed regression in automatic detection of the default number of CPUs to use
  on systems using cgroups v1.

### Nightly only

- `cargo fetch` now works with `-Zbuild-std` to fetch the standard library's dependencies.
- Added support for workspace inheritance.
- Added `-Zcheck-cfg` which adds various forms of validating `cfg` expressions
  for unknown names and values.
- The `--config` CLI option no longer allows setting a registry token.
- Fixed issues with proc-macros and `-Z rustdoc-scrape-examples`.

## Cargo 1.61 (2022-05-19)

### Added

### Changed

- `cargo test --no-run` will now display the path to the test executables.
- `cargo tree --duplicates` no longer reports dependencies that are shared
  between the host and the target as duplicates.
- Updated to the 1.4.2 release of libgit2 which brings in several fixes
- `cargo vendor` no longer allows multiple values for `--sync`, you must pass
  multiple `--sync` flags instead.
- Warnings are now issued for manifest keys that have mixed both underscore
  and dash variants (such as specifying both `proc_macro` and `proc-macro`)
- Cargo now uses the standard library's `available_parallelism` instead of the
  `num_cpus` crate for determining the default parallelism.
- `cargo search` terms are now highlighted.

### Fixed

- Paths passed to VCS tools like `hg` are now added after `--` to avoid
  conflict with VCS flags.
- Fixed the `http.timeout` configuration value to actually work.
- Fixed issues with `cargo rustc --crate-type` not working in some situations.

### Nightly only

- Added `-Z check-cfg-features` to enable compile-time checking of features
- Added `-Z bindeps` to support binary artifact dependencies (RFC-3028)
- `-Z multitarget` is now supported in the `build.target` config value with an array.
- Added `--keep-going` flag which will continue compilation even if one crate
  fails to compile.
- Start work on inheriting manifest values in a workspace.
- Added support for sparse HTTP registries.
- Fixed panic when artifact target is used for `[target.'cfg(<target>)'.dependencies]`
- Fixed host flags to pass to build scripts (`-Z target-applies-to-host`)
- Added `-Z check-cfg-features` support for rustdoc

## Cargo 1.60 (2022-04-07)

### Added

- 🎉 Added the `dep:` prefix in the `[features]` table to refer to an optional
  dependency. This allows creating feature names with the same name as a
  dependency, and allows for "hiding" optional dependencies so that they do
  not implicitly expose a feature name.
- 🎉 Added the `dep-name?/feature-name` syntax to the `[features]` table to
  only enable the feature `feature-name` if the optional dependency `dep-name`
  is already enabled by some other feature.
- 🎉 Added `--timings` option to generate an HTML report about build timing,
  concurrency, and CPU use.
- Added the `"v"` and `"features2"` fields to the registry index.
  The `"v"` field provides a method for compatibility with future changes to the index.
- Added bash completion for `cargo clippy`
- Added bash completion for `cargo report`
- Added support to build scripts for `rustc-link-arg-tests`,
  `rustc-link-arg-examples`, and `rustc-link-arg-benches`.

### Changed

- Cargo now uses the clap 3 library for command-line argument parsing.
- The `build.pipelining` config option is now deprecated, pipelining will now
  always be enabled.
- `cargo new` will now generate a `.gitignore` which only ignores `Cargo.lock`
  in the root of the repo, instead of any directory.
- Improved startup time of bash completion.
- The `--features` flag is now honored when used with the `--all-features`
  flag, which allows enabling features from other packages.
- Cargo now uses a different TOML parser. This should not introduce any
  user-visible changes. This paves the way to support format-preserving
  programmatic modification of TOML files for supporting `cargo add` and other
  future enhancements.
- Setting a library to emit both a `dylib` and `cdylib` is now an error, as
  this combination is not supported.
- `cargo --list` now includes the `help` command.

### Fixed

- Fixed running `cargo doc` on examples with dev-dependencies.
- Fixed `cargo install --path` for a path that is relative to a directory
  outside of the workspace in the current directory.
- `cargo test TEST_FILTER` should no longer build binaries that are explicitly
  disabled with `test = false`.
- Fixed regression with `term.verbose` without `term.quiet`, and vice versa.

### Nightly only

- Added `rustflags` option to a profile definition.
- Changed `--config` to only support dotted keys.
- Fixed profile `rustflags` not being gated in profile overrides.

## Cargo 1.59 (2022-02-24)

### Added

- 🎉 The `strip` option can now be specified in a profile to specify the
  behavior for removing symbols and debug information from binaries.
- 🎉 Added future incompatible reporting.
  This provides reporting for when a future change in `rustc` may cause a
  package or any of its dependencies to stop building.
- SSH authentication on Windows now supports ssh-agent.
- Added `term.quiet` configuration option to enable the `--quiet` behavior
  from a config file.
- Added `-r` CLI option as an alias for `--release`.

### Changed

- Scanning the package directory should now be resilient to errors, such as
  filesystem loops or access issues.
- `cargo help <alias>` will now show the target of the alias.
- Removed the deprecated `--host` CLI option.
- Cargo should now report its version to always be in sync with `rustc`.
- Added EOPNOTSUPP to ignored file locking errors, which is relevant to BSD
  operating systems.

### Fixed

- macOS: Fixed an issue where running an executable would sporadically be
  killed by the kernel (likely starting in macOS 12).
- Fixed so that the `doc=false` setting is honored in the `[lib]` definition
  of a dependency.
- The `"executable"` field in the JSON option was incorrectly including the
  path to `index.html` when documenting a binary. It is now null.
- Documenting a binary now waits for the package library to finish documenting
  before starting. This fixes some race conditions if the binary has intra-doc
  links to the library.
- Fixed panic when displaying help text to a closed pipe.

### Nightly only
- Added the `--crate-type` flag to `cargo rustc`.

## Cargo 1.58 (2022-01-13)

### Added

- Added `rust_version` field to package data in `cargo metadata`.
- Added `--message-format` option to `cargo install`.

### Changed

- A warning is now shown when an alias shadows an external command.
- Updated curl to 7.80.0.

### Fixed

- Doctests now include rustc-link-args from build scripts.
- Fixed `cargo tree` entering an infinite loop with cyclical dev-dependencies.
  Fixed an edge case where the resolver would fail to handle a cyclical dev-dependency with a feature.
- Fixed `cargo clean -p` when the directory path contains glob characters.
- Fixed debug builds of `cargo` which could panic when downloading a crate
  when the server has a redirect with a non-empty body.

### Nightly only

- Make future-incompat-report output more user-friendly.
- Added support to scrape code examples from the `examples` directory to be included in the documentation.
- Fixed `cargo report future-incompatibilities` to check stdout if it supports color.

## Cargo 1.57 (2021-12-02)

### Added

- 🎉 Added custom named profiles. This also changes the `test` and `bench`
  profiles to inherit their settings from `dev` and `release`, and Cargo will
  now only use a single profile during a given command instead of using
  different profiles for dependencies and cargo-targets.
- The `rev` option for a git dependency now supports git references that start
  with `refs/`. An example where this can be used is to depend on a pull
  request from a service like GitHub before it is merged.
- Added `path_in_vcs` field to the `.cargo_vcs_info.json` file.

### Changed

- ❗ `RUSTFLAGS` is no longer set for build scripts. This change was made in
  1.55, but the release notes did not highlight this change. Build scripts
  should use `CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS` instead. See the
  for more details.
- The `cargo version` command now includes some extra information.
- Updated libgit2 to 1.3 which brings in a number of fixes and changes to git
- Shell completions now include shorthand b/r/c/d subcommands.
- `cargo update --precise` now allows specifying a version without semver
  metadata (stuff after `+` in the version number).
- zsh completions now complete `--example` names.
- The progress bar now differentiates when building unittests.
- Some backwards-compatibility support for invalid TOML syntax has been removed.
- Reverted the change from 1.55 that triggered an error for dependency
  specifications that did not include any fields.

### Fixed

- Removed a log message (from `CARGO_LOG`) that may leak tokens.
- `cargo fix` will now avoid writing fixes to the global registry cache.
- Fixed `-Z help` CLI option when used with a shorthand alias (b/c/r/d).

### Nightly only

## Cargo 1.56 (2021-10-21)

### Added

- 🎉 Cargo now supports the 2021 edition.
  More information may be found in the [edition
- 🎉 Added the
  field to `Cargo.toml` to specify the minimum supported Rust version, and the
  `--ignore-rust-version` command line option to override it.
- Added the `[env]` table to config files to specify environment variables to
- `[patch]` tables may now be specified in config files.
- `cargo doc` now supports the `--example` and `--examples` flags.
- 🎉 Build scripts can now pass additional linker arguments for binaries or all
  linkable targets. [docs](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/build-scripts.html#outputs-of-the-build-script)
- Added support for the `-p` flag for `cargo publish` to publish a specific
  package in a workspace. `cargo package` also now supports `-p` and
- Added documentation about third-party registries.
- Added the `{sha256-checksum}` placeholder for URLs in a registry `config.json`.
- Added a warning when a dependency does not have a library.

### Changed

- Doc tests now support the `-q` flag to show terse test output.
- `features` used in a `[replace]` table now issues a warning, as they are ignored.
- Changed so that only `wasm32-unknown-emscripten` executables are built
  without a hash in the filename. Previously it was all `wasm32` targets.
  Additionally, all `apple` binaries are now built with a hash in the
  filename. This allows multiple copies to be cached at once, and matches the
  behavior on other platforms (except `msvc`).
- `cargo new` now generates an example that doesn't generate a warning with
- `cargo fix --edition` now only applies edition-specific lints.
- Improve resolver message to include dependency requirements.
- `cargo fix` now has more debug logging available with the `CARGO_LOG`
  environment variable.
- Changed `cargo fix --edition` to emit a warning when on the latest stable
  edition when running on stable instead of generating an error.
- `cargo install` will now determine all of the packages to install before
  starting the installation, which should help with reporting errors without
  partially installing.
- The resolver report for `cargo fix --edition` now includes differences for
- `cargo fix` will now show better diagnostics for abnormal errors from `rustc`.
- Entries in `cargo --list` are now deduplicated.
- Aliases are now included in `cargo --list`.

### Fixed

- Fixed panic with build-std of a proc-macro.
- Fixed running `cargo` recursively from proc-macros while running `cargo fix`.
- Return an error instead of a stack overflow for command alias loops.
- Updated to curl 7.79.1, which will hopefully fix intermittent http2 errors.

### Nightly only

- Added `[future-incompat-report]` config section.
- Fixed value-after-table error with custom named profiles.
- Added the `different-binary-name` feature to support specifying a
  non-rust-identifier for a binary name.
- Added a profile option to select the codegen backend.

## Cargo 1.55 (2021-09-09)

### Added

- The package definition in `cargo metadata` now includes the `"default_run"`
  field from the manifest.
- ❗ Build scripts now have access to the following environment variables:
  `RUSTFLAGS` is no longer set for build scripts; they should use
- Added `cargo d` as an alias for `cargo doc`.
- Added `{lib}` to the `cargo tree --format` option to display the library
  name of a package.
- Added `members_mut` method to the `Workspace` API.

### Changed

- If a build command does not match any targets when using the
  `--all-targets`, `--bins`, `--tests`, `--examples`, or `--benches` flags, a
  warning is now displayed to inform you that there were no matching targets.
- The way `cargo init` detects whether or not existing source files represent
  a binary or library has been changed to respect the command-line flags
  instead of trying to guess which type it is.
- Registry names are now displayed instead of registry URLs when possible.
- Duplicate compiler diagnostics are no longer shown. This can often happen
  with `cargo test` which builds multiple copies of the same code in parallel.
  This also updates the warning summary to provide more context.
- The output for warnings or errors is now improved to be leaner, cleaner, and
  show more context.
- Network send errors are now treated as "spurious" which means they will be retried.
- Git keys (`branch`, `tag`, `rev`) on a non-git dependency are now an error.
  Additionally, specifying both `git` and `path` is now an error.
- Specifying a dependency without any keys is now an error.
- The resolver now prefers to use `[patch]` table entries of dependencies when
- Package name typo errors in dependencies are now displayed aligned with the
  original to help make it easier to see the difference.
- Windows platforms may now warn on environment variables that have the wrong case.
- `features` used in a `[patch]` table now issues a warning, as they are ignored.
- The `target` directory is now excluded from content indexing on Windows.
- When `Cargo.toml` is not found, the error message now detects if it was
  misnamed with a lowercase `c` to suggest the correct form.
- Building `diesel` with the new resolver displays a compatibility notice.
- Updated the `opener` dependency, which handles opening a web browser, which
  includes several changes, such as new behavior when run on WSL, and using
  the system `xdg-open` on Linux.
- Updated to libcurl 7.78.

### Fixed

- Fixed dep-info files including non-local build script paths.
- Handle "jobs = 0" case in cargo config files
- Implement warning for ignored trailing arguments after `--`
- Fixed rustc/rustdoc config values to be config-relative.
- `cargo fix` now supports rustc's suggestions with multiple spans.
- `cargo fix` now fixes each target serially instead of in parallel to avoid
  problems with fixing the same file concurrently.
- Changes to the target `linker` config value now trigger a rebuild.
- Git unstaged deleted files are now ignored when using the `--allow-dirty`
  flag with `cargo publish` or `cargo package`.

### Nightly only

- Enabled support for `cargo fix --edition` for 2021.
- Several changes to named profiles.
- Extended instructions on what to do when running `cargo fix --edition` on
  the 2021 edition.
- Multiple updates to error messages using nightly features to help better
  explain the situation.
- Adjusted the edition 2021 resolver diff report.
- Fixed error using `cargo doc --open` with `doc.extern-map`.
- Unified weak and namespaced features.
- Various updates to future-incompatible reporting.
- `[env]` environment variables are not allowed to set vars set by Cargo.

## Cargo 1.54 (2021-07-29)

### Added

- Fetching from a git repository (such as the crates.io index) now displays
  the network transfer rate.
- Added `--prune` option for `cargo tree` to limit what is displayed.
- Added `--depth` option for `cargo tree` to limit what is displayed.
- Added `cargo tree -e no-proc-macro` to hide procedural macro dependencies.
- Added `doc.browser` config option to set which browser to open with `cargo doc --open`.
- Added `CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR` environment variable set for integration tests &
  benches. This provides a temporary or "scratch" directory in the `target`
  directory for tests and benches to use.

### Changed

- `--features` CLI flags now provide typo suggestions with the new feature resolver.
- Cargo now uses a new parser for SemVer versions. This should behave mostly
  the same as before with some minor exceptions where invalid syntax for
  version requirements is now rejected.
- Mtime handling of `.crate` published packages has changed slightly to avoid
  mtime values of 0. This was causing problems with lldb which refused to read
  those files.
- Improved performance of git status check in `cargo package`.
- `cargo new` with fossil now places the ignore settings in the new repository
  instead of using `fossil settings` to set them globally. This also includes
  several other cleanups to make it more consistent with other VCS
- `rustc-cdylib-link-arg` applying transitively displays a warning that this
  was not intended, and may be an error in the future.

### Fixed

- Fixed `package.exclude` in `Cargo.toml` using inverted exclusions
  (`!somefile`) when not in a git repository or when vendoring a dependency.
- Dep-info files now adjust build script `rerun-if-changed` paths to be
  absolute paths.
- Fixed a bug when with resolver = "1" non-virtual package was allowing
  unknown features.
- Fixed an issue with the index cache mishandling versions that only
  differed in build metadata (such as `110.0.0` and `110.0.0+1.1.0f`).
- Fixed `cargo install` with a semver metadata version.

### Nightly only

- Added `report` subcommand, and changed `cargo
  describe-future-incompatibilitie` to `cargo report
- Added a `[host]` table to the config files to be able to set build flags for
  host target. Also added `target-applies-to-host` to control how the
  `[target]` tables behave.
- Added some validation to build script `rustc-link-arg-*` instructions to
  return an error if the target doesn't exist.
- Added `cargo:rustc-link-arg-bin` instruction for build scripts.

## Cargo 1.53 (2021-06-17)

### Added

### Changed
- 🔥 Cargo now supports git repositories where the default `HEAD` branch is not
  "master". This also includes a switch to the version 3 `Cargo.lock` format
  which can handle default branches correctly.
- 🔥 macOS targets now default to `unpacked` split-debuginfo.
- ❗ The `authors` field is no longer included in `Cargo.toml` for new
- `cargo update` may now work with the `--offline` flag.
- `cargo doc` will now erase the `doc` directory when switching between
  different toolchain versions. There are shared, unversioned files (such as
  the search index) that can become broken when using different versions.
- Improved error messages when path dependency/workspace member is missing.

### Fixed
- Fixed `cargo doc` detecting if the documentation needs to be rebuilt when
  changing some settings such as features.
- `cargo doc` now deletes the output directory for the package before running
  rustdoc to clear out any stale files.
- Fixed the `-C metadata` value to always include all information for all
  builds. Previously, in some situations, the hash only included the package
  name and version. This fixes some issues, such as incremental builds with
  split-debuginfo on macOS corrupting the incremental cache in some cases.
- Fixed man pages not working on Windows if `man` is in `PATH`.
- The `rustc` cache is now aware of `RUSTC_WRAPPER` and `RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER`.
- Track the `CARGO` environment variable in the rebuild fingerprint if the
  code uses `env!("CARGO")`.

### Nightly only
- Fixed config includes not working.
- Emit note when `--future-incompat-report` had nothing to report.
- Error messages for nightly features flags (like `-Z` and `cargo-features`)
  now provides more information.
- Added the ability to set the target for an individual package in `Cargo.toml`.
- Fixed build-std updating the index on every build.
- `-Z help` now displays all the `-Z` options.
- Added `-Zallow-features` to specify which nightly features are allowed to be used.
- Added `cargo config` subcommand.

## Cargo 1.52 (2021-05-06)

### Added
- Added the `"manifest_path"` field to JSON messages for a package.

### Changed
- Build scripts are now forbidden from setting `RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP` on stable.
- crates.io now supports SPDX 3.11 licenses.
- An error is now reported if `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` is an empty string.
- Doc tests now pass the `--message-format` flag into the test so that the
  "short" format can now be used for doc tests.
- `cargo test` now prints a clearer indicator of which target is currently running.
- The `CARGO_TARGET_<TRIPLE>` environment variable will now issue a warning if
  it is using lowercase letters.

### Fixed
- Fixed publication of packages with metadata and resolver fields in `Cargo.toml`.
- Fixed logic for determining prefer-dynamic for a dylib which differed in a
  workspace vs a single package.
- Fixed an issue where exclusive target-specific dependencies that overlapped
  across dependency kinds (like regular and build-dependencies) would
  incorrectly include the dependencies in both.
- Fixed panic with certain styles of Package IDs when passed to the `-p` flag.
- When running cargo with output not going to a TTY, and with the progress bar
  and color force-enabled, the output will now correctly clear the progress
- Error instead of panic when JSON may contain non-utf8 paths.
- Fixed a hang that can happen on broken stderr.
- Fixed thin-local LTO not being disabled correctly when `lto=off` is set.

### Nightly only
- The `strip` profile option now supports `true` and `false` values.
- `cargo fix --edition` now displays a report when switching to 2021 if the
  new resolver changes features.
- Added `[patch]` table support in `.cargo/config` files.
- Added `cargo describe-future-incompatibilities` for generating a report on
  dependencies that contain future-incompatible warnings.
- Added easier support for testing the 2021 edition.
- Switch the default resolver to "2" in the 2021 edition.
- `cargo fix --edition` now supports 2021.
- Added `--print` flag to `cargo rustc` to pass along to `rustc` to display
  information from rustc.
- Added `-Zdoctest-in-workspace` for changing the directory where doctests are
  *run* versus where they are *compiled*.
- Added support for an `[env]` section in `.cargo/config.toml` to set
  environment variables when running cargo.
- Added a schema field and `features2` field to the index.
- Changes to JSON spec targets will now trigger a rebuild.

## Cargo 1.51 (2021-03-25)

### Added
- 🔥 Added the `split-debuginfo` profile option.
- Added the `path` field to `cargo metadata` for the package dependencies list
  to show the path for "path" dependencies.
- 🔥 Added a new feature resolver, and new CLI feature flag behavior. See the
  new [features](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/features.html#feature-resolver-version-2)
  and [resolver](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/resolver.html#feature-resolver-version-2)
  documentation for the `resolver = "2"` option. See the
  and [resolver 2 CLI](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/features.html#resolver-version-2-command-line-flags)
  options for the new CLI behavior. And, finally, see
  [RFC 2957](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2957-cargo-features2.md)
  for a detailed look at what has changed.

### Changed
- `cargo install --locked` now emits a warning if `Cargo.lock` is not found.
- Unknown or ambiguous package IDs passed on the command-line now display
  suggestions for the correct package ID.
- Slightly optimize `cargo vendor`

### Fixed
- Fixed environment variables and cfg settings emitted by a build script that
  are set for `cargo test` and `cargo run` when the build script runs multiple
  times during the same build session.
- Fixed a panic with `cargo doc` and the new feature resolver. This also
  introduces some heuristics to try to avoid path collisions with `rustdoc` by
  only documenting one variant of a package if there are multiple (such as
  multiple versions, or the same package shared for host and target
- Fixed a bug in Cargo's cyclic dep graph detection that caused a stack
- Fixed build script `links` environment variables (`DEP_*`) not showing up
  for testing packages in some cases.
- Fixed features being selected in a nondeterministic way for a specific
  scenario when building an entire workspace with all targets with a
  proc-macro in the workspace with `resolver="2"`.
- Fixed to use `http.proxy` setting in `~/.gitconfig`.
- Fixed --feature pkg/feat for V1 resolver for non-member.
- Fixed panic in `cargo doc` when there are colliding output filenames in a workspace.
- Fixed `cargo install` from exiting with success if one of several packages
  did not install successfully.
- Fix panic with doc collision orphan.

### Nightly only
- Removed the `publish-lockfile` unstable feature, it was stabilized without
  the need for an explicit flag 1.5 years ago.
- Added better diagnostics, help messages, and documentation for nightly
  features (such as those passed with the `-Z` flag, or specified with
  `cargo-features` in `Cargo.toml`).
- Added support for Rust edition 2021.
- Added support for the `rust-version` field in project metadata.
- Added a schema field to the index.

## Cargo 1.50 (2021-02-11)

### Added
- Added the `doc` field to `cargo metadata`, which indicates if a target is
- Added `RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER`, an alternate RUSTC wrapper that only runs
  for the local workspace packages, and caches its artifacts independently of
  non-wrapped builds.
- Added `--workspace` to `cargo update` to update only the workspace members,
  and not their dependencies. This is particularly useful if you update the
  version in `Cargo.toml` and want to update `Cargo.lock` without running any
  other commands.

### Changed
- `.crate` files uploaded to a registry are now built with reproducible
  settings, so that the same `.crate` file created on different machines
  should be identical.
- Git dependencies that specify more than one of `branch`, `tag`, or `rev` are
  now rejected.
- The `rerun-if-changed` build script directive can now point to a directory,
  in which case Cargo will check if any file in that directory changes.
- If Cargo cannot determine the username or email address, `cargo new` will no
  longer fail, and instead create an empty authors list.
- The progress bar width has been reduced to provide more room to display the
  crates currently being built.
- `cargo new` will now support `includeIf` directives in `.gitconfig` to match
  the correct directory when determining the username and email address.

### Fixed
- Fixed `cargo metadata` and `cargo tree` to only download packages for the
  requested target.
- Updated libgit2, which brings in many fixes, particularly fixing a zlib
  error that occasionally appeared on 32-bit systems.
- Fixed stack overflow with a circular dev-dependency that uses the `links`
- Fixed `cargo publish` failing on some filesystems, particularly 9p on WSL2.

### Nightly only
- Allow `resolver="1"` to specify the original feature resolution behavior.
- Added `-Z extra-link-arg` which adds the `cargo:rustc-link-arg-bins`
  and `cargo:rustc-link-arg` build script options.
- Implemented external credential process support, and added `cargo logout`.
  ([RFC 2730](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2730-cargo-token-from-process.md))
- Fix panic with `-Zbuild-std` and no roots.
- Set docs.rs as the default extern-map for crates.io

## Cargo 1.49 (2020-12-31)

### Added
- Added `homepage` and `documentation` fields to `cargo metadata`.
- Added the `CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE` environment variable which is set when
  running `rustc` if the package is one of the "root" packages selected on the
  command line.
- Added support for Unix-style glob patterns for package and target selection
  flags on the command-line (such as `-p 'serde*'` or `--test '*'`).

### Changed
- Computed LTO flags are now included in the filename metadata hash so that
  changes in LTO settings will independently cache build artifacts instead of
  overwriting previous ones. This prevents rebuilds in some situations such as
  switching between `cargo build` and `cargo test` in some circumstances.
- `cargo tree` now displays `(proc-macro)` next to proc-macro packages.
- Added a warning that the allowed characters for a feature name have been
  restricted to letters, digits, `_`, `-`, and `+` to accommodate future
  syntax changes. This is still a superset of the allowed syntax on crates.io,
  which requires ASCII. This is intended to be changed to an error in the
- `-p` without a value will now print a list of workspace package names.
- Add period to allowed feature name characters.

### Fixed
- Fixed building a library with both "dylib" and "rlib" crate types with LTO enabled.
- Fixed paths in Cargo's dep-info files.
- Fixed inconsistent source IDs in `cargo metadata` for git dependencies that
  explicitly specify `branch="master"`.
- Fixed re-extracting dependencies which contained a `.cargo-ok` file.

### Nightly only
- Fixed a panic with `cargo doc -Zfeatures=itarget` in some situations.
- New implementation for namespaced features, using the syntax `dep:serde`.
- Added support for "weak" dependency features, using the syntax
  `dep_name?/feat_name`, which will enable a feature for a dependency without
  also enabling the dependency.
- Fixed the new feature resolver downloading extra dependencies that weren't
  strictly necessary.

## Cargo 1.48 (2020-11-19)

### Added
- Added `term.progress` configuration option to control when and how the
  progress bar is displayed.
- Added `--message-format plain` option to `cargo locate-project` to display
  the project location without JSON to make it easier to use in a script.
- Added `--workspace` option to `cargo locate-project` to display the path to
  the workspace manifest.
- A new contributor guide has been added for contributing to Cargo itself.
  This is published at <https://rust-lang.github.io/cargo/contrib/>.
- Zsh `--target` completion will now complete with the built-in rustc targets.

### Changed

### Fixed
- Fixed `cargo new` creating a fossil repository to properly ignore the `target` directory.
- Don't show warnings about the workspace in the current directory when using `cargo install`
  of a remote package.
- Automatically reinitialize the index when an "Object not found" error is
  encountered in the git repository.
- Updated libgit2, which brings in several fixes for git repository handling.

### Nightly only
- Fixed `cargo install` so that it will ignore the `[unstable]` table in local config files.
- Fixed nondeterministic behavior of the new feature resolver.
- Fixed running `cargo test` on a proc-macro with the new feature resolver
  under a specific combination of circumstances.

## Cargo 1.47 (2020-10-08)

### Added
- `cargo doc` will now include the package's version in the left sidebar.
- Added the `test` field to `cargo metadata` targets.
- Cargo's man pages are now displayed via the `cargo help` command (such as
  `cargo help build`).
- Added new documentation chapters on [how dependency resolution
  works](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/resolver.html) and
  along with suggestions on how to version your project and work with

### Changed
- The comments added to `.gitignore` when it is modified have been tweaked to
  add some spacing.
- `cargo metadata` output should now be sorted to be deterministic.
- By default, build scripts and proc-macros are now built with `opt-level=0`
  and the default codegen units, even in release mode.
- `workspace.default-members` is now filtered by `workspace.exclude`.
- `workspace.members` globs now ignore non-directory paths.
- git zlib errors now trigger a retry.
- "http" class git errors now trigger a retry.
- git dependencies now override the `core.autocrlf` git configuration value to
  ensure they behave consistently across platforms, particularly when
  vendoring git dependencies on Windows.
- If `Cargo.lock` needs to be updated, then it will be automatically
  transitioned to the new V2 format. This format removes the `[metadata]`
  table, and should be easier to merge changes in source control systems. This
  format was introduced in 1.38, and made the default for new projects in
- Added preparation for support of git repositories with a non-"master"
  default branch. Actual support will arrive in a future version. This
  introduces some warnings:
  - Warn if a git dependency does not specify a branch, and the default branch
    on the repository is not "master". In the future, Cargo will fetch the
    default branch. In this scenario, the branch should be explicitly
  - Warn if a workspace has multiple dependencies to the same git repository,
    one without a `branch` and one with `branch="master"`. Dependencies should
    all use one form or the other.
- Warnings are now issued if a `required-features` entry lists a feature that
  does not exist.
- Built-in aliases are now included in `cargo --list`.
- `cargo install` with a specific version that has been yanked will now
  display an error message that it has been yanked, instead of "could not
- `cargo publish` with a package that has the `publish` field set to a single
  registry, and no `--registry` flag has been given, will now publish to that
  registry instead of generating an error.

### Fixed
- Fixed issue where if a project directory was moved, and one of the
  build scripts did not use the `rerun-if-changed` directive, then that
  build script was being rebuilt when it shouldn't.
- Console colors should now work on Windows 7 and 8.
- The `CARGO_TARGET_{triplet}_RUNNER` environment variable will now correctly
  override the config file instead of trying to merge the commands.
- Fixed LTO with doctests.

### Nightly only
- Added support for `-Z terminal-width` which tells `rustc` the width of the
  terminal so that it can format diagnostics better.
- Added ability to configure `-Z` unstable flags in config files via the
  `[unstable]` table.
- Added `-Z build-std-features` flag to set features for the standard library.

## Cargo 1.46 (2020-08-27)

### Added
- The `dl` key in `config.json` of a registry index now supports the
  replacement markers `{prefix}` and `{lowerprefix}` to allow spreading crates
  across directories similar to how the index itself is structured.
- Added new environment variables that are set during compilation:
  - `CARGO_CRATE_NAME`: The name of the crate being built.
  - `CARGO_BIN_NAME`: The name of the executable binary (if this is a binary crate).
  - `CARGO_PKG_LICENSE`: The `license` field from the manifest.
  - `CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE`: The `license-file` field from the manifest.
- If the value for `readme` is not specified in `Cargo.toml`, it is now
  automatically inferred from the existence of a file named `README`,
  `README.md`, or `README.txt`. This can be suppressed by setting
  `readme = false`.
- `cargo install` now supports the `--index` flag to install directly from an index.
- Added the `metadata` table to the `workspace` definition in `Cargo.toml`.
  This can be used for arbitrary data similar to the `package.metadata` table.
- Added the `--target-dir` flag to `cargo install` to set the target directory.
- Changes to environment variables used by the
  [`env!`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.env.html) or
  [`option_env!`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.option_env.html) macros
  are now automatically detected to trigger a rebuild.
- The `target` directory now includes the `CACHEDIR.TAG` file which is used by
  some tools to exclude the directory from backups.
- Added docs about rustup's `+toolchain` syntax.

### Changed
- A warning is now displayed if a git dependency includes a `#` fragment in
  the URL. This was potentially confusing because Cargo itself displays git
  URLs with this syntax, but it does not have any meaning outside of the
  `Cargo.lock` file, and would not work properly.
- Various optimizations and fixes for bitcode embedding and LTO.
- Reduced the amount of data fetched for git dependencies. If Cargo knows the
  branch or tag to fetch, it will now only fetch that branch or tag instead of
  all branches and tags.
- Enhanced git fetch error messages.
- `.crate` files are now generated with GNU tar format instead of UStar, which
  supports longer file names.

### Fixed
- Fixed a rare situation where an update to `Cargo.lock` failed once, but then
  subsequent runs allowed it proceed.
- Removed assertion that Windows dylibs must have a `.dll` extension. Some
  custom JSON spec targets may change the extension.
- Updated libgit2, which brings in a fix for zlib errors for some remote
  git servers like googlesource.com.
- Fixed the GitHub fast-path check for up-to-date git dependencies on
  non-master branches.
- Fixed issue when enabling a feature with `pkg/feature` syntax, and `pkg` is
  an optional dependency, but also a dev-dependency, and the dev-dependency
  appears before the optional normal dependency in the registry summary, then
  the optional dependency would not get activated.
- Fixed `clean -p` deleting the build directory if there is a test named
- Fixed indentation of multi-line Cargo error messages.
- Fixed issue where the automatic inclusion of the `--document-private-items`
  flag for rustdoc would override any flags passed to the `cargo rustdoc`
- Cargo will now include a version in the hash of the fingerprint directories
  to support backwards-incompatible changes to the fingerprint structure.

### Nightly only
- Added `-Zrustdoc-map` feature which provides external mappings for rustdoc
  (such as https://docs.rs/ links).
- Fixed feature calculation when a proc-macro is declared in `Cargo.toml` with
  an underscore (like `proc_macro = true`).
- Added support for setting `-Clinker` with `-Zdoctest-xcompile`.
- Fixed setting the `strip` profile field in config files.

## Cargo 1.45 (2020-07-16)

### Added

### Changed
- Changed official documentation to recommend `.cargo/config.toml` filenames
  (with the `.toml` extension). `.toml` extension support was added in 1.39.
- The `registry.index` config value is no longer allowed (it has been
  deprecated for 4 years).
- An error is generated if both `--index` and `--registry` are passed
  (previously `--index` was silently ignored).
- The `registry.token` config value is no longer used with the `--index` flag.
  This is intended to avoid potentially leaking the crates.io token to another
- Added a warning if `registry.token` is used with source replacement. It is
  intended this will be an error in future versions.
- Windows GNU targets now copy `.dll.a` import library files for DLL crate
  types to the output directory.
- Dylibs for all dependencies are now unconditionally copied to the output
  directory. Some obscure scenarios can cause an old dylib to be referenced
  between builds, and this ensures that all the latest copies are used.
- `package.exclude` can now match directory names. If a directory is
  specified, the entire directory will be excluded, and Cargo will not attempt
  to inspect it further. Previously Cargo would try to check every file in the
  directory which could cause problems if the directory contained unreadable
- When packaging with `cargo publish` or `cargo package`, Cargo can use git to
  guide its decision on which files to include. Previously this git-based
  logic required a `Cargo.toml` file to exist at the root of the repository.
  This is no longer required, so Cargo will now use git-based guidance even if
  there is not a `Cargo.toml` in the root of the repository.
- While unpacking a crate on Windows, if it fails to write a file because the
  file is a reserved Windows filename (like "aux.rs"), Cargo will display an
  extra message to explain why it failed.
- Failures to set mtime on files are now ignored. Some filesystems did not
  support this.
- Certain classes of git errors will now recommend enabling
- When doing an LTO build, Cargo will now instruct rustc not to perform
  codegen when possible. This may result in a faster build and use less disk
  space. Additionally, for non-LTO builds, Cargo will instruct rustc to not
  embed LLVM bitcode in libraries, which should decrease their size.
- The implementation for `cargo clean -p` has been rewritten so that it can
  more accurately remove the files for a specific package.
- The way Cargo computes the outputs from a build has been rewritten to be
  more complete and accurate. Newly tracked files will be displayed in JSON
  messages, and may be uplifted to the output directory in some cases. Some of
  the changes from this are:

  - `.exp` export files on Windows MSVC dynamic libraries are now tracked.
  - Proc-macros on Windows track import/export files.
  - All targets (like tests, etc.) that generate separate debug files
    (pdb/dSYM) are tracked.
  - Added .map files for wasm32-unknown-emscripten.
  - macOS dSYM directories are tracked for all dynamic libraries
    (dylib/cdylib/proc-macro) and for build scripts.

  There are a variety of other changes as a consequence of this:

  - Binary examples on Windows MSVC with a hyphen will now show up twice in
    the examples directory (`foo_bar.exe` and `foo-bar.exe`). Previously Cargo
    just renamed the file instead of hard-linking it.
  - Example libraries now follow the same rules for hyphen/underscore
    translation as normal libs (they will now use underscores).

- Cargo attempts to scrub any secrets from the debug log for HTTP debugging.
- Context has been added to many of Cargo's filesystem operations, so that
  error messages now provide more information, such as the path that caused
  the problem.
- Several commands now ignore the error if stdout or stderr is closed while it
  is running. For example `cargo install --list | grep -q cargo-fuzz` would
  previously sometimes panic because `grep -q` may close stdout before the
  command finishes. Regular builds continue to fail if stdout or stderr is
  closed, matching the behavior of many other build systems.
- If `cargo install` is given an exact version, like `--version=1.2.3`, it
  will now avoid updating the index if that version is already installed, and
  exit quickly indicating it is already installed.
- Changes to the `[patch]` section will now attempt to automatically update
  `Cargo.lock` to the new version. It should now also provide better error
  messages for the rare cases where it is unable to automatically update.

### Fixed
- Fixed copying Windows `.pdb` files to the output directory when the filename
  contained dashes.
- Fixed error where Cargo would fail when scanning if a package is inside a
  git repository when any of its ancestor paths is a symlink.
- Fixed `cargo update` with an unused `[patch]` so that it does not get
  stuck and refuse to update.
- Fixed a situation where Cargo would hang if stderr is closed, and the
  compiler generated a large number of messages.
- Fixed backtraces on macOS not showing filenames or line numbers. As a
  consequence of this, binary executables on apple targets do not include a
  hash in the filename in Cargo's cache. This means Cargo can only track one
  copy, so if you switch features or rustc versions, Cargo will need to
  rebuild the executable.
- Fixed fingerprinting when using lld on Windows with a dylib. Cargo was
  erroneously thinking the dylib was never fresh.

### Nightly only
- Fixed passing the full path for `--target` to `rustdoc` when using JSON spec
- `-Cembed-bitcode=no` renamed to `-Cbitcode-in-rlib=no`
- Added new `resolver` field to `Cargo.toml` to opt-in to the new feature
- `-Zbuild-std` no longer treats std dependencies as "local". This means that
  it won't use incremental compilation for those dependencies, removes them
  from dep-info files, and caps lints at "allow".
- Added `-Zmultitarget` which allows multiple `--target` flags to build the
  same thing for multiple targets at once.
- Added `strip` option to the profile to remove symbols and debug information.
- Fixed panic with `cargo tree --target=all -Zfeatures=all`.

## Cargo 1.44 (2020-06-04)

### Added
- 🔥 Added the `cargo tree` command.
- Added warnings if a package has Windows-restricted filenames (like `nul`,
  `con`, `aux`, `prn`, etc.).
- Added a `"build-finished"` JSON message when compilation is complete so that
  tools can detect when they can stop listening for JSON messages with
  commands like `cargo run` or `cargo test`.

### Changed
- Valid package names are now restricted to Unicode XID identifiers. This is
  mostly the same as before, except package names cannot start with a number
  or `-`.
- `cargo new` and `init` will warn or reject additional package names
  (reserved Windows names, reserved Cargo directories, non-ASCII names,
  conflicting std names like `core`, etc.).
- Tests are no longer hard-linked into the output directory (`target/debug/`).
  This ensures tools will have access to debug symbols and execute tests in
  the same way as Cargo. Tools should use JSON messages to discover the path
  to the executable.
- Updating git submodules now displays an "Updating" message for each
- File modification times are now preserved when extracting a `.crate` file.
  This reverses the change made in 1.40 where the mtime was not preserved.
- Build script warnings are now displayed separately when the build script
- Removed the `git-checkout` subcommand.
- The progress bar is now enabled for all unix platforms. Previously it was
  only Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD.
- Artifacts generated by pre-release versions of `rustc` now share the same
  filenames. This means that changing nightly versions will not leave stale
  files in the build directory.
- Invalid package names are rejected when using renamed dependencies.
- Added a certain class of HTTP2 errors as "spurious" that will get retried.
- Allow `cargo package --list` to succeed, even if there are other validation
  errors (such as `Cargo.lock` generation problem, or missing dependencies).

### Fixed
- Cargo no longer buffers excessive amounts of compiler output in memory.
- Symbolic links in git repositories now work on Windows.
- Fixed an issue where `profile.dev` was not loaded from a config file with
  `cargo test` when the `dev` profile was not defined in `Cargo.toml`.
- When a binary is built as an implicit dependency of an integration test,
  it now checks `dep_name/feature_name` syntax in `required-features` correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Cargo would not detect that an executable (such as an
  integration test) needs to be rebuilt when the previous build was
  interrupted with Ctrl-C.
- Protect against some (unknown) situations where Cargo could panic when the
  system monotonic clock doesn't appear to be monotonic.
- Fixed panic with `cargo clean -p` if the package has a build script.

### Nightly only
- Fixed panic with new feature resolver and required-features.
- Added `RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER` environment variable, which provides a way
  to wrap `rustc` for workspace members only, and affects the filename hash so
  that artifacts produced by the wrapper are cached separately. This usage can
  be seen on nightly clippy with `cargo clippy -Zunstable-options`.
- Added `--unit-graph` CLI option to display Cargo's internal dependency graph
  as JSON.
- Changed `-Zbuild_dep` to `-Zhost_dep`, and added proc-macros to the feature
  decoupling logic.
- Fixed so that `--crate-version` is not automatically passed when the flag
  is found in `RUSTDOCFLAGS`.
- Fixed panic with `-Zfeatures=dev_dep` and `check --profile=test`.
- Fixed panic with `-Zfeatures=itarget` with certain host dependencies.
- Added support for `-Cembed-bitcode=no`, which provides a performance boost
  and disk-space usage reduction for non-LTO builds.
- `-Zpackage-features` has been extended with several changes intended to make
  it easier to select features on the command-line in a workspace.

## Cargo 1.43 (2020-04-23)

### Added
- 🔥 Profiles may now be specified in config files (and environment variables).
- ❗ Added `CARGO_BIN_EXE_<name>` environment variable when building
  integration tests. This variable contains the path to any `[[bin]]` targets
  in the package. Integration tests should use the `env!` macro to determine
  the path to a binary to execute.

### Changed
- `cargo install --git` now honors workspaces in a git repository. This allows
  workspace settings, like `[patch]`, `[replace]`, or `[profile]` to be used.
- `cargo new` will now run `rustfmt` on the new files to pick up rustfmt
  settings like `tab_spaces` so that the new file matches the user's preferred
  indentation settings.
- Environment variables printed with "very verbose" output (`-vv`) are now
  consistently sorted.
- Debug logging for fingerprint rebuild-detection now includes more information.
- Added warning during publish if the license-file doesn't exist.
- The `license-file` file is automatically included during publish, even if it
  is not explicitly listed in the `include` list or is in a location outside
  of the root of the package.
  when running a build script. These were inadvertently set in the past, but
  had no meaning as they were always true. Additionally, `cfg(proc-macro)`
  is no longer supported in a `target` expression.

### Fixed
- Global command-line flags now work with aliases (like `cargo -v b`).
- Required-features using dependency syntax (like `renamed_dep/feat_name`) now
  handle renamed dependencies correctly.
- Fixed a rare situation where if a build script is run multiple times during
  the same build, Cargo will now keep the results separate instead of losing
  the output of the first execution.
- Fixed incorrect interpretation of environment variable
  `CARGO_TARGET_*_RUNNER=true` as a boolean. Also improved related env var
  error messages.
- Updated internal libgit2 library, bringing various fixes to git support.
- `cargo package` / `cargo publish` should no longer buffer the entire
  contents of each file in memory.
- Ignore more invalid `Cargo.toml` files in a git dependency. Cargo currently
  walks the entire repo to find the requested package. Certain invalid
  manifests were already skipped, and now it should skip all of them.

### Nightly only
- Added `build.out-dir` config variable to set the output directory.
- Added `-Zjobserver-per-rustc` feature to support improved performance for
  parallel rustc.
- Fixed filename collision with `build-std` and crates like `cc`.
- `-Ztimings` will now save its report even if there is an error.
- Updated `--config` command-line flag to support taking a path to a config
  file to load.
- Added new feature resolver.
- Rustdoc docs now automatically include the version of the package in the
  side bar (requires `-Z crate-versions` flag).

## Cargo 1.42 (2020-03-12)

### Added
- Added documentation on git authentication.
- Bitbucket Pipeline badges are now supported on crates.io.
- `cargo vendor` now accepts the `--versioned-dirs` option to force it to
  always include the version number in each package's directory name.
- The `proc_macro` crate is now automatically added to the extern prelude for
  proc-macro packages. This means that `extern crate proc_macro;` is no longer
  necessary for proc-macros.

### Changed
- Emit a warning if `debug_assertions`, `test`, `proc_macro`, or `feature=` is
  used in a `cfg()` expression.
- Large update to the Cargo documentation, adding new chapters on Cargo
  targets, workspaces, and features.
- Windows: `.lib` DLL import libraries are now copied next to the dll for all
  Windows MSVC targets. Previously it was only supported for
  `pc-windows-msvc`. This adds DLL support for `uwp-windows-msvc` targets.
- The `ar` field in the `[target]` configuration is no longer read. It has
  been ignored for over 4 years.
- Bash completion file simplified and updated for latest changes.
- Credentials are only loaded when needed, instead of every Cargo command.

### Fixed
- Removed `--offline` empty index check, which was a false positive in some
- Files and directories starting with a `.` can now be included in a package
  by adding it to the `include` list.
- Fixed `cargo login` removing alternative registry tokens when previous
  entries existed in the credentials file.
- Fixed `cargo vendor` from panicking when used with alternative registries.
- Fixed incorrect explanation in the fingerprint debug log message.
- A `[source]` that is defined multiple times will now result in an error.
  Previously it was randomly picking a source, which could cause
  non-deterministic behavior.
- `dep_kinds` in `cargo metadata` are now de-duplicated.
- Fixed packaging where `Cargo.lock` was listed in `.gitignore` in a
  subdirectory inside a git repository. Previously it was assuming
  `Cargo.lock` was at the root of the repo.
- Partial file transfer errors will now cause an automatic retry.
- Linux: Fixed panic if CPU iowait stat decreases.
- Fixed using the wrong sysroot for detecting host compiler settings when
  `--sysroot` is passed in via `RUSTFLAGS`.

### Nightly only
- `build-std` now uses `--extern` instead of `--sysroot` to find sysroot
- Added `--config` command-line option to set config settings.
- Added `include` config setting which allows including another config file.
- Profiles in config files now support any named profile. Previously it was
  limited to dev/release.

## Cargo 1.41 (2020-01-30)

### Added
- 🔥 Cargo now uses a new `Cargo.lock` file format. This new format should
  support easier merges in source control systems. Projects using the old
  format will continue to use the old format, only new `Cargo.lock` files will
  use the new format.
- 🔥 `cargo install` will now upgrade already installed packages instead of
- 🔥 Profile overrides have been added. This allows overriding profiles for
  individual dependencies or build scripts. See [the
  for more.
- Added new documentation for build scripts.
- Added documentation for Cargo's JSON output.
- Significant expansion of config and environment variable documentation.
- Add back support for `BROWSER` environment variable for `cargo doc --open`.
- Added `kind` and `platform` for dependencies in `cargo metadata`.
- The `OUT_DIR` value is now included in the `build-script-executed` JSON message.

### Changed
- `cargo doc` will now document private items in binaries by default.
- Subcommand typo suggestions now include aliases.
- Tweak how the "already existing..." comment is added to `.gitignore`.
- Ignore `cargo login` text from copy/paste in token.
- Windows: Ignore errors for locking files when not supported by the filesystem.
- Remove `**/*.rs.bk` from `.gitignore`.

### Fixed
- Fix unused warnings for some keys in the `build` config section.
- Linux: Don't panic when parsing `/proc/stat`.
- Don't show canonical path in `cargo vendor`.

### Nightly only

## Cargo 1.40 (2019-12-19)

### Added
- Added `http.ssl-version` config option to control the version of TLS,
  along with min/max versions.
- 🔥 Compiler warnings are now cached on disk. If a build generates warnings,
  re-running the build will now re-display the warnings.
- Added `--filter-platform` option to `cargo metadata` to narrow the nodes
  shown in the resolver graph to only packages included for the given target

### Changed
- Cargo's "platform" `cfg` parsing has been extracted into a separate crate
  named `cargo-platform`.
- Dependencies extracted into Cargo's cache no longer preserve mtimes to
  reduce syscall overhead.
- Windows: EXE files no longer include a metadata hash in the filename.
  This helps with debuggers correlating the filename with the PDB file.
- Wasm32: `.wasm` files are no longer treated as an "executable", allowing
  `cargo test` and `cargo run` to work properly with the generated `.js` file.
- crates.io now supports SPDX 3.6 licenses.
- Improved cyclic dependency error message.
- Bare `cargo clean` no longer locks the package cache.
- `cargo publish` now allows dev-dependencies without a version key to be
  published. A git or path-only dev-dependency will be removed from the
  package manifest before uploading.
- `--features` and `--no-default-features` in the root of a virtual workspace
  will now generate an error instead of being ignored.
- Generated files (like `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock`) in a package archive
  now have their timestamp set to the current time instead of the epoch.
- The `-Z` flag parser is now more strict, rejecting more invalid syntax.

### Fixed
- Fixed an issue where if a package had an `include` field, and `Cargo.lock`
  in `.gitignore`, and a binary or example target, and the `Cargo.lock` exists
  in the current project, it would fail to publish complaining the
  `Cargo.lock` was dirty.
- Fixed a panic in a particular combination of `[patch]` entries.
- Windows: Better error message when `cargo test` or `rustc` crashes in an
  abnormal way, such as a signal or seg fault.

### Nightly only
- The `mtime-on-use` feature may now be enabled via the
  `unstable.mtime_on_use` config option.
- Added support for named profiles.
- Added `-Zpanic-abort-tests` to allow building and running tests with the
  "abort" panic strategy.
- Changed `build-std` to use `--sysroot`.
- Various fixes and enhancements to `-Ztimings`.
- Profile overrides have renamed the syntax to be
- Fixed warnings for unused profile overrides in a workspace.

## Cargo 1.39 (2019-11-07)

### Added
- Config files may now use the `.toml` filename extension.
- The `--workspace` flag has been added as an alias for `--all` to help avoid
  confusion about the meaning of "all".
- The `publish` field has been added to `cargo metadata`.

### Changed
- Display more information if parsing the output from `rustc` fails.
- TOML errors now show the column number.
- `cargo vendor` no longer deletes files in the `vendor` directory that starts
  with a `.`.
- `cargo fetch` will now show manifest warnings.
- `cargo publish` will now check git submodules if they contain any
  uncommitted changes.
- In a build script, `cargo:rustc-flags` now allows `-l` and `-L` flags
  without spaces.
- When `cargo install` replaces an older version of a package it will now
  delete any installed binaries that are no longer present in the newly
  installed version.
- A git dependency may now also specify a `version` key when published. The
  `git` value will be stripped from the uploaded crate, matching the behavior
  of `path` dependencies.
- The behavior of workspace default-members has changed. The default-members
  now only applies when running Cargo in the root of the workspace. Previously
  it would always apply regardless of which directory Cargo is running in.
- libgit2 updated pulling in all upstream changes.
- Bump `home` dependency for locating home directories.
- zsh completions have been updated.
- SSL connect errors are now retried.
- The jobserver has been changed to acquire N tokens (instead of N-1), and
  then immediately acquires the extra token. This was changed to accommodate
  the `cc` crate on Windows to allow it to release its implicit token.
- The scheduling algorithm for choosing which crate to build next has been
  changed. It now chooses the crate with the greatest number of transitive
  crates waiting on it. Previously it used a maximum topological depth.
- RUSTFLAGS are no longer incorporated in the metadata and filename hash,
  reversing the change from 1.33 that added it. This means that any change to
  RUSTFLAGS will cause a recompile, and will not affect symbol munging.

### Fixed
- Git dependencies with submodules with shorthand SSH URLs (like
  `git@github.com/user/repo.git`) should now work.
- Handle broken symlinks when creating `.dSYM` symlinks on macOS.
- Fixed issues with multiple versions of the same crate in a `[patch]` table.
- Fixed issue with custom target `.json` files where a substring of the name
  matches an unsupported crate type (like "bin").
- Fixed issues with generating documentation for proc-macro crate types.
- Fixed hang if Cargo panics within a build thread.
- Fixed rebuild detection if a `build.rs` script issues different `rerun-if`
  directives between builds. Cargo was erroneously causing a rebuild after the
- Properly handle canonical URLs for `[patch]` table entries, preventing
  the patch from working after the first time it is used.
- Fixed an issue where integration tests were waiting for the package binary
  to finish building before starting their own build. They now may build
- Fixed accidental change in the previous release on how `--features a b` flag
  is interpreted, restoring the original behavior where this is interpreted as
  `--features a` along with the argument `b` passed to the command. To pass
  multiple features, use quotes around the features to pass multiple features
  like `--features "a b"`, or use commas, or use multiple `--features` flags.

### Nightly only
- Basic support for building the standard library directly from Cargo has been
- Added `-Ztimings` feature to generate an HTML report on the time spent on
  individual compilation steps. This also may output completion steps on the
  console and JSON data.
- Added ability to cross-compile doctests.

## Cargo 1.38 (2019-09-26)

### Added
- 🔥 Cargo build pipelining has been enabled by default to leverage more idle CPU
  parallelism during builds.
- The `--message-format` option to Cargo can now be specified multiple times and
  accepts a comma-separated list of values. In addition to the previous values
  it also now accepts `json-diagnostic-short` and
  `json-diagnostic-rendered-ansi` which configures the output coming from rustc
  in `json` message mode.
- Cirrus CI badges are now supported on crates.io.
- A new format for `Cargo.lock` has been introduced. This new format is
  intended to avoid source-control merge conflicts more often, and to
  generally make it safer to merge changes. This new format is *not* enabled
  at this time, though Cargo will use it if it sees it. At some point in the
  future, it is intended that this will become the default.
- Progress bar support added for FreeBSD.

### Changed
- The `-q` flag will no longer suppress the root error message for an error
  from Cargo itself.
- The Cargo Book is now published with mdbook 0.3 providing a number of
  formatting fixes and improvements.
- The `--features` command-line flag can now be specified multiple times.
  The list of features from all the flags are joined together.
- Package include/exclude glob-vs-gitignore warnings have been removed.
  Packages may now use gitignore-style matching without producing any
- Cargo now shows the command and output when parsing `rustc` output fails
  when querying `rustc` for information like `cfg` values.
- `cargo package`/`cargo publish` now allows a symbolic link to a git
  submodule to include that submodule.
- Improved the error message when a version requirement does not
  match any versions, but there are pre-release versions available.

### Fixed
- Fixed using the wrong directory when updating git repositories when using
  the `git-fetch-with-cli` config option, and the `GIT_DIR` environment
  variable is set. This may happen when running cargo from git callbacks.
- Fixed dep-info files being overwritten for targets that have separate debug
  outputs. For example, binaries on `-apple-` targets with `.dSYM` directories
  would overwrite the `.d` file.
- Fix `[patch]` table not preserving "one major version per source" rule.
- Ignore `--remap-path-prefix` flags for the metadata hash in the `cargo
  rustc` command. This was causing the remap settings to inadvertently affect
  symbol names.
- Fixed cycle detection in `[patch]` dependencies.
- Fixed `cargo new` leaving behind a symlink on Windows when `core.symlinks`
  git config is true. Also adds a number of fixes and updates from upstream
- macOS: Fixed setting the flag to mark the `target` directory to be excluded
  from backups.
- Fixed `cargo fix` panicking under some situations involving multi-byte

### Nightly only
- Added `cargo fix --clippy` which will apply machine-applicable fixes from
- Added `-Z binary-dep-depinfo` flag to add change tracking for binary
  dependencies like the standard library.
- `cargo clippy-preview` will always run, even if no changes have been made.
- Fixed exponential blowup when using `CARGO_BUILD_PIPELINING`.
- Fixed passing args to clippy in `cargo clippy-preview`.

## Cargo 1.37 (2019-08-15)

### Added
- Added `doctest` field to `cargo metadata` to determine if a target's
  documentation is tested.
- 🔥 The [`cargo
  command is now built-in to Cargo. This command may be used to create a local
  copy of the sources of all dependencies.
- 🔥 The "publish lockfile" feature is now stable. This feature will
  automatically include the `Cargo.lock` file when a package is published if
  it contains a binary executable target. By default, Cargo will ignore
  `Cargo.lock` when installing a package. To force Cargo to use the
  `Cargo.lock` file included in the published package, use `cargo install
  --locked`. This may be useful to ensure that `cargo install` consistently
  reproduces the same result. It may also be useful when a semver-incompatible
  change is accidentally published to a dependency, providing a way to fall
  back to a version that is known to work.
- 🔥 The `default-run` feature has been stabilized. This feature allows you to
  specify which binary executable to run by default with `cargo run` when a
  package includes multiple binaries. Set the `default-run` key in the
  `[package]` table in `Cargo.toml` to the name of the binary to use by

### Changed
- `cargo package` now verifies that build scripts do not create empty
- A warning is now issued if `cargo doc` generates duplicate outputs, which
  causes files to be randomly stomped on. This may happen for a variety of
  reasons (renamed dependencies, multiple versions of the same package,
  packages with renamed libraries, etc.). This is a known bug, which needs
  more work to handle correctly.
- Enabling a dependency's feature with `--features foo/bar` will no longer
  compile the current crate with the `foo` feature if `foo` is not an optional
- If `--remap-path-prefix` is passed via RUSTFLAGS, it will no longer affect
  the filename metadata hash.
- libgit2 has been updated to 0.28.2, which Cargo uses to access git
  repositories. This brings in hundreds of changes and fixes since it was last
  updated in November.
- Cargo now supports absolute paths in the dep-info files generated by rustc.
  This is laying the groundwork for [tracking
  binaries](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/61727), such as libstd, for
  rebuild detection. (Note: this contains a known bug.)

### Fixed
- Fixed how zsh completions fetch the list of commands.
- "+ debuginfo" is no longer printed in the build summary when `debug` is set
  to 0.
- Fixed `cargo doc` with an example configured with `doc = true` to document
- Don't fail if a read-only lock cannot be acquired in CARGO_HOME. This helps
  when CARGO_HOME doesn't exist, but `--locked` is used which means CARGO_HOME
  is not needed.
- Reverted a change in 1.35 which released jobserver tokens when Cargo blocked
  on a lock file. It caused a deadlock in some situations.

### Nightly only
- Added [compiler message
  The `-Z cache-messages` flag makes cargo cache the compiler output so that
  future runs can redisplay previous warnings.
- `-Z mtime-on-use` no longer touches intermediate artifacts.

## Cargo 1.36 (2019-07-04)

### Added
- Added more detailed documentation on target auto-discovery.
- 🔥 Stabilize the `--offline` flag which allows using cargo without a network

### Changed
- `publish = ["crates-io"]` may be added to the manifest to restrict
  publishing to crates.io only.
- macOS: Only include the default paths if `DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH` is not
  set. Also, remove `/lib` from the default set.
- `cargo publish` will now exit early if the login token is not available.
- HTTP/2 stream errors are now considered "spurious" and will cause a retry.
- Setting a feature on a dependency where that feature points to a *required*
  dependency is now an error. Previously it was a warning.
- The `registry.index` config value now supports relative `file:` URLs.
- macOS: The `.dSYM` directory is now symbolically linked next to example
  binaries without the metadata hash so that debuggers can find it.
- The default `Cargo.toml` template for now projects now includes a comment
  providing a link to the documentation.
- Some improvements to the wording of the crate download summary.
- ✨ Changed `RUST_LOG` environment variable to `CARGO_LOG` so that user code
  that uses the `log` crate will not display cargo's debug output.
- `Cargo.toml` is now always included when packaging, even if it is not listed
  in `package.include`.
- Package include/exclude values now use gitignore patterns instead of glob
  patterns. [#6924](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6924)
- Provide a better error message when crates.io times out. Also improve error
  messages with other HTTP response codes.

### Performance
- Resolver performance improvements for some cases.
- Optimized how cargo reads the index JSON files by caching the results.
- Various performance improvements.

### Fixed
- More carefully track the on-disk fingerprint information for dependencies.
  This can help in some rare cases where the build is interrupted and
  restarted. [#6832](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6832)
- `cargo run` now correctly passes non-UTF8 arguments to the child process.
- Fixed bash completion to run on bash 3.2, the stock version in macOS.
- Various fixes and improvements to zsh completion.
- Fix `cargo update` ignoring `-p` arguments if the `Cargo.lock` file was

### Nightly only
- Added [`-Z install-upgrade`
  to track details about installed crates and to update them if they are
  out-of-date. [#6798](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6798)
- Added the [`public-dependency`
  which allows tracking public versus private dependencies.
- Added build pipelining via the `build.pipelining` config
  option (`CARGO_BUILD_PIPELINING` env var).
- The `publish-lockfile` feature has had some significant changes. The default
  is now `true`, the `Cargo.lock` will always be published for binary crates.
  The `Cargo.lock` is now regenerated during publishing. `cargo install` now
  ignores the `Cargo.lock` file by default, and requires `--locked` to use the
  lock file. Warnings have been added if yanked dependencies are detected.

## Cargo 1.35 (2019-05-23)

### Added
- Added the `rustc-cdylib-link-arg` key for build scripts to specify linker
  arguments for cdylib crates.

### Changed
- When passing a test filter, such as `cargo test foo`, don't build examples
  (unless they set `test = true`).
- Forward the `--quiet` flag from `cargo test` to the libtest harness so that
  tests are actually quiet.
- The verification step in `cargo package` that checks if any files are
  modified is now stricter. It uses a hash of the contents instead of checking
  filesystem mtimes. It also checks *all* files in the package.
- Jobserver tokens are now released whenever Cargo blocks on a file lock.
- Issue a warning for a previous bug in the TOML parser that allowed multiple
  table headers with the same name.
- Removed the `CARGO_PKG_*` environment variables from the metadata hash and
  added them to the fingerprint instead. This means that when these values
  change, stale artifacts are not left behind. Also added the "repository"
  value to the fingerprint.
- `cargo metadata` no longer shows a `null` field for a dependency without a
  library in `resolve.nodes.deps`. The dependency is no longer shown.
- `cargo new` will no longer include an email address in the `authors` field
  if it is set to the empty string.
- `cargo doc --open` now works when documenting multiple packages.
- `cargo install --path P` now loads the `.cargo/config` file from the
  directory P. [#6805](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6805)
- Using semver metadata in a version requirement (such as `1.0.0+1234`) now
  issues a warning that it is ignored.
- `cargo install` now rejects certain combinations of flags where some flags
  would have been ignored.
- Resolver performance improvements for some cases.

### Fixed
- Fixed running separate commands (such as `cargo build` then `cargo test`)
  where the second command could use stale results from a build script.
- Fixed `cargo fix` not working properly if a `.gitignore` file that matched
  the root package directory.
- Fixed accidentally compiling a lib multiple times if `panic=unwind` was set
  in a profile. [#6781](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6781)
- Paths to JSON files in `build.target` config value are now canonicalized to
  fix building dependencies.
- Fixed re-running a build script if its compilation was interrupted (such as
  if it is killed). [#6782](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6782)
- Fixed `cargo new` initializing a fossil repo.
- Fixed supporting updating a git repo that has a force push when using the
  `git-fetch-with-cli` feature. `git-fetch-with-cli` also shows more error
  information now when it fails.
- `--example` binaries built for the WASM target are fixed to no longer
  include a metadata hash in the filename, and are correctly emitted in the
  `compiler-artifact` JSON message.

### Nightly only
- `cargo clippy-preview` is now a built-in cargo command.
- The `build-override` profile setting now includes proc-macros and their
- Optional and target dependencies now work better with `-Z offline`.

## Cargo 1.34 (2019-04-11)

### Added
- 🔥 Stabilized support for [alternate
- Added documentation on using builds.sr.ht Continuous Integration with Cargo.
- `Cargo.lock` now includes a comment at the top that it is `@generated`.
- Azure DevOps badges are now supported.
- Added a warning if `--exclude` flag specifies an unknown package.

### Changed
- `cargo test --doc --no-run` doesn't do anything, so it now displays an error
  to that effect. [#6628](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6628)
- Various updates to bash completion: add missing options and commands,
  support libtest completions, use rustup for `--target` completion, fallback
  to filename completion, fix editing the command line.
- Publishing a crate with a `[patch]` section no longer generates an error.
  The `[patch]` section is removed from the manifest before publishing.
- `build.incremental = true` config value is now treated the same as
  `CARGO_INCREMENTAL=1`, previously it was ignored.
- Errors from a registry are now always displayed regardless of the HTTP
  response code. [#6771](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6771)

### Fixed
- Fixed bash completion for `cargo run --example`.
- Fixed a race condition when using a *local* registry and running multiple
  cargo commands at the same time that build the same crate.
- Fixed some flickering and excessive updates of the progress bar.
- Fixed a hang when using a git credential helper that returns incorrect
  credentials. [#6681](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6681)
- Fixed resolving yanked crates with a local registry.

### Nightly only
- Added `-Z mtime-on-use` flag to cause the mtime to be updated on the
  filesystem when a crate is used. This is intended to be able to track stale
  artifacts in the future for cleaning up unused files.
- Added experimental `-Z dual-proc-macros` to build proc macros for both the
  host and the target.

## Cargo 1.33 (2019-02-28)

### Added
- `compiler-artifact` JSON messages now include an `"executable"` key which
  includes the path to the executable that was built.
- The man pages have been rewritten, and are now published with the web
  documentation. [#6405](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6405)
- `cargo login` now displays a confirmation after saving the token.
- A warning is now emitted if a `[patch]` entry does not match any package.
- `cargo metadata` now includes the `links` key for a package.
- "Very verbose" output with `-vv` now displays the environment variables that
  cargo sets when it runs a process.
- `--example`, `--bin`, `--bench`, or `--test` without an argument now lists
  the available targets for those options.
- Windows: If a process fails with an extended status exit code, a
  human-readable name for the code is now displayed.
- Added `--features`, `--no-default-features`, and `--all-features` flags to
  the `cargo package` and `cargo publish` commands to use the given features
  when verifying the package.

### Changed
- If `cargo fix` fails to compile the fixed code, the rustc errors are now
  displayed on the console.
- Hide the `--host` flag from `cargo login`, it is unused.
- Build script fingerprints now include the rustc version.
- macOS: Switched to setting `DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH` instead of
  `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`. [#6355](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6355)
- `RUSTFLAGS` is now included in the metadata hash, meaning that changing
  the flags will not overwrite previously built files.
- When updating the crate graph, unrelated yanked crates were erroneously
  removed. They are now kept at their original version if possible. This was
  causing unrelated packages to be downgraded during `cargo update -p
  somecrate`. [#5702](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/5702)
- TOML files now support the [0.5 TOML

### Fixed
- `cargo fix` will now ignore suggestions that modify multiple files.
- `cargo fix` will now only fix one target at a time, to deal with targets
  which share the same source files.
- Fixed bash completion showing the list of cargo commands.
- `cargo init` will now avoid creating duplicate entries in `.gitignore`
  files. [#6521](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6521)
- Builds now attempt to detect if a file is modified in the middle of a
  compilation, allowing you to build again and pick up the new changes. This
  is done by keeping track of when the compilation *starts* not when it
  finishes. Also, [#5919](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5919) was
  reverted, meaning that cargo does *not* treat equal filesystem mtimes as
  requiring a rebuild. [#6484](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6484)

### Nightly only
- Allow using registry *names* in `[patch]` tables instead of just URLs.
- `cargo metadata` added the `registry` key for dependencies.
- Registry names are now restricted to the same style as
  package names (alphanumeric, `-` and `_` characters).
- `cargo login` now displays the `/me` URL from the registry config.
- `cargo login --registry=NAME` now supports interactive input for the token.
- Registries may now elide the `api` key from `config.json` to indicate they
  do not support API access.
- Fixed panic when using `--message-format=json` with metabuild.
- Fixed detection of publishing to crates.io when using alternate registries.

## Cargo 1.32 (2019-01-17)

### Added
- Registries may now display warnings after a successful publish.
- Added a [glossary](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/appendix/glossary.html)
  to the documentation. [#6321](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6321)
- Added the alias `c` for `cargo check`.

### Changed
- 🔥 HTTP/2 multiplexing is now enabled by default. The `http.multiplexing`
  config value may be used to disable it.
- Use ANSI escape sequences to clear lines instead of spaces.
- Disable git templates when checking out git dependencies, which can cause
  problems. [#6252](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6252)
- Include the `--update-head-ok` git flag when using the
  `net.git-fetch-with-cli` option. This can help prevent failures when
  fetching some repositories.
- When extracting a crate during the verification step of `cargo package`, the
  filesystem mtimes are no longer set, which was failing on some rare
  filesystems. [#6257](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6257)
- `crate-type = ["proc-macro"]` is now treated the same as `proc-macro = true`
  in `Cargo.toml`. [#6256](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6256)
- An error is raised if `dependencies`, `features`, `target`, or `badges` is
  set in a virtual workspace. Warnings are displayed if `replace` or `patch`
  is used in a workspace member.
- Improved performance of the resolver in some cases.
- `.rmeta` files are no longer hard-linked into the base target directory
  (`target/debug`). [#6292](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6292)
- A warning is issued if multiple targets are built with the same output
  filenames. [#6308](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6308)
- When using `cargo build` (without `--release`) benchmarks are now built
  using the "test" profile instead of "bench". This makes it easier to debug
  benchmarks, and avoids confusing behavior.
- User aliases may now override built-in aliases (`b`, `r`, `t`, and `c`).
- Setting `autobins=false` now disables auto-discovery of inferred targets.
- `cargo verify-project` will now fail on stable if the project uses unstable
  features. [#6326](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6326)
- Platform targets with an internal `.` within the name are now allowed.
- `cargo clean --release` now only deletes the release directory.

### Fixed
- Avoid adding extra angle brackets in email address for `cargo new`.
- The progress bar is disabled if the CI environment variable is set.
- Avoid retaining all rustc output in memory.
- If JSON parsing fails, and rustc exits nonzero, don't lose the parse failure
  message. [#6290](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6290)
- Fixed renaming a project directory with build scripts.
- Fixed `cargo run --example NAME` to work correctly if the example sets
  `crate_type = ["bin"]`.
- Fixed issue with `cargo package` git discovery being too aggressive. The
  `--allow-dirty` now completely disables the git repo checks.
- Fixed build change tracking for `[patch]` deps which resulted in `cargo
  build` rebuilding when it shouldn't.

### Nightly only
- Allow usernames in registry URLs.
- Added `"compile_mode"` key to the build-plan JSON structure to be able to
  distinguish running a custom build script versus compiling the build script.
- `--out-dir` no longer copies over build scripts.

## Cargo 1.31 (2018-12-06)

### Added
- 🔥 Stabilized support for the 2018 edition.
- 🔥 Added the ability to [rename
  in Cargo.toml. [#6319](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6319)
- 🔥 Added support for HTTP/2 pipelining and multiplexing. Set the
  `http.multiplexing` config value to enable.
- Added `http.debug` configuration value to debug HTTP connections. Use
  `CARGO_HTTP_DEBUG=true RUST_LOG=cargo::ops::registry cargo build` to display
  the debug information. [#6166](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6166)
- `CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY` environment variable is set with the repository value
  from `Cargo.toml` when building .

### Changed
- `cargo test --doc` now rejects other flags instead of ignoring them.
- `cargo install` ignores `~/.cargo/config`.
- `cargo version --verbose` is now the same as `cargo -vV`.
- Comments at the top of `Cargo.lock` are now preserved.
- When building in "very verbose" mode (`cargo build -vv`), build script
  output is prefixed with the package name and version, such as `[foo 0.0.1]`.
- If `cargo fix --broken-code` fails to compile after fixes have been applied,
  the files are no longer reverted and are left in their broken state.

### Fixed
- Windows: Pass Ctrl-C to the process with `cargo run`.
- macOS: Fix bash completion.
- Support arbitrary toolchain names when completing `+toolchain` in bash
  completion. [#6038](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/6038)
- Fixed edge cases in the resolver, when backtracking on failed dependencies.
- Fixed `cargo test --all-targets` running lib tests three times.
- Fixed publishing renamed dependencies to crates.io.
- Fixed `cargo install` on a git repo with multiple binaries.
- Fixed deeply nested JSON emitted by rustc being lost.
- Windows: Fix locking msys terminals to 60 characters.
- Fixed renamed dependencies with dashes.
- Fixed linking against the wrong dylib when the dylib existed in both
  `target/debug` and `target/debug/deps`.
- Fixed some unnecessary recompiles when `panic=abort` is used.

### Nightly only
- Added `--registry` flag to `cargo install`.
- Added `registry.default` configuration value to specify the
  default registry to use if `--registry` flag is not passed.
- Added `--registry` flag to `cargo new` and `cargo init`.

## Cargo 1.30 (2018-10-25)

### Added
- 🔥 Added an animated progress bar shows progress during building.
- Added `resolve.nodes.deps` key to `cargo metadata`, which includes more
  information about resolved dependencies, and properly handles renamed
  dependencies. [#5871](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5871)
- When creating a package, provide more detail with `-v` when failing to
  discover if files are dirty in a git repository. Also fix a problem with
  discovery on Windows. [#5858](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5858)
- Filters like `--bin`, `--test`, `--example`, `--bench`, or `--lib` can be
  used in a workspace without selecting a specific package.
- `cargo run` can be used in a workspace without selecting a specific package.
- `cargo doc --message-format=json` now outputs JSON messages from rustdoc.
- Added `--message-format=short` to show one-line messages.
- Added `.cargo_vcs_info.json` file to `.crate` packages that captures the
  current git hash. [#5886](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5886)
- Added `net.git-fetch-with-cli` configuration option to use the `git`
  executable to fetch repositories instead of using the built-in libgit2
  library. [#5914](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5914)
- Added `required-features` to `cargo metadata`.
- `cargo uninstall` within a package will now uninstall that package.
- Added `--allow-staged` flag to `cargo fix` to allow it to run if files are
  staged in git. [#5943](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5943)
- Added `net.low-speed-limit` config value, and also honor `net.timeout` for
  http operations. [#5957](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5957)
- Added `--edition` flag to `cargo new`.
- Temporarily stabilized 2018 edition support for the duration of the beta.
- Added support for `target.'cfg(…)'.runner` config value to specify the
  run/test/bench runner for targets that use config expressions.

### Changed
- Windows: `cargo run` will not kill child processes when the main process
  exits. [#5887](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5887)
- Switched to the `opener` crate to open a web browser with `cargo doc
  --open`. This should more reliably select the system-preferred browser on
  all platforms. [#5888](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/5888)
- Equal file mtimes now cause a target to be rebuilt. Previously only if files
  were strictly *newer* than the last build would it cause a rebuild.
- Ignore `build.target` config value when running `cargo install`.
- Ignore `RUSTC_WRAPPER` for `cargo fix`.
- Ignore empty `RUSTC_WRAPPER`.

### Fixed
- Fixed error when creating a package with an edition field in `Cargo.toml`.
- More consistently use relative paths for path dependencies in a workspace.
- `cargo fix` now always runs, even if it was run previously.
- Windows: Attempt to more reliably detect terminal width. msys-based
  terminals are forced to 60 characters wide.
- Allow multiple target flags with `cargo doc --document-private-items`.

### Nightly only
- Added

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